178 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
Figure 8-16 Register the business
5. Click Publish Business. This causes the business to be published to the
UDDI Registry, and a page is displayed showing the business details.
Add a technical model
Add a technical model (tModel) for Wholesale 1 by doing these steps:
1. Select the Publish tab and click Add a technical model under the Advanced
Publish menu.
2. Enter the following values: (where there is a blue Add link, you must click that
to add the data you enter in the fields to the left).
Chapter 8. Router solutions using Web Services Gateway 179
Name: InventoryWholesale1
Description: Inventory of Wholesale 1 (click Add)
Locator (describe the technical model with taxonomies)
Locator Type: unspsc
Locator Key name: (blank)
Locator Key value: wsdlSpec
(Click Add)
Overview URL (a URL pointing to an overview document, a description of
the document, and a Language field):
Figure 8-17 Add a technical model
3. Click the Publish Technical Model link to create the technical model in the
UDDI Registry.
180 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
Add a service to the business
Follow these steps:
1. Select Show owned entities under the Publish tab.
2. Locate the business and click the Add service button.
3. Enter the relevant data (click Add where applicable):
Service Name: InventoryWholesale1
Description: Inventory Service of Wholesale1
Access points (points to the Service):
URL Type address:
Locator (add references to taxonomies to the service)
Technical Model (associate existing tModels to the Service):
Figure 8-18
4. After completion of those areas required, click the Publish Service button to
publish the service to the UDDI Registry with the current form contents.
Chapter 8. Router solutions using Web Services Gateway 181
8.6.4 Create the filter
A filter is simply an EJB running in an enterprise application. To create the filter,
do the following steps with WebSphere Studio:
1. Create an enterprise application. (ITSORouterApp in the scenario).
2. Create an EJB project. (ITSORouterAppEJB in the scenario).
3. Create a session bean. (RouterBean in the scenario). The easiest way is to
use the J2EE Hierarchy view in the J2EE perspective. Select the Session
Beans folder, right-click, and select New->Session Bean. The values we
used are shown in Figure 8-19 and Figure 8-20.
Figure 8-19 Create a session bean for the filter
182 Broker Interactions for Intra- and Inter-enterprise
Figure 8-20 Create a session bean for the filter
When you create an EJB filter, you have to use the following interfaces:
Tip: To develop the filter, you need to have the wsgwejb.jar, which comes in
the <WAS_Enterprise_HOME>/lib directory in your build path.
Important: The support of filter programming is supported only in IBM
WebSphere Application Server - Enterprise.
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