Chapter 5. Database Scripting Using Non-Java Languages


“There’s ways to amuse yourself while doing things and that’s how I look at efficency.”

 --Donald Knuth

In the previous chapters, we have seen a few examples of what you can do with Java in the database, beyond the traditional stored procedures. Oracle offers only PL/SQL and Java for database programming; however, with the emergence of Java compilers for non-Java languages (see Programming Languages for the Java Virtual Machine[1]), it is tempting to reuse the Java VM to run bytecode resulting from the compilation of non-Java languages in the database; the SQLJ language covered in Part III is a brilliant illustration of this approach. This is exactly what some of you did; this chapter reports basic proof of concepts running JACL (i.e., Java runtime for TCL), JYTHON (i.e., Java runtime for PYTHON), Kawa (i.e., Java runtime for Scheme), and Groovy in the database. These experimentations are foreign to Oracle and do not prefigure any plan to support any of the languages mentioned here in the Oracle database.

Why Contemplate Non-Java Languages for the Database?

Cost reduction is driving the need to improve application developer productivity (i.e., reuse skills, applications, libraries, APIs) and deployment flexibility (partitioning applications across tiers). Java fulfills such requirement by enabling the reuse of applications, libraries, and developer skills across vendors and also across the middle tier and the database. However, apart from Java, existing procedural languages[2] are not reusable across the middle tier and the database tier. Let’s look at the offerings in this area of reusing non-Java languages in the database.

Common Language Runtime in RDBMS

The implementation of a Common Language Runtime (CLR) in SQL Server 2005, IBM DB2 release 8.2 and up, and Oracle Database 10 g Release 2[3] allows programmers to use .NET-supported languages (e.g., C#, VB.NET, J#) across the Windows platform. (i.e., the middle tier and database). CRL coverage is beyond the scope of this book but is mentioned as mechanism allowing language support across tiers, beyond Java.

Scripting Languages Support in RDBMS

Open source databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL offer (or are in the process of offering) basic support for popular Web scripting languages such as Perl, PHP, and Python, allowing these languages to be used across both middle tiers and databases. In section 5.2, you’ll see proofs of concept of running TCL, Python, Scheme, and Groovy in the Oracle database.

Perl and PHP in MySQL

Perl is a popular scripting language backed by a large developer community, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). MyPerl is a Perl interpreter for MySQL.[4] Similarly, MyPHP allows implementing PHP user-defined functions in MySQL.

Ruby Perl, Pythin, and TCL Plug-ins in PostgreSQL

According to its documentation,[5] besides its own proprietary procedural language (PL/pgSQL), the PostgreSQL database provides support for Java, as well as for popular scripting languages such as PHP, Perl, Python, TCL, Ruby, and Mono.

Database Scripting with OracleJVM—Just for Fun!

I coined the term database scripting to designate the ability to run scripting commands in the database, similar to SQL. How can OracleJVM help support non-Java languages or scripting languages? The trick is to rely on compilers that generate Java bytecode for non-Java languages and host the corresponding Java runtime of these languages in OracleJVM. You can view this as an open and broader-reach alternative to CLR; however, to my knowledge, Oracle has no plan to support such an approach. The following experiences are proofs of concept that you can implement yourself, in a nonproduction database environment; it is up to you to use the same technique in production environments if these meet your requirements.

Proof of Concept #1: Running TCL (JACL) Scripts in the Database

JACL is the Java implementation of the popular TCL product. The following example is a proof of concept of producing Java bytecode from non-Java languages and running the resulting bytecode in the database. It does not reflect any Oracle plan to support TCL in the database.

JACL Enable Your Database

  1. Download JACL/TCLBlend bundle from: contains:

    lib/tcljava.jar 178583 bytes
    lib/jacl.jar    554467 bytes
    readme.jacl        147 bytes
  2. In order to simplify the manipulation (loading and ncomping) of required files in OracleJVM, unJAR/unZIP the contents of all JAR files and re-JAR everything into a single JAR (or ZIP) file. 341257 bytes
  3. Grant javasyspriv and java_deploy to your schema (e.g., scott):

    SQL>grant javasyspriv, java_deploy to scott;
  4. Load and NCOMP

ncomp -u scott/tiger -load

Run TCL Scripts in Your Database

Using a modified variant of from

import tcl.lang.*;

public class StringLengthTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int thestr_len = -1;
    String thestr = "noggy";
    Interp interp = new Interp();
    try {
      interp.eval("string length "" + thestr + """);
      thestr_len = TclInteger.get(interp, interp.getResult());
    } catch (TclException ex) {
      int code = ex.getCompletionCode();
      switch (code) {
      case TCL.ERROR:
      case TCL.BREAK:
           "invoked "break" outside of a loop");
      case TCL.CONTINUE:
            "invoked "continue" outside of a loop");
             "command returned bad error code: " + code);

      } finally {

      System.out.println("string length was " + thestr_len);
  1. Compile on the client side, making sure to include all in your classpath:

    javac –classpath $ $*
  2. Load the class file with loadjava:

    loadjava u scott/tiger StringLengthTest.class
  3. Run StringLengthTest in the database (the text is stored in thestr string):

    ojvmjava -u scott/tiger@
    --type "help" at the command line for help message
    $ java StringLengthTest
    string length was 5

    Variations of StringLengthTest that invoke the TCL interpreter (tcl.lang.Interp described in are: TclEval, TclRun, and TclResources.

  4. TclEval: takes a TCL code as a string and returns a result.
    import tcl.lang.*;
    public class TclEval {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length != 1) {
      System.out.println("pass in a tcl script");
      System.out.println("result: " + doit(args[0]));
    public static String doit (String tcl_code) {
      String result = "";
      Interp interp = new Interp();
        try {
          result += interp.getResult();
        } catch (TclException ex) {
          int code = ex.getCompletionCode();
          switch (code) {
          case TCL.ERROR:
          case TCL.BREAK:
                  "invoked "break" outside of a loop");
          case TCL.CONTINUE:
                  "invoked "continue" outside of a loop");
                  "command returned bad error code: " + code);
        } finally {
      return result;

    As usual, compile and load TclEval.class in the database. In order to invoke it from SQL, create a PL/SQL wrapper as follows:

    create or replace function tcl_str (code VARCHAR2)
      return VARCHAR2 as language java name
      'TclEval.doit(java.lang.String) return

    Store the TCL scripts in a table and then evaluate these with tcl_str:

    SQL> create table tcl_1 (c VARCHAR2(100), r VARCHAR2(30));
      Table created.
     SQL> insert into tcl_1 values ('string length "xyz"', ''),
      1 row created.
      SQL> select tcl_str(c) from tcl_1;

    A more realistic variant of this would use a CLOB, LOB, or LONG column type.

  5. TclRun.

    TclRun is similar to StringLengthTest, in that it takes no args and can be invoked from ojvmjava (ojvmjava does not understand command-line args).
    public class TclRun  {
      public static void main(String[] a) {
        String code = "string length "asdfgh"";
        String[] args = {code};
    Compile, load, and play!
      % ojvmjava -u scott/tiger@
      --type "help" at the command line for help message
      $ java TclRun
      result: 6
  6. TclEvalResource interprets TCL scripts stored in files or Java resources.

import tcl.lang.*;

public class TclEvalResource {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length != 1) {
      System.out.println("pass in a tcl script");
      System.out.println("result: " + doit(args[0]));
  public  static String doit (String tcl_resource) {
    String result = "";
    Interp interp = new Interp();
      try {
        result += interp.getResult();
      } catch (TclException ex) {
        int code = ex.getCompletionCode();
        switch (code) {
        case TCL.ERROR:
        case TCL.BREAK:
              "invoked "break" outside of a loop");
        case TCL.CONTINUE:
               "invoked "continue" outside of a loop");
               "command returned bad error code: " + code);
      }  finally {
    return result;

TclEvalResource currently reads scripts from files but may be enhanced to read TCL script code from Java resources in the database or from CLOB. Most of these examples are borrowed from and include simple arithmetic, such as a diagonal function, a factorial function, and callback to java.lang.String. All of these can be evaluated by TclEvalResource.

With a proper Call Spec, TclEvalResource can be invoked from SQL:

SQL> create or replace function tcl (code VARCHAR2)
return VARCHAR2
        as language java name
        return java.lang.String';
  2  /

  Function created.

Try TclEvalResource using t4.tcl, t5.tcl, and t6.tcl scripts:

set x 7; set y 9
expr $x + $y
   SQL>  select tcl('/temp/t4.tcl') from dual;



proc Diag {a b} {
    set c [expr sqrt($a * $a + $b * $b)]
    return $c

Diag 12 34

   SQL<select tcl('/temp/t5.tcl') from dual;



proc Factorial {x} {
    set i 1; set product 1
    while {$i <= $x} {
        set product [expr $product * $i]
        incr i
    return $product

Factorial 10
   SQL> select tcl('/temp/t6.tcl') from dual;


Note that SQL prints only the output from tcl.lang.Interp. All STDOUT output, such as the result of TCL functions puts and putc, as well as all error messages, go to Oracle database trace files (*.trc files), but as we have seen, you can redirect standard output using dbms_java.set_output().


These basic examples are just for fun; the integration of JACL/TCLBlends with SQL can turn it into a real database scripting solution.

Proof of Concept #2: Running Jython (Python) in the Database

The following example is a foreign proof of concept of hosting the Jython runtime in the database. Once again, this proof of concept does not reflect any Oracle plan to support Jython in the database.

What Is Jython?

Jython is the Java implementation of the Python runtime (jython.jar) that can run Python scripts. More details on Python or Jython can be easily found on the Web.

Jython Enabling Your Database

The following simple steps will install the Jython runtime in your database:

  1. Download the latest jython implementation from:

  2. Generate jython.jar by running jython-21:

    java jython-21
  3. Load jython.jar in your schema:

    loadjava -v -u scott/tiger jython.jar

Voilà! You can now run Python scripts in your database!

Running Jython Programs in the Database

A basic example:

import java

class Fib(java.lang.Object):
# Fibonacci numbers module
        def fib(self, n):    # write Fibonacci series up to n
                "@sig public void fib(int n)"
                a, b = 0, 1
                while b < n:
                        print b,
                        a, b = b, a+b
  1. Python is format sensitive; therefore, if you do not indent, your program will not compile. Note the location where you generate jython.jar; it should also contain jythonc, the Jython-to-Java bytecode compiler. Use the following command to generate Java source and Java class from


    This will create a directory, jpywork, containing the following files:

    Fib$_PyInner.class 3430 bytes
    Fib.class 3623 bytes  5526 bytes
  2. jythonc translates all Jython methods into instance methods; however, PL/SQL can only wrap public static java method. We need to modify and turn instance methods Fib() into public static ones fib_wrapper(), as follows:

    public static void fib_wrapper(int n) {
        new Fib().fib(n);
  3. Compile the new with a Java compiler (need jython.jar in your classpath).

  4. Load the new Fib.class into scott/tiger as previously.

  5. Write a PL/SQL wrapper to expose this to SQL and client-side JDBC:

    create or replace procedure fib(n NUMBER) as language
    java name
  6. Run Fib from SQL:

    SQL> call fib(10)
    *** 2003-07-17 13:07:35.448


Database developers and DBAs can generalize this demo by storing JYthon scripts in tables or CLOBs columns.

Hosting a JYthon runtime in the database is straightforward; its integration with SQL will make sense from a database perspective.

Proof of Concept #3: Running Kawa (Scheme) in the Database

Scheme belongs to the family of Lisp languages; it is also a great vehicle for implementing other languages. For example, the GNU implementation of XQuery (QEXO) is based on Kawa,[6] which is the Java-based Scheme system. Similarly, Kawa is being used to port Perl to Java. Once again, the following example is a proof of concept and does not reflect any plan to support Scheme runtime in the Oracle database.

Scheme Enable Your Database (Scheme on you!)

  1. Get kawa-1.7.jar from and put it in a directory on your file system.

  2. Load kawa-1.7.jar into the database with the following command:

    loadjava -v -u scott/tiger kawa-1.7.jar

    Voilà! You have a Scheme runtime in your database.!

Running Scheme Programs in the Database

; primes
; By Ozan Yigit
(define  (interval-list m n)
  (if (> m n)
      (cons m (interval-list (+ 1 m) n))))

(define (sieve l)
  (define (remove-multiples n l)
    (if (null? l)
        (if  (= (modulo (car l) n) 0) ; division test
             (remove-multiples n (cdr l))
             (cons (car l)
                   (remove-multiples n (cdr l))))))

  (if (null? l)
      (cons (car l)
            (sieve (remove-multiples (car l) (cdr

(define (primes<= n)
  (display (sieve (interval-list 2 n))))

(primes<= 300)
  1. Store the program as prime.scm on your file system.

  2. Compile the Scheme program prime.scm into a Java class with the following command:

    java -cp .:/path/to/kawa-1.7.jar kawa.repl --main -C /

    This will generate a prime.class file in the current directory.

  3. Load the prime.class file into the database with the following command:

    loadjava -v -r -u scott/tiger prime.class
  4. Write a PL/SQL wrapper as follows:

    SQL> create or replace procedure primnumb(dummy
      2  as language java name
      3  'prime.main(java.lang.String[])';
      4  /
    SQL>show errors;
  5. Execute:

    SQL>set serveroutput on
    SQL>call dbms_java.set_output(50000);
    SQL> call primnumb('test'),
    Call completed.

    You will see a printout of prime numbers on your screen (or in the corresponding session trace file).

    (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71
    73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149
    151 157 163 167 173 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227
    229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281 283 293)


Similar to Python, hosting a Scheme runtime in the database is straightforward, but it only makes sense in the database if integrated with SQL.

Proof of Concept #4: Running Groovy in the Database

The following example is a foreign proof of concept of hosting the Groovy runtime in OracleJVM. Once again, it does not reflect any Oracle plan to support Groovy in the database.

What Is Groovy?

Groovy is a new scripting language candidate (JSR 241) that is derived from Java. In summary, it is a compact-syntax, dynamic object-oriented scripting language that leverages the Java language and its bytecode. Unlike Jython, JRuby, and other non-Java scripting languages, Groovy does not mix foreign language libraries or classes. However, you can mix pure Java with Groovy scripts and inherit from or use any Java code. More details on Groovy can be found at

This section contains detailed examples of Groovy scripts running in OracleJVM, the steps needed to load the Groovy environment in the database, and a discussion of Groovy’s integration with SQL. The Groovy language is not yet ready for enterprise production use, but you can already play with it on stand-alone JDK and in OracleJVM. Groovy 1.0 prerelease 2[7] has been recently made available (by the time of this writing); however, the following proof of concept is based on groovy-1.0-beta-6.

Groovy Enabling Your Database

  1. In order to run Groovy scripts in the database, we need to first upload the Groovy runtime jars in the database. The Groovy environment can be downloaded from

    As listed hereafter, there are a large number of JARS and classes in the Groovy lib directory:

  2. When you are unzipping all JARS, the number of classes reach 4,492; on UNIX/Linux it can be done using:

    find groovy-1.0-beta-6/lib/ -name *.jar -exec unzip -l
    {} ; | wc -l
     =>   4492
  3. Loading all of these classes one by one will be cumbersome, will consume too many resources, and will create too many unresolved references; besides, you don’t need to load all of the classes in all JARS. To simplify the loading of Groovy in the database and NCOMPing, we’ll repackage the distribution by bundling only the following classes: groovy.*, org.codehaus.groovy.*, and org.objectweb.asm.* into This will greatly reduce the number of classes; only has 529 classes and yet contains all classes needed to run Groovy in the database.

    unzip -l tmp/ | wc –l => 529

Loading the Groovy Runtime in the Database

  1. In order to meet the storage requirements of the experience, I recommend adding more space to the tablespace that will be used, indicated as follows:

    alter tablespace <tblspace> add datafile
    size 500M;
  2. The runtime could now be loaded using loadjava with the genmissing options to avoid class resolution error messages:

    loadjava -force -genmissing -genmissingjar gm-min.jar -
           -verbose -u scott/tiger
  3. In order to cope with deploying the generated DLLs (upon NCOMPing), increase the storage space in the corresponding tablespace:

    alter tablespace <tblspace> add datafile
            '$ORACLE_HOME/../oradata/orcl/t_db3.f' size
  4. NCOMP it using:

    ncomp -u scott/tiger

    This will produce error messages, but the required/critical DLLs will be generated.

    The following DLLs will be “installed”:
  5. Next, you need to install a Groovy shell or eval environment, in the database:

    /// File ////////
            import groovy.lang.*;
            public class TestGroovyShellFileX {
              public static void main (String[] args) {
                System.out.println("-- starting " + args[0]);
                try {
                // call groovy expressions from Java code
                Binding binding = new Binding();
                GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell(binding);
                Object value = shell.evaluate(new File(args[0]));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                  System.out.println("-- got: " + e);
    $ javac -classpath groovy-1.0-beta-6/lib/groovy-1.0-beta-6.jar
    $ loadjava -resolve -verbose -u sys/<path>install

    Voilà! Your database (schema) is Groovy enabled.

Running Groovy Scripts in the Database

Now let’s see how you can run Groovy scripts in the database. Groovy scripts (*.gro) can be converted to Java code by means of groovyc, which is available in Groovy installations.

The classes generated by groovyc can be loaded with loadjava and invoked directly in the database, as in the following example:

//// File hellow.gro
   3.times { println 'Hello World!'; x = 123; println (x * x); }

    $ groovyc --classpath classes12.jar hellow.gro
    $ zip hellow*.class
    $ loadjava -resolve -verbose -u scott/tiger
    $ ojvmjava -u scott/tiger
    --type "help" at the command line for help message
    $ java hellow
    Hello World!
    Hello World!
    Hello World!

Running Groovy Scripts as a Dynamically Loaded Class

We can design a Java program that takes a Groovy script as input and transparently converts it into a Java class (instead of running it), upload the resulting class (with related classes), and then let the Java developer instantiate such a class and invoke it. Such operation corresponds to a dynamic invocation of the Groovy script. The following Java code snippet does just that:

/// File ///////////

import groovy.lang.*;

public class TestDynLoad {

  public static void main (String[] args) {
    System.out.println("-- loading " + args[0]);

    try {

        GroovyClassLoader loader = new GroovyClassLoader();
        Class groovyClass = loader.parseClass( new File(args[0]) );
        GroovyObject groovyObject = (GroovyObject)
        Object[] run_args = {};
        groovyObject.invokeMethod( "run",run_args );

      } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("-- got: " + e);

   % javac -classpath groovy-1.0-beta-6/lib/groovy-1.0-beta-6.jar
   % loadjava -resolve -verbose -u scott/tiger TestDynLoad.class

Now, any Groovy script can be dynamically uploaded as a class and invoked directly in the database using the ojvmjava shell:

% ojvmjava -u scott/tiger
--type "help" at the command line for help message

$ java TestDynLoad hellow.gro

-- loading hellow.gro
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!

Storing Groovy Scripts in Database Columns

In the JACL proof of concept, we mentioned how TCL scripts can be stored in Oracle database table columns and executed from SQL queries. This is achieved by means of a Java driver class defining a static method that takes the TCL code as a string, evaluates it, and returns the result as a string, and a corresponding PL/SQL wrapper function, which can be called from SQL queries. Similarly, a Java driver and a PL/SQL wrapper can be provided for Groovy, as follows:

  1. First, the TestGroovyShell driver suitable for receiving and executing code as text from main’s args; we will also equip it with a static method, which takes code as a string and returns the result of the evaluation as Java string. Here is the TestGroovyShell:

    /// File /////////////
    import groovy.lang.*;
    public class TestGroovyShell {
      public static void main (String[] args) {
        // System.out.println("-- starting ");
        Binding binding = new Binding();
        if (args.length > 0) {
          eval(args[0], binding);
        else {
          binding.setVariable("foo", new Integer(2));
          Object value = eval("println 'Hello World!'; x = 123;
                               return foo * 10");
          System.out.println("-- value: " + value);
          System.out.println("-- variable x: " + 
           public static Object eval (String code, Binding binding) {
             GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell(binding);
             Object value = null;
             try {
               value = shell.evaluate(code);
             }  catch (Exception e) {
               System.out.println("-- got: " + e);
             return value;
           public static Object eval (String code) {
             Binding binding = new Binding();
             return eval(code, binding);
           public static String evalAsString (String code) {
             return eval(code, new Binding()).toString();
  2. Compile and load TestGroovyShell.class in the database:

            % javac -classpath .:groovy-1.0-beta-6/lib/groovy-1.0-beta-
            % loadjava -resolve -verbose -u scot/tiger 
  3. Evaluate Groovy scriptlets interactively using the ojvmjava shell:

    % ojvmjava -u scott/tiger
    --type "help" at the command line for help message
    $ java TestGroovyShell "println System.currentTimeMillis();"
         $ java TestGroovyShell " [1,2,3].each { println it}"
        $ java TestGroovyShell " println([1,2,3].findAll { it > 0 })"
        [1, 2, 3]
        $ java TestGroovyShell "closure = [1,2,3].min;
  4. Let’s now create a PL/SQL wrapper and use SQL to store and retrieve Groovy scriptlets in the database:

        SQL> create or replace function groovy_eval (code VARCHAR2)
             return VARCHAR2 as language java name
                      return java.lang.String';
          2  /
        Function created.
        SQL> create table groovy_code (code VARCHAR2(200));
        Table created.
        SQL> insert into groovy_code values ('[10,2,3,2,1].min()'),
        1 row created.
        SQL> insert into groovy_code values ('[10,2,3,2,1].max()'),
        1 row created.
        SQL> insert into groovy_code values
        1 row created.
           SQL> insert into groovy_code values
                              ('[10,2,3,2,1].findAll { it > 2 } '),
        1 row created.
        SQL> insert into groovy_code values ('[10,2,3,2,1].sort()'),
        1 row created.
        SQL> select * from groovy_code;
        [10,2,3,2,1].findAll { it > 2 }
        SQL> select groovy_eval(code) from groovy_code;
        [1, 2, 3, 2, 10]
        [10, 3]
        [1, 2, 2, 3, 10]

Integrating Groovy with SQL

Because we are running in the database, it makes sense to make SQL more “Groovy”! Groovy SQL performs queries and SQL statements, passing in variables easily with proper handling of statements, connections, and exception handling using closures.

Let’s look at an example using Groovy SQL along with GroovyMarkup. The following example is a modified version of the SQL access example from the Groovy Web site. It demonstrates both SQL access and XML generation using Groovy running in the schema SCOTT. The script iterates over a result set for the table EMP, composing an XML document on the fly.


import groovy.sql.Sql
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder;

import oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
driver = new OracleDriver()
con  = driver.defaultConnection();

println "con = $con"
sql = new Sql( con )
print "sql = $sql"

xml = new MarkupBuilder()
print xml

xml.xul() {
  menubar( id:'MAIN' ) {
    menu( label:'Employees' )

    sql.eachRow( 'select EMPNO, ENAME from emp' ) { row |
         xml.menuitem( id:"${row.EMPNO}", name:"${row.ENAME}" )

  println xml

Invocation with TestGroovyShellFileX:

  $ ojvmjava -u scott/tiger
  $ java TestGroovyShellFileX sqlrepdb.gro
  -- starting sqlrepdb.gro
  con = $con
  sql = $sqlgroovy.xml.MarkupBuilder@5e8324c6<xul>
    <menubar id='MAIN'>
      <menu label='Employees' />
         <menuitem name='SMITH' id='7369' />
         <menuitem name='ALLEN' id='7499' />
         <menuitem name='WARD' id='7521' />
         <menuitem name='JONES' id='7566' />
         <menuitem name='MARTIN' id='7654' />
         <menuitem name='BLAKE' id='7698' />
         <menuitem name='CLARK' id='7782' />
         <menuitem name='SCOTT' id='7788' />
         <menuitem name='KING' id='7839' />
         <menuitem name='TURNER' id='7844' />
         <menuitem name='ADAMS' id='7876' />
         <menuitem name='JAMES' id='7900' />
         <menuitem name='FORD' id='7902' />
         <menuitem name='MILLER' id='7934' />

Instead of dumping the XML to System.out (i.e., the screen) as a result of using ‘println xml’ at the end of sqlrepdb.gro, you can direct Groovy to write to a file using the following instruction:

// replace println xml with
   new File("records.xml").newPrintWriter().println(xml)

Alternatively, if the expected/resulting XML text is large, you might instead use the XML builder with a writer in argument, as follows:

// replace println xml with
new MarkupBuilder(new File("records.xml").newPrintWriter());

Let’s look at another example using Groovy to convert a SQL Result Set into XML[8] and store it in a file:

/// File xmlgen.gro /////////////////////

   import groovy.sql.Sql
    import java.sql.DriverManager
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

    def toAttr(n) { s == null ? 'NULL' : "'${s}'" }

    driver = new OracleDriver()
    con  = driver.defaultConnection();
    sql = new Sql( con );

    new File("ResultSet.xml ").withWriter() { writer |
      writer.writeLine ("<employees">");
      sql.queryEach("select * from scott.emp") { row |
        writer.writeLine (
          "  <employee>" +
          " id=" + toAttr(row.EMPNO) +
          " name=" + toAttr(row.ENAME) +
          " position=" + toAttr(row.JOB) +
          " manager=" + toAttr(row.MGR) +
      writer.writeLine ("</employees">");

which would create a file ResultSet.xml containing:

  <employee id='7369' name='SMITH' position='CLERK' manager='7902'>
  <employee id='7499' name='ALLEN' position='SALESMAN'

However, OracleJVM security will not allow code to work unless the output file—in this case, ResultSet.xml—is granted

SQL>dbms_java.grant_permission("SCOTT","" "ResultSet.xml", "write");

In addition, the schema requires java.util.PropertyPermission against the current/target directory.

java.util.PropertyPermission" "<current directory>",

Per OracleJVM security best practices, the permissions have been specifically granted for the script file and the current directory.

The script is invoked as:

$ java TestGroovyShellFileX xmlgen.gro

The beauty of Groovy lies in the fact that, unlike other scripting languages, it adds high-level mapping to existing Java libraries; in the SQL and XML examples, we have just mapped and used the server-side JDBC.


This chapter completes Part I. Now that you’ve learned everything you ever wanted to know about Java in the database and practical and extreme examples, Part II, III, and IV will look at programming APIs that you can use to build Java applications, which you can run in the database or in the middle tier: JDBC and SQLJ. In addition, we’ll also look at magic JPublisher, the multipurpose tool for accessing the Oracle database.

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