

We would like to thank Greg King and Simon Hayler for their hard work editing this book from a technical perspective. They not only did a great job editing but also offered suggestions along the way. Technical editors can either make or break a book. Greg and Simon put a lot of effort into making this book what it is.

Thanks also to Claire Yee, Wendy Rinaldi, and all the staff at Oracle Press/McGraw-Hill Professional for their hard work and professionalism. This publishing company is excellent to work with.

—The authors

I’d like to thank my wife, Erin, and my son, Ethan, for putting up with all the time I spent working on this book. I’d also like to thank some of the people who have encouraged and supported me professionally over the years: Paul Seifert, Kimberly Borden, Eddie Soles, and all the Oracle Linux and Oracle VM product managers I have had the pleasure of working with, including Honglin Su, John Priest, and Simon Coter.


I would like to thank my parents for inspiring me to be the best that I can be. I’d also like to thank all of the people at Oracle Press who have helped make this book great.


I would like to say thanks for the educational guidance I received from Norman Dria and Lyn Paladino as well as for the never-ending support from my wife of 30 years, Deanna.


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