124 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
7.1 Selecting an integration technology
With the continuous progress of enterprise computing, more and more
enterprises are finding the need to quickly adopt new technologies and integrate
with existing applications. Furthermore, due to costs and human resource
limitations, it is often not feasible for enterprises to completely discard their
existing infrastructure.
Enterprise application integration (EAI) and Extended Enterprise (EE) allow
disparate applications to communicate with each other. Both domains are very
similar; their differences are limited mainly to the required Quality of Services
capabilities. Some points to consider while deciding on the integration
technology between applications are as follows:
? The current infrastructure: Do you already have a messaging system on
the enterprise tier? Then it makes sense to go for JMS. Or, if you have a
legacy system such as CICS or IMS, J2EE Connectors might be the better
? Time to market: Web service enabling an application is relatively fast with
the Web services development tools available.
? Future expansion plans: If you plan to expand your enterprise systems in
the future, you need to keep in mind the integration with your current
infrastructure and your planned infrastructure. Web services may provide the
most cost-effective migration path in such a case.
? Reliability: JMS with WebSphere MQ, for example, can be used to provide
assured transfer of data, even when the enterprise application is unavailable.
? Transaction support: Web services currently do not offer support for
transactions. If your application needs transactional management, it might be
worthwhile considering technologies that do, such as JMS or J2EE
Currently, the available product mappings for the Integration Application and
Extended Enterprise patterns focus on the use of the following technology
options (Table 7-1).
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