Okcan Yasin Saygili

Oracle IaaS

Quick Reference Guide to Cloud Solutions

Okcan Yasin Saygili

Istanbul, Turkey

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ISBN 978-1-4842-2831-9

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DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2832-6

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017944163

© Okcan Yasin Saygili 2017

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To all my family, especially my mother, my father, my sister…


Cloud transformation has created a huge disruption: How can customers leverage public cloud services and deployment models to dramatically reduce costs, improve profitability, and invest in innovation? The fundamental dilemma faced by leaders and, by extension, providers of commercial software applications is how to effectively reduce costs and increase profitability while at the same time continuing to invest in innovation.

This is where I see tremendous opportunity for companies and partners to leverage Oracle cloud services, helping them to effectively balance these priorities and critical business objectives while at the same time ensuring that cost reduction and profitability do not come entirely at the expense of innovation.

By migrating applications, our customers can not only reduce upfront costs and capital expenditures but also drive sustainable long-term improvements in profitability based on the tooling, automation, and life cycle management capabilities inherent in Oracle cloud platform services. Oracle’s IaaS has the best performance/price on the market, allowing users to lift and shift any technologies and then innovate and scale.

Vendors and customers can enrich their existing applications with new, value-added functionality and, in so doing, accelerate innovation and increase value to their customers. They can also reduce their ongoing development costs (and accelerate time to market) by leveraging Oracle’s R&D spending in the cloud (IoT, big data, analytic, and so much more).

By scaling their applications on Oracle’s enterprise-grade cloud platform, Oracle’s users can drive further cost reduction and economies of scale. They can also improve application performance and reliability.

Finally, the large ISV ecosystem can take advantage of the Oracle cloud marketplace to dramatically expand users’ addressable opportunities and reach new segments of prospective customers. Our customers can now deploy a growing portfolio of cloud-ready applications matching their technical and business needs.

What are the basics? How to start? What shall you consider? This book will bring you the knowledge to leverage the full value of the Oracle cloud platform.

We’re in a new era of computing. Our way of doing business is changing. Data is becoming the most important asset for companies. To be a data-driven company, a simpler, more agile, self-service, and less costly infrastructure is required. Cloud is the core enabler of this transformation. IT has had several transformations in the past decades, and Oracle has always been a main player in those transformations, such as client/server, Internet, engineered systems, and now cloud. Yasin has done a great job of introducing Oracle IaaS cloud services to all who are willing to be part of this great transformation.

Kamil GüçlüVP, EMEA ISV & OEM Sales Leader

Sedat ZencirciSales Consulting Senior Director, CAT and Turkey


Thanks to Güher Kayalı for being involved at every point of book development. She was a technical reader of this book who reviewed and evaluated its content and made comments accordingly.

I would like to acknowledge several people who helped me write this book:

Thanks to Sedat Zencirci and Kamil Güçlü for the very beautiful sentiments in the foreword.

Thanks to Robert Pastijn and Murthy Garimella for their very detailed support.

Thanks to Clive Simpkins and Venkata Ravipati.

Thanks to Shruti Visweswara, Luis Antonio Arias Romo, and Lenin Alevski for helping me with Ravello documents.

Thanks to Luis Antonio Arias Romo and Mike Raab for help with container cloud documents.

Thanks to Çağatay Çebi for his brotherhood.

Thanks to Sevgi Ovdur for helping on every issue.

Thanks to Thanos Terentes for his patience.

About the Author and About the Technical Reviewers

About the Author


Okcan Yasin Saygili is a cloud and database consultant at Oracle Partner HUB. His first aim is to engage Oracle partners in business development in the cloud. His second is for partners to achieve competitive database migration to the Oracle cloud/on-premise database and to deliver adoption services and business development for enterprise resource planning (ERP) to them. In other words, his objective is to increase use of the Oracle product family in the Oracle partner environment. To do so, he establishes one-to-one partner connections and performing migrations/upgrades. In addition, Yasin is responsible for project management, developing systems, database migration, adoption, and all pre-sales activities for seven countries in the partner environment. He also creates product workshops and web casts for partners and writes blogposts.

Yasin was selected for inclusion in EMEA’s “Top 75 Promising Young Students” by IBM Brussels and received executive IT training at IBM Brussels, Belgium.

Yasin is an Oracle ACE. His main areas of expertise are database management and software engineering. He is also one of the management members of TROUG (Turkish Oracle User Group).

Yasin is a startup project guru and has developed nearly 10 software projects, including the well-known CompileLab.

About the Technical Reviewers


Murthy Garimella is a software professional with 20 years of experience in partner relationships, customer relationship management, public/private cloud solutions, managing consulting services, software product development, software analysis, and design, development, and deployment of applications and systems.


Robert Pastijn has worked with Oracle products since 1995, initially exclusively the Oracle database. In his current role as part of database product management on Oracle’s product development team, Robert works with customers and partners, promoting the latest and greatest that Oracle has to offer, including, but not limited to, database, Exadata, Linux, and virtualization. Also part of his portfolio are the IaaS and DBaaS offerings from Oracle, which he uses on a daily basis as the administrator of the more than 40 IaaS and Ravello environments his PTS (Phoronix Test Suite) team uses worldwide for training and proof of concept.

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