How does a newly created team or department become an effective operation within the larger organization? How will your PI department assimilate into the enterprise?

We Are Known by Our Results

We suggest that your new group make itself known by the results it delivers. Many performance improvement specialists try to educate their clients about HPT. We don’t recommend this approach. Your clients are interested in what you can do for them, in the results you can achieve, not in the methods you use to get them. No one cares how the marketing department does its work; they care about the good advertising they produce. Performance improvement is no different.

The Educated Client

That said, a client with no interest in the work of your PI department would not be seeking your services for long. An ideal client is an educated client; educated about the results your team can deliver, educated about your products and services, educated about how best to partner with you and champion your work. And it is your responsibility to help your client learn.

Set Expectations

As we see it, clients have two main responsibilities when they partner with a performance improvement group:
• Create a business case for their project in cooperation with the PI department
• Make certain that the project has a senior management champion to keep results visible and ensure a successful implementation
In return, the PI group is responsible for setting expectations with the client for the results to be achieved.
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