Job entries

The following table includes all the job entries used in the book. For a full list of job entries and their descriptions, select Help | Show job entries plug-in information in Spoon's main menu.

You can also visit for more information.

There you'll find a full job entries reference and some examples as well.




Time for action

Job entries

Abort job

Aborts the job

Updating a file with news about examinations by setting a variable with the name of the file (Chapter 11)

Job entries

Create a folder

Creates a folder

Creating a simple Hello world job (Chapter 10)

Job entries

Delete file

Deletes a file

Generating custom files by executing a transformation for every input row (Chapter 11)

Job entries

Evaluate rows number in a table

Evaluates the content of a table

Loading the dimensions for the sales datamart (Chapter 12)

Job entries

File Exists

Checks if a file exists

Updating a file with news about examinations by setting a variable with the name of the file (Chapter 11)

Job entries


Executes a job

Generating the files with top scores by nesting jobs (Chapter 11); also in Chapter 12

Job entries


Sends an e-mail

Sending a sales report and warning the administrator if something were wrong (Chapter 10)

Job entries

Special entries

Start job entry; mandatory at the beginning of a job

Creating a simple Hello world job (Chapter 10); also in Chapters 11 and 12

Job entries


Forces the success of a job execution

Updating a file with news about examinations by setting a variable with the name of the file (Chapter 11); also in Chapter 12

Job entries


Executes a transformation

Creating a simple Hello world job (Chapter 10); also in Chapters 11 and 12


Note that this appendix is just a quick reference. It's not meant at all for learning to use PDI. In order to learn from scratch, you should read the book starting from the first chapter.

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