Chapter 8. Router solutions using Web Services Gateway 151
8.2 IBM Web Services Gateway
The IBM Web Services Gateway is a runtime component that provides
configurable mapping between Web service providers and requesters. Services
defined with WSDL can be mapped to available transport channels. The Web
Services Gateway is included with the IBM WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment and Enterprise packages.
These are the basic gateway components:
? Channels that define the entry-points into the gateway and carry the Web
service request and response through the gateway.
? Filters that are used to intercept service invocations which come into the
gateway and act upon the services.
? Services that are described with the help of a Web Services Description
Language (WSDL) document.
? UDDI references to manage the publishing of an exposed Web service to a
private or public UDDI registry.
Figure 8-1 shows the relationship between the first three components. The entry
point to the gateway is defined by a channel. A channel is a piece of software that
defines the protocol you can use to access the gateway. The incoming message
is assessed on arrival through the channel to determine which service is
required. Each service (defined in a WSDL document) has to be bound to one or
more channels. One or more filters can be bound to a service for manipulating
both request and response messages. The WSDL service definition specifies the
provider service interface and implementation used to access the target service.
Figure 8-1 IBM Web Services Gateway
IBM Web Services Gateway
Channel ProviderService
152 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
A request to the Web Services Gateway arrives through a channel and is
translated into an internal representation of the service. With the help of filters for
the request, a request can be logged, intercepted, or generally manipulated.
After filtering the request, an appropriate provider is used to communicate with
the target service. The provider in the gateway acts as a client for the target Web
The response from the target service flows along the exact same path back to
the provider. There is no extra channel for an immediate response. In this sense
the layout of the gateway is asymmetric. However, one or more response filters
can be deployed independently of the request filters.
The process of deploying a target service into a gateway channel generates two
external WSDL files; an implementation definition and an interface
definition. These new WSDL files can be exported for use by client applications,
and are the externalization of the service capabilities offered by the
target service. The implementation WSDL definition is used to simplify the
connection process for a client, particularly when dynamic invocation is being
used. Having obtained the implementation definition, the client can then access
the WSDL interface definition produced by gateway, which provides full
information about the target service (as presented externally by the gateway).
The Web Services Gateway uses the Web Services Invocation Framework
(WSIF) API from Apache to decouple invocation from deployment within the
gateway. Over time, the location of the Web service target application and the
bindings may change, but these details are handled by the gateway. The Web
Services Gateway separates the actual implementation of a service from how it
is accessed by another service for:
? Inbound requests: To Web services created and deployed within the
? Outbound requests: To Web services created and deployed outside the
? Process abstraction: The service invocation approach must be flexible
enough to cope with events such as switching frequently between external
providers of a similar service without requiring changes to the application.
? Flexibility: As a service provider, you need the flexibility to change your
deployment infrastructure without notifying all the service requestors. For
example, consider a Web service deployed in a machine that later fails during
operation. There needs to be a process to route the invocations to an
alternate service in your infrastructure.
WSIF is used within Web Services Gateway as shown in Figure 8-2. It
demonstrates the WSIF transformation from a SOAP message to a target
Chapter 8. Router solutions using Web Services Gateway 153
1. The SOAP message arrives at the gateway and the channel listener accepts
the message.
2. The channel converts the SOAP message into a WSIF message format.
3. Elements within the message are used to locate the appropriate target
service, which is bound to the channel within the gateway.
4. The target WSDL associated with the gateway service is then processed by
5. WSIF dynamically generates a Java proxy class.
6. The target Web service is called.
Figure 8-2 WSIF transformation
Refer to the following IBM developerWorks articles for further details:
? Applying the Web services invocation framework
? An introduction to Web Services Gateway
? Business process integration with IBM CrossWorlds, Part 3: Automatically
externalize Web services with WebSphere Business Connection
SOAP message
Gateway Service
Tar ge t WSD L
Java proxy class
Target Service
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