102 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
Figure 5-6 shows a product mapping for this Runtime pattern using the Web
Services Gateway product.
Figure 5-8 Exposed Broker::Router: Web Services Gateway Product mapping
The routing features are provided using Web Services Gateway filters and
requires that the Web Services Gateway product be running on a WebSphere
Application Server Enterprise server.
5.4 Products used in these mappings
This chapter provides information about the products used in the intra-enterprise
and inter-enterprise Product mappings.
5.4.1 IBM WebSphere Application Server
IBM WebSphere Application Server V5.0 represents a continuation of the
evolution to a single, integrated, cost-effective, Web services-enabled, J2EE
server foundation for applications that offers customers:
? One deployment model
? One administration point
? One programming model
? One integrated application development environment
Partner A
Secure Zone
Partner B
Protocol Firewall
Domain Firewall
Domain QoS
App Server
WebSphere Application Server
Enterprise V5.0.2.1
WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment V5.0.2.1
Private UDDI Registry
WebSphere Application Server
Enterprise V5.0.2.1
WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment V5.0.2.1
Web Services Gateway
Application Server
Chapter 5. Runtime patterns and product mappings 103
With IBM WebSphere Application Server V5.0, IBM enables customers to
expand their business opportunities and productivity through a world class
infrastructure ready for e-business on demand™.
IBM WebSphere Application Server V5.0 comes in a number editions, each
offering a unique combination of features geared toward different customer
IBM WebSphere Application Server - Express V5.0
IBM WebSphere Application Server - Express V5.0 provides a combination of
development tools and application servers in a single integrated package geared
toward developing Web page-centric applications. It provides a simplified
programming model that allows you to create new Web applications and to
convert existing static applications to dynamic applications.
It provides a cost-effective starting point for businesses that want to have a
presence on the Web. As your business needs grow, the WebSphere family
provides a smooth migration path to higher-end WebSphere Application Server
and WebSphere Studio configurations.
More information about IBM WebSphere Application Server - Express V5.0 can
be found at:
IBM WebSphere Application Server base V5.0
IBM WebSphere Application Server base V5.0 provides a robust application
deployment environment for single-server light production situations.
It contains a base application server that supports the full J2EE 1.3 environment.
It allows a full range of enterprise integration and offers enhanced security,
performance, availability, connectivity, and scalability options. Administration is
done through a Web-based interface or through a scripting tool.
More information about IBM WebSphere Application Server base V5.0 can be
found at:
IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V5.0
IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V5.0 is designed to
add non-programming enhancements to the features provided in the base
edition. These enhancements add scalability features, allowing you to run
applications on multiple servers and on multiple physical nodes.
104 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
In addition to the features included with the base edition of WebSphere
Application Server, you get:
? The Deployment Manager, which allows you to centrally manage a number of
different application server instances and clustering for workload
management and failover.
? The Network Dispatcher and Caching Proxy Server. These features provide
the edge-of-network functions required to set up a classic DMZ in front of the
application server.
? A private UDDI registry for easier deployment of internal Web services
applications and a Web Services Gateway.
More information about IBM WebSphere Application Server Network
Deployment V5.0 can be found at:
IBM WebSphere Application Server Enterprise V5.0
IBM WebSphere Application Server Enterprise V5.0 provides all the features in
IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V5.0, plus
programming model extensions for sophisticated application designs.
It offers additional capabilities such as advanced application adapters,
application workflow composition and choreography, extended messaging,
dynamic rules-based application adaptability, internationalization, and
asynchronous processing.
WebSphere MQ is bundled with the package (except on z/OS®).
More information about IBM WebSphere Application Server Enterprise V5.0 can
be found at:
5.4.2 IBM WebSphere MQ
IBM WebSphere MQ provides assured once-only delivery of messages across
more than 35 industry platforms using a variety of communications protocols.
The transportation of message data through a network is made possible through
the use of a network of WebSphere MQ queue managers. Each queue manager
hosts local queues that are containers used to store messages. Through remote
queue definitions and message channels, data can be transported to its
destination queue manager.
Chapter 5. Runtime patterns and product mappings 105
To use the services of a WebSphere MQ transport layer, an application must
make a connection to a WebSphere MQ queue manager, the services of which
will enable it to receive (
get) messages from local queues, or send (put)
messages to any queue on any queue manager. The application’s connection
may be made directly (where the queue manager runs locally to the application)
or as a client to a queue manager that is accessible over a network.
Dynamic workload distribution is another important feature of WebSphere MQ.
This feature shares the workload among a group of queue managers that are
part of the same cluster. This allows WebSphere MQ to automatically balance
the workload across available resources, and provide hot standby capabilities if a
system component fails. This is a critical feature for companies that need to
maintain round-the-clock availability.
WebSphere MQ supports a variety of application programming interfaces
(including MQI, AMI, and JMS), which provide support for several programming
languages as well as point-to-point and publish/subscribe communication
models. In addition to support for application programming, WebSphere MQ
provides a number of connectors and gateways to a variety of other products,
such as Microsoft® Exchange, Lotus® Domino®, SAP/R3, CICS®, and IMS™,
to name just a few.
More information can be found at the IBM WebSphere MQ Web site:
5.4.3 WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker
WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker V5.0 extends the messaging
capabilities of WebSphere MQ by adding message routing, transformation, and
publish/subscribe features. Message Broker provides a runtime environment that
executes message-flows. These message-flows consist of a graph of nodes that
represent the processing needed for integrating applications. They can be
designed to perform a wide variety of functions, including these:
? Routing of messages to zero or more destinations based on the contents of
the message or message header (both one-to-many and many-to-one
messaging topologies are supported).
? Transformation of messages into different formats so that diverse applications
can exchange messages that each of them can understand.
? Enrichment of the message content en route (for example, by using a
database lookup performed by the message broker).
? Storing information extracted from messages en route to a database (using
the message broker to perform this).
106 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
? Publishing messages and using topic- or content-based criteria for
subscribers to select which messages to receive.
? Interfacing with other connectivity mechanisms such as MQSeries
? Extending the base function of WebSphere MQ Message Broker with plug-in
nodes in Java and C/C++ (which can be developed by installations as well as
by IBM and ISVs).
? Processing message content in a number of message domains, including the
XML domain which handles self-defining (or generic) XML messages, the
Message Repository Manager (MRM) which handles predefined message
sets, and unstructured data (BLOB domain).
WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker also provides the following
? Scalability options in the form of message-flow instances and
? Simplified integration of existing applications with Web services through the
transformation and routing of SOAP messages, as well as logging of Web
services transactions.
? Mediation between Web services and other integration models as both a
service requester and a service provider.
? Compliance with standards such as Web Services Definition Language
(WSDL), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), and Hypertext Transport
Protocol (HTTP).
? Integrated WebSphere MQ transports for enterprise, mobile, real-time,
multicast, and telemetry end points.
? Eclipse-based Message Brokers Toolkit for WebSphere Studio.
? Standards-based metadata including XML schema and WSDL.
More information about IBM WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker
V5.0 can be found at:
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