Chapter 6
Perfect Phrases to Ace the Interview You Conduct


Bad hires are costly. How can we know if the person sitting across from us is the answer to our prayer or our worst nightmare?

This chapter provides Perfect Phrases to successfully—and legally—learn what we need to know before we commit to the wrong person. We start by knowing what information we are looking for with every question we ask. We proceed by picking our words with care.

Perfect Interview Phrases for Gathering Personal Information

The phrases in this section are designed to determine if the candidate’s situation and background are appropriate for the job, and to get the information we need without getting into legal trouble. Instead of asking age, citizenship, family situation, and health status, the Perfect Phrases below elicit the information we are really looking for: whether they can do the job we need them for.

image Do you have legal verification of your right to work in this country?

image What languages do you speak, read, or write?

image These are the hours, days, and shifts that you would be working. Is there anything that would interfere with your ability to work these hours?

image If we hire you, do you have proof of your age?

image Are you comfortable with our policy of not allowing personal phone calls at work?

image Is there anything that keeps you from being able to (task) with reasonable accommodation?

image This job requires lifting fifty pounds. Can you do that?

image Tell me about the most physically demanding job you have had.

image Tell me about the most volatile environment you’ve ever worked in.

Perfect Interview Phrases to Learn Work Styles and Preferences

These questions are designed to find out how candidates like to work.

image Do you prefer working alone or in groups?

image What personal style do you find it challenging to work with? Why?

image Do you like a lot of involvement or independence?

image What are some things you like to avoid in a job? Why?

image What is the most important thing you are looking for in a job?

image What were some of the things about your last job that you found challenging?

image What are some things you liked best about your last job?

image How do you feel about the way your last supervisor managed you?

image Why are you leaving your present job? (Or: Why did you leave your last job?)

image What is important to you in a company? What things do you look for in an organization?

image How much supervision are you used to?

image I see you worked at (place) from (date) to (date). Why did you choose that firm?

image What is the most important quality a person in this position should have?

image I’d like for you to interview me for the job of your manager. What do you need to know to see if this is a fit for you?

Perfect Interview Phrases to Learn Work Expectations

These questions are designed to uncover how candidates perceive the job they are applying for.

image What about the description of this job caught your interest?

image Where do you see yourself in five years?

image Tell me about your ideal job. How do you see this position compared to that ideal?

image Why are you applying for this position?

image How did you hear about this position?

image Is there anything you’ve had happen in previous jobs you’re hoping won’t happen here?

image If you get this job, what do you think would be the highlight of your day?

image If you get this job, what do you think would be your least favorite part?

Perfect Interview Phrases to Evaluate Interpersonal Skills

These questions uncover how candidates handle the kinds of interpersonal challenges they are likely to face. (See Chapter 9 for interview questions regarding diversity interpersonal skills.)

image Tell me about a time a customer was offensive or obnoxious and how you handled it.

image Describe a situation where you were tempted to or did lose your temper with a dissatisfied customer.

image Have you ever lost your temper with a customer or co-worker?

image Tell me about a time when you turned an angry customer around.

image Describe a situation where you went the extra mile to satisfy a tough customer.

image Describe a situation where you needed to refuse an unreasonable request from your manager.

image If your manager offended you, how would you handle it?

image What would you do if you were on a team that wasn’t communicating well?

image How would you handle a co-worker who stole your idea?

image How do you respond to gossip?

Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Self-Directedness, Personal Motivation, and Creativity

Self-directedness, personal motivation, and creativity are valuable assets in most situations. However, if we are interviewing for a routine job, we want to be sure the candidate won’t feel stifled. We can find out about the directedness and creativity of our applicant with the Perfect Phrases below.

image What have you done that you consider truly creative?

image Can you think of a time when the way things were done didn’t work too well and you found a new way?

image What kind of problems do people call on you to solve?

image How comfortable are you with repetitive tasks?

image Tell me about an obstacle you had to overcome and how you handled it.

image What have you done to prepare yourself to work in this field?

image How do you organize your time?

image What have you done in the past when you discovered a work area that needed improvement?

image What are some of the obstacles you found in previous jobs? How did you handle them?

image How do you keep up with what’s going on in your (company, industry, profession)?

image How many nonfiction books did you read last year?

image How important is it to you to be the best?

Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Leadership Qualities

These questions are designed to determine whether a candidate waits for others to guide or fills in leadership gaps where needed. They are also designed to determine whether a candidate considers the big picture or not.

image How do you get results from people you have no control over?

image Have you taken a leadership development course?

image How have you helped your (subordinates, co-workers) develop themselves?

image In your present job how do you get people to find a common approach to a problem?

image What do you do to get people to accept your ideas or department goals?

image Tell me some specific things you’ve done to set an example for others.

image Do people consider you a leader?

image How do you help people get along?

image If you were the president of this company, what is one new (policy, plan, product) you would initiate?

image How do you motivate people?

image Give an example of how you once saw a need and filled it.

image Do you see every employee as having a leadership role in an organization?

Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Resourcefulness and Situational Qualifications

These questions address the candidate’s approach to situations he or she is likely to experience and determine whether the candidate has relevant experience.

image How do you handle it when two managers insist you give their projects priority?

image If you had a crisis and needed an immediate decision from your manager and you couldn’t reach him or her, what would you do?

image What’s your experience with (skill)?

image What work experience prepared you for this job?

image How often do you use the Internet to solve problems?

image If a doctor gave you a diagnosis that didn’t seem right, would you get a second opinion? What else would you do?

image I’ll tell you about a situation the person who was previously in this position had to deal with. Then I’d like for you to tell me how you would have handled it.

image Have you ever found an opportunity through social media connections?

image Do you belong to professional organizations? Which ones? How have they helped you succeed? How have they helped your employer?

image What awards have you received for work performance?

image What would your previous (staff, co-workers, managers, team members) say about you?

Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Education and Training

Not all relevant learning shows up on a standard interview form. These questions uncover formal training and also learning that may not fit into a standard job application.

image What formal or informal education or training has prepared you for this job?

image Have you advanced your knowledge and skills through online training? How?

image Have you had a formal or informal mentor who taught you things that would help you with this job?

image What else has provided you with knowledge useful for this job?

image What has been the most important person or event in your own self-development?

image What kind of books and other publications do you read?

image What skills do you have that are self-trained?

image How did you get that training?

image How much do you use the Internet to get ideas and solve work-related problems?

Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Career Goals

Employees are more likely to be motivated if their career goals match the opportunities you offer. We can find out what those are with the questions listed below.

image What is your long-term employment or career objective?

image How do you see this job fitting into that objective?

image What skills and knowledge will you need to do that?

image Why do you believe you will be successful doing that?

image If you had this job, what would you like to accomplish?

image What might make you leave this job?

image What would cause you to stay for a long time?

Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Work Standards

Some employees take ownership of projects and are committed to successful outcomes. Others are just doing a job, without the commitment to do what it takes to excel. Find out what your candidate’s approach is.

image Can you give an example of a time you saw a need and filled it without being asked to?

image How do you measure success in your job?

image Do you expect to leave work exactly on time every day?

image How many sick days do you consider acceptable?

image Define what a good job is in your position.

image Define what a great job is in your position.

image How do you evaluate others’ performance? What factors do you consider?

image Tell me about a project you were involved with that didn’t go as well as you expected. Why did it fall short?

image Tell me about a project that went better than expected. Why was it so successful?

Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Flexibility

Most jobs require flexibility. These Perfect Phrases determine if a candidate has the flexibility the position requires.

image What was the most important idea or suggestion you received recently? Did you change anything as a result?

image How do you handle constant changes in company operating policies and procedures?

image What was the most significant change made in a company you worked for? How successful were you in implementing that change?

image When you’re in the middle of a project and your manager calls with an immediate request, how do you handle it?

image Have you ever had a manager change directions in the middle of a project? How did you respond?

image How do you handle it when a manager asks you to do things outside your job description?

Perfect Multipurpose Interview Sentence Stems

Open-ended questions elicit information better than closed ones. These sentence stems can help you assess even more about the candidate.

image What . . .

image Explain . . .

image Describe . . .

image How would you . . . ?

image In what ways . . . ?

image Under what circumstance do you . . . ?

image If you could . . . ?

image Please cite some examples of . . .

image Tell me about . . .

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