Chapter 14. Web Services and SOA for DBA, Data Architects, and Others


Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler.

 --Albert Einstein

The promise of Web services is simplified interfaces for application-to-application interaction in heterogeneous and distributed environments. This chapter describes the key technologies that enable Web services (i.e., XML, WSDL, SOAP, UDDI) and then peeks at the bigger picture, the service-oriented architecture (SOA). After reading this chapter, you will be well armed to understand database Web services, our final destination.

Web Services 101

In traditional Web interactions, humans interact with applications through browsers, which interpret HTML to produce graphical displays and accept user inputs. As depicted by Figure 14.1, Web services, by contrast, allow application-to-application interaction through XML messages irrespective of the implementations, the location, and the platforms of the client and the server application modules. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines Web services as “software applications or components identified by a URL that describes their interfaces (i.e., services or operations they furnish) and their binding in XML, and that can be accessed by client-applications using XML messages and Internet protocols.”

A Simplistic View of Web Services

Figure 14.1. A Simplistic View of Web Services

The key benefits are interoperability (language/platform neutral); simpler, flexible, and dynamic integration (provision to support new protocols, dynamic service discovery and binding, defined interfaces foster composition); automation (application-to-application interaction, services orchestration/workflow); and time to market (reuse of existing applications). These benefits are made possible by the standards technologies (formats, protocols, and description) that compose the Web services stack. We can distinguish the core Web services technologies and then the infrastructure/ deployment requirements, as well as higher-level technologies.

Core Web Services Technologies

The core technologies that make up Web services are XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. Figure 14.2 depicts how these technologies come into play. Let’s look briefly into each of these.

Web Services Interaction

Figure 14.2. Web Services Interaction


The eXtended Markup Language (XML) is the lingua franca of Web services (and many other technologies); it serves as the base language for type definition, service description, data format, data transfer, messaging, discovery, security, and so on. Web services requesters and providers exchange information using XML documents, which are formatted according to either XML Document Type Definition (DTD) rules or XML schema rules (XSD).

As briefly described in Chapter 8, XML Schema Definition (XSD) is a W3C recommendation, an alternative to DTD, for describing the structure, content, and semantics of XML documents, thereby allowing all parties involved to have a common and exact understanding of the document in question. The XSD defines which elements the document may contain, their attributes, and their relationship. Because XML does not come with predefined tags, the role of XML namespaces and XML schemas is integral for a shared understanding of the document.

An XML document contains:

  • A prolog or processing instruction, which starts and ends with “?” into brackets, and are the only “predefined” tags in XM; everything else is self-described, which is the “eXtensibility” in XML.

  • XML namespace (xmlns), namespace instance (xmlns:xsi), and an association of the schema and the instance (xsi:schemaLocation). According to the W3C,[1] “XML namespaces provide a simple method for qualifying element and attribute names used in Extensible Markup Language documents by associating them with namespaces identified by URI references.”

  • A root element (address), which may have attributes and a cascade of subelements:


Here is a basic XML document representing an address:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
<! This is a comment -->
      <Street> 24 Benin Drive</Street>
       <City> San Francisco </City>
      <State> California</State>

XML defines simple types, such as string, Base64Binary, hexBi-nary, integer, date, positiveInteger, genativeInteger, nonNegatveInteger, nonPositiveInteger, decimal, boolean, time, dateTime, duration, date, Name, QNane, anyURI, ID, IDREF, and so on.

XML allows user-defined complex types such as the following:

<complexType name"myComplexType">
<element name="tname" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="description" type="string"  minOccurs="0"/>
<attribute name="objid" type="ID"/>
<attribute name="objref" type="IDREF"/>

See Chapter 15 for more information.

XML documents can be processed and consumed directly by an application as a character stream or serialized and parsed by XML serializers and parsers (e.g., DOM, SAX, StAX).

XML documents can also be displayed using XSL and XSL transformers (XSLT) and style sheets. There is a whole range of XML standards, APIs, tools, editors, and utilities. However, their coverage is beyond the scope of this book. There are tons of online resources, tutorials, and FAQs about XML, such as the following:


The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML language, based on a general-purpose XML schema, for describing how to access a service, including:

  • Messages and their style (i.e., document versus RPC)

  • Bindings of abstract operations and messages to a concrete network protocol

  • Format of messages that a service can receive (see SOAP messages formats discussion)

  • Supported operations, their parameters, and return types

  • Location of the service

A WSDL structure is made up of two substructures: a service interface definition and a service implementation definition. The service interface definition contains initially an implementation neutral (abstract or reusable) of the service that will be instantiated by the service implementation and includes messages, types, port type, and binding.

  • Message: Describes supported messages and parameters; may contain parts for RPC arguments.

  • PortType: Describes the interface of a service (i.e., the set of supported operations with input message, output message, and fault message).

  • Operation: A message signature, part of PortType; can be one-way of request-response.

  • Binding: How to invoke the operations—that is, style (e.g., RPC), transport (e.g., HTTP, SOAP, HTTP/MIME, SMTP/MIME), encoding, and security. Note: WSDL does not require SOAP.

  • Types: Describes XSD-related items and user-defined types.

    The service implementation definition contains implementation details of the service, including a collection of WSDL ports service and a concrete endpoint or port.

  • Service: Set of endpoints or port type ports (i.e., groups endpoints into service).

  • Port: Concrete endpoint corresponding to a WSDL binding (i.e., network address of the Web service).

Do you have to learn how to write WSDL? Remember, “Things should be made as simple as possible.” The WSDL is generated for each service by the Web services framework when you deploy or publish the service (see Chapter 15). As depicted in Figure 14.2, the requester retrieves the WSDL from a registry (see UDDI later) but could also find/receive it by other means; it then interacts with the service, either via a dynamic invocation (remember the old-time CORBA DII?) or more commonly via a static client or proxy. The other good news is that you don’t have to code against the WSDL, because the Web services framework generates the Web service client (also called proxy) corresponding to your platform (e.g., Java client, .Net client), which shields you from SOAP/WSDL programming.

The following listing is a fragment of the WSDL generated for the Google Spell Check Web Service (see a complete demo in Chapter 16):

 <definitions name="GoogleSearch"
    <xsd:complexType name="GoogleSearchResult">
    <xsd:complexType name="ResultElement">

  <message name="doSpellingSuggestion">
    <part name="key" type="xsd:string" />
    <part name="phrase" type="xsd:string" />
  <message  name="doSpellingSuggestionResponse">

   portType name="GoogleSearchPort">
     <operation name="doSpellingSuggestion">
      <input message="typens:doSpellingSuggestion" />
      <output message="typens:doSpellingSuggestionResponse" /
  </portType >

  <binding  name="GoogleSearchBinding"
      <soap:binding style="rpc"
transport="" />
    <operation name="doSpellingSuggestion"></operation>

  <service  name="GoogleSearchService">
    <port name="GoogleSearchPort"
      <soap:address location="
beta2" />
   </service >


A Web service can be assembled from an existing WSDL, using a top-down approach. See Chapter 5 of the Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 Web Services Developer’s Guide. Database Web services start from database functionality and correspond therefore to the bottom-up approach. Also, WSDL specifications versions (1.1, 1.2) are not covered but can be seen at the following Web sites:


The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a simple, lightweight, XML-based RPC protocol, which defines a common shape as well as the processing rules for messages exchanged between objects (remember old-time IIOP?). SOAP enables Web services interoperability by providing XML messaging, which is transport neutral (e.g., HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, Messaging Protocols, RPC, BEEP); implementation language neutral (e.g., Java, C/ C++, C#, J#, JScript, Perl, VB, PL/SQL, SQL), and platform neutral (e.g., Java, .NET).

As depicted by Figure 14.3, a SOAP message is represented as a SOAP envelope, which contains an optional header (i.e., SOAP header) and a mandatory body (i.e., SOAP body).

SOAP Envelope

Figure 14.3. SOAP Envelope

  • The SOAP Envelope must define a namespace for the envelope (i.e., xmlns:SOAP-ENV) and a namespace for the encoding style (covered later; i.e., SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle).

  • The optional SOAP Header" is used for metadata, security/authentication, transaction management, routing/delivery, and other attributes. As an example, in SOAP 1.1, the actor attribute, when present, specifies the final destination of the header; if the recipient is not the final, it must forward/route the message to its final destination (this is replaced by the role attribute in SOAP 1.2).

  • The mandatory SOAP Body carries the message content (i.e., payload) or instructions. The SOAP body may contain a SOAP fault message with the Code, the Reason, and optionally the Details of the fault. When large data such as LOB cannot fit within the SOAP body, the “SOAP with Attachment” specification (SwA) allows carrying a SOAP envelope within a MIME multipart structure and referencing MIME parts from the SOA envelope.

The following code is a fragment of a SOAP message sent to the Google Spell Check Web Service (see Chapter 16):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


    <phrase xsi:type="xsd:string">Nelson Mandelo</phrase>

The SOAP messages can be transmitted either synchronously or asynchronously using either a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) or document messaging style:

  • In the RPC messaging style, the structure of the SOAP body (i.e., the request) must conform to section 7 of the SOAP 1.1 specification and specify the method, the parameters, and the procedure (its URI). Upon execution, the service provider sends back a SOAP message (i.e., the response). The request/response messages are exchanged synchronously.

  • In the document messaging style, the structure of the SOAP body is less constrained, because it does not contain direct method invocation, but rather an XML document, which may contain method invocation as well as other information (e.g., status, notification); the XML schema is defined by the type element in the WSDL (see WSDL previously). The messages can be exchanged synchronously or asynchronously.

The physical representation (i.e., the wire format) of the SOAP messages exchanged between the service requester and the service provider is controlled by settings in the WSDL, particularly the value of the use attribute of the WSDL binding, which specifies the encoding styles of the message:[2]

  • Literal use: The encoding and interpretation of the SOAP body is dictated by the specified XML schema.

  • Encoded use: The encodingStyle attribute of the SOAP body specifies the encoding and interpretation rules to use. The SOAP 1.1, section 5, defines a set of serialization rules for structures, object graphs, and so on.

    The following classification—sometimes referred to as the WSDL style—combines the encoding style or wire format (literal versus encoded) and the message exchange style (RPC versus document) to determine how the SOAP message is interpreted/processed:

  • Document-literal format: Specifies a document style message with “literal” format. The SOAP body maps only one parameter; other parameters are mapped by the SOAP header. This format conforms to the Web services interoperability.

  • Wrapped-document-literal: A variant of document-literal used primarily in .NET environments. In this format, the parameters of the method are wrapped by a schema definition.

  • RPC-encoded format: Specifies RPC message style, with “encoded” format. It is primarily used for object graphs.

  • RPC-literal format: Specifies an RPC message style, with “literal” format.


SOAP is by no contest the standard XML messaging technology for Web services. However, the Representational State Transfer (REST) is an alternative XML messaging technology being adopted by Web retailers such as Yahoo, Amazon, and Google for online shopping and search applications. REST Web services use XML documents directly as message payload, instead of SOAP envelopes and HTTP GET/POST and XML to share URIs between distributed applications; the applications or end users perform state transitions (navigate following links), and the next state (next page) is transferred to the application or end user (and rendered). REST is not a standard, but rather an architectural style; however, it is based on standards such as HTTP, URL, XML/HTML/GIF/JPEG, and MIME types (e.g., text/xml, text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg). Products such as Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 support REST with the literal encoding style (use=literal).


The Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is an industry standard (supervised by OASIS) for publishing and locating Web services and their descriptions (dynamic discovery) in registries. UDDI also designates a collection of peer directories, known as UDDI Business Registries (UBR), which host information about businesses and their services.

The UDDI specification includes:

  • An XML schema, which defines the documents that describe the key UDDI data structures relative to: (1) the business/organization/individual that offers services (i.e., businessEntity); (2) the set of services being offered (i.e., businessService); (3) binding information for invoking and using the services (i.e., bindingTemplate); more technical information for connecting to services (i.e., tModel); the relationship between entities (i.e., publisher Assertion)—new in UDDI version 2; and standing orders or requests (i.e., Subscriptions)—new in UDDI version 3.

  • A set of UDDI APIs (Inquiry, Publication, Security, Subscription) for querying/browsing (also known as Inquiry API) the directories for details about a given Web service, such as supported security and transport protocols, and publishing/registering information in directories. The Information in UDDI registries is stored/classified in three parts: (1) white pages (general business information), (2) yellow pages (taxonomies industry/category/location), and (3) green pages (technical information). Vendors furnish Web-based interfaces as well.

  • The Replication and Custody Transfer APIs for replicating directory entries between peer UDDI registries for failover and custody transfer.

Browse the following links for more UDDI resources:

Final Thoughts

Throughout this section, we have seen that Web services are standards-based, XML centric, platform independent, programming language neutral, self-contained, self-describing, and self-advertising software modules allowing application-to-application interaction over the Web.[3] Let’s revisit Figure 14.2 to see how the core Web services technologies (i.e., SOAP, WSDL, UDDI) come into play:

  • Step 1: The provider sends the WSDL to the UDDI registry.

  • Step 2: The requester retrieves the WSDL from the registry.

  • Step 3: Based on information in the WSDL, the requester binds to the provider.

  • Step 4: The requester invokes operations on the provider.

All interactions are SOAP message based. This concludes a high-level “tour d’horizon” of the base technologies that enable Web services, and invokes operations on the services, but while you can publish and deploy Web services using the base technologies, you will rapidly be confronted with solving the usual enterprise deployment requirements of security, reliability, manageability, and so on—and this time with a new dimension: the Web! In order to address these requirements, a set of new Web services–related specifications, recommendations, de facto standards, APIs, and component models are being consolidated into the SOA, which is our next topic.

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): The Bigger Picture

Java brought portability across systems, but Web services go one step beyond and bring interoperability. It is no surprise then that all of the players in the IT industry are actively engaged in making Web services a reality. As already mentioned, however, it takes more than the core Web services technologies to interoperate across platforms, languages, corporations, and the Web. This section looks at the bigger picture of Web services: the service-oriented architecture (SOA), its specifications, recommendations, de facto standards, APIs, component models, and so on.

SOA 101

To get a feel for the pervasiveness of the concept of SOA, just Google “service-oriented architecture” and you get about 17 million hits. This is probably not the best definition, but SOA can be summarized as the ability to implement a corporate architecture based on Web services standards, wherein client applications with proper authorization, simply register, discover, and use available services reliably and securely.

The implications, requirements, and concerns for implementing SOA include advertising, business process, description, discovery, architecture, interoperability, management, messaging and reliable messaging, security, transport, policy, transaction, and user interface.

The following charts list some of the various specifications, standards, initiatives, recommendations, working drafts, and so on that address SOA infrastructure services requirements. Some of these services will be widely adopted and persist, while others will be subsumed by new ones and disappear.






Web-based registry to publicize and locate services

OASIS standard






Electronic Business XML

Superseded by various WS specs.


Electronic Business Service-Oriented Architecture

TC formed

Business Process





Notation for specifying business process behavior

OASIS Standard


Ability to compose and describe the relationships between WS

W3C, WG formed

Web Services Choreography Description Language

Describes peer-to-peer collaborations

W3C, Working draft

Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)

Continue business process language work

OASIS, TC formed






Extended Markup Language

W3C Recommendation


Model and format for describing Web services


Web Services Architecture

Reference Architecture






Web Services Inspection Language (WS-Inspection)

Allow WS requester to drill down into WS


Interoperability, Specification Profiles




WS-I Basic Profile

Mandate support for SOAP 1.1, WSDL 1.1, HTTP 1.1, HTTP binding (or HTTPS), and XML Schema (1 and 2)


Devices Profile

Interoperability between devices and Web services






Framework for Web Services Implementation(FWSI TC)

Methods for broad, multiplat-form, vendor-neutral implementation

OASIS, TC formed

Management, Auditing, Logging





Interoperable and cross-platform management using Web services


WS-Management Catalog

Available endpoints or “resources,” summary forms, compatible actions, schemas, and WSDL



Set of capabilities for discovering the existence, availability, health, performance, usage, and control of a Web service

OASIS, Spec Published

Messaging and Reliable Messaging





Guaranteed delivery, guaranteed duplicate elimination

OASIS, Spec published


Peer-to-peer RPC message exchange



Enables messaging systems to support message transmission in a transport-neutral manner

W3C, Spec published

MTOM (Attachments)

SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (Supersedes WS-Attachments)

W3C, Working draft


Enables an application to ask for items from a list of data that is held by a WS

Spec published


How to construct an event-oriented message exchange pattern using WS Addressing

Spec published


Defines how to invoke a simple set of familiar verbs (Get, Post, Put, and Delete) using SOAP

Spec published


Defines a binding of SOAP to use datagrams, including message patterns, addressing requirements, and security considerations

Spec published

Reliable HTTP (HTTPR)

Guarantees reliable delivery of HTTP packets







Describes and communicates the policies of a WS (service requirements, preferences)

Spec published


Details messaging-related assertions for use with WS policy (encoding, language)

Spec published


Specifies three attachment mechanisms for using policy expressions with WS

Spec published


Multicast discovery protocol to locate services

Spec published


Bootstrap communication with a WS, defines request-response message pairs to retrieve WS-Policy, WSDL, and XMl Schema

Spec published





WS-Security: SOAP Message Security

Message Integrity and confidentiality

OASIS proposal

WS-Security: UsernameToken Profile

How a consumer will specify UsernameToken

OASIS proposal

WS-Security: X.509 Certificate Token Profile


WS-SecureConversation, WS-Federation, and WS-Authorization

Authenticate message exchanges, security context exchange, and trust

Microsoft, Verisign & IBM proposal


Security policy assertions

Microsoft, Verisign, RSA, and IBM proposal

WS-Trust, WS-Policy, WS-Privacy

Trust, constraints of security policies, and privacy pactices

Microsoft, Verisign and IBM proposal

WS-Federation Active Requester Profile


WS-Federation Passive Requester Profile


WS-Security: Kerberos Binding


Web Single Sign-On Interoperability Profile


Web Single Sign-On Metadata Exchange Protocol



Integrity, message and user authentication

W3c recommendation


Security Assertion Markup Language

OASIS standard

XML Key Management Specifications (XKMS)

Public-key infrastructure integration

W3C Note

WS-Security Profile for XML-Based Tokens







Protocols to coordinate distributed applications

BEA, IBM, Arjuna, Microsoft, Hitachi, and IONA


Transaction completion, volatile two-phase commit, and durable two-phase commit

BEA, IBM, Arjuna, Microsoft, Hitachi, and IONA


Protocols for the business activity coordination

BEA, IBM, Arjuna, Microsoft, Hitachi, and IONA

Policy and Binding





Mechanisms for attaching policy expressions with one or more subjects or resources

BEA, IBM, Microsoft, and SAP


Messaging related assertions for WS-Policy

BEA, IBM, Microsoft, and SAP





WS Composite Application Framework (WS-CAF 3 parts: WSCTX, WS-CF, WSTXM)

Ability to compose an application out of multiple Web services

Oracle, Sun, Fujistu, Arjuna, IONA


See above



See above


User Interface



Status/ Sponsor

Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)

Set of interfaces and related semantics that standardize interactions with components providing user-facing markup

Oracle, SAP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, BEA Novell, Tibco, Vignette

Web Services for Interactive Applications (WSIA)

Standard based on XML and Web services for presenting interactive Web applications to users

IBM, Sun

Web Services Experience Language (WSXL)

Web services-centric component model for interactive Web applications



Web services frameworks vendors such as Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, BEA, Sun MicroSystems, and open source players/products are actively integrating these APIs/technologies while hiding their complexity from the developers/assemblers. Now that we have seen the core Web services technologies and the broader SOA landscape, let’s look at how to turn your database into a first-class member of your SOA, including exposing database operations as a Web service and invoking external Web services from within the database.

[2] See”SOAP Encoding.” in section 5 of the SOAP 1.1 specification at #_Toc478383512 and section 3 of the SOAP 1.2 specification at

[3] Take a deep breath first!

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