
We thank Vaughn Vernon for all his feedback and encouragement during our book project. We feel honored to be part of his Addison Wesley Signature Series. Special thanks also go to Haze Humbert, Menka Mehta, Mary Roth, Karthik Orukaimani, and Sandra Schroeder from Pearson for their excellent support and to Frank Leymann for providing the foreword and valuable feedback on our work. Our copy editor, Carol Lallier of Clarity Editing, made this late activity a rewarding, even pleasant experience.

The real-world pattern stories in this book would have not been possible without the cooperation of development projects. Thus, we’d like to thank Walter Berli and Werner Möckli from Terravis and Phillip Ghadir and Willem van Kerkhof from innoQ for their inputs and work on these stories. Nicolas Dipner and Sebnem Kaslack created the initial versions of the patterns icons in their term and bachelor thesis projects. Toni Suter implemented large parts of the Lakeside Mutual case study applications. Stefan Kapferer, developer of Context Mapper, also contributed to the MDSL tools.

We want to thank all the people who provided feedback on the content of this book. Special thanks go to Andrei Furda, who provided input to the introductory material and reviewed many of our patterns; Oliver Kopp and Hans-Peter Hoidn, who applied patterns, provided feedback, and/or organized several informal workshops with peers; James Higginbotham and, again, Hans-Peter Hoidn, who reviewed the book manuscript.

In addition, many colleagues provided helpful feedback, especially the shepherds and writer’s workshop participants from EuroPLoP 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. We thank the following individuals for their valuable insights: Linus Basig, Luc Bläser, Thomas Brand, Joseph Corneli, Filipe Correia, Dominic Gabriel, Antonio Gámez Díaz, Reto Fankhauser, Hugo Sereno Ferreira, Silvan Gehrig, Alex Gfeller, Gregor Hohpe, Stefan Holtel, Ana Ivanchikj, Stefan Keller, Michael Krisper, Jochen Küster, Fabrizio Lazzaretti, Giacomo De Liberali, Fabrizio Montesi, Frank Müller, Padmalata Nistala, Philipp Oser, Ipek Ozkaya, Boris Pokorny, Stefan Richter, Thomas Ronzon, Andreas Sahlbach, Niels Seidel, Souhaila Serbout, Apitchaka Singjai, Stefan Sobernig, Peter Sommerlad, Markus Stolze, Davide Taibi, Dominic Ullmann, Martin (Uto869), Uwe van Heesch, Timo Verhoeven, Stijn Vermeeren, Tammo van Lessen, Robert Weiser, Erik Wilde, Erik Wittern, Eoin Woods, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, and Veith Zäch. We also would like to thank the students of several editions of the HSR/OST lectures “Advanced Patterns and Frameworks” and “Application Architecture” and of the USI lecture on “Software Architecture.” Their discussion of our patterns and additional feedback are appreciated.

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