Performance improvement professionals who keep up with current events and follow the global trends that affect their client organizations position themselves to add value to their client engagements and important perspectives to their work. The ability to discuss the business of our client organizations in the context of the trends offered here, and there are many others we might have selected, adds to practitioners’ credibility and to the richness of the skills they bring to their clients.
We have focused on significant trends in the arenas of Natural Resources, Technology, Economics, and Performance Improvement, as seen through the filter of RSVP+. We recognize that there are other trends we have not noted here that certainly merit attention, such as the rise of the Gulf States in the Middle East and the emerging prominence of countries in Africa. We encourage you to keep up with these and other trends that are important to you and your clients.
As of this writing, the economic stability of much of the world is in question. There will be many changes, but what will they be? Keep your eyes open, and start building your own hypothesis. What is happening? What’s likely to happen next? And what are the opportunities to improve performance in this rapidly shifting landscape?

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