Model Diagnostics

Building models is a continuous art. As we start adding and removing variables from our models, we need a means to compare models with one another and a consistent way of measuring model performance. There are many ways we can compare models, and this chapter describes some of these methods.

16.1 Residuals

The residuals of a model compare what the model calculates and the actual values in the data. Let’s fit some models on a housing data set.

import pandas as pd
housing = pd.read_csv('data/housing_renamed.csv')

  neighborhood           type  units  year_built   sq_ft    income  
0    FINANCIAL R9-CONDOMINIUM     42      1920.0   36500   1332615
1    FINANCIAL R4-CONDOMINIUM     78      1985.0  126420   6633257
2    FINANCIAL RR-CONDOMINIUM    500         NaN  554174  17310000
3    FINANCIAL R4-CONDOMINIUM    282      1930.0  249076  11776313
4      TRIBECA R4-CONDOMINIUM    239      1985.0  219495  10004582
    income_per_sq_ft  expense  expense_per_sq_ft  net_income  
0              36.51   342005               9.37      990610
1              52.47  1762295              13.94     4870962
2              31.24  3543000               6.39    13767000
3              47.28  2784670              11.18     8991643
4              45.58  2783197              12.68     7221385
      value  value_per_sq_ft       boro
0   7300000           200.00  Manhattan
1  30690000           242.76  Manhattan
2  90970000           164.15  Manhattan
3  67556006           271.23  Manhattan
4  54320996           247.48  Manhattan

We’ll begin with a multiple linear regression model with three covariates.

import statsmodels
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

house1 = smf.glm(
    "value_per_sq_ft ~ units + sq_ft + boro", data=housing

            Generalized Linear Model Regression Results
Dep. Variable:       value_per_sq_ft   No. Observations:                  2626
Model:                        GLM Df   Residuals:                         2619
Model Family:            Gaussian Df   Model:                                6
Link Function:              identity   Scale:                           1879.5
Method:                         IRLS   Log-Likelihood:                 -13621.
Date:               Thu, 01 Sep 2022   Deviance:                    4.9224e+06
Time:                       01:55:55   Pearson chi2:                  4.92e+06
No. Iterations:                    3   Pseudo R-squ. (CS):              0.7772
Covariance Type:           nonrobust
                            coef   std err         z      P>|z|      [0.025       0.975]
Intercept                43.2909     5.330      8.122     0.000      32.845       53.737
boro[T.Brooklyn]         34.5621     5.535      6.244     0.000      23.714       45.411
boro[T.Manhattan]       130.9924     5.385     24.327     0.000     120.439      141.546
boro[T.Queens]           32.9937     5.663      5.827     0.000      21.895       44.092
boro[T.Staten Island]    -3.6303     9.993     -0.363     0.716     -23.216       15.956
units                    -0.1881     0.022     -8.511     0.000      -0.231       -0.145
sq_ft                     0.0002  2.09e-05     10.079     0.000       0.000        0.000

We can plot the residuals of our model (Figure 16.1). What we are looking for is a plot with a random scattering of points. If a pattern is apparent, then we will need to investigate our data and model to see why this pattern emerged.


Figure 16.1 Residuals of the house1 model

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
  x=house1.fittedvalues, y=house1.resid_deviance, ax=ax


This residual plot is concerning because it contains obvious clusters and groups (residual plots are supposed to look random). We can color our plot by the boro variable, which indicates the borough of New York where the data apply (Figure 16.2).


Figure 16.2 Residuals of the house1 model colored by boro

# get the data used for the residual plot and boro color
res_df = pd.DataFrame(
    "fittedvalues": house1.fittedvalues, # get a model attribute
    "resid_deviance": house1.resid_deviance,
    "boro": housing["boro"], # get a value from data column

# greyscale friendly color palette
color_dict = dict(
    "Manhattan": "#d7191c",
    "Brooklyn": "#fdae61",
    "Queens": "#ffffbf",
    "Bronx": "#abdda4",
    "Staten Island": "#2b83ba",

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig = sns.scatterplot(


When we color our points based on boro, you can see that the clusters are highly governed by the value of this variable.

16.1.1 Q-Q Plots

A q-q plot is a graphical technique that determines whether your data conforms to a reference distribution. Since many models assume the data is normally distributed, a q-q plot is one way to make sure your data really is normal (Figure 16.3).


Figure 16.3 The q-q plot of the house1 model

from scipy import stats

# make a copy of the variable so we don't need to keep typing it
resid = house1.resid_deviance.copy()
fig = statsmodels.graphics.gofplots.qqplot(resid, line='r')

We can also plot a histogram of the residuals to see if our data is normal (Figure 16.4).


Figure 16.4 Histogram of the house1 model residuals

resid_std = stats.zscore(resid)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sns.histplot(resid_std, ax=ax)

If the points on the q-q plot lie on the red line, that means our data match our reference distribution. If the points do not lie on this line, then one thing we can do is apply a transformation to our data. Table 16.1 shows which transformations can be performed on our data. If the q-q plot of points is convex compared to the red reference line, then you can transform your data toward the top of the table. If the q-q plot of points is concave compared to the red reference line, then you can transform your data toward the bottom of the table.

Table 16.1 Transformations












Square root






Reciprocal square root






Reciprocal square

16.2 Comparing Multiple Models

Now that we know how to assess a single model, we need a means to compare multiple models so that we can pick the “best” one.

16.2.1 Working with Linear Models

We begin by fitting five models. Note that some of the models use the + operator to add covariates to the model, whereas others use the * operator. To specify an interaction in our model, we use the * operator. That is, the variables that are interacting are behaving in a way that is not independent of one another, but in such a way that their values affect one another and are not simply additive.

f1 = 'value_per_sq_ft ~ units + sq_ft + boro'
f2 = 'value_per_sq_ft ~ units *  sq_ft + boro'
f3 = 'value_per_sq_ft ~ units + sq_ft * boro + type'
f4 = 'value_per_sq_ft ~ units + sq_ft * boro + sq_ft * type'
f5 = 'value_per_sq_ft ~ boro + type'

house1 = smf.ols(f1, data=housing).fit()
house2 = smf.ols(f2, data=housing).fit()
house3 = smf.ols(f3, data=housing).fit()
house4 = smf.ols(f4, data=housing).fit()
house5 = smf.ols(f5, data=housing).fit()

With all our models, we can collect all of our coefficients and the model with which they are associated.

mod_results = (
  .rename(columns=lambda x: "house" + str(x + 1))
  .rename(columns={"index": "param"})
  .melt(id_vars="param", var_name="model", value_name="estimate")
                           param   model     estimate
0                      Intercept  house1    43.290863
1               boro[T.Brooklyn]  house1    34.562150
2              boro[T.Manhattan]  house1   130.992363
3                 boro[T.Queens]  house1    32.993674
4          boro[T.Staten Island]  house1    -3.630251
..                           ...     ...          ...
85          sq_ft:boro[T.Queens]  house5          NaN
86   sq_ft:boro[T.Staten Island]  house5          NaN
87  sq_ft:type[T.R4-CONDOMINIUM]  house5          NaN
88  sq_ft:type[T.R9-CONDOMINIUM]  house5          NaN
89  sq_ft:type[T.RR-CONDOMINIUM]  house5          NaN
[90 rows x 3 columns]

Since it’s not very useful to look at a large column of values, we can plot our coefficients to quickly see how the models are estimating parameters in relation to each other (Figure 16.5).


Figure 16.5 Coefficients of the house1 to house5 models

color_dict = dict(
    "house1": "#d7191c",
    "house2": "#fdae61",
    "house3": "#ffffbf",
    "house4": "#abdda4",
    "house5": "#2b83ba",
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = sns.pointplot(
  dodge=True, # jitter the points
  join=False, # don't connect the points


Now that we have our linear models, we can use the analysis of variance (ANOVA) method to compare them. The ANOVA will give us the residual sum of squares (RSS), which is one way we can measure performance (lower is better).

model_names = ["house1", "house2", "house3", "house4", "house5"]
house_anova = statsmodels.stats.anova.anova_lm(
  house1, house2, house3, house4, house5

house_anova.index = model_names

         df_resid           ssr  df_diff         ss_diff           F  
house1     2619.0  4.922389e+06      0.0             NaN          NaN
house2     2618.0  4.884872e+06      1.0    37517.437605    20.039049
house3     2612.0  4.619926e+06      6.0   264945.539994    23.585728
house4     2609.0  4.576671e+06      3.0    43255.441192     7.701289
house5     2618.0  4.901463e+06     -9.0  -324791.847907    19.275539
house1            NaN
house2   7.912333e-06
house3   2.754431e-27
house4   4.025581e-05
house5            NaN

Another way we can calculate model performance is by using the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). These methods apply a penalty for each feature that is added to the model (lower AIC and BIC value is better). Thus, we should strive to balance performance and parsimony.

house_models = [house1, house2, house3, house4, house5]
abic = pd.DataFrame(
    "model": model_names,
    "aic": [mod.aic for mod in house_models],
    "bic": [mod.bic for mod in house_models],

print(abic.sort_values(by=["aic", "bic"]))
    model           aic           bic
3  house4  27084.800043  27184.644733
2  house3  27103.502577  27185.727615
1  house2  27237.939618  27284.925354
4  house5  27246.843392  27293.829128
0  house1  27256.031113  27297.143632

16.2.2 Working with GLM Models

We can perform the same calculations and model diagnostics on generalized linear models (GLMs). We can use the deviance of the model to do model comparisons:

def deviance_table( *models):
  """Create a table of model diagnostics from model objects"""
  return pd.DataFrame(
      "df_residuals": [mod.df_resid for mod in models],
      "resid_stddev": [mod.deviance for mod in models],
      "df": [mod.df_model for mod in models],
      "deviance": [mod.deviance for mod in models],
f1 = 'value_per_sq_ft ~ units + sq_ft + boro'
f2 = 'value_per_sq_ft ~ units * sq_ft + boro'
f3 = 'value_per_sq_ft ~ units + sq_ft * boro + type'
f4 = 'value_per_sq_ft ~ units + sq_ft * boro + sq_ft * type'
f5 = 'value_per_sq_ft ~ boro + type'

glm1 = smf.glm(f1, data=housing).fit()
glm2 = smf.glm(f2, data=housing).fit()
glm3 = smf.glm(f3, data=housing).fit()
glm4 = smf.glm(f4, data=housing).fit()
glm5 = smf.glm(f5, data=housing).fit()

glm_anova = deviance_table(glm1, glm2, glm3, glm4, glm5)
   df_residuals  resid_stddev    df       deviance
0          2619  4.922389e+06     6   4.922389e+06
1          2618  4.884872e+06     7   4.884872e+06
2          2612  4.619926e+06    13   4.619926e+06
3          2609  4.576671e+06    16   4.576671e+06
4          2618  4.901463e+06     7   4.901463e+06

We can do the same set of calculations in a logistic regression.

# create a binary variable
housing["high"] = (housing["value_per_sq_ft"] >= 150).astype(int)

0     1619
1     1007
Name: high, dtype: int64
# create and fit our logistic regression using GLM

f1 = "high ~ units + sq_ft + boro"
f2 = "high ~ units * sq_ft + boro"
f3 = "high ~ units + sq_ft * boro + type"
f4 = "high ~ units + sq_ft * boro + sq_ft * type"
f5 = "high ~ boro + type"
logistic = statsmodels.genmod.families.family.Binomial(

glm1 = smf.glm(f1, data=housing, family=logistic).fit()
glm2 = smf.glm(f2, data=housing, family=logistic).fit()
glm3 = smf.glm(f3, data=housing, family=logistic).fit()
glm4 = smf.glm(f4, data=housing, family=logistic).fit()
glm5 = smf.glm(f5, data=housing, family=logistic).fit()
# show the deviances from our GLM models
print(deviance_table(glm1, glm2, glm3, glm4, glm5))
   df_residuals  resid_stddev  df     deviance
0          2619   1695.631547   6  1695.631547
1          2618   1686.126740   7  1686.126740
2          2612   1636.492830  13  1636.492830
3          2609   1619.431515  16  1619.431515
4          2618   1666.615696   7  1666.615696

Finally, we can create a table of AIC and BIC values.

mods = [glm1, glm2, glm3, glm4, glm5]

abic_glm = pd.DataFrame(
    "model": model_names,
    "aic": [mod.aic for mod in house_models],
    "bic": [mod.bic for mod in house_models],

print(abic_glm.sort_values(by=["aic", "bic"]))
    model          aic            bic
3  house4  27084.800043  27184.644733
2  house3  27103.502577  27185.727615
1  house2  27237.939618  27284.925354
4  house5  27246.843392  27293.829128
0  house1  27256.031113  27297.143632

Looking at all these measures, we can say Model 4 is performing the best so far.

16.3 k-Fold Cross-Validation

Cross-validation is another technique to compare models. One of the main benefits is that it can account for how well your model performs on new data. It does this by partitioning your data into k parts. It holds one of the parts aside as the “test” set and then fits the model on the remaining k − 1 parts, the “training” set. The fitted model is then used on the “test” and an error rate is calculated. This process is repeated until all k parts have been used as a “test” set. The final error of the model is some average across all the models.

Cross-validation can be performed in many different ways. The method just described is called “k-fold cross-validation.” Alternative ways of performing cross-validation include “leave-one-out cross-validation”, in which the training data consists of all the data except one observation designated as the test set.

Here we will split our data into k − 1 testing and training data sets.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

Index(['neighborhood', 'type', 'units', 'year_built', 'sq_ft',
       'income', 'income_per_sq_ft', 'expense', 'expense_per_sq_ft',
       'net_income', 'value', 'value_per_sq_ft', 'boro', 'high'],
# get training and test data
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
        housing[["units", "sq_ft", "boro"]], drop_first=True


We can get a score that indicates how well our model is performing using our test data.

lr = LinearRegression().fit(X_train, y_train)
print(lr.score(X_test, y_test))

Since sklearn relies heavily on the numpy ndarray, the patsy library allows you to specify a formula just like the formula API in statsmodels, and it returns a proper numpy array you can use in sklearn.

Here is the same code as before, but using the dmatrices function in the patsy library.

from patsy import dmatrices

y, X = dmatrices(
    "value_per_sq_ft ~ units + sq_ft + boro",
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
  X, y, test_size=0.20, random_state=42

lr = LinearRegression().fit(X_train, y_train)
print(lr.score(X_test, y_test))

To perform a k-fold cross-validation, we need to import this function from sklearn.

from sklearn.model_selection import KFold, cross_val_score

# get a fresh new housing data set
housing = pd.read_csv('data/housing_renamed.csv')

We now have to specify how many folds we want. This number depends on how many rows of data you have. If your data does not include too many observations, you may opt to select a smaller k (e.g., 2). Otherwise, a k between 5 to 10 is fairly common. However, keep in mind that the trade-off with higher k values is more computation time.

kf = KFold(n_splits=5)

y, X = dmatrices('value_per_sq_ft ~ units + sq_ft + boro', housing)

Next we can train and test our model on each fold.

coefs = []
scores = []
for train, test in kf.split(X):
  X_train, X_test = X[train], X[test]
  y_train, y_test = y[train], y[test]
  lr = LinearRegression().fit(X_train, y_train)
  scores.append(lr.score(X_test, y_test))

We can also view the results.

coefs_df = pd.concat(coefs)
coefs_df.columns = X.design_info.column_names
     Intercept  boro[T.Brooklyn]  boro[T.Manhattan]  boro[T.Queens]  
0          0.0         33.369037         129.904011       32.103100
0          0.0         32.889925         116.957385       31.295956
0          0.0         30.975560         141.859327       32.043449
0          0.0         41.449196         130.779013       33.050968
0          0.0        -38.511915          56.069855      -17.557939

   boro[T.Staten Island]      units     sq_ft
0          -4.381085e+00  -0.205890  0.000220
0          -4.919232e+00  -0.146180  0.000155
0          -4.379916e+00  -0.179671  0.000194
0          -3.430209e+00  -0.207904  0.000232
0           3.552714e-15  -0.145829  0.000202

We can take a look at the average coefficient across all folds using .apply() and the np.mean() function.

import numpy as np
Intercept                0.000000
boro[T.Brooklyn]        20.034361
boro[T.Manhattan]      115.113918
boro[T.Queens]          22.187107
boro[T.Staten Island]   -3.422088
units                   -0.177095
sq_ft                    0.000201
dtype: float64

We can also look at our scores. Each model has a default scoring method. LinearRegression(), for example, uses the R2 (coefficient of determination) regression score function.1

[0.02731416291043942, -0.5538362212110504, -0.1563637168806138,
-0.3234202061929452, -1.6929655586752923]

We can also use cross_val_scores (for cross-validation scores) to calculate our scores.

# use cross_val_scores to calculate CV scores
model = LinearRegression()
scores = cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=5)
[ 0.02731416 -0.55383622 -0.15636372 -0.32342021 -1.69296556]

1. Scikit-learn R2 scoring: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.metrics.r2_score.html

When we compare multiple models to one another, we compare the average of the scores.


Now we’ll refit all our models using k-fold cross-validation.

# create the predictor and response matrices
y1, X1 = dmatrices(
   "value_per_sq_ft ~ units + sq_ft + boro", housing)

y2, X2 = dmatrices("value_per_sq_ft ~ units*sq_ft + boro", housing)

y3, X3 = dmatrices(
  "value_per_sq_ft ~ units + sq_ft*boro + type", housing

y4, X4 = dmatrices(
    "value_per_sq_ft ~ units + sq_ft*boro + sq_ft*type", housing

y5, X5 = dmatrices("value_per_sq_ft ~ boro + type", housing)
# fit our models
model = LinearRegression()

scores1 = cross_val_score(model, X1, y1, cv=5)
scores2 = cross_val_score(model, X2, y2, cv=5)
scores3 = cross_val_score(model, X3, y3, cv=5)
scores4 = cross_val_score(model, X4, y4, cv=5)
scores5 = cross_val_score(model, X5, y5, cv=5)

We can now look at our cross-validation scores.

scores_df = pd.DataFrame(
    [scores1, scores2, scores3, scores4, scores5]

print(scores_df.apply(np.mean, axis=1))
0   -5.398543e-01
1   -1.088184e+00
2   -8.668885e+25
3   -7.634198e+25
4   -3.172546e+25
dtype: float64

Once again, we see that Model 4 has the best performance.


When we are working with models, it’s important to measure their performance. Using ANOVA for linear models, looking at deviance for GLM models, and using cross-validation are all ways we can measure error and performance when trying to pick the best model.

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