Appendix E. Introducing PDI 4 Features

While writing this book, version 4.0 of PDI was still under development. Kettle 4.0 was mainly created to provide a new API for the future—the API that is cleaned up, flexible, more pluggable, and so on. Beside those architectural changes, Kettle 4.0 also includes some new functional features. This appendix will quickly introduce you to those features.

Agile BI

Pentaho Agile Business Intelligence (Agile BI) is a new, iterative design approach to BI development. Agile BI provides an integrated solution that enables you, as an ETL designer, to work iteratively, modeling the data, visualizing it, and finally providing the data to users for self-service reporting and analysis. Agile BI is delivered as a plugin to Pentaho Data Integration. You can learn more about Agile BI at

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