140 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
? It leverages existing, enterprise-proven messaging systems.
? It allows you to extend existing message-based applications by adding new
JMS clients that are integrated fully with their existing non-JMS clients.
? Developers have to learn only one common interface for accessing diverse
messaging systems.
7.5.4 Disadvantages of JMS
Though JMS provides a common interface for Java applications to interact with
messaging systems, it might lose out on some specific functionality offered by
the messaging vendor. In that case, you might still have to write vendor-specific
code to access such functionality.
JMS only provides asynchronous messaging, so the design is more complex
when addressing response correlation, error handling, and data synchronization.
Further information on JMS can be found in the IBM Redbook MQSeries
Programming Patterns, SG24-6506.
7.6 Message Oriented Middleware
The Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) consists of a transport layer that
deals with the communication (physical) aspects of moving messages between
the origination and the destination points. It takes care of the networking protocol
issues, the message encoding and even translation. It is said to encapsulate the
business of transporting message. At the same time, it provides APIs to enable
application to manipulate (send/receive) messages. It is obviously a very critical
and absolutely necessary part of the messaging-based integration layer.
The transport layer, per se, does not do any message transformation or handle
message routing.
From the integration layer perspective, such basic messaging systems offer
limited value. They were therefore enriched with the additional functionality of
handling the transformation and containing dynamic routing capabilities. This in
turn evolved even further to support not only point-to-point distribution but also
publish/subscribe style scenarios and handling of the complex message flows.
The messaging system components providing this functionality are commonly
known as the message brokers, for example, WebSphere MQ.
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