Chapter 9

loading slowly changing dimensions


(a). The decision for the kind of dimension is not related to data you have. You just have to know your business, so the last option is out. You don't need to keep history for the name of the film. If the name changes it is because it was misspelled, or because you want to change the name to upper case, or something like that. It doesn't have sense to keep the old value. So you create a Type I SCD.


(c). You can use any of these steps for loading a Type I SCD. In the tutorial for loading a type I SCD you used a Combination L/U, but you could have used the other too, as explained above.

loading type III slowly changing dimensions


(b). With a Database lookup to get the current value stored in the dimension. If there is no data in the dimension table, the lookup fails and returns null; that is not a problem. After that, you compare the found data with the new one and set the proper values for the dimension columns. Then you load the dimension either with a Combination L/U or with a Dimension lookup, just as you do for a regular Type I SCD.

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