Monitoring methods

As you begin to design availability monitoring for your cloud, there are at least three schools of thought on the kinds of checks that should be executed. These should be mixed and matched as you deem appropriate to establish the coverage you need to monitor the services in your OpenStack cluster. You may also come across other methods of designing health checks that can be mixed with what is discussed in this chapter.

The first type of check is the service status check. This type of check runs a simple Linux service status check on each of the services. If the service status script returns successfully that the service is running, the health check is successful. The problem with relying on these is that many OpenStack services have the ability to automatically heal from a loss of communication with each other. You can run a service check on an OpenStack service that is up and running but is actively attempting to reconnect to the database or to the message bus. OpenStack is intelligent enough to know when these kinds of connections have been severed and will attempt to re-establish the connections. In this case, the service status check will return positive but users will not be able to use the cluster because things are not functioning properly.

Then come the API checks. This type of check will call the APIs, making sure that a simple resource list returns successfully. This type of check makes service checks a bit redundant if you only have one instance of each service. If the service check fails, the API check will fail too, and there is no need to have two checks telling you that something is not working. The API check can do the job just fine and provides a more thorough check.

API checks become insufficient once you have multiple instances of a service running. In this case, a combination of service checks and the API checks is necessary. If a service is being load-balanced, the API check is important to make sure that the instances are being load-balanced properly. However, if one of the services gets hung for some reason, the API check will start to flap or change from a successful state to a failed state and back to a successful state over and over as the load-balancer still sees both services but one is not healthy. To better monitor this situation, adding extra checks that monitor each instance of the service is necessary. You will have to use your best judgment to decide whether the right way to monitor each individually is to use service checks or API checks.

The third and final check type we will discuss is the resource creation check. These checks use the APIs to actually create resources and then verify that they were successfully created in the cloud as expected. We will not get a chance to look at these. An example of this would be a check that creates an instance and adds it to a network to ensure that it can be connected to. This kind of health check is a little bit more complex to design but is more comprehensive in its coverage.

A word of caution when using this type of check: there are rows that are created in a database for each of these resources and their associated counterparts that are created.

In some cases, when resources are deleted, the rows are not deleted from the database, the resource is just labeled as having been deleted, and the database row remains. A very obvious example of this is a Nova instance. All the instances that are ever launched have a row in the database that can be used to construct a historical record of instances that have existed. Be careful not to bloat your database with health checks and degrade the service with excessive database records unrelated to your end users. There are certain scripts included with OpenStack that are intended to archive some of these records from resources that have been created and deleted. As of now, I've not had them function as expected. There is also discussion in the community to add more archival tools to help manage this kind of archival. Archival generally will just move the records from the tables that active resources are using into an identically structured table with a different name in the same database; they are not completely deleted.

Now that we have taken a look at some of the concepts used to help in defining configurations in Nagios and the kinds of checks that are useful to monitor your OpenStack cluster, let's start to add some checks to start to establish health status beyond the hosts being up or not.

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