How many times have you managed, participated in, or observed the implementation of a carefully considered and well-designed performance improvement solution, only to watch it fade away after a short-lived existence? How often have you invested hours of your time and expertise only to see your efforts disappear soon after implementation? Unfortunately, you are not alone. In a July 2008 study of executives worldwide, McKinsey reports that only one-third said that their organizations succeeded in making a change in performance (McKensey, 2008). A 2005 study conducted by VitalSmarts and the Concours Group (Silence Fails, 2006) cites a failure rate of 85 percent in major projects undertaken by organizations. Tellingly, the study also found that 90 percent of employees could identify the large-scale initiatives in their organization that were likely to fail.
Sadly, many finely crafted solutions that really could make a difference to an organization’s results suffer from implementations that don’t have staying power. It is likely that such initiatives met one or more of these obstacles:
• Plans were never fully executed
• Implementation was completed, but the change was not embedded in the organization’s culture
• Nothing was done to ensure that the change had sticking power

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