28 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
2.3.6 Standards compliance
Standards compliance is concerned with identifying and applying the appropriate
standards to a scenario. Standards compliance is an important factor for
controlling development and integration costs. Even private standards are
beneficial, but widely accepted public standards have the added advantage of
enabling interoperability in the broadest contexts.
2.3.7 Transactionality
A transaction can be viewed as an activity between two or more parties that must
be completed in its entirety with the mutually agreed outcome. Transactionality
enables multiple application operations to be coordinated to provide an atomic
deterministic end result.
Resource managers are used to control access to the resources involved in a
transaction. A transaction manager is responsible for coordination and
transaction control. Transactional considerations include:
? ACID versus compensating transactions
? Flat versus nested transactions
? System versus client commit control
? Local versus distributed transactions
2.4 Application patterns for Application Integration
Using the interaction classification framework introduced in this chapter in
Figure 2-11 as a guide, we observe the following four Application patterns and
their variations for Process-focused Application Integration (also known as
intra-enterprise integration):
? Direct Connection Application pattern
and its Message/Call Connection variations
Allows a single interaction from the source application to be adapted and
transported to one target application
? Broker Application pattern
and its Router variation
Allows a single interaction from the source application to be switched, split,
and joined to multiple target applications concurrently
? Serial Process Application pattern
and its Serial Workflow variation
Allows a single interaction from the source application to execute a series of
interactions with multiple target applications
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