Open vSwitch configuration

By default, the RDO installation you ran back in Chapter 1, RDO Installation, installed Open vSwitch (OVS), and configured the Neutron Open vSwitch plugin for you. Open vSwitch is virtual networking software that allows you to create virtual switches on your nodes and ties the virtual switches on your nodes together by way of a configured transport. A configured transport is a defined method for the virtual switches to talk to each other. As traffic comes out of an instance, it travels through these connections between each of the virtual switches. There are three common methods for configuring OVS, which are explained here.


Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is the most complex to set up. This is because the hardware switch that carries your traffic must be configured properly to carry the VLAN tagging that is assigned to the traffic. When the network traffic is traveling through one of the virtual networks, it is assigned a VLAN tag, which is basically a numeric identifier. If the switch does not support this identifier to be attached to the traffic, it will not be carried from one virtual switch to another virtual switch, and the network separation is then lost. The benefit of this method is its efficiency. Because the VLAN tag is the only metadata being carried and is already a part of the packets being transferred, there is no additional overhead to using this method and it will provide you with the best performance.

GRE tunnels

Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) doesn't necessarily require special configuration in the physical switch connecting your nodes. This is because it encapsulates the traffic. Each node must have a direct established connection to every other node. This connection is a tunnel that hides the traffic being sent from the physical switch transporting it. This makes initial setup much easier, but it also comes with its own complexity. When networking traffic is transferred, it's divided into packets – just chunks of the network data being sent. This packet size by default is 1,500 bytes. This default size is known as the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). The data being sent in a packet can be smaller than the MTU. The complexity comes in because to encapsulate or to identify a packet as a GRE packet, an extra header has to be added to each packet. If the data being transferred in the packet together with the GRE header is less than the MTU, then the packet passes through without any trouble. If the packet's data and the header are larger than the MTU, then fragmentation occurs. Fragmentation means that it takes two packets to transfer one packet's worth of data, and there is extra communication that has to happen to get the packets fragmented. In short, fragmentation is very bad for network load and throughput. Everything has an MTU. There are two ways to accommodate the GRE header, which are as follows:

  • Lower the instance's MTU: If every instance boots with an MTU set on its network device that is low enough that when the GRE header is added, it doesn't exceed 1,500 bytes, then the rest of the network fabric can happily function at the default 1,500 MTU.
  • Enable jumbo frames: This is the better, but more involved, option to configure. For the purpose of this book, we'll define jumbo frames as setting the MTU higher than the default 1,500 bytes. Using jumbo frames is preferable to modifying the instance's MTU because you have control over setting up jumbo frames. You will not have control over every instance that boots in your OpenStack cloud. You can try to use DHCP to send an MTU value for the instance to use, but not all operating systems will honor this value sent via DHCP. Jumbo frames have to be set up anywhere a GRE encapsulated packet will travel – mainly OVS and the physical switch connecting your OpenStack nodes.

VXLAN tunnels

VXLAN functions much like GRE. It's a tunnel that encapsulates the traffic by adding a header. The main difference is that it operates more like User Datagram Protocol (UDP) instead of like TCP. This eliminates some of the overhead of connections made between the nodes in your OpenStack cluster and is generally regarded as a more efficient tunneling approach than GRE. VXLAN requires the same accommodations for handling its headers that GRE does.

For simplicity's sake, we will lower the instance's MTU size to work around the header MTU size conflict in this book. We will do this by configuring DHCP to send a DHCP option to the instances telling them to use an MTU of 1,450. The header will fit comfortably in the 50 bytes of space we've created for it, and the packets will flow normally through the rest of the network that has GRE or VXLAN encapsulation. Be aware that this is not a 100 percent foolproof method. If the instance's operating system does not support accepting the DHCP option to lower the MTU, there is a chance that communication will not be established fully with the instance via its network device.

VXLAN with OpenVSwitch (OVS) is the default configuration in an RDO deployment. An alternative to OVS is to use the Linux Bridge agent, which only supports VXLAN overlay networks.

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