Chapter 17. Scheduling

In this chapter, you will learn about . . .

  • Objectives in Scheduling

  • Loading

  • Sequencing

  • Monitoring

  • Advanced Planning and Scheduling Systems

  • Theory of Constraints

  • Employee Scheduling


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The Ghirardelli Chocolate Company, headquartered in San Francisco, produces over 45 million pounds of premium chocolate each year. The company manufactures and markets its own chocolate from raw cocoa beans to finished product, using proprietary methods of blending, roasting, and processing to create over 400 unique chocolate products. Recently, Ghirardelli began using a specialized factory scheduling system to streamline production, control costs, and respond to changes in demand. Prior to the new system, a monthly requirements plan generated from the company's ERP system (J. D. Edwards) was downloaded into Excel spreadsheets for managers to manually build production schedules. The manual production schedules assigned work to machines, but did not schedule labor or consider an efficient sequence of product changeovers on the production lines. The new system, called Factory Scheduler, was designed for process industries where production is based on formulas or recipes, and where concerns about quality and inventory spoilage are paramount. Factory Scheduler worked seamlessly with the ERP system through XML interfaces to provide production schedules by week, shift, and line. These schedules were used to project labor requirements, optimize changeovers, and adjust production when unplanned events occurred, such as outages, labor shortages, or changes in demand. Ghirardelli planners could take the schedule as given, or experiment with alternative ways to smooth production and meet demand.

With more efficient scheduling, Ghirardelli was able to increase production volume, reduce labor costs, and be more responsive to customer requests. That's especially important in an industry where shelf life is limited and demand is seasonal.

In this chapter, we'll talk about the importance of scheduling, types of schedules, and advanced planning and scheduling techniques.

Source: "Ghirardelli Chocolate uses OnePlan Factory Scheduler to Reduce Costs and Increase Return on Assets Through More Efficient Plant Scheduling," Ross Systems, 2006, retrieved from

Scheduling specifies when labor, equipment, and facilities are needed to produce a product or provide a service. It is the last stage of planning before production takes place. The scheduling function differs considerably based on the type of operation:

Scheduling: the last stage of planning before production.

  • In process industries, such as chemicals and pharmaceuticals, scheduling might consist of determining the mix of ingredients that goes into a vat or when the system should stop producing one type of mixture, clean out the vat, and start producing another. Linear programming can find the lowest-cost mix of ingredients, and the production order quantity can determine the optimal length of a production run. These techniques are described in detail in Chapter 14 Supplement and Chapter 13, respectively.

  • For mass production, the schedule of production is pretty much determined when the assembly line is laid out. Products simply flow down the assembly line from one station to the next in the same prescribed, nondeviating order every time. Day-to-day scheduling decisions consist of determining how fast to feed items into the line and how many hours per day to run the line. On a mixed-model assembly line, the order of products assembled also has to be determined. We discuss these issues in Chapters 7 and 16.

    The scheduling function differs by type of process.

  • For projects, the scheduling decisions are so numerous and interrelated that specialized project-scheduling techniques such as PERT and CPM have been devised. Chapter 9 is devoted to these planning and control tools for project management.

  • For batch or job shop production, scheduling decisions can be quite complex. In previous chapters, we discussed sales and operations planning, which plans for the production of product lines or families; master scheduling, which plans for the production of individual end items or finished goods; and material requirements planning (MRP) and capacity requirements planning (CRP), which plan for the production of components and assemblies. Scheduling determines to which machine a part will be routed for processing, which worker will operate a machine that produces a part, and the order in which the parts are to be processed. Scheduling also determines which patient to assign to an operating room, which doctors and nurses are to care for a patient during certain hours of the day, the order in which a doctor is to see patients, and when meals should be delivered or medications dispensed.

What makes scheduling so difficult in a job shop is the variety of jobs (or patients) that are processed, each with distinctive routing and processing requirements. In addition, although the volume of each customer order may be small, there are probably a great number of different orders in the shop at any one time. This necessitates planning for the production of each job as it arrives, scheduling its use of limited resources, and monitoring its progress through the system.

This chapter concentrates on scheduling issues for job shop production. We also examine one of the most difficult scheduling problems for services—employee scheduling.


There are many possible objectives in constructing a schedule, including

  • Meeting customer due dates;

  • Minimizing job lateness;

  • Minimizing response time;

  • Minimizing completion time;

  • Minimizing time in the system;

  • Minimizing overtime;

  • Maximizing machine or labor utilization;

  • Minimizing idle time; and

  • Minimizing work-in-process inventory.

Job shop scheduling is also known as shop floor control (SFC), production control, and production activity control (PAC). Regardless of their primary scheduling objective, manufacturers typically have a production control department whose responsibilities consist of

  1. Loadingchecking the availability of material, machines, and labor. The MRP system plans for material availability. CRP converts the material plan into machine and labor requirements, and projects resource overloads and underloads. Production control assigns work to individual workers or machines, and then attempts to smooth out the load to make the MRP schedule "doable." Smoothing the load is called load leveling.

  2. Sequencingreleasing work orders to the shop and issuing dispatch lists for individual machines. MRP recommends when orders should be released (hence the name, planned order releases). After verifying their feasibility, production control actually releases the orders. When several orders are released to one machine center, they must be prioritized so that the worker will know which ones to do first. The dispatch list contains the sequence in which jobs should be processed. This sequence is often based on certain sequencing rules.

  3. Monitoringmaintaining progress reports on each job until it is completed. This is important because items may need to be rescheduled as changes occur in the system. In addition to timely data collection, it involves the use of Gantt charts and input / output control charts.

Managers have multiple, conflicting scheduling objectives.

Shop floor control (SFC): the scheduling and monitoring of day-to-day production in a job shop. It is usually performed by the production control department.

Load leveling: the process of smoothing out the work assigned.

Dispatch list: a shop paper that specifies the sequence in which jobs should be processed.


Loading is the process of assigning work to limited resources. Many times an operation can be performed by various persons, machines, or work centers but with varying efficiencies. If there is enough capacity, each worker should be assigned to the task that he or she performs best, and each job to the machine that can process it most efficiently. In effect, that is what happens when CRP generates a load profile for each machine center. The routing file used by CRP lists the ma chine that can perform the job most efficiently first. If no overloads appear in the load profile, then production control can proceed to the next task of sequencing the work at each center. However, when resource constraints produce overloads in the load profile, production control must examine the list of jobs initially assigned and decide which jobs to reassign elsewhere. The problem of determining how best to allocate jobs to machines or workers to tasks can be solved with the assignment method of linear programming.

Loading: the process of assigning work to limited resources.


The assignment method is a specialized linear programming solution procedure for deciding which worker to assign to a task, or which job to assign to a machine. (See Supplement 14 for linear programming.) Given a table of tasks and resources, the procedure creates an opportunity cost matrix and selects the best assignment in consideration of tradeoffs among alternatives. With this technique, only one job may be assigned to each worker or machine. The procedure for a minimization problem is outlined as follows:

The assignment method of loading is a form of linear programming.

  1. Perform row reductions by subtracting the minimum value in each row from all other row values.

  2. Perform column reductions by subtracting the minimum value in each column from all other column values.

  3. The resulting table is an opportunity cost matrix. Cross out all zeros in the matrix using the minimum number of horizontal or vertical lines.

  4. If the number of lines equals the number of rows in the matrix, an optimal solution has been reached and assignments can be made where the zeros appear. Otherwise, modify the matrix by subtracting the minimum uncrossed value from all other uncrossed values and adding this same amount to all cells where two lines intersect. All other values in the matrix remain unchanged.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until an optimal solution is reached.

The Assignment Method

Figure E17.1. The Assignment Method

Smaller assignment problems, such as our example, are usually solved by hand. Larger ones can be solved in Excel with Solver, as shown in Exhibit 17.1. Assignment problems may also involve maximizing profit or customer satisfaction. When solving maximization problems by hand, each entry in the initial matrix should be subtracted from the largest matrix value before proceeding as a minimization problem. When solving with Excel, simply change the Solver objective function from min to max.


When more than one job is assigned to a machine or activity, the operator needs to know the order in which to process the jobs. The process of prioritizing jobs is called sequencing. If no particular order is specified, the operator would probably process the job that arrived first. This default sequence is called first-come, first-served (FCFS). If jobs are stacked on arrival to a machine, it might be easier to process the job first that arrived last and is now on top of the stack. This is called last-come, first-served (LCFS) sequencing.

Sequencing: prioritizes jobs that have been assigned to a resource.

Another common approach is to process the job first that is due the soonest or the job that has the highest customer priority. These are known as earliest due date (DDATE) and highest customer priority (CUSTPR) sequencing. Operators may also look through a stack of jobs to find one with a similar setup to the job that is currently being processed (SETUP). That would minimize the down-time of the machine and make the operator's job easier.

Variations on the DDATE rule include minimum slack (SLACK) and smallest critical ratio (CR). SLACK considers the work remaining to be performed on a job as well as the time remaining (until the due date) to perform that work. Jobs are processed first that have the least difference (or slack) between the two, as follows:

SLACK = (due date – today's date) – (processing time)

A sampling of heuristic sequencing rules.

The critical ratio uses the same information as SLACK, but recalculates the sequence as processing continues and arranges the information in ratio form. Mathematically, the CR is calculated as follows:


If the work remaining is greater than the time remaining, the critical ratio will be less than 1. If the time remaining is greater than the work remaining, the critical ratio will be greater than 1. If the time remaining equals work remaining, the critical ratio exactly equals 1. The critical ratio allows us to make the following statements about our schedule:

If CR > 1, then the job is ahead of schedule

If CR > 1, then the job is behind schedule

If CR = 1, then the job is exactly on schedule

Other sequencing rules examine processing time at a particular operation and order the work either by shortest processing time (SPT) or longest processing time (LPT). LPT assumes long jobs are important jobs and is analogous to the strategy of doing larger tasks first to get them out of the way. SPT focuses instead on shorter jobs and is able to complete many more jobs earlier than LPT. With either rule, some jobs may be inordinately late because they are always put at the back of a queue.

All these "rules" for arranging jobs in a certain order for processing seem reasonable. We might wonder which methods are best or if it really matters which jobs are processed first anyway. Perhaps a few examples will help answer those questions.


The simplest sequencing problem consists of a queue of jobs at one machine or process. No new jobs arrive to the machine during the analysis, processing times and due dates are fixed, and setup time is considered negligible. For this scenario, the completion time (also called flow time) of each job will differ depending on its place in the sequence, but the overall completion time for the set of jobs (called the makespan) will not change. Tardiness is the difference between a late job's due date and its completion time. Even in this simple case, there is no sequencing rule that optimizes both processing efficiency and due date performance. Let's consider an example.

Flow time: the time it takes a job to flow through the system.

Makespan: the time it takes for a group of jobs to be completed.

Tardiness: the difference between the late job's due date and its completion time.

Are the preceding results a function of this particular example, or are they indicative of the types of results we will get whenever these rules are applied? Analytically, we can prove that for a set number of jobs to be processed on one machine, the SPT sequencing rule will minimize mean job completion time (also known as flowtime) and minimize mean number of jobs in the system. On the other hand, the DDATE sequencing rule will minimize mean tardiness. No definitive statements can be made concerning the performance of the other sequencing rules.

There is no one sequencing rule that optimizes both processing efficiency and due date performance.


Since few factories consist of just one process, we might wonder if techniques exist that will produce an optimal sequence for any number of jobs processed through more than one machine or process. Johnson's rule finds the fastest way to process a series of jobs through a two-step system in which every job follows the same sequence through two processes. Based on a variation of the SPT rule, it requires that the sequence be "mapped out" to determine the final completion time, or makespan, for the set of jobs. The procedure is as follows:

Johnson's rule: gives an optimal sequence for jobs processed serially through two processes.

  1. List the time required to complete each job at each process. Set up a one-dimensional matrix to represent the desired sequence with the number of slots equal to the number of jobs.

  2. Select the smallest processing time at either process. If that time occurs at process 1, put the associated job as near to the beginning of the sequence as possible.

    Using Excel For Sequencing Rules

    Figure E17.2. Using Excel For Sequencing Rules

    Using Excel For Sequencing Rules
  3. If the smallest time occurs at process 2, put the associated job as near to the end of the sequence as possible.

  4. Remove the job from the list.

  5. Repeat steps 2–4 until all slots in the matrix have been filled or all jobs have been sequenced.

Using Excel for Johnson's Rule

Figure E17.3. Using Excel for Johnson's Rule

Using Excel for Johnson's Rule


In a real-world job shop, jobs follow different routes through a facility that consists of many different machine centers or departments. A small job shop may have three or four departments; a large job shop may have 50 or more. From several to several hundred jobs may be circulating the shop at any given time. New jobs are released into the shop daily and placed in competition with existing jobs for priority in processing. Queues form and dissipate as jobs move through the system. A dispatch list that shows the sequence in which jobs are to be processed at a particular machine may be valid at the beginning of a day or week but become outdated as new jobs arrive in the system. Some jobs may have to wait to be assembled with others before continuing to be processed. Delays in completing operations can cause due dates to be revised and schedules changed.

The complexity and dynamic nature of most scheduling environments precludes the use of analytical solution techniques. The most popular form of analysis for these systems is simulation. Academia has especially enjoyed creating and testing sequencing rules in simulations of hypothetical job shops. One early simulation study alone examined 92 different sequencing rules. Although no optimal solutions have been identified in these simulation studies, they have produced some general guidelines for when certain sequencing rules may be appropriate. Here are a few of their suggestions:

Use simulation to test sequencing rules.

Guidelines for selecting a sequencing rule

  1. SPT is most useful when the shop is highly congested. SPT tends to minimize mean flow time, mean number of jobs in the system (and thus work-in-process inventory), and percent of jobs tardy. By completing more jobs quickly, it theoretically satisfies a greater number of customers than the other rules. However, with SPT some long jobs may be completed very late, resulting in a small number of very unsatisfied customers.

    For this reason, when SPT is used in practice, it is usually truncated (or stopped), depending on the amount of time a job has been waiting or the nearness of its due date. For example, many shared computer services process jobs by SPT. Jobs that are submitted are placed in several categories (A, B, or C) based on expected CPU time. The shorter jobs, or A jobs, are processed first, but every couple of hours the system stops processing A jobs and picks the first job from the B stack to run. After the B job is finished, the system returns to the A stack and continues processing. C jobs may be processed only once a day. Other systems that have access to due date information will keep a long job waiting until its SLACK is zero or its due date is within a certain range.

  2. Use SLACK for periods of normal activity. When capacity is not severely restrained, a SLACK-oriented rule that takes into account both due date and processing time will produce good results.

  3. Use DDATE when only small tardiness values can be tolerated. DDATE tends to minimize mean tardiness and maximum tardiness. Although more jobs will be tardy under DDATE than SPT, the degree of tardiness will be much less.

  4. Use LPT if subcontracting is anticipated so that larger jobs are completed in-house, and smaller jobs are sent out as their due date draws near.

  5. Use FCFS when operating at low-capacity levels. FCFS allows the shop to operate essentially without sequencing jobs. When the workload at a facility is light, any sequencing rule will do, and FCFS is certainly the easiest to apply.

  6. Do not use SPT to sequence jobs that have to be assembled with other jobs at a later date. For assembly jobs, a sequencing rule that gives a common priority to the processing of different components in an assembly, such as assembly DDATE, produces a more effective schedule.


In a job shop environment, where jobs follow different paths through the shop, visit many different machine centers, and compete for similar resources, it is not always easy to keep track of the status of a job. When jobs are first released to the shop, it is relatively easy to observe the queue that they join and predict when their initial operations might be completed. As the job progresses, however, or the shop becomes more congested, it becomes increasingly difficult to follow the job through the system. Competition for resources (resulting in long queues), machine breakdowns, quality problems, and setup requirements are just a few of the things that can delay a job's progress.

Shop paperwork, sometimes called a work package, travels with a job to specify what work needs to be done at a particular work center and where the item should be routed next. Workers are usually required to sign off on a job, indicating the work they have performed either manually on the work package or electronically through a PC located on the shop floor. Bar code technology and RFID tags have made this task easier by eliminating much of the tedium and errors of entering the information by computer keyboard. In its simplest form, the bar code is attached to the work package, which the worker reads with a wand at the beginning and end of his or her work on the job. In other cases, an RFID tag is attached to the pallet or crate that carries the items from work center to work center. The tag is read automatically as it enters and leaves the work area. The time a worker spends on each job, the results of quality checks or inspections, and the utilization of resources can also be recorded in a similar fashion.

For the information gathered at each work center to be valuable, it must be up-to-date, accurate, and accessible to operations personnel. The monitoring function performed by production control takes this information and transforms it into various reports for workers and managers to use. Progress reports can be generated to show the status of individual jobs, the availability or utilization of certain resources, and the performance of individual workers or work centers. Exception reports may be generated to highlight deficiencies in certain areas, such as scrap, rework, shortages, anticipated delays, and unfilled orders. Hot lists show which jobs receive the highest priority and must be done immediately. A well-run facility will produce fewer exception reports and more progress reports. In the next two sections we describe two such progress reports, the Gantt chart and the input/output control chart.

Work package: shop paperwork that travels with a job.


Gantt charts, used to plan or map out work activities, can also be used to monitor a job's progress against the plan. As shown in Figure 17.1, Gantt charts can display both planned and completed activities against a time scale. In this figure, the dashed line indicating today's date crosses over the schedules for job 12A, job 23C, and job 32B.

From the chart we can quickly see that job 12A is exactly on schedule because the bar monitoring its completion exactly meets the line for the current date. Job 23C is ahead of schedule and job 32B is behind schedule.

Gantt charts: show both planned and completed activities against a time scale.

A Gantt Chart

Figure 17.1. A Gantt Chart

Gantt charts have been used since the early 1900s and are still popular today. They may be created and maintained by computer or by hand. In some facilities, Gantt charts consist of large scheduling boards (the size of several bulletin boards) with magnetic strips, pegs, or string of different colors that mark job schedules and job progress for the benefit of an entire plant. Gantt charts are a common feature of project management software, such as Microsoft Project.


Input/output (I/O) control monitors the input to and output from each work center. Prior to such analysis, it was common to examine only the output from a work center and to compare the actual output with the output planned in the shop schedule. Using that approach in a job shop environment in which the performance of different work centers is interrelated may result in erroneous conclusions about the source of a problem. Reduced output at one point in the production process may be caused by problems at the current work center, but it may also be caused by problems at previous work centers that feed the current work center. Thus, to identify more clearly the source of a problem, the input to a work center must be compared with the planned input, and the output must be compared with the planned output. Deviations between planned and actual values are calculated, and their cumulative effects are observed. The resulting backlog or waiting line of work to be completed is monitored to ensure that it stays within a manageable range.

Input/output (I/O) control: monitors the input and output from each work center.


Gantt charts have been used for more than 75 years to plan and monitor schedules. Today Gantt charts are more widely used than ever, often as part of the action plan from a quality-improvement team. In some factories, Gantt charts appear on large magnetic boards, displaying the plant's see. Computerized versions chart time, resources, and precedence requirements in an easy-to-read visual format. This Gantt chart is for publishing a textbook.

The input rate to a work center can be controlled only for the initial operations of a job. These first work centers are often called gateway work centers, because the majority of jobs must pass through them before subsequent operations are performed. Input to later operations, performed at downstream work centers, is difficult to control because it is a function of how well the rest of the shop is operating—that is, where queues are forming and how smoothly jobs are progressing through the system. The deviation of planned to actual input for downstream work centers can be minimized by controlling the output rates of feeding work centers. The use of input/output reports can best be illustrated with an example.

Using Excel for Input/Output Control

Figure E17.4. Using Excel for Input/Output Control

Using Excel for Input/Output Control

Input/output control provides the information necessary to regulate the flow of work to and from a network of work centers. Increasing the capacity of a work center that is processing all the work available to it will not increase output. The source of the problem needs to be identified. Excessive queues, or backlogs, are one indication that bottlenecks exist. To alleviate bottleneck work centers, the problem causing the backlog can be worked on, the capacity of the work center can be adjusted, or input to the work center can be reduced. Increasing the input to a bottleneck work center will not increase the center's output. It will merely clog the system further and create longer queues of work-in-process.


The process for scheduling that we have described thus far in this chapter, loading work into work centers, leveling the load, sequencing the work, and monitoring its progress, is called infinite scheduling. The term infinite is used because the initial loading process assumes infinite capacity. Leveling and sequencing decisions are made after overloads or underloads have been identified. This iterative process is time-consuming and not very efficient.

An alternative approach to scheduling called finite scheduling assumes a fixed maximum capacity and will not load the resource beyond its capacity. Loading and sequencing decisions are made at the same time, so that the first jobs loaded onto a work center are of highest priority. Any jobs remaining after the capacity of the work center or resource has been reached are of lower priority and are scheduled for later time periods. This approach is easier than the infinite scheduling approach, but it will be successful only if the criteria for choosing the work to be performed, as well as capacity limitations, can be expressed accurately and concisely.

Infinite scheduling: loads without regard to capacity, then levels the load and sequences the jobs.

Finite scheduling: sequences jobs as part of the loading decision. Resources are never loaded beyond capacity.

Finite scheduling systems use a variety of methods to develop their schedules, including mathematical programming, network analysis, simulation, constraint-based programming, genetic algorithms, neural networks, and expert systems. Because the scheduling system, not the human scheduler, makes most of the decisions, considerable time is spent incorporating the special characteristics and requirements of the production system into the database and knowledge base of the scheduling software. While some companies will develop their own finite scheduling software, most will purchase generic or industry-specific scheduling software as an add-on to their ERP system. This class of scheduling software, with libraries of algorithms and heuristics from which to choose, has become known as advanced planning and scheduling (APS). SAP's APS system is called the Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO), and i2 Technologies' is called Factory Planner. These systems also support collaborative planning and scheduling with trading partners. Both APO and Factory Planner use constraint-based programming and genetic algorithms to develop schedules. Figure 17.2 applies these techniques to sequence a set of jobs so that setup time is minimized.

Advanced planning and scheduling (APS): a software system that uses intelligent analytical tools and techniques to develop realistic schedules.

Constraint-based programming (CBP) identifies a solution space and then systematically evaluates possible solutions subject to constraints on the system. In scheduling, when one job or person is assigned, the options for additional job assignments are reduced or further constrained. This cascading effect on the remaining jobs to be scheduled is called constraint propagation. In part (a) of Figure 17.2, all possible sequences are evaluated, with A-C-B and C-A-B yielding the best solutions.

Advanced Planning and Scheduling Techniques: Source: SAP AG, Advanced Planner and Optimizer, company brochure, 1999.

Figure 17.2. Advanced Planning and Scheduling Techniques: Source: SAP AG, Advanced Planner and Optimizer, company brochure, 1999.

Genetic algorithms are based on the natural selection properties of genetics. Starting from a feasible solution, alternative solutions or "offspring" are generated with slightly different characteristics. These are evaluated against an objective function and compared to subsequent solutions. The number of generations and number of offspring per generation are specified by the user. In this example, two generations are produced with two offspring per generation. That's more than enough offspring to try all possible combinations. Again, A-C-B and C-A-B are identified as optimal sequences.

As schedules are executed, another type of software, aptly named a manufacturing execution system (MES), monitors work status, machine status, material usage and availability, and quality data. Alerts are sent to the APS system that shop conditions have changed and a scheduling revision is required.

Scheduling problems can be enormous in size, especially as the number of product options proliferate and linked schedules along a supply chain are considered. Some relief has come from the availability of more powerful computers and the use of artificial intelligence techniques. But the biggest impact has come from altered views of the production system. By grouping parts or products into families and scheduling bottleneck resources first, the scheduling problem is sufficiently reduced so that sophisticated solutions are feasible. In the next section, we present a common precept of today's scheduling systems, the theory of constraints.

Genetic algorithm: method that generates possible solutions based on genetic combinations of previous solutions.

manufacturing execution system (MES): manufacturing software that monitors operations, collects data, and controls processes on the shop floor.


In the 1970s, an Israeli physicist named Eliyahu Goldratt responded to a friend's request for help in scheduling his chicken coop business. Lacking a background in manufacturing or production theory, Dr. Goldratt took a commonsense, intuitive approach to the scheduling problem. He developed a software system that used mathematical programming and simulation to create a schedule that realistically considered the constraints of the manufacturing system. The software produced good schedules quickly and was marketed in the early 1980s in the United States. After more than 100 firms had successfully used the scheduling system (called OPT), the creator sold the rights to the software and began marketing the theory behind the software instead. He called his approach to scheduling the theory of constraints (TOC). General Motors and other manufacturers call its application synchronous manufacturing.

Theory of constraints (TOC): a finite scheduling approach that concentrates on scheduling the bottleneck resource.

Decision making in manufacturing is often difficult because of the size and complexity of the problems faced. Dr. Goldratt's first insight into the scheduling problem led him to simplify the number of variables considered. He learned early that manufacturing resources typically are not used evenly. Instead of trying to balance the capacity of the manufacturing system, he decided that most systems are inherently unbalanced and that he would try to balance the flow of work through the system instead. He identified resources as bottleneck or nonbottleneck and observed that the flow through the system is controlled by the bottleneck resource. This resource should always have material to work on, should spend as little time as possible on nonproductive activities (e.g., setups, waiting for work), should be fully staffed, and should be the focus of improvement or automation efforts. Goldratt pointed out that an hour's worth of production lost at a bottleneck reduces the output of the system by the same amount of time, whereas an hour lost at a nonbottleneck may have no effect on system output.

From this realization, Goldratt was able to simplify the scheduling problem significantly. He concentrated initially on scheduling production at the bottleneck resource and then scheduling the nonbottleneck resources to support the bottleneck activities. Thus, production is synchronized, or "in sync," with the needs of the bottleneck and the system as a whole.



To maintain this synchronization, Goldratt introduced the concept of drum-buffer-rope (DBR). The drum is the bottleneck, beating to set the pace of production for the rest of the system. The buffer is inventory placed in front of the bottleneck to ensure it is always kept busy. This is necessary because output from the bottleneck determines the output or throughput of the system. The rope is the communication signal that tells the processes upstream from the bottleneck when they should begin production (similar to a kanban).

Drum-buffer-rope: the drum sets the pace for the production, a buffer is placed before the bottleneck, and a rope communicates changes.

This idea of scheduling the bottleneck first and supporting its schedule with production at nonbottleneck operations is the basis for virtually all scheduling software on the market today.


Goldratt's second insight into manufacturing concerned the concept of lot sizes or batch sizes. Goldratt saw no reason for fixed lot sizes. He differentiated between the quantity in which items are produced, called the process batch, and the quantity in which the items are transported, called the transfer batch. Ideally, items should be transferred in lot sizes of one. The process batch size for bottlenecks should be large, to eliminate the need for setups. The process batch size for non-bottlenecks can be small because time spent in setups for nonbottlenecks does not affect the rest of the system.

The TOC scheduling procedure, illustrated in Example 17.5, follows these steps:

Process batch sizes and transfer batch sizes do not have to match.

  1. Identify the bottleneck.

  2. Schedule the job first whose lead time to the bottleneck is less than or equal to the bottleneck processing time.

  3. Forward schedule the bottleneck machine.

  4. Backward schedule the other machines to sustain the bottleneck schedule.

  5. Transfer in batch sizes smaller than the process batch size.

Identify the bottleneck.

Process in batches of 100; transfer one-at-a-time.

Sustain the bottleneck.

Sequence the other machines to support the bottleneck sequence.


Labor is one of the most flexible resources. Workers can be hired and fired more easily than equipment can be purchased or sold. Labor-limited systems can expand capacity through overtime, expanded workweeks, extra shifts, or part-time workers. This flexibility is valuable but it tends to make scheduling difficult. Service firms especially spend an inordinate amount of time developing employee schedules. A supervisor might spend an entire week making up the next month's employee schedule. The task becomes even more daunting for facilities that operate on a 24-hour basis with multiple shifts.

Employee scheduling has lots of options because labor is a very flexible resource.

The assignment method of linear programming discussed earlier in this chapter can be used to assign workers with different performance ratings to available jobs. Large-scale linear programming is currently used by McDonald's to schedule its large part-time workforce. American Airlines uses a combination of integer linear programming and expert systems for scheduling ticket agents to coincide with peak and slack demand periods and for the complicated scheduling of flight crews. Although mathematical programming certainly has found application in employee scheduling, most scheduling problems are solved by heuristics (i.e., rules of thumb) that develop a repeating pattern of work assignments. Often heuristics are imbedded in a decision support system to facilitate their use and increase their flexibility. One such heuristic[33] used for scheduling full-time workers with two days off per week, is given next.


Employee Scheduling Heuristic:

  1. Let N = no. of workers available

    Di = demand for workers on day i

    X = day working

    O = day off

  2. Assign the first N – D1 workers day 1 off. Assign the next N – D2 workers day 2 off. Continue in a similar manner until all days have been scheduled.

  3. If the number of workdays for a full-time employee is less than 5, assign the remaining workdays so that consecutive days off are possible or where unmet demand is highest.

  4. Assign any remaining work to part-time employees, subject to maximum hour restrictions.

  5. If consecutive days off are desired, consider switching schedules among days with the same demand requirements.


Scheduling employees, especially part-time workers, can take considerable time and effort. Most employers develop weekly or monthly schedules by hand, trying to balance the needs of employees, supervisors, and customers. One way to avoid the headaches of employee scheduling and improve customer responsiveness is to automate. That's what the banking industry did with ATMs that operate 24 hours a day. Now maintenance activities must be scheduled to ensure that the facility is available to the customer as promised!

The heuristic just illustrated can be adapted to ensure that the two days off per week are consecutive. Other heuristics schedule workers two weeks at a time, with every other weekend off.


Scheduling large numbers of workers at numerous locations requires a computerized scheduling system. Sophisticated employee scheduling software is available as a stand-alone system or as part of an ERP package. For example, Workbrain, part of Infor's ERP system, provides:

  • Staff scheduling assigns qualified workers to standardize shift patterns taking into account leave requests and scheduling conflicts. The solutions include social constraints such as labor laws for minors, overtime payment regulations, and holidays or religious holidays that may differ by global location.

  • Schedule bidding puts certain shift positions or schedule assignments up for bid by workers; allows workers to post and trade schedules with others as long as coverage and skill criteria are met.

  • Schedule optimization creates demand-driven forecasts of labor requirements and assigns workers to variable schedules (in some cases, as small as 15 minutes blocks of time) that change dynamically with demand. Uses mathematical programming and artificial intelligence techniques.



Scheduling techniques vary by type of production process. Scheduling in a job shop environment is difficult because jobs arrive at varying time intervals, require different resources and sequences of operations, and are due at different times. This lowest level of scheduling is referred to as shop floor control or production control. It involves assigning jobs to machines or workers (called loading), specifying the order in which operations are to be performed, and monitoring the work as it progresses. Techniques such as the assignment method are used for loading, various rules whose performance varies according to the scheduling objective are used for sequencing, and Gantt charts and input/output control charts are used for monitoring.

Realistic schedules must reflect capacity limitations. Infinite scheduling initially assumes infinite capacity and then manually "levels the load" of resources that have exceeded capacity. Finite scheduling loads jobs in priority order and delays those jobs for which current capacity is exceeded. The theory of constraints is a finite scheduling approach that schedules bottleneck resources first and then schedules other resources to support the bottleneck schedule. It also allows items to be transferred between resources in lot sizes that differ from the lot size in which the item is produced. Other advanced planning and scheduling techniques include mathematical programming, genetic algorithms, and simulation.

Employee scheduling is often difficult because of the variety of options available and the special requirements for individual workers. Scheduling heuristics are typically used to develop patterns of worker assignment. Automated workforce scheduling systems are becoming more commonplace.


Minimum Slack

SLACK = (due date – today's date) – (processing time)

Critical Ratio



advanced planning and scheduling (APS) a software system that uses intelligent analytical tools and techniques to develop realistic schedules.

dispatch list a shop paper that specifies the sequence in which jobs should be processed; it is often derived from specific sequencing rules.

drum-buffer-rope a concept in theory of constraints where the drum sets the pace of production, buffer is placed in front of the bottleneck, and rope communicates changes.

finite scheduling an approach to scheduling that loads jobs in priority order and delays those jobs for which current capacity is exceeded.

flow time the time that it takes for a job to "flow" through the system; that is, its completion time.

Gantt chart a bar chart that shows a job's progress graphically or compares actual against planned performance.

genetic algorithms a method that generates possible solutions based on genetic combinations of previous solutions.

infinite scheduling an approach to scheduling that initially assumes infinite capacity and then manually "levels the load" of resources that have exceeded capacity.

input/output (I/O) control a procedure for monitoring the input to and output from a work center to regulate the flow of work through a system.

Johnson's rule an algorithm for sequencing any number of jobs through two serial operations to minimize makespan.

load leveling the process of smoothing out the work assigned across time and the available resources.

loading the process of assigning work to individual workers or machines.

makespan the time that it takes for a group of jobs to be completed—that is, the completion time of the last job in a group.

manufacturing execution systems (MES) manufacturing software that monitors operations, collects data, and controls processes on the shop floor.

scheduling the determination of when labor, equipment, and facilities are needed to produce a product or provide a service.

sequencing the process of assigning priorities to jobs so that they are processed in a particular order.

shop floor control (SFC) scheduling and monitoring day-to-day production in a job shop; also known as production control or production activity control.

tardiness the difference between a job's due date and its completion time for jobs completed after their due date.

theory of constraints a finite scheduling approach that differentiates between bottleneck and nonbottleneck resources and between transfer batches and process batches.

work package shop paperwork that travels with a job to specify what work needs to be done at a particular machine center and where the item should be routed next.



Wilkerson Printing has four jobs waiting to be run this morning. Fortunately, they have four printing presses available. However, the presses are of different vintage and operate at different speeds. The approximate times (in minutes) required to process each job on each press are given next. Assign jobs to presses to minimize the press running times.




























Row reduction:

















Column reduction:

















Cover all zeroes:


The number of lines equals the number of rows, so this is the final solution. Make assignments:


Assign job A to press 4, job B to press 1, job C to press 3, and job D to press 2. Refer to the original matrix for actual processing times. The total machining time required is (10 + 40 + 35 + 45) = 130 minutes.


Clean and Shine Car Service has five cars waiting to be washed and waxed. The time required (in minutes) for each activity is given next. In what order should the cars be processed through the facility? When will the batch of cars be completed?




















Use Johnson's rule to sequence the cars. The lowest processing time is two minutes for waxing car 2. Since waxing is the second operation, we place car 2 as near to the end of the sequence as possible, in last place. The next-lowest time is three minutes for washing car 5. Since washing is the first operation, we place car 5 as near to the front of the sequence as possible, in first place. The next-lowest time is five minutes for washing car 1 and waxing car 3. Car 1 is scheduled in second place, and car 3 is put in next-to-last place (i.e., fourth). That leaves car 4 for third place.

The completion time for washing and waxing the five cars is 35 minutes. The washing facility is idle for two minutes at the end of the cycle. The waxing facility is idle for three minutes at the beginning of the cycle and four minutes during the cycle.




17-1. How do scheduling activities differ for projects, mass production, and process industries?

17-2. Why is scheduling a job shop so difficult?

17-3. What three functions are typically performed by a production control department?

17-4. Give examples of four types of operations (manufacturing or service) and suggest which scheduling objectives might be appropriate for each.

17-5. How can the success of a scheduling system be measured?

17-6. Describe the process of loading and load leveling. What quantitative techniques are available to help in this process?

17-7. What is the purpose of dispatch lists? How are they usually constructed?

17-8. When should the following sequencing rules be used? (a) SPT; (b) Johnson's rule; (c) DDATE; (d) FCFS.

17-9. Give examples of sequencing rules you use to prioritize work.

17-10. What information is provided by the critical ratio sequencing rule? How does it differ from SLACK?

17-11. How are work packages, hot lists, and exception reports used in a job shop?

17-12. What are Gantt charts, and why are they used so often?

17-13. Explain the concept behind input /output control. Describe how gateway work centers, downstream work centers, and backlogs affect shop performance.

17-14. Explain the difference between infinite and finite scheduling.

17-15. How does theory of constraints differ from traditional scheduling? How should bottleneck resources and nonbottleneck resources be scheduled? Why should transfer batches and process batches be treated differently?

17-16. Explain the drum-buffer-rope concept.

17-17. Discuss the similarities and differences between theory of constraints and lean production.

17-18. What are some typical issues involved in employee scheduling?

17-19. What quantitative techniques are available to help develop employee schedules? What quantitative techniques are available for advanced planning and scheduling systems?

17-20. Look for advanced planning and scheduling software on the Internet. Write a summary of the techniques presented.



17-1. At Valley Hospital, nurses beginning a new shift report to a central area to receive their primary patient assignments. Not every nurse is as efficient as another with particular kinds of patients. Given the following patient roster, care levels, and time estimates, assign nurses to patients to optimize efficiency. Also, determine how long it will take for the nurses to complete their routine tasks on this shift.


17-2. Valley Hospital (from Problem 17-1) wants to focus on customer perceptions of quality, so it has asked its patients to evaluate the nursing staff and indicate preferences for assignment. Reassign the nursing staff to obtain the highest customer approval rating possible (a perfect score is 100).


Compare the results with those from Problem 17-1. What is the average rating of the assignment? What other criteria could be used to assign nurses?

17-3. Fibrous Incorporated makes products from rough tree fibers. Its product line consists of five items processed through one of five machines. The machines are not identical, and some products are better suited to some machines. Given the following production time in minutes per unit, determine an optimal assignment of product to machine:


17-4. Sunshine House received a contract this year as a supplier of Girl Scout cookies. Sunshine currently has five production lines, each of which will be dedicated to a particular kind of cookie. The production lines differ by sophistication of machines, site, and experience of personnel. Given the following estimates of processing times (in hours), assign cookies to lines to minimize the sum of completion times:


17-5. Karina Nieto works for New Products Inc., and one of her many tasks is assigning new workers to departments. The company recently hired six new employees and would like each one to be assigned to a different department. The employees have completed a two-month training session in each of the six departments from which they received the evaluations shown below (higher numbers are better). Determine how the new employees should be assigned to departments so that overall performance is maximized.


17-6. Evan Schwartz has six jobs waiting to be processed through his machine. Processing time (in days) and due date information for each job are as follows:


Processing Time

Due Date



















Sequence the jobs by FCFS, SPT, SLACK, and DDATE. Calculate the mean flow time and mean tardiness of the six jobs under each sequencing rule. Which rule would you recommend?

17-7. College students always have a lot of work to do, but this semester, Katie Lawrence is overwhelmed. Following are the assignments she faces, the estimated completion times (in days), and due dates:


Estimated Completion Time

Due date

1. Management case



2. Marketing survey



3. Financial analysis



4. Term project



5. Computer program



Help Katie prioritize her work so that she completes as many assignments on time as possible. Today is November 2. How would your sequence of assignments change if Katie were interested in minimizing the mean tardiness of her assignments?

17-8. Today is day 4 of the planning cycle. Sequence the following jobs by FCFS, SPT, SLACK, and DDATE. Calculate the mean flow time and mean tardiness for each sequencing rule. Which rule would you recommend?


Processing Time (in days)

Due Date






















17-9. Alice's Alterations has eight jobs to be completed and only one sewing machine (and sewing machine operator). Given the processing times and due dates as shown here, prioritize the jobs by SPT, DDATE, and SLACK. Today is day 5.


Processing Time (in days)

Due Date

























Calculate mean flow time, mean tardiness, maximum tardiness, and number of jobs tardy for each sequence. Which sequencing rule would you recommend? Why?

17-10. Jobs A, B, C, and D must be processed through the same machine center. Sequence the following jobs by (a) SPT and (b) SLACK. Calculate mean flow time, mean tardiness, and maximum tardiness. Which sequencing rule would you recommend? Why?


Processing Time

Due Date













17-11. Sequence the following jobs by (a) SPT, (b) DDATE, and (c) SLACK. Calculate mean flow time, mean tardiness, and maximum tardiness. Which sequencing rule would you recommend? Why?


Processing Time

Due Date













17-12. Claims received by Healthwise Insurance Company are entered into the database at one station, and sent to another station for review. The processing time (in minutes) required for each general type of claim is shown here. Currently, Bill Frazier has 10 claims to be reviewed. In what order should he process the claims so that the entire batch can get into the system as soon as possible? How long will it take to process the 10 claims completely?


17-13. Jobs processed through Percy's machine shop pass through three operations: milling, grinding, and turning. The hours required for each of these operations is as follows:

























Sequence the job by (a) FCFS and (b) shortest processing time (SPT). Make a Gantt chart for each machine and each rule. Which sequencing rule would you recommend?

17-14. Restore is a small repair shop that makes customized parts for old equipment. All customer orders must be machined first, then polished. Determine a sequence that will minimize the time required to process all six jobs. Chart the schedule on a Gantt chart and indicate the makespan.






















17-15. Precision Painters, Inc., has five house painting jobs in one neighborhood. The houses differ in size, state of repair, and painting requirements, but each house must be prepped (cleaned, old paint chipped off, primed) first, then painted. In what sequence should the houses be worked on in order to finish all five houses as soon as possible? Chart out your sequences on Gantt charts and calculate the makespan.


17-16. Sequence the houses in Problem 17-15 by SPT and LPT. How much time is saved with Johnson's rule?

17-17. Tracy has six chapters on her desk that must be typed and proofed as soon as possible. Tracy does the typing; the author does the proofing. Some chapters are easy to type but more difficult to proof. The estimated time (in minutes) for each activity is given here. In what order should Tracy type the chapters so that the entire batch can be finished as soon as possible? When will the chapters be completed?






















17-18. Updike Upholstery cuts and sews fabric for custom ordered chairs, ottomans, and sofas. Often, the more complicated patterns are for the smaller pieces, where cutting is more time consuming than sewing. Thus, cutting and sewing times vary. Today's list of jobs, shown below, are for an important customer who needs them shipped out (in one shipment) as soon as possible. Determine the sequence of jobs that will complete the customer's order as quickly as possible, and notify the customer when the order is expected to ship.



















17-19. The following data have been compiled for an input/output report at Work Center 7. Complete the report and analyze the results.








Planned input







Actual input









Planned output







Actual output












17-20. The input /output report for Work Center 6 is as follows. Complete the report and comment on the results.








Planned input







Actual input









Planned output







Actual output












17-21. Kim Johnson, R.N., the charge nurse of the antepartum ward of City Hospital in Burtonsville, Maryland, needs help in scheduling the nurse workforce for next week.

  1. Create an employee schedule that will meet the demand requirements and guarantee each nurse two days off per week.

  2. Revise the schedule so that the two days off are consecutive.

Days of Week








No. of Nurses








Kim Johnson


Tom Swann


Flo Coligny


Shelly Belts


Phuong Truong


17-22. Rosemary Hanes needs help in scheduling the volunteers working at the local crisis pregnancy center. Create a work schedule that will meet the demand requirements, given that a volunteer will only work four days per week.

Days of Week
















Rosemary Hanes


Albert Tagliero


Richard White


Gail Cooke


Shelly Black


Karen Romero


17-23. Schedule the wait staff at Vincent's Restaurant based on the following estimates of demand. Each employee should have two or more days off per week.

Days of the Week








Employees Needed








Amy Russell


Shannon Hiller


Jessica Jones


Tom Turner


Evalin Trice


Pierre Dubois


17-24. Casey Belzer runs a small machine shop that fabricates parts for sprayers used in foam insulation equipment. With the renewed interest in green building practices and high energy costs, demand for his products have increased dramatically. The shop has three CNC machines that can serve a variety of purposes. As customer orders come in, a routing sheet is developed and the order is diagrammed as shown below. When demand was low, it didn't really matter how the jobs were scheduled. Now, Casey wants to finish each job as quickly as possible so he can move on to the next one. Help Casey develop a schedule that would finish a customer order for 200 units of part A as soon as possible. Assume one B, C, and D are needed for each A.

  1. Find the bottleneck process.

  2. According to the theory of constraints, which component (i.e., B, C, or D) should be schedule first on the bottleneck process?

  3. Which component should be scheduled last?

  4. Map out the optimum schedule on a Gantt chart and calculate the completion time. Assume that the process batch size is 200 and the transfer batch size is one.



America Reads, America Counts

America Reads & America Counts (ARC) is a non-profit organization that matches college students with public schools who need support in developing literacy and math skills in the classroom. University students receive federal work study funds for working one-on-one with at-risk children, normally for 10 hours a week in 2-hour increments. The program is most popular in urban areas where there is a large concentration of college and university students. For one university alone in the New York city area, 1000 students are placed each semester in more than 100 elementary and secondary schools.

Placement must consider the academic calendar, changing class schedules, travel distances from schools, student skills (e.g., bilingual) and preferences (grade levels, etc.), and school needs. The process of matching students with schools can take one to two months, by which time applicants may have found other employment and the process must be repeated. Currently the administrator uses an Excel spreadsheet to organize the relevant data, but the assignment process is basically manual. ARC would like you to review their scheduling process and develop a quantitative model that would improve both the speed and quality of assignments. Sample data is given below for your analysis. Assign one student to each school.

  1. Assign students to schools such that travel time is minimized.

  2. Assign students to schools such that preferences are maximized.

  3. Assign students to schools such that both travel time and preferences are considered.

  4. How would you incorporate different priorities on needs or preferences?



From a Different Perspective

"And do you have the answer to Problem 6, Pete?" asked Professor Grasso.

"Yes sir, I have the answer according to the textbook, but I'm not sure I get it," replied Pete.

"You don't understand how to get the solution?"

"Oh, I understand the numbers, but I don't know what they're good for. Where I work, nobody ever 'sequences' anything. You don't have time to calculate things like slack and critical ratio. You do what's next in line or on top of the stack, unless you see a red tag on something that needs to be rushed through. Or maybe you run what's most like what you've just finished working on so the machine doesn't have to be changed. Or you run what can get done the fastest because when you produce more you get paid more."

"Pete, it sounds to me like you are using sequencing rules—FCFS, highest priority, minimum setup, and SPT."

Pete hesitated. "Maybe you're right, but there's still something that bothers me. If you're going to go to all the trouble to rearrange a stack of jobs, you'd want more information than what we're working with."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, there's no use rushing a job at one station to let it sit and wait at the next. It's like those maniacs who break their neck to pass you on the road, but they never get anywhere. A few minutes later you're right behind them at a stoplight."

"I see."

"You need some way of looking at the entire job, where it's going next, what resources it's going to use, if it has to be assembled with something else, things like that."

"You've got a point, Pete. Why don't you give us a 'real' example we can work with? You talk, I'll write it on the board."

Pete talked for about 10 more minutes, and when he was finished, Professor Grasso had the following diagram on the board.

"Okay, class, let's take this home and work on it. A, B, C, and D are products that comprise a customer's order. They must all be completed before the order can be shipped. The circles represent operations that must be performed to make each product. We've labeled them A1 for the first operation of product A, A2 for the second operation, and so on. The numbers inside the circles are the machines that are used to perform each operation. We have only three machines 1, 2, and 3. Your job is to decide the sequence in which the products should be processed on each machine. There is no setup time between processes, no inventory on hand, and nothing on order. Assume the customer has ordered 50 units of each product. We'll use a process batch of 100 units and a transfer batch of one. Make a Gantt chart for each machine to show us how quickly you can ship the customer's order. Earliest shipment gets 5 extra points on the final exam."



Baker, K., and M. Magazine. "Workforce Scheduling with Cyclic Demands and Days-Off Constraints." Management Science 24(2; October 1977), pp. 161–167.

Conway, R., W. Maxwell, and L. Miller. Theory of Scheduling. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1967.

Goldratt, E. What Is This Thing Called Theory of Constraints and How Should It Be Implemented? Croton-on-Hudson, NY: North River Press, 1990.

Goldratt, E., and J. Cox. The Goal: Excellence in Manufacturing. Croton-on-Hudson, NY: North River Press, 1984.

Gupta, J. N. D. "An Excursion in Scheduling Theory." Production Planning and Control 13(2; 2002), pp. 105–116.

Huang, P., L. Moore, and R. Russell. "Workload versus Scheduling Policies in a Dual-Resource Constrained Job Shop." Computers and Operations Research 11(1; 1984), pp. 37–47.

Langevin, A., D. Riopel, and K. Stecke, "Transfer Batch Sizes in Flexible Manufacturing Systems," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, (March–April 1999), pp. 140–151.

Pinedo, M., and X. Chao. Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services. New York: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1999.

Russell, R., and B. W. Taylor. "An Evaluation of Sequencing Rules for an Assembly Shop." Decision Sciences 16(2; 1985), pp. 196–212.

SAP AG. "Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling." Company brochure (December 1999).

Smith, K. A., and J. N. D. Gupta, "Neural Networks in Business." Computers and Operations Research 27(1; 2000), pp. 1023–1044.

Umble, M., and M. L. Srikanth. Synchronous Manufacturing: Principles for World Class Excellence. Cincinnati: South-Western, 1990.

Vollman, T., W. Berry, and D. C. Whybark. Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1997.

Xudong, H., R. Russell, and J. Dickey. "Workload Analysis Expert System and Optimizer." Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, Vol. 1, London (September 1987), pp. 68–72.

[33] Kenneth R. Baker and Michael J. Magazine, "Workforce Scheduling with Cyclic Demands and Days-off Constraints." Management Science 24(2; October 1977), pp. 161–167.

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