Chapter 5. Deploying Code

Oracle SOA Suite 12c has grown to include numerous component types and objects, each of these naturally requiring some form of a deployment process. Though developers traditionally use JDeveloper for deployment, this is not ideal in an enterprise with multiple environments. Thus, automating deployments becomes a necessity.

This chapter focuses on the three most commonly developed object types of SOA Suite 12c: SOA composite applications, OSB services, and BAM artifacts. We cover multiple ways each of these can be deployed, giving the administrator the flexibility of choosing the option that best suits their environment.

We describe in detail how to automate the deployment of these components:

  • Deploying SOA composites, including the use of configuration plans
  • Deploying OSB services, including the use of customization files
  • Deploying BAM artifacts
  • Exporting and importing MDS artifacts

Instructions to deploy components to a single node or clustered environments are generally the same.

Deploying SOA composites

Developers typically create composite applications that are packaged into single deployable JAR files. These applications can contain any number of service components that include BPEL or BPMN processes, mediator services, human tasks and workflows, and business rules. Composites include logic and code that form the foundation of SOA-based integrations.

Deployment tools

There are a number of different tools that can be used to deploy code. However, some are better suited in providing a consistent deployment process. The tools include: JDeveloper, Fusion Middleware Control, Ant, and WLST.

As an administrator performing deployments, JDeveloper and Fusion Middleware Control provide an ancillary role. Developers deploy to certain non-production environments primarily using the former, and the latter should only be used in rare cases, if ever, for production deployments. Knowing how to deploy from Fusion Middleware Control could prove useful in a few cases though.

Path to deployment

To many, the act of deploying code into an environment is a one-step process of deployment. However, in reality, there are a number of phases that take place along the way, some of which could be further broken down, but for our purposes, we will treat them as a single unit. These phases include: setup, customization, compilation, packaging, and deployment.

  • Setup: This should ideally be done only once. The setup phase guarantees that all the resources you need are available to repeatedly deploy code. It generally involves the installation of a tool that will be used for the deployment. Sometimes, this will involve writing some custom scripts that may be required for your corporate environment.
  • Customization: This refers to the incorporation of environment-specific values into the code prior to compilation. For example, the code may include references to a development environment that need to be substituted with values of the production environment. Using configuration plans (for SOA composites) or customizations files (for OSB projects) are two fairly common approaches. Leveraging tools such as Ant detokenization is equally acceptable.
  • Compilation: In this context, compilation is a complex set of operations that interprets developers' code and turns it into commands that the JVM can understand, will produce any of our classes needed, and place most of it into a target folder. Often, however, this step will be wrapped up into the packaging phase since it is largely dependent upon compilation.
  • Packaging: This takes all of the compiled classes and configuration files and places them into a single JAR file that can then be deployed.
  • Deployment: This is the final step in our process and also the most pivotal one. This is the last chance to make changes for environment-specific details that can be reproduced for consistency. Any changes made after the deployment won't be guaranteed to be version controlled.

Deploying from Fusion Middleware Control

Composites are deployed (or redeployed) as JAR files. In fact, these deployable JAR files are also referred to as SOA archives or SARs. Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control provides the ability to deploy, redeploy, and undeploy a SAR from the convenience and simplicity of a web browser. Though deploying via the console is extremely easy, two important points should be considered:

  • SARs may include environment-specific information bundled within the JAR file. For example, the composite may include a reference to an external web service. The URL of this web service is hardcoded in to the JAR file; deploying the same JAR file to a development and a production server may not be valid.
  • Deploying multiple composites via the console is cumbersome and time consuming. Using Ant is the preferred method to deploy multiple SARs.

Deploying a composite

To deploy a single composite from the console, we can have a look at the following procedure:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control at http://adminhost:7001/em.
  2. On the navigator, expand Farm_[Domain] | SOA and right-click on soa-infra.
  3. Navigate to SOA Deployment | Deploy.
  4. In the field labeled Archive is on the machine where the web browser is running, click on the Choose File button and locate your SAR file, as shown in the following screenshot (for example, C:svnSOA12cHelloWorlddeploysca_HelloWorld_rev1.0.jar):
    Deploying a composite

    Figure 5.1: Selecting a SAR to deploy

  5. Click on the Next button.
  6. From the drop-down list, select the partition you wish to deploy this composite to.
  7. Click on the Next button.
  8. Choose the Deploy as default revision or Do not change the default revision radio buttons.
  9. Click on the Deploy button.

When a composite is deployed, an entry is logged in the soa_server1-diagnostic.log file (typically located under $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/soa_domain/servers/soa_server1/logs/) as follows:

[2015-02-01T16:13:18.092-05:00] [soa_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.integration.platform.blocks.deploy] [tid: DaemonWorkThread: '2' of WorkManager: 'wm/SOAWorkManager'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 9027493d-b37d-4795-a996-331a7c6ae275-00000004,0:513] [APP: soa-infra] Publishing deploy event for default/HelloWorld!1.0*soa_d91d1c4c-7a7b-4405-9b6e-6dd5a053bfbb

Once it is deployed, the service becomes available immediately. If the composite uses inbound resources, such as an inbound JMS Adapter that consumes from a JMS destination, the consumption begins immediately.

Redeploying a composite

To redeploy a single composite from the console, follow these steps:

  1. On the navigator, navigate to Farm_[Domain] | SOA | soa-infra.
  2. Expand the partition (for example, default) and right-click on the composite name you wish to undeploy (for example, HelloWorld).
  3. Navigate to SOA Deployment | Redeploy.
  4. In the field labeled Archive is on the machine where the web browser is running, click on the Browse button and locate your SAR file (for example, C:svnSOA12cHelloWorlddeploysca_HelloWorld_rev1.0.jar).
  5. Click on the Next button.
  6. Choose the Deploy as default revision or Do not change the default revision radio buttons.
  7. Click on the Redeploy button.

Redeploying a composite overwrites the existing revision. The state of the instance of the older revision is changed to stale.

Undeploying a composite

To undeploy a single composite from the console, go through the following steps:

  1. On the navigator, expand Farm_[Domain] | SOA | soa-infra.
  2. Expand the partition (for example, default) and right-click on the composite name you wish to undeploy (for example, HelloWorld).
  3. Navigate to SOA Deployment | Undeploy.
  4. Click on the Undeploy button.

In addition to the service no longer being available, undeploying a composite (or a composite revision) changes the state of all historical instances to stale. If the default revision of the composite is undeployed, the next available revision of the composite becomes the default one.

Deploying with Ant

All component management tasks that can be performed manually through the web-based Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control console can also be executed with a script through the command-line utility Ant. In this section, we describe how to use Ant to start up, shut down, activate, and retire composites as well as package and deploy them. Oracle SOA Suite 12c ships all the necessary Ant scripts to perform these tasks, and they are quite easy to use.

Setting up the environment

Here, we describe how to set up a Linux environment to allow you to run your Ant commands through the command line. The Ant scripts do not have to be installed on the same machine running Oracle SOA Suite 12c. In fact, it is not unusual to dedicate a single machine or server that would host your Ant scripts, allowing you to centralize the startup, shutdown, and deployment of your SOA composites to multiple target environments.

Setting up the environment path for Ant

In your environment, we assume that Oracle SOA Suite 12c is installed, which is recommended as it will include all the required binaries to run Ant. The Middleware Home, Oracle SOA Suite 12c Home, Java Home, WebLogic Server username and password, and SOA server host and port will need to be updated appropriately to reflect your environment. Directory locations and the JDK version may differ depending on the patchset level of your Oracle SOA Suite 12c installation. These commands must be executed to set your environment paths before running any Ant command.

In this chapter, we assume that your code resides under $CODE and simply follow the next steps to set up the environment:

  1. To set up your environment, we recommend that you first create a shell script with the following content:
    export USERNAME=weblogic
    export PASSWORD=welcome1
    export SOAHOST=soahost1
    export SOAPORT=8001
    export SOAURL=http://${SOAHOST}:${SOAPORT}
    export CODE=/home/oracle/code
    export MW_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware
    export ORACLE_HOME=$MW_HOME/soa
    export JAVA_HOME=$MW_HOME/jdk1.7.0_15
    export ANT_HOME=$MW_HOME/oracle_common/modules/org.apache.ant_1.9.2
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/lib:$PATH:.
  2. Make sure to update the parameter values to reflect your actual environment and installation.
  3. Change the permissions of the script to executable:
    chmod 750
  4. Prior to running any Ant command in the remainder of this section, simply source this shell script once to set the environment for your session as follows:
  5. Finally, make sure that you change to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory before running any of the Ant commands:
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin

All the commands in the remainder of this chapter will be based on Linux.

Packaging a composite

Packaging a SOA composite project effectively involves validating, compiling, and eventually building the project into a single deployable JAR file. To package the HelloWorld composite application in Linux, simply run:

ant -f ant-sca-package.xml package -DcompositeDir=$CODE/HelloWorld/SOA -DcompositeName=HelloWorld -Drevision=1.0

If no errors are encountered, you should expect to find the sca_HelloWorld_rev1.0.jar file under the $CODE/HelloWorld/SOA/deploy directory.

Deploying a composite

Now that the composite application is packaged, the SAR (or JAR file) can be deployed. The Ant command references the path to the SAR directly (in Linux), as shown here:

ant -f ant-sca-deploy.xml deploy -DserverURL=$SOAURL/soa-infra/deployer -Duser=$USERNAME -Dpassword=$PASSWORD -DsarLocation=$CODE/HelloWorld/SOA/deploy/sca_HelloWorld_rev1.0.jar -Dpartition=default -Doverwrite=true -DforceDefault=true 

As shown in these examples, the server URL, username, and password to the Oracle SOA Suite 12c runtime environment must be supplied. The fully qualified path to the SAR file must be provided in the sarLocation argument. Similar to deploying a composite to the console, you must specify the partition on which you want to deploy. In this example, you can see that we do not provide a revision for the composite. This is because the revision was already specified during packaging time.

The overwrite argument specifies whether you want to overwrite the composite already deployed to the server and the forceDefault argument specifies whether you want this revision to be set as the default revision once it is deployed.

Undeploying a composite

A composite can be undeployed via Ant as well. On Linux, this is done by simply running this command:

ant -f ant-sca-deploy.xml undeploy -DserverURL=$SOAURL/soa-infra/deployer -Duser=$USERNAME -Dpassword=$PASSWORD -DcompositeName=HelloWorld -Dpartition=default -Drevision=1.0 

Deploying with WLST

The WebLogic Server Tool, more commonly known as WLST, uses Jython, which allows Python scripts to be executed, but can also be used interactively to issue ad hoc commands. In the transition to WebLogic Server 12c, the tool remains largely unchanged. It can, however, provide a valuable asset to administrators who are more comfortable with WLST. Behind the scenes, these WSLT commands actually invoke the Ant scripts.

Setting up the environment

WebLogic Server, SOA Suite, and JDeveloper installations come shipped with a script. To deploy SOA composites using WLST, you must run the script from the bin subdirectory in the Oracle Home directory of the SOA Suite product as follows:

export MW_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware

Once you are connected and in the offline mode, you must connect to the domain by providing your WebLogic username, password, and server URL (for example, t3://adminhost:7001).

Packaging a composite

To package the HelloWorld composite application in WLST, simply run:

sca_package ("/home/oracle/code/HelloWorld/SOA", "HelloWorld", "1.0", oracleHome="/u01/app/oracle/middleware/soa")

The first parameter is the path to the source code of your composite. The second parameter is the name of the composite. The third is the composite revision number, whether it be 1.0, 1.1, and so on. If no errors are encountered, you should expect to find sca_HelloWorld_rev1.0.jar under the $CODE/HelloWorld/SOA/deploy directory.

Deploying a composite

Now that you have a packaged composite application, the JAR file can be deployed. The WLST command to deploy the composite is:

sca_deployComposite("http://soahost1:8001", "/home/oracle/code/HelloWorld/SOA/deploy/sca_HelloWorld_rev1.0.jar", true, user="weblogic", password="password123", partition="default")

The first parameter is SOAURL, taking the format of http://host:port. This is the port of the SOA server, not the AdminServer. The SARFILE parameter should be the absolute path to the JAR file that needs to be deployed.


The WLST commands actually invoke the underlying Ant scripts and thus should use the HTTP protocol for the SOAURL parameter.

The next parameter is the overwrite parameter, a Boolean value that determines whether to overwrite the existing composite or not. The last parameters are simply username, password, and the target partition in which to deploy the composite.

Undeploying a composite

A composite can be undeployed via WLST as well. This is done by running this command:

sca_undeployComposite("http://soahost1:8001", "HelloWorld", "1.0", user="weblogic", password="password123", partition="default")

The parameters here are nearly identical to that of the deployment command, with the only difference being the REVISION parameter that identifies which revision to undeploy.

Using configuration plans

Promoting code refers to the activity of taking code from one environment, such as the development environment, and deploying it to the next one, such as the test environment. A typical software development promotion lifecycle sees code move from development to test to QA (quality assurance) to production. As code is successfully tested in one environment, it is deployed to the next.

Why do we need configuration plans?

Unlike Java applications, SOA composite applications do not rely on property files to maintain environment-specific configuration. Many SOA projects may include references to other external services, for example, http://payment-processing-server-dev:7777/proc/servlet/createCustomer. As you can see from this example URL, the developer is referencing some external development server as identified by the hostname payment-processing-server-dev. This URL is hardcoded within the code and ultimately included within the deployable SAR. Prior to deploying this code to the test environment, the administrator must find a way to ensure that the test URL is referenced instead (which may have a different host, port, and protocol), as shown here: https://payment-processing-server-test:7778/proc/servlet/createCustomer.

The SAR may potentially have other environment-specific settings, such as URLs, JNDIs, and hostnames hardcoded in the SAR. One option is to manually extract the contents of the JAR file, manually edit all entries, and re-JAR them. This is a manual, cumbersome, and error-prone process. Another approach is to attach a configuration plan to your composite at deployment.

The configuration plan is a single XML file that is attached to the SAR at deployment time. It is similar to a search-and-replace functionality, ensuring that the references of one environment (such as development) are replaced with the next one (such as the test environment).

Understanding configuration plan contents

The following cfgplan_test.xml file is a configuration plan designed to be attached to the SAR at deployment time. It is used when deploying code that is written against a development environment to a test environment:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAConfigPlan xmlns:jca="" 

  <composite name="*">


    <service name="readFile">
      <binding type="*">
        <property name="inFileFolder">

    <reference name="*">
      <binding type="ws">
        <attribute name="location">
            <search> http://payment-processing-server-dev:7777/proc/servlet</search>
            <replace> https://payment-processing-server-test:7778/proc/servlet</replace>

  <wsdlAndSchema name="HelloWorld.wsdl|xsd/HelloWorld.xsd">

The file contains two main sections: composite and wsdlAndSchema. All entries within the <composite> tags are applied to the composite.xml file in the SOA composite application. In this example, the <wsdlAndSchema> tag is specifically applied to the HelloWorld.wsdl and xsd/HelloWorld.xsd files within the project.

Let's walk through the preceding configuration plan in some detail:

  • The <composite name="*"> tag: This indicates that no matter which composite this configuration plan is attached to, the search-replace rules will apply to all, designated by the *. Alternatively, it is possible to create different rules that apply to different composites such as:
    <composite "HelloWorld1">
    </composite "HelloWorld1">
    <composite "HelloWorld2">
    </composite "HelloWorld2">

    The only reason to separate composite configuration as shown here is if the search-replace rules are different for each composite. If you do not envision any difference in the search-replace rules, we recommend that you stick to <composite "*"> instead in order to maintain simplicity.

  • The <import> tag: The import tag is a sub element of the <composite> tag. Essentially, any search-replace rule within the <import> tag applies to the <import> sections in composite.xml. You can have any number of search-replace elements here.
  • The <service> tag: In this, all composites will likely have a service. A service definition is synonymous with the input of the composite. A composite may have multiple services (for multiple interfaces), where each can be invoked separately.

    In the configuration plan, the <service> and <reference> tags use similar approaches. In the preceding example, there appears to be an inbound File Adapter that has an inFileFolder property. The code may be hardcoded with the folder property /u01/input/dev. But here, the configuration plan will overwrite that property with the setting of /u01/input/test as the input folder.

  • The <reference> tag: Composite references refer to other resources such as another web service or an adapter. A composite may have zero references or have many. Often, the reference can be a fully qualified URL to some other service either on the same server or a different one. Here, the configuration plan will replace all references to http://payment-processing-server-dev:7777/proc/servlet (the development server) with https://payment-processing-server-test:7778/proc/servlet (the test server).

Attaching a configuration plan

Attaching a configuration plan is quite simple. The Ant command to deploy a composite application does not change and only an additional argument is required, which is the reference to the fully qualified path to the configuration plan:

ant -f ant-sca-deploy.xml deploy -DserverURL=$SOAURL/soa-infra/deployer -Duser=$USERNAME -Dpassword=$PASSWORD -DsarLocation=$CODE/HelloWorld/SOA/deploy/sca_HelloWorld_rev1.0.jar -Dpartition=default -Doverwrite=true -DforceDefault=true -Dconfigplan=/tmp/cfgplan_test.xml

The recommended approach to using configuration plans

The approach to manage code promotion effectively involves following a simple process to maintain consistency and ensure proper substitution of environment-specific settings and deployment to other environments.

The summarized approach we recommend is as follows:

  • Developers should ensure that all URLs, JNDIs, hostnames, ports, and so on reference development environments and they should try to remain as consistent as possible.

    For example, if multiple developers are working on multiple pieces of code that reference the same external service, they should try to be as consistent as possible. Say, for example, that the following reference is used:


    They should avoid being inconsistent across their code:



    The lack of consistency only means that additional search-replace statements will need to be added in the configuration plans.

  • Any environment-specific setting used by developers (such as the service URL in the preceding step) should be communicated to the Oracle SOA Suite 12c administrator.
  • The Oracle SOA Suite 12c administrator should create a configuration plan for every environment:
    • Test – cfgplan_test.xml
    • QA – cfgplan_qa.xml
    • Prod – cfgplan_prod.xml

    The cfgplan_test.xml configuration plan should replace all development environment settings with the test equivalent. The cfgplan_qa.xml plan should, similarly, replace all development environment settings that are QA equivalent. The cfgplan_prod.xml plan should do the same.

    Thus, the code will always maintain development environment-specific settings, and it is the configuration plan that will ensure that these settings are replaced appropriately when the code is deployed to the target environment.

  • Every time a new environment-specific setting is used, the administrator should ensure that it is added to each of the configuration plans.
  • The administrator should always attach a configuration plan to every deployment.

Exemplying the usage of configuration plans

In this example, we will demonstrate the usage of configuration plans in a real-world scenario.

We have a simple HelloWorld BPEL project already deployed to both our development and test servers, as shown in Figure 5.2. On our development server, this project is accessible at http://soa12cDEV:8001/soa-infra/services/default/HelloWorldBPEL/helloworld_client_ep?WSDL.

On our test server, it is accessible here, with only the hostname being changed:


As shown in the following figure, the developer creates a new Mediator project that invokes this BPEL service and deploys it to the development server:

Exemplying the usage of configuration plans

Figure 5.2: The Mediator composite invoking a BPEL composite in a development environment

Our goal, as the administrator, is to deploy this same Mediator project to the test server and change its references to the test environment accordingly.

Once the Mediator project is saved, the project will include two files with hardcoded URLs. The composite.xml file has the following code snippet:

<reference name="HelloWorldBPEL_BPEL"
  <interface.wsdl interface=""/>
  < port=""
    <property name="weblogic.wsee.wsat.transaction.flowOption"
              type="xs:string" many="false">WSDLDriven</property>

And the Mediator1.componentType file in the same project includes the following:

<reference name="HelloWorld_BPEL"
  <interface.wsdl interface=""/>

Prior to deploying this to the test server, we first create a cfgplan_test.xml configuration plan with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAConfigPlan xmlns:jca="" 

  <composite name="*">


    <reference name="*">
      <binding type="ws">
        <attribute name="location">


The configuration plan replaces all references of http://soa12cDEV:8001 to the test server's equivalent http://soa12cTEST:8001.

We finally deploy the Mediator project to the test environment, attaching the configuration plan that has just been created:

ant -f ant-sca-deploy.xml deploy -Duser=$USERNAME -Dpassword=$PASSWORD -DserverURL=$SOAURL/soa-infra/deployer -DsarLocation=$CODE/HelloWorld_Mediator/deploy/sca_HelloWorld_Mediator_rev1.0.jar -Dpartition=default -Doverwrite=true -DforceDefault=true -Dconfigplan=/tmp/cfgplan_test.xml

By attaching the configuration plan, the code originally developed to reference development server-specific URLs is now deployed to the test server that references test-specific URLs.

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