About This Book

What Does This Book Cover?

PROC SQL: Beyond the Basics Using SAS, Third Edition, is a step-by-step, example-driven guide that helps readers master the language of PROC SQL. Packed with analysis and examples illustrating an assortment of PROC SQL options, statements, and clauses, this book covers all the basics, but also offers extensive guidance on complex topics such as set operators and correlated subqueries.

The third edition explores new and powerful features in SAS® 9.4, including topics such as IFC and IFN functions, nearest neighbor processing, the HAVING clause, and indexes. It also features two completely new chapters on fuzzy matching and data-driven programming. Delving into the workings of PROC SQL with greater analysis and discussion, PROC SQL: Beyond the Basic Using SAS, Third Edition, examines a broad range of topics and provides greater detail about this powerful database language using discussion and numerous real-world examples.

Is This Book for You?

The intended audience for this book includes SAS users, programmers, business analysts, application and software developers, database analysts and administrators, help desk support staff, statisticians, IT support staff, and other professionals who want or need application-oriented information to extend their knowledge of PROC SQL beyond the basics.

This book offers readers under-the-hood, behind-the-scenes knowledge on how PROC SQL works and is the perfect tool for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate information science, computer science, or cognitive science degree.

What Should You Know about the Examples?

This book includes tutorials for you to follow to gain hands-on experience with SAS.

Software Used to Develop the Book's Content

SAS® 9.4 was used to develop all content for this book.

Example Code and Data

You can access the example code and data for this book by linking to its author page at https://support.sas.com/lafler. Then, look for the cover thumbnail of this book, and select Example Code and Data to display the SAS programs that are included in this book.

SAS University Edition

image This book is compatible with SAS University Edition. If you are using SAS University Edition, then begin here: https://support.sas.com/ue-data .

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This book was made possible because of the support and encouragement of many people. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to each person who encouraged me to write this book. For, as G. B. Stern once said, “Silent gratitude isn’t very much use to anyone.” So from me to you, I want to thank everyone who had a hand in helping to make the first, second, and third editions possible.

To Sian Roberts for supporting my desire to introduce and develop new topics for the third edition. It was a distinct pleasure working with Sian where her encouragement, support, and coordination of the entire development process made this project possible.

To Suzanne Morgen, Development Editor, SAS Press for her guidance, feedback, and support, and for bringing clarity throughout the writing process.

To the technical reviewers who provided valuable feedback, suggestions, and technical accuracy on the new and revised chapters including the SAS code. Special thanks to Stephen Sloan, Vince DelGobbo, Leonid Batkhan, and Lewis Church for performing technical reviews of the third edition.

To the copy editors who made a difficult job look easy. A heart-felt thank you to Catherine Connolly who performed her magic identifying typos, and turning words, run-on sentences and, sometimes, long-winded paragraphs into coherent prose.

To Julie Palmieri, former Editor-in-Chief of SAS Press, for supporting my desire to develop a more comprehensive second edition. Her encouragement and support gave me the inspiration to see this project to completion.

To Stacey Hamilton at SAS Institute Inc. for her editorial assistance and coordinating the technical review process while I developed the second edition.

To Paul Kent at SAS Institute Inc. for his contagious enthusiasm, great examples, clear explanations, and mentorship with some of the fine points of PROC SQL and its capabilities over the years.

To David Baggett at SAS Institute Inc. for encouraging the idea of a book on PROC SQL and accepting the original first edition manuscript many years ago. His encouragement and support over the years has meant a great deal to me.

To Stephenie Joyner at SAS Institute Inc. for her support and encouragement during the development of the first edition and for coordinating the technical review process.

To Charles Edwin Shipp, Michael Raithel, Mary Rosenbloom, Richard La Valley, Clark Roberts, Roger Glaser, Stephen Sloan, Josh Horstman, MaryAnne DePesquo, Charu Shankar, Vince DelGobbo, Clarence Wm Jackson, Pablo Nogueras, Michael Johnston, Karen Walker, John Xu, Richann Watson, Deanna Schreiber-Gregory, Lex Jansen, Cynthia Zender, John Cohen, Sanjay Matange, Rick Langston, Sunil Gupta, Ron Cody, Russell Lavery, Mira Shapiro, Troy Martin Hughes, Ronald Fehd, Andrew Kuligowski, Russell Holmes, Peter Eberhardt, William Benjamin, Wei Cheng, Tyler Smith, and Toby Dunn for their friendship, support, and encouragement through the years.

To Art Carpenter of California Occidental Consultants for believing that a “beyond the basics” type of book on PROC SQL would be useful to SAS users.

To the many people at SAS Institute Inc. with whom I have developed so many friendships over the years. I’d like to express my thanks to each of you as well as all the knowledgeable people in SAS Technical Support. Thank you for developing and supporting a great product and enabling me to have a rewarding and enjoyable career for all these years.

To the SAS user group community around the world: You are the greatest group of professionals anywhere.

To the many teachers I have had in my life. Special thanks go to Lawrence Delk (6th grade); Mr. Almeida (12th grade); Professor Carl Kromp (Industrial Engineering); Joseph J. Moder, Ph.D. (Management Science); Charles N. Kurucz, Ph.D. (Management Science); John F. Stewart, Ph.D. (Computer Information Systems); Earl Wiener, Ph.D. (Management Science); Howard Seth Gitlow, Ph.D. (Management Science); Dean Paul K. Sugrue, Ph.D. (University of Miami School of Business); Edward K. Baker III, Ph.D. (Management Science); Robert T. Grauer, Ph.D. (Computer Information Systems); and Ulu (Rydacom) for sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm.

To the countless people I have worked with and the companies I have worked for – the experiences and memories have been invaluable.

To my mother, father, and brother for sharing life’s many lessons, experiences, and memories. Your love and encouragement through the years fueled my desire to learn, work hard, and experience life to the fullest.

Finally, to my wife, Darlynn, and son, Ryan, for your love, support, and sense of balance between family and work. I love you both so very much.

Thank you!



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