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1. Introduction

1.1 Power Electronics Defined1

1.2 Key Characteristics

1.3 Trends in Power Supplies

1.4 Conversion Examples

1.5 Tools for Analysis and Design

1.6 Sample Applications

1.7 Summary

SECTION I. Power Electronics Devices

2. The Power Diode

2.1 Diode as a Switch

2.2 Properties of PN Junction

2.3 Common Diode Types

2.4 Typical Diode Ratings

2.5 Snubber Circuits for Diode

2.6 Series and Parallel Connection of Power Diodes

2.7 Typical Applications of Diodes

2.8 Standard Datasheet for Diode Selection

3. Power Bipolar Transistors

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Basic Structure and Operation

3.3 Static Characteristics

3.4 Dynamic Switching Characteristics

3.5 Transistor Base Drive Applications

3.6 SPICE Simulation of Bipolar Junction Transistors

3.7 BJT Applications

Further Reading

4. The Power MOSFET

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Switching in Power Electronic Circuits

4.3 General Switching Characteristics

4.4 The Power MOSFET

4.5 Future Trends in Power Devices

5. Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Basic Structure and Operation

5.3 Static Characteristics

5.4 Dynamic Switching Characteristics

5.5 IGBT Performance Parameters

5.6 Gate Drive Requirements

5.7 Circuit Models

5.8 Applications

Further Reading

6. Thyristors

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Basic Structure and Operation

6.3 Static Characteristics

6.4 Dynamic Switching Characteristics

6.5 Thyristor Parameters

6.6 Types of Thyristors

6.7 Gate Drive Requirements

6.8 PSpice Model

6.9 Applications

Further Reading

7. Gate Turn-off Thyristors

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Basic Structure and Operation

7.3 GTO Thyristor Models

7.4 Static Characteristics

7.5 Switching Phases

7.6 SPICE GTO Model

7.7 Applications

8. MOS Controlled Thyristors (MCTs)

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Equivalent Circuit and Switching Characteristics

8.3 Comparison of MCT and Other Power Devices

8.4 Gate Drive for MCTs

8.5 Protection of MCTs

8.6 Simulation Model of an MCT

8.7 Generation-1 and Generation-2 MCTs

8.8 N-channel MCT

8.9 Base Resistance-controlled Thyristor

8.10 MOS Turn-off Thyristor

8.11 Applications of PMCT

8.12 Conclusions


8.13 Appendix

9. Static Induction Devices

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Theory of Static Induction Devices

9.3 Characteristics of Static Induction Transistor

9.4 Bipolar Mode Operation of SI devices (BSIT)

9.5 CMT Conductivity Modulation Transistor

9.6 Static Induction Diode

9.7 Lateral Punch-Through Transistor

9.8 Static Induction Transistor Logic

9.9 BJT Saturation Protected by SIT

9.10 Static Induction MOS Transistor

9.11 Space Charge Limiting Load (SCLL)

9.12 Power MOS Transistors

9.13 Static Induction Thyristor

9.14 Gate Turn-Off Thyristor

9.15 Summary

SECTION II. Power Conversion

10. Diode Rectifiers

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Single-phase Diode Rectifiers

10.3 Three-phase Diode Rectifiers

10.4 Poly-phase Diode Rectifiers

10.5 Filtering Systems in Rectifier Circuits

10.6 High-frequency Diode Rectifier Circuits

Further Reading

11. Single-phase Controlled Rectifiers

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Line-commutated Single-phase Controlled Rectifiers

11.3 Unity Power Factor Single-phase Rectifiers


12. Three-phase Controlled Rectifiers

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Line-commutated Controlled Rectifiers

12.3 Force-commutated Three-phase Controlled Rectifiers

Further Reading

13. DC–DC Converters

13.1 Introduction

13.2 DC Choppers

13.3 Step-down (Buck) Converter

13.4 Step-up (Boost) Converter

13.5 Buck–Boost Converter

13.6 uk Converter

13.7 Effects of Parasitics

13.8 Synchronous and Bidirectional Converters

13.9 Control Principles

13.10 Applications of DC–DC Converters

Further Reading

14. DC/DC Conversion Technique and Twelve Series Luo-converters

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Fundamental, Developed, Transformer-type, and Self-lift Converters

14.3 Voltage-lift Luo-converters

14.4 Double Output Luo-converters

14.5 Super-lift Luo-converters

14.6 Ultra-lift Luo-converters

14.7 Multiple-quadrant Operating Luo-converters

14.8 Switched-capacitor Multi-quadrant Luo-converters

14.9 Multiple-lift Push–Pull Switched-capacitor Luo-converters

14.10 Switched-inductor Multi-quadrant Operation Luo-converters

14.11 Multi-quadrant ZCS Quasi-resonant Luo-converters

14.12 Multi-quadrant ZVS Quasi-resonant Luo-converters

14.13 Synchronous-rectifier DC/DC Luo-converters

14.14 Multiple-element Resonant Power Converters

14.15 Gate Control Luo-resonator

14.16 Applications

14.17 Energy Factor and Mathematical Modeling for Power DC/DC Converters

Further Reading

15. Inverters

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Single-phase Voltage Source Inverters

15.3 Three-phase Voltage Source Inverters

15.4 Current Source Inverters

15.5 Closed-loop Operation of Inverters

15.6 Regeneration in Inverters

15.7 Multistage Inverters


Further Reading

16. Resonant and Soft-switching Converters

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Classification

16.3 Resonant Switch

16.4 Quasi-resonant Converters

16.5 ZVS in High Frequency Applications

16.6 Multi-resonant Converters (MRC)

16.7 Zero-voltage-transition (ZVT) Converters

16.8 Non-dissipative Active Clamp Network

16.9 Load Resonant Converters

16.10 Control Circuits for Resonant Converters

16.11 Extended-period Quasi-resonant (EP-QR) Converters

16.12 Soft-switching and EMI Suppression

16.13 Snubbers and Soft-switching for High Power Devices

16.14 Soft-switching DC-AC Power Inverters

17. Multilevel Power Converters

17.1 Introduction

17.2 Multilevel Power Converter Structures

17.3 Multilevel Converter PWM Modulation Strategies

17.4 Multilevel Converter Design Example

17.5 Fault Diagnosis in Multilevel Converters

17.6 Renewable Energy Interface

17.7 Conclusion

18. AC–AC Converters

18.1 Introduction

18.2 Single-Phase AC–AC Voltage Controller

18.3 Three-Phase AC–AC Voltage Controllers

18.4 Cycloconverters

18.5 Matrix Converter

18.6 High Frequency Linked Single-Phase to Three-Phase Matrix Converters

18.7 Applications of AC–AC Converters

19. Power Factor Correction Circuits

19.1 Introduction

19.2 Definition of PF and THD

19.3 Power Factor Correction

19.4 CCM Shaping Technique

19.5 DCM Input Technique

19.6 Summary


Further Reading

20. Gate Drive Circuitry for Power Converters

20.1 Introduction to Gate Drive Circuitry

20.2 Semiconductor Drive Requirements

20.3 Gate Drivers for Power Converters

20.4 Gate Driver Circuit Implementation

20.5 Current Technologies

20.6 Current and Future Trends

20.7 Summary

SECTION III. General Applications

21. Power Electronics in Capacitor Charging Applications

21.1 Introduction

21.2 High-Voltage DC Power Supply with Charging Resistor

21.3 Resonance Charging

21.4 Switching Converters

22. Electronic Ballasts

22.1 Introduction

22.2 High Frequency Supply of Discharge Lamps

22.5 High-Power Factor Electronic Ballasts

22.6 Applications

23. Power Supplies

23.1 Introduction

23.2 Linear Series Voltage Regulator

23.3 Linear Shunt Voltage Regulator

23.4 Integrated Circuit Voltage Regulators

23.5 Switching Regulators

Further Reading

24. Uninterruptible Power Supplies

24.5 Control Techniques

24.6 Energy Storage Devices

Further Reading

25. Automotive Applications of Power Electronics

25.1 Introduction

25.2 The Present Automotive Electrical Power System

25.3 System Environment

25.4 Functions Enabled by Power Electronics

25.5 Multiplexed Load Control

25.6 Electromechanical Power Conversion

25.7 Dual/High Voltage Automotive Electrical Systems

25.8 Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles

25.9 Summary

26. Solid State Pulsed Power Electronics

26.1 Introduction

26.2 Power Semiconductors for Pulsed Power

26.3. Load Types and Requirements

26.4 Solid-State Pulsed Power Topologies

SECTION IV. Power Generation and Distribution

27. Photovoltaic System Conversion

27.1 Introduction

27.2 Solar Cell Characteristics

27.3 Photovoltaic Technology Operation

27.4 Maximum Power Point Tracking Components

27.5 MPPT Controlling Algorithms

27.6 Photovoltaic Systems’ Components

27.7 Factors Affecting PV Output

27.8 PV System Design

27.9 Summary

28. Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Sources

28.1 Introduction

28.2 Power Electronics for Photovoltaic Power Systems

28.3 Power Electronics for Wind Power Systems

29. High-Frequency Inverters: From Photovoltaic, Wind, and Fuel-Cell-Based Renewable- and Alternative-Energy DER/DG Systems to Energy-Storage Applications

29.1 Introduction

29.2 Low-Cost Single-Stage Inverter

29.3 Ripple-Mitigating Inverter

29.4 Universal Power Conditioner

29.5 Hybrid-Modulation-Based Multiphase HFL High-Power Inverter


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30. Wind Turbine Applications

30.1 Wind Energy Conversion Systems

30.2 Power Electronic Converters for Variable Speed Wind Turbines

30.3 Multilevel Converter for Very High Power Wind Turbines

30.4 Electrical System of a Wind Farm

30.5 Future Trends

31. HVDC Transmission

31.1 Introduction

31.2 Main Components of HVDC Converter Station

31.3 Analysis of Converter Bridge

31.4 Controls and Protection

31.5 MTDC Operation

31.6 Application

31.7 Modern Trends

31.8 HVDC System Simulation Techniques

31.9 Concluding Remarks


32. Flexible AC Transmission Systems

32.1 Introduction

32.2 Ideal Shunt Compensator

32.3 Ideal Series Compensator

32.4 Synthesis of FACTS Devices

32.5 Voltage Source Converter (VSC)-Based HVDC Transmission

SECTION V. Motor Drives

33. Drives Types and Specifications

33.1 An Overview

33.2 Drives Requirements & Specifications

33.3 Drive Classifications and Characteristics

33.4 Load Profiles and Characteristics

33.5 Variable Speed Drive Topologies


33.7 Applications

33.8 Summary

Further Reading

34. Motor Drives

34.1 Introduction

34.2 DC Motor Drives

34.3 Induction Motor Drives

34.4 Synchronous Motor Drives

34.5 Permanent-magnet AC Synchronous Motor Drives

34.6 Permanent-magnet Brushless DC Motor Drives

34.7 Servo Drives

34.8 Stepper Motor Drives

34.9 Switched-reluctance Motor Drives

34.10 Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives

Further Reading

35. Novel AI-Based Soft Computing Applications in Motor Drives

35.1 Introduction

35.2 Differences Between GA and PSO and Other Evolutionary Computation (EC) Techniques

35.3 Single Objective Genetic Optimization Search Algorithm (SOGA)

35.4 Single Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Search Algorithm (SOPSO)

35.5 Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO)

35.6 Multi-Objective Genetic Optimization Search Algorithm (MOGA)

35.7 Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Search Algorithm (MOPSO)

35.8 GA and PSO Applications in Speed Control of Motor Drives

35.9 Conclusion


36. Advanced Control of Switching Power Converters

36.1 Introduction

36.2 Switching Power Converter Control Using State-Space Averaged Models

37. Fuzzy Logic Applications in Electrical Drives and Power Electronics

37.1 Introduction

37.2 PI/PD-Like Fuzzy Control Structure

37.3 FNN PI/PD-Like Fuzzy Control Architecture

37.4 Learning Algorithm-Based EKF

37.5 Fuzzy PID Control Design-Based Genetic Optimization

37.6 Classical PID Versus Fuzzy-PID Controller

37.7 Genetic-Based Autotuning of Fuzzy-PID Controller

37.8 Fuzzy and H-∞ Control Design

37.9 Fuzzy Control for DC–DC Converters

37.10 Fuzzy Control Design for Switch-Mode Power Converters

37.11 Optimum Topology of the Fuzzy Controller

37.12 Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Control System for DC–DC Converters

Further Reading

38. Artificial Neural Network Applications in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives

38.1 Introduction

38.2 Conventional and Neural Function Approximators

38.3 ANN-based Estimation in Induction Motor Drives

38.4 ANN-based Controls in Motor Drives

38.5 ANN-based Controls in Power Converters

Further Reading

39. DSP-based Control of Variable Speed Drives

39.1 Introduction

39.2 Variable Speed Control of AC Machines

39.3 General Structure of a Three-phase AC Motor Controller

39.4 DSP-based Control of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Machines

39.5 DSP-based Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines

39.6 DSP-based Vector Control of Induction Motors

SECTION VII. Power Quality and EMI Issues

40. Power Quality

40.1 Introduction

40.2 Power Quality

40.3 Reactive Power and Harmonic Compensation

40.4 IEEE Standards

40.5 Conclusions

Further Reading

41. Active Filters

41.1 Introduction

41.2 Types of Active Power Filters

41.3 Shunt Active Power Filters

41.4 Series Active Power Filters

41.5 Hybrid Active Power Filters


Further Reading

42. EMI Effects of Power Converters

42.1 Introduction

42.2 Power Converters as Sources of EMI

42.3 Measurements of Conducted EMI

42.4 EMI Filters

42.5 Random Pulse Width Modulation

42.6 Other Means of Noise Suppression

42.7 EMC Standards

SECTION VIII. Simulation and Packaging

43. Computer Simulation of Power Electronics and Motor Drives

43.1 Introduction

43.2 Use of Simulation Tools for Design and Analysis

43.3 Simulation of Power Electronics Circuits with PSpice®

43.4 Simulations of Power Electronic Circuits and Electric Machines

43.5 Simulations of AC Induction Machines Using Field Oriented (Vector) Control

43.6 Simulation of Sensorless Vector Control Using PSpice®

43.7 Simulations Using Simplorer®

43.8 Conclusions

44. Packaging and Smart Power Systems

44.1 Introduction

44.2 Background

44.3 Functional Integration

44.3.1 Steps to Partitioning

44.4 Assessing Partitioning Technologies

44.5 Cost-driven Partitioning

44.6 Technology-driven Partitioning

44.7 Example 2.2 kW Motor Drive Design

44.8 High Temperature (HT) Packaging


About the Author

Further Reading

SECTION IX. Energy Sources, Storage and Transmission

45. Energy Sources

45.1 Introduction

45.2 Available Energy Sources

45.3 Electric Energy Generation Technologies

45.4 Conclusions

46. Energy Storage

46.1 Introduction

46.2 Energy Storage Elements

46.3 Modeling of Energy Storage Devices

46.4 Hybridization of Energy Storage Systems

46.5 Energy Management and Control Strategies

46.6 Power Electronics for Energy Storage Systems

46.7 Practical Case Studies

46.8 Conclusions

47. Electric Power Transmission

47.1 Elements of Power System

47.2 Generators and Transformers

47.3 Transmission Line

47.4 Factors That Limit Power Transfer in Transmission Line

47.4.6 Ohmic Losses (I2R(TC)) Heat Gain

47.5 Effect of Temperature on Conductor Sag or Tension

47.6 Standard and Guidelines on Thermal Rating Calculation

47.7 Optimizing Power Transmission Capacity

47.8 Overvoltages and Insulation Requirements of Transmission Lines

47.9 Methods of Controlling Overvoltages

47.10 Insulation Coordination


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