At the Work Level, performance improvement professionals develop maps of how work is done and identify the supporting work practices. Partnering with our clients and colleagues, we use these maps to make the work processes and practices visible. At this level, we work with subject-matter experts and the people who are doing the work. We observe employees on the job in their work environment. We watch how they perform tasks, interact with co-workers and customers, use tools and resources, and solve problems.
It is important to use what we have learned about the Worker (see Chapter 2: The Worker: Individual /Team Level) as well:
• The performance that is expected
• Feedback systems in place
• Incentives offered
• Consequences of good or poor performance
• Skills and knowledge required
• Job fit
The Workplace, both environment and culture, is also a consideration. Chapter 4: The Workplace: Organization Level provides the tools and resources for an Organization Level assessment.
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