144 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
RMI/IIOP is an implementation of the RMI API over IIOP that allows developers
to write remote interfaces in the Java programming language.
7.8.2 CORBA
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is a platform-,
language-, and vendor-neutral standard for writing distributed object systems.
The CORBA standard was developed by the Object Management Group (OMG),
a consortium of companies founded in 1989. CORBA offers a broad range of
middleware services, including naming service, relationship service, and so on.
CORBA can be used for integration with legacy applications. This is done by
creating a CORBA wrapper for the existing application, which can then be
invoked by other applications.
CORBA is just a specification, and there are a number of vendors (such as IONA
or Borland) that implement it. Each vendor will provide additional value-added
services such as persistence, security, and so on, which can be leveraged by
CORBA developers.
The disadvantage of CORBA is in the steep learning curve involved. Also,
CORBA is slow-moving; it takes a long time for the OMG to adopt a new feature.
7.9 Where to find more information
For more information on topics discussed in this chapter, see:
? WebSphere Version 5 Web Services Handbook, SG24-6891
? Service-oriented architecture and Web services:
? Java Connectors for CICS: Featuring the J2EE Connector Architecture,
? Revealed! Architecting Web Access to CICS, SG24-5466
? MQSeries Programming Patterns, SG24-6506
? IBM WebSphere MQ home page:
? Open source XML frameworks:
Chapter 7. Technology options 145
? Information on IBM XML technology:
? Sun ONE article, Riddle Me This: Is Your XML Data Safe? by Brett Mendel:
? Maruyama, Hiroshi, Kent Tamura and Naohiko Uramoto, XML and Java:
Developing Web Applications, Addison-Wesley 1999
? Java APIs and technology:
? World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) site:
? Flanagan, David, Jim Farley, William Crawford and Kris Magnusson, Java
Enterprise in a Nutshell, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1999
? The BPEL4WS specification is available at:
146 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
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