The core of this book is the first chapter, The Performance Technology Landscape. It is the foundation for the other chapters, explains human performance technology, and is the map that will take you to where practitioners in our field work and show you what they do. We recommend that you read Chapter 1 first. It will help you determine where you’d like to go next.
Chapters 2 through 8 can be read either consecutively or in any order that meets your needs. Each chapter is self-contained and can stand alone. Wherever possible we refer to other chapters for more information or a different perspective on a subject under discussion. Every chapter contains a Where to Go Next table to point you to other chapters that may be of interest.
Chapter 2: The Worker: Individual/Team Level introduces the first of the three organizational levels and discusses representative issues that performance improvement specialists encounter here. You’ll find models, tools, examples, and advice for approaching projects at the Worker Level.
Chapter 3: The Work: Process/Practice Level explores performance improvement challenges derived from the work done in organizations and the ways in which process and practice issues make themselves known. You’ll discover proven methods for decoding work issues, with supportive models and tools to help you.
Chapter 4: The Workplace: Organization Level helps you navigate performance improvement concerns that originate in the upper reaches of organizations and may have created opportunities for changes in one or more of the other organizational levels. You’ll discover effective navigation techniques, uncover clues to operating successfully out of your comfort zone, and gain an increased appreciation for organizational politics.
Chapter 5: Implementation: Weaving Performance into the Organization turns fresh eyes on what happens after project roll-out and helps you avoid having your project vanish before it can produce the results you promised.
Chapter 6: What We Do discusses the Systematic Approach at the core of HPT and shows how the kinds of performance improvement applied at each of the three organizational levels come together to produce results.
Chapter 7: Focus Forward: Trends to Watch is an emphatic nod to current trends in the workplace and in the world that affect the organizations where we help our clients. We select several critical, wide-ranging, and interrelated trends to help raise your awareness of the many challenges facing your clients. We also discuss what you can do to scan for opportunities to improve your organization’s results. This is the key to being a true business partner: become a proactive force for growing the organization’s success.
Chapter 8: Chart Your Course is your opportunity to determine what you’d like to learn more about in the world of HPT. It provides planning aids to help you think about skills and knowledge to acquire at each of the three levels: for your own development, for that of your department, and for your organization.
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