Strategies for testing mobile backend

As we have discussed, backend testing is pretty much web application testing, however, there are a few things we need to set up, to be able to see HTTP/HTTPS traffic in our favorite proxy, Burp Suite.

Setting up Burp Suite Proxy for testing

In order to test server-side vulnerabilities present in mobile apps, a proxy is an indispensable tool in a tester's arsenal. There are quite a few ways to configure the proxy based on what network you are using and the availability of an emulator/physical device. In this section, we will explore two such options to configure Burp Suite via Wi-Fi and APNs.

First step in this process is to make our proxy listen on a port, in our case it's 8082:

  1. Go to Proxy | Options from the context tabs.
  2. Click on the Add button.
  3. Fill in the port to bind and select All interfaces as shown in the following screenshot:
    Setting up Burp Suite Proxy for testing
  4. Make sure that the Alerts tab shows Proxy service started on port 8082.
  5. If everything goes well, you should see a screen similar to the following:
    Setting up Burp Suite Proxy for testing

Now that we have started our proxy, let's configure our emulator/device to proxy all the requests/responses via our proxy to see what's going on behind the scenes.

Proxy setting via APN

We can enable our proxy for all the communication between the Android device and backend by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the Menu button.
  2. Click on the Settings button.
  3. Under Wireless & Networks, select More.
  4. Select Cellular Networks.
  5. Go to Access Point Names (APNs):
    Proxy setting via APN
  6. Select the Default Mobile service provider:
    Proxy setting via APN
  7. Under the Edit access point section, fill in your proxy and port, in our case it's and 8082 respectively.
  8. We should see the following screen once the proxy is set up:
    Proxy setting via APN


You might have to set up your DNS appropriately if not done already.

Proxy setting via Wi-Fi

The easiest way to configure a proxy is via Wi-Fi and it is recommended as it's easy to set up and test. Before we continue to set up the proxy, we need to connect to Wi-Fi and authenticate. Check if you are able to access any Internet resource like

  1. Select the SSID you are connected to (in our case, it's WiredSSID):
    Proxy setting via Wi-Fi
  2. Tap and hold it for a second until the context menu pops up:
    Proxy setting via Wi-Fi
  3. Select Modify network and fill in proxy host and port details:
    Proxy setting via Wi-Fi
  4. Save the settings to confirm the proxy details.

Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS

Let's check if our proxy settings are working fine, by visiting To our surprise, we see an SSL certificate warning:

Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS

Click the Continue button to see a HTTP(S) request in Burp Proxy:

Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS

For curious souls, the security warning is because Burp Suite is behaving as a man in the middle and our browser can't authenticate the certificate issuer and so raises a certificate warning.

If we click on the View Certificate button, we will see the Certifying Authority is PortSwigger CA, but it should be Google Internet Authority G2:

Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS

To avoid this popup every time, we need to install Burp's certificate to the Android device. By adding the cert into the device's trusted store, we are deceiving the app to consider Burp's certificate as trusted.

Please follow the instructions below to install the certificate:

  1. Open the browser on your computer (here, Firefox) and configure the proxy settings by following the path Tools | Options |Advanced | Network |Connection | Settings:
    Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS
  2. In the context menu, fill in the hostname or IP address of your proxy and port number.
  3. Visit http://burp/ and download the CA certificate and save it onto the file system:
    Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS

    Or you can also go to Proxy | Options and export the certificate in der format as shown below:

    Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS
  4. After clicking Import/export CA certificate in the previous step, we should see the following window:
    Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS
  5. Rename the .der to .cer by changing the extension, we will transfer this file onto the Android file system and install it on the device using the following commands as discussed in previous chapters:
    C:> adb push cacert.cer  /mnt/sdcard

    Or we can just drag and drop the certificate into the device. The directory where the certificate is copied might vary according to your device and android version:

    Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS
  6. To install the certificate, navigate to Settings | Personal | Security | Credential storage | Install from Storage go to .cer file.
    Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS
  7. Fill in any name of your choice for the CA. You need to set the PIN if you are not already using it for certificate storage:
    Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS
  8. We will receive a BurpProxy is Installed message, if everything went well.
  9. We can verify the certificate by going to Trusted credentials:
    Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS
  10. The following screen will appear after tapping on the Trusted credentials option:
    Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS
  11. We can see that the PortSwigger CA certificate is installed and we can say goodbye to the certificate warnings.

Installing the Burp CA certificate gets rid of the annoying popups and helps to save some time for testers.

HSTS – HTTP Strict Transport Security

HSTS policy helps supported clients in avoiding cookie stealing and protocol downgrade attacks. When a user tries to access a website HTTP, HSTS policy automatically redirects the client to https connection and if the server's certificate is untrusted it doesn't let the user accept the warning and continue. HSTS is enabled by using the following header:

Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000

By adding the CA certificate into a trusted store, the redirection doesn't raise a certificate warning, thereby helping testers save some time.

Bypassing certificate pinning

In the previous section, we learnt how to intercept SSL traffic of Android applications. This section shows how to bypass a special scenario called SSL/Certificate Pinning where apps perform an additional check to validate the SSL connection. In the previous section, we learnt that Android devices come with a set of trusted CAs and they check if the target server's certificate is provided by any of these trusted CAs. Though this increases the security of data in transit to prevent MITM attacks, it is very easy to compromise the device's trust store and install a fake certificate and convince the device to trust the servers whose certificates are not provided by a trusted CA. The concept of Certificate Pinning is introduced to prevent this possibility of adding a certificate to the device's trust store and compromising the SSL connections.

With SSL pinning, it is assumed that the app knows which servers it communicates with. We take the SSL certificate of this server and add it to the application. Now the application doesn't need to rely on the device's trust store, rather it makes its own checks verifying if it is communicating with the server whose certificate is already stored inside this application. This is how SSL pinning works.

Twitter is one of the very first popular apps that has implemented SSL pinning. Multiple ways have been evolved to bypass SSL pinning in Android apps. One of the easiest ways to bypass SSL pinning is to decompile the app binary and patch SSL validation methods.

It is suggested to read the following paper written by Denis Andzakovic, to achieve this:

Additionally, a tool called AndroidSSLTrustKiller is made available by iSecPartners to bypass SSL pinning. This is a Cydia Substrate extension which bypasses SSL pinning by setting up breakpoints at HttpsURLConnection.setSocketFactory() and modifying the local variables. The original presentation is available at the following link:

Bypass SSL pinning using AndroidSSLTrustKiller

This section demonstrates how to use AndroidSSLTrustKiller to bypass SSL Pinning in the Twitter Android app (version 5.42.0). AndroidSSLTrustKiller can be downloaded from

When SSL Pinning is enabled in the Android app, Burp Suite doesn't intercept any traffic from the application since the certificate that is pinned inside the app doesn't match with the one we have at the Burp proxy. Now install Cydia Substrate in the Android device and install the AndroidSSLTrustKiller extension. You need to reboot the device for the changes to take place. After rebooting the device, we can check out the traffic from the Twitter application once again and we should be able to see it as shown in the following screenshot:

Bypass SSL pinning using AndroidSSLTrustKiller

Setting up a demo application

We are going to use OWASP GoatDroid vulnerable app for our demos to showcase server side vulnerabilities as there is nothing new from a server side attack perspective.

Installing OWASP GoatDroid

There are two apps in GoatDroid, FourGoats and Herd Financial, we will be using Herd Financial, a fictitious bank app in this chapter.

Following are the steps to the GoatDroid installation:

  1. Installation of the mobile app (client) onto the mobile device.
  2. Running of the GoatDroid web service (server).

    We can download GoatDroid from the following URL:

  3. After extracting the ZIP, we should start the backend service app by running the following command. Click the Start Web Service button to start the web service under HerdFinancial as shown below:
    C:OWASP-GoatDroid-Project>java –jar goatdroid-0.9.jar
  4. Next, we also need to install the mobile app on the device, that is, GoatDroid Herd Financial app by using the following command:
    C:OWASP-GoatDroid-Project goatdroid_appsFourGoatsandroid_app>adb install "OWASP GoatDroid- Herd Financial Android App.apk"
  5. Alternatively, you can push the app from the web service screen as shown in following screenshot:
    Installing OWASP GoatDroid

We need to configure the server IP address and port number (9888) under Destination Info at the home screen of the mobile app. We then need to set up the proxy as discussed in previous sections to capture the request.

The default credentials for login are goatdroid/goatdroid.

Threats at the backend

Web services (SOAP/RESTful) are services which run on HTTP/HTTPs and are pretty much similar to web applications. All the web applications attacks can be possible with mobile backend as well. We will now discuss some common security issues that we see in APIs.

Relating OWASP top 10 mobile risks and web attacks

We will try to relate our discussion on server side issues with OWASP mobile top 10 risks to provide another angle to look at these issues. However, we will not discuss the client side attacks as we have already discussed these attacks in previous chapters.

Relating OWASP top 10 mobile risks and web attacks

Among OWASP mobile top 10 risks, the following risks are associated with the server side, we will use these as a legend going forward:

  • M1: Weak Server-Side Controls
  • M2: Insecure Data Storage
  • M3: Insufficient Transport Layer Protection
  • M5: Poor Authorization and Authentication
  • M6: Broken Cryptography
  • M8: Security Decisions via Untrusted Inputs
  • M9: Improper Session Handling

Authentication/authorization issues

Most web services use custom authentication to authenticate to APIs, usually the token is stored at the client side and reused for every request. Apart from testing the security of token storage we have to make sure of the following:

  • Secure transmission of the credentials over TLS
  • Using strong TLS algorithm suites
  • Proper authorization is being done at the server side
  • Securing of login page/endpoint from brute force vulnerability
  • Use of strong session identifier

You can find more information about the authentication and authorization attacks in the OWASP testing guide and cheat sheets.

We will now see a demo of a few authentication and authorization vulnerabilities using the OWASP GoatDroid app.

Mobile Top 10 related risks: M5, M1

Authentication vulnerabilities

As we can see below, this app lets users login, register an account, and retrieve a forgotten password:

Authentication vulnerabilities

Let's try registering an account and see what request is being fired to the API:

Authentication vulnerabilities

What happens if we try to register another account with the same account number or same user name?

Authentication vulnerabilities

Interestingly, we can find out usernames and bank account numbers:

Authentication vulnerabilities

As we can see, we can try different scenarios related to authentication and authorization. Attack vectors are limited to how creative an attacker can get.

Authorization vulnerabilities

As we can see below, this app lets you check balance, transfer funds, and view account statements:

Authorization vulnerabilities

I have configured the burp suite as discussed in previous sections to capture HTTP/HTTPS requests.

Let's click on the Check Balance button to ask the server our account balance, as we can see a request is fired to the server on /balances endpoint. Please note the account number 1234567890, and session ID, AUTH=721148.

As we can see below, this particular account has a balance of 947.3.

Authorization vulnerabilities

We can see the same balance displayed on the mobile app as well:

Authorization vulnerabilities

We can change our account number to any account number and see their balance as there is no proper authorization check being performed at the backend:

Authorization vulnerabilities

We can see the same balance, 414.56, of someone else's account displayed on the mobile app as well:

Authorization vulnerabilities

Session management

Session management is how you maintain state in mobile applications and as discussed previously, is typically done using an authentication token. Some of the common issues related to session management are as follows:

  • Weak session token generation with insufficient length, entropy, and so on
  • Insecure transmission of the session token post authentication
  • Lack of proper session termination at the server end

You can find more information about the session management attacks in OWASP Testing Guide and Cheat Sheets.

Mobile Top 10 related risks: M3, M1

As we have seen in the Authentication and Authorization section, the AUTH session token uses a cryptographically weak token. We should at least use a tried and tested random number to create the token:

Session management

Insufficient Transport Layer Security

Even though use of SSL/TLS is not costly as it used to be, we see many applications still don't use TLS and if they do it's configured pretty badly. MITM attacks are pretty serious threats to mobile apps, we have to make sure android apps check at least the following few security checks:

  • Data is transferred only on SSL/TLS by using HSTS
  • Use a CA issued certificate to communicate to the server
  • Use certificate pinning for certificate chain verification

Our demo app doesn't use any of the best practices like CA issued certificate, HSTS, Certificate pinning, and so on, as we are able to use burp proxy without any issues.

Mobile Top 10 related risks: M5, M1

Input validation related issues

Input fields are gateways to applications and this holds true even for mobile applications. It's not rare to see vulnerabilities like SQL injection, Command Injection, and Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities if there are no input validation controls implemented at the server side.

Mobile Top 10 related risks: M5, M1, M8

Improper error handling

Attackers can glean lots of important information from error messages. If error handling is not properly done, the application will end up helping attackers in compromising the security of the service.

Mobile Top 10 related risks: M1

Insecure data storage

We have already covered the client side data storage security, so we will only consider insecure data storage from a server side perspective. If the data stored at the server is stored in clear text, an attacker who gained access to backend can readily make use of this information. It's paramount to store all passwords in a hashed format and wherever possible, the data at rest should be encrypted including data backups.

Mobile Top 10 related risks: M2, M1

As we can see in the following screenshot, the Herd financial demo app stores the user credentials in clear text. If an attacker gets hold of this information, he can login into every account and transfer the money to an offshore account:

Insecure data storage

Attacks on the database

It is also important to notice that attackers may get unauthorized access to the database directly. For example, it is possible for an attacker to gain unauthorized access to the database console such as phpmyadmin if it is not secured with strong credentials. Another example would be access to unauthenticated MongoDB console, as the default installation of MongoDB doesn't require any authentication to access its console.

Mobile Top 10 related risks: M1

We have discussed different server side vulnerabilities, how to configure burp suite for testing server side issues, and we have also discussed techniques to bypass HSTS, certificate pinning.

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