Installing Java and Infrastructure

Oracle Java is installed and downloaded on both the shared storage (for the MidTier installation) and the local storage (for the WebTier installation).

Installing Java and Infrastructure on MidTier

Both Java and Oracle Infrastructure will be installed on shared storage, which is accessible by both the nodes of nodes of the MidTier. The same applies to the installation of the initial Oracle Infrastructure as well:

  1. On SOAHOST1, extract Java and then start the Oracle Infrastructure installer on the shared storage:
    mkdir -p $JAVA_HOME
    cd $JAVA_HOME/..
    tar -xzvf $SOFTWARE_DIR/jdk-7u55-linux-x64.tar.gz
    java -d64 -jar $SOFTWARE_DIR/fmw_12.
  2. In the Inventory Directory field, enter /u01/share/oracle/oraInventory and then click on OK.
  3. Click on Next.
  4. In the Oracle Home field, enter the value for [ORACLE_HOME] (for example, /u01/share/oracle/middleware/products/fmw1213) and then click on Next.
  5. Click on Next.
  6. Click on Next.
  7. Uncheck I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support, click on Next, and then click on Yes.
  8. Click on Install.
  9. Click on Finish once the installation is done.

Installing Java and Infrastructure on WebTier

Java and the Oracle Infrastructure will be installed on local storage for the two WebTier servers. The following steps will help you do this:

  1. On SOAHOST1, extract Java and then start the Oracle Infrastructure installer:
    mkdir -p $JAVA_HOME
    cd $JAVA_HOME/..
    tar -xzvf $SOFTWARE_DIR/jdk-7u55-linux-x64.tar.gz
    java -d64 -jar $SOFTWARE_DIR/fmw_12.
  2. In the Inventory Directory field, enter /u01/oracle/webtier/oraInventory and then click on OK.
  3. Click on Next.
  4. In the Oracle Home field, enter the value for [ORACLE_HOME] (for example, /u01/oracle/webtier/products/fmw1213) and then click on Next.
  5. Click on Next.
  6. Click on Next.
  7. Uncheck I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support, click on Next, and then click on Yes.
  8. Click on Install.
  9. Click on Finish once the installation is done.
  10. Repeat steps 1 to 9 on SOAHOST2.

Running the Repository Creation Utility

The Repository Creation Utility (RCU) is used to create the relevant database schemas. Go through the following steps to run the RCU:

  1. On SOAHOST1, start the RCU installer:
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin
  2. Click on Next.
  3. Select Create Repository, choose System Load and Product Load, and click on Next.
  4. Enter your database information as shown in Figure 12.2, and click on Next:
    Running the Repository Creation Utility

    Figure 12.2: Entering database connection details in the Repository Creation Utility

  5. Click on OK to confirm the validation of the global prerequisites.
  6. In the Create new prefix field, enter a prefix such as DEV.
  7. Click on the checkbox AS Common Schemas and then click on Next.
  8. Click on OK to confirm the validation of the component prerequisites.
  9. In the password fields, enter a password (for example, welcome1) and then click on Next.
  10. Click on Next.
  11. If prompted to create tablespaces, click on OK.
  12. Click on OK to confirm the validation of tablespaces.
  13. Click on Create.
  14. Click on Close once the RCU is complete.

Creating a new domain

A WebLogic domain will be created on the shared storage. Follow the given steps to create a new domain:

  1. On SOAHOST1, start WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard to create the WebLogic domain:
  2. Click on Create a new domain, and in the Domain Location field, enter the value of [ASERVER_HOME] (for example /u01/share/oracle/middleware/config/domains/soa_domain) and then click on Next.
  3. Select Oracle Enterprise Manager – [em] and Oracle WSM Policy Manager – [oracle_common], and then click on Next.
  4. In the Application location field, enter the value for [APPLICATION_HOME] (for example, /u01/share/oracle/middleware/config/applications/soa_domain) and then click on Next.
  5. Enter the password for the WebLogic user (for example, welcome1) and then click on Next.
  6. In the Domain Mode option, select Production and click on Next.
  7. Select RCU Data and enter your database information. Keep the Schema Owner field as DEV_STB (or whatever prefix you chose earlier).
  8. Click on Get RCU Configuration when done and then click on Next.
  9. Click on Next.
  10. Check all connections and then click on Test Selected Connections.
  11. Click on Next.
  12. Check Administration Server, Node Manager, Managed Servers, Clusters and Coherence, and JMS File Store, and then click on Next.
  13. In the Listen Address field, enter the load balancer URL value and then click on Next.
  14. Under Node Manager Credentials, for Username enter weblogic, but for Password, enter a password different from the one we used in the step 5 (for example, welcome2).
  15. Click on Next.
  16. Click on Add twice, then, enter the server names wls_wsm1 and wls_wsm2, with the hostnames and, both listening on port 7010. Select JRF-MAN-SVR, WSM-CACHE-SVR, and WSMPN-MAN-SVR for both records, as shown in the following figure.
  17. Click on Next.
    Creating a new domain

    Figure 12.3: Advanced managed server configuration

  18. Click on Add, and in the Cluster Name field enter WSM-PM_Cluster, then click on Next.
  19. Add both wls_wsm1 and wls_wsm2 servers to the cluster WSM-PM_Cluster and then click on Next.
  20. In the Unicast Listen Port field, enter port 9991 and click on Next.
  21. Click on the Unix Machine tab.
  22. Click on Add three times, and then enter the names soahost1, soahost2, and adminhost with the hostnames of your servers,, and, as shown in the following figure.
  23. Click on Next.
    Creating a new domain

    Figure 12.4: Advanced machine configuration

  24. Assign AdminServer to the adminhost machine.
  25. Assign wls_wsm1 to the soahost1 machine.
  26. Assign wls_wsm2 to the soahost2 machine.
  27. Click on Next.
  28. In the Directory field, enter the value for [ASERVER_HOME]/WSM_PM_Cluster (for example, /u01/share/oracle/middleware/config/domains/soa_domain/WSM-PM_Cluster).
  29. Click on Next.
  30. Click on Create.
  31. Click on Next and then Finish.

Starting Node Manager in the Admin Server domain home

Node Manager is started up in the Admin Server domain directory on port 5556.

On SOAHOST1, start Node Manager in the Admin Server domain:

nohup ./ > nm.out&

Creating the file

Create the file so that you are not prompted for the WebLogic username and password every time the Admin Server and managed servers are started up. Furthermore, this is also required to allow Node Manager to start up the managed server. Follow the next steps to create the file:

  1. On SOAHOST1, create the file:
    mkdir -p $ASERVER_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security
    cd $ASERVER_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security
    echo "username=weblogic" >
    echo "password=welcome1" >>
  2. Copy to the rest of the managed server directories:
    mkdir -p $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_wsm1/security
    mkdir -p $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_soa1/security
    mkdir -p $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_osb1/security
    mkdir -p $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_ess1/security
    cp $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_wsm1/security
    cp $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_soa1/security
    cp $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_osb1/security
    cp $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_ess1/security
  3. On SOAHOST2, copy to the rest of the managed server directories:
    cd $ASERVER_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security
    mkdir -p $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_wsm2/security
    mkdir -p $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_soa2/security
    mkdir -p $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_osb2/security
    mkdir -p $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_ess2/security
    cp $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_wsm2/security
    cp $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_soa2/security
    cp $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_osb2/security
    cp $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_ess2/security

Starting the Admin Server

To start up the Admin Server, perform the following steps:

  1. On SOAHOST1, type the following commands:
    cd $ASERVER_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs
    nohup $ASERVER_HOME/bin/ > AdminServer.out &
  2. Verify that the following consoles are accessible:

Creating a domain directory for managed servers on MidTier

Copy the newly created domain to the local storage for both MidTier nodes:

  1. On SOAHOST1, pack the domain from the shared storage and unpack it to the MidTier local storage:
    cd $ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
    ./ -managed=true -domain=${ASERVER_HOME} -template=soadomaintemplate.jar -template_name=soa_domain_template
    ./ -domain=${MSERVER_HOME} -overwrite_domain=true -template=soadomaintemplate.jar -log_priority=DEBUG -log=/tmp/unpack.log -app_dir=$
  2. On SOAHOST2, unpack the domain to the MidTier local storage:
    cd $ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
    ./ -domain=${MSERVER_HOME} -overwrite_domain=true -template=soadomaintemplate.jar -log_priority=DEBUG -log=/tmp/unpack.log -app_dir=${APPLICATION_HOME}

Starting Node Manager in the MidTier domain directory

Start up Node Manager in the SOAHOST1 and SOAHOST2 domain directories using port 5557. To do so, follow the given steps:

  1. On SOAHOST1, edit the Node Manager property file:
    vi $MSERVER_HOME/nodemanager/
  2. Edit these values:
    OLD:   ListenPort=5556
    NEW:   ListenPort=5557
  3. Start up Node Manager:
    cd $MSERVER_HOME/bin
    nohup ./ > nm.out&
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 on SOAHOST2.

Modifying the Node Manager ports for MidTier

Via the WebLogic Server Administration Console, modify the Node Manager port 5557 to provide the ability to start up the MidTier managed servers from the console. To do so, go through the following steps:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in as the weblogic user.
  3. Navigate to soa_domain | Environment | Machines | SOAHOST1 | Configuration | Node Manager.
  4. Change Listen Port to 5557.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for SOAHOST2.
  6. Save and activate the changes.

Modifying the te directories to absolute paths

The upload and stage directories for the WLS_WSM1 and WLS_WSM2 managed servers should be updated to use absolute paths. You can update them using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in as the weblogic user.
  3. Navigate to soa_domain | Environment | Servers | wls_wsm1 | Configuration | Deployment.
  4. Set Staging Directory Name to [MSERVER_HOME]/servers/wls_wsm1/stage (for example, /u01/oracle/middleware/config/domains/soa_domain/servers/wls_wsm1/stage).
  5. Set Upload Directory Name to [ASERVER_HOME]/servers/AdminServer/upload (for example, /u01/share/oracle/middleware/config/domains/soa_domain/servers/AdminServer/upload).
  6. Save and activate the changes.
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for wls_wsm2, but using the stage directory folder of wls_wsm2 instead.

Starting the WSM managed servers

Start up the WSM Managed Servers and verify that they are installed and running correctly. To do so, follow the given steps:

  1. On SOAHOST1, type following commands:
    mkdir -p $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_wsm1/logs
    cd $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_wsm1/logs
    nohup $MSERVER_HOME/bin/ wls_wsm1 > wls_wsm1.out &
  2. On SOAHOST2, type following commands:
    mkdir -p $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_wsm2/logs
    cd $MSERVER_HOME/servers/wls_wsm2/logs
    nohup $MSERVER_HOME/bin/ wls_wsm2 > wls_wsm2.out &
  3. Verify that WSM is up and running on both hosts by navigating to these links and clicking on Validate Policy Manager:

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