Chapter 7. Technology options 141
Message broker services
A message broker is a server-side service in a message-oriented system. It
manipulates the messages it receives, and performs some or all of the following
? Routing services:
Content based
Publish/subscribe style
Message flow processing
? Data transformation (mapping message to other formats) services:
Syntactic (format driven)
Semantic (content driven)
? Security (authentication/authorization, encryption/decryption) services
? Transactional service (unit of work support)
? Error handling
? Service invocation (invoking an external function to process message
A message flow is a sequence of operations on a message, dependent upon the
message content and the current message flow state. Message flows can be
viewed as
business services, initiated by receiving a message.
If the broker supports the publish/subscribe style of messaging, subscribing
applications can register their topic subscriptions with the broker. Publishing
applications can then send messages to the broker, who will map the topic to the
registered subscribers and forward the message to all interested parties.
A very good example of the messaging system providing an extensive set of the
message broker services is the WebSphere Business Integration Message
Broker product.
7.7 Flow languages
This section discusses the business process languages relevant to the
WebSphere Process Choreographer and WebSphere MQ Workflow Process
? Flow Definition Language (used by WebSphere MQ Workflow)
? Flow Definition Markup Language (used by WebSphere Process
? Business Process Execution Language for Web Services
142 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
7.7.1 Flow Definition Language
Flow Definition Language (FDL) is a text based process definition format that
provides an interface between process modeling and development tools, and the
process engine of WebSphere MQ Workflow.
An FDL document describes the make-up of a process flow. Although
theoretically FDL could be written by hand, it is commonly generated using
WebSphere MQ Workflow Buildtime. As FDL became an established standard,
other process modeling and development tools came on the market that were
capable of exporting FDL, thus suitable for use with WebSphere MQ Workflow.
This included third parties such as Holosofx®, who have since been acquired by
IBM. The Holosofx product is now marketed as IBM WebSphere Business
Integration Workbench, and offers facilities to generate FDL.
7.7.2 Flow Definition Markup Language
Despite its name, which sounds similar to FDL, Flow Definition Markup
Language (FDML) is actually based on the Web Services Flow Language
(WSFL) standard introduced by IBM. FDML introduces extensions to the WSFL
standard and is the flow language used to describe a WebSphere Process
Choreographer process.
WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition uses FDML to
describe WebSphere Process Choreographer business processes.
FDML describes the behavior of the process. It is an XML based format. An
FDML file describes elements of a process such as the flow model, activities,
control links, compensation, messages, and variables.
A sample of an FDML file is shown in Example 7-1.
Example 7-1 Sample FDML file
wf:flowModel autoDelete="true" canRunInterrupted="true"
canRunSynchronous="false" name="EventCompensationProcess"
requiresCompensationSphere="true" validFrom="2003-01-01T12:00:00">
<wf:messageType name="MessageType_11" typeSystem="WSDL2">
<service:messageRef name="processOrderInput"
For more information about FDML, please refer to the IBM Redbook WebSphere
Version 5 Web Services Handbook, SG24-6891.
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