40 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
The focus of this redbook is Application patterns for Process-focused Application
Integration. In particular the Broker application pattern and its Router variation
are explored. A brief overview of the other Application Integration patterns is
provided. For full details on the other Application Integration patterns, please see
the IBM Patterns for e-business Web site:
The diagram conventions shown in Figure 3-1 are used in the Application
patterns that follow.
Figure 3-1 Application pattern diagram conventions
3.4 Process-focused application patterns
Process-focused Application Integration patterns are observed where multiple
automated business processes are combined to yield a new business offering or
to provide a consolidated view of some business entity by integrating multiple
corporate business systems. An often quoted example is the consolidated view
of the state of all relationships of the business with a particular customer.
This mode of integration is highly flexible. In its more sophisticated form it
enables “late binding” of the targets of integration and is particularly useful in
tying together different platforms and technologies. However, it represents a
more difficult design and development task compared to data-focused integration
and often requires complex middleware.
Transient data
Work in progress
committed data
Staged data
(data replication flow)
Application node
containing existing
code with no need
for modification for
this project or that
cannot be changed.
Read/write data
Read only data
Application node
containing new or
modified code
for this project.
A set of applications
whose characteristics
are unspecified. Only
the means with which
to interact with them
is specified.
A small solid circle indicates the initiating node.
A single arrow indicates that a response is not needed.
Double arrows indicate that a response is needed.
Chapter 3. Application Integration pattern 41
The Process-focused Application Integration patterns are presented here in
order of increasing flexibility and sophistication. As the Application patterns build
on each other, their capabilities and reliance on middleware increase, and they
require less application development effort. From the following Application
patterns, select the one that best fits your requirements:
? Direct Connection application pattern: Message/Call Connection
? Broker application pattern: Router variation
? Serial Process application pattern: Serial Workflow variation
? Parallel Process application pattern: Parallel Workflow variation
Business and IT drivers
Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 summarize the business and IT drivers for the
Process-focused Application Integration patterns and their variations.
Table 3-1 Business drivers
Business Drivers
Direct Connection
Message variation
Direct Connection
Call variation
Router variation
Serial Process
Serial Workflow
Parallel Process
Parallel Workflow
Improve the organizational
Reduce the latency of business
Support a structured exchange
within the organization
Support real-time one-way
’message’ flows
ü üüüüüü
Support real-time request/reply
’message’ flows
Support dynamic routing of
’messages’ to one of many
target applications
42 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
Table 3-2 IT drivers
Support dynamic distribution of
’messages’ to multiple target
Support automated coordination
of business process flow
Reduce cycle time through
parallel execution of portions of
a process flow
Support human interaction and
intervention within the process
IT Drivers
Direct Connection
Message variation
Direct Connection
Call variation
Router variation
Serial Process
Serial Workflow
Parallel Process
Parallel Workflow
Minimize total cost of ownership
Leverage existing skills üüüüüüüü
Leverage the legacy investment üüüüüüüü
Enable back-end application
Minimize application complexity üüüüüüüü
Minimize enterprise complexity üüüüüü
Business Drivers
Direct Connection
Message variation
Direct Connection
Call variation
Router variation
Serial Process
Serial Workflow
Parallel Process
Parallel Workflow
Chapter 3. Application Integration pattern 43
Quality of Service concerns
This section highlights Quality of Service (QoS) capabilities that are of particular
concern in the Process-focused Application Integration domain. A QoS
capabilities framework for business integration is based on the following general
? Operability
? Availability
? Federation
? Performance
? Security
? Standards compliance
? Transactionality
The following QoS concerns are of particular importance when working in the
Process-focused Application Integration domain.
The complexity of IT infrastructure is increasing so systems management
capabilities are needed to ensure that Application Integration solutions can be
managed effectively. For example, clustering solutions may be a consideration
for availability management and reducing operational costs.
Improve maintainability üüüüüü
Improve flexibility by
externalizing process logic from
application logic
Support for long running
IT Drivers
Direct Connection
Message variation
Direct Connection
Call variation
Router variation
Serial Process
Serial Workflow
Parallel Process
Parallel Workflow
Important: This profile is intended as a rough first guide to QoS concerns
which differentiate this domain, suitable for high level architectural design.
They are not a substitute for thorough analysis at a later design stage.
44 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
High volume workloads are often experienced in the intra-enterprise integration
domain, so there is a generally a need to carefully assess the expected workload
and to plan for future growth in workload.
Standards compliance
Rather than using different approaches for each application integration exercise
that an organization performs, standards need to be identified and applied in
order to control development and integration costs.
Private standards are also acceptable when beneficial. Adopting WebSphere
MQ, for example, as intra-enterprise message-oriented middleware provides
assured, once-only delivery messaging that can be widely used across the
Transaction services are often important in intra-enterprise application
integration scenarios in order to preserve data integrity and to avoid data loss.
Consider using transaction management products that work with XA compliant
resource managers to provide a commit and rollback facility, ensuring that either
all resource updates are completed or all updates are rolled back.
3.4.1 Direct Connection application pattern
The Direct Connection application pattern represents the simplest interaction
type and is based on a 1-to-1 topology. It allows a pair of applications within the
organization to directly communicate with each other. Interactions between a
source and a target application can be arbitrarily complex. Generally, complexity
can be addressed by breaking down interactions into more elementary
More complex point to point connections will have modeled connection rules
such as business rules associated with them, as shown in Figure 3-2.
Connection rules are generally used to control the mode of operation of a
connector depending on external factors. Examples of connection rules are:
? Business data mapping rules (for adapter connectors)
? Autonomic rules (such as priority in a shared environment)
? Security rules
? Capacity and availability rules
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