The Landscape has become a touchstone for us as performance improvement professionals. When we want to check the validity of a concept, a model, a tool, or an approach that is new to us, we come back to the Landscape. We look to the Landscape to show us where the new item fits in the performance world, how it supports the Principles of Performance Technology, at what levels of the work environment it could be effective, and to what extent it would mesh with the existing culture. Everything we do, or that can be done, to improve performance is contained in the Landscape.
The Landscape shows us that we can be effective and efficient in our organizations, and we can affect performance if we accurately diagnose what is getting in the way of results and recommend effective solutions. It is not necessary to study for years to do this work. With the right tools and resources, and the skills to decode them, performance improvement specialists can excel at what makes us unique: diagnosis.

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