Chapter 10. Docker

In the previous chapters, we have looked at the components that are used to launch virtual instances in OpenStack. These instances have been targeting the end result of virtual machines running on the compute nodes. Containers have become a very popular alternative to virtual machines for certain workloads. In this chapter, we will work through the configuration changes that are required to deploy Docker containers using OpenStack.


A container shares the kernel and system resources of its host. This is different from a virtual machine because a virtual machine has its own kernel and related resources. Containers do have their own filesystem tree. A very basic use of containers is to separate applications and runtimes from each other. There are more advanced uses that we are not able to explore here. What is important here is that OpenStack can be used to manage these containers. Containers are more lightweight than virtual machines but still provide a level of isolation for deployments. These can be managed, conceptually, very much like a virtual machine.

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