We’d like to hear your suggestions for improving our indexes. Send email to
- command, 40
! command, 74–76
!! command, 72
$^W special variable, 11
( ) (braces), sending commands
to Perl using, 63
+ (plus sign), sending commands
to Perl using, 63
. command, 40
/ command, 40
; (semicolon), sending
commands to Perl
using, 63
< command, 64
<< command, 65
= (equals sign), used with
module options, 113
= => (code listing hint), 35
> command, 67
>> command, 68
? command, 41
{ command, 65
{{ command, 66
| (pipe) command, 24, 30, 71,
|| command, 71
A command, 52
a command, 51
interpreting code listings, 36
Acme::Bleach module, 115
code listing hints, 36
command quick
reference, 126
deleting, 52
listing, 61
setting, 51
arrayDepth option, 89
AutoTrace option, 90
$DB::trace variable and, 80
Devel::Trace module and, 115
T command and, 48
B command, 58
b command, 53–58
interpreting code listings, 36
B::Deparse module, 115
B::Xref module, 115
bash shell, 6, 84
bbedit text editor, 125
Beck, Kent, 120
Benchmark module, 115
Blue Book, 119
Boolean options, setting, 76
breakpoints, 51
c command and, 43
code listing hints, 36
command quick
reference, 126
deleting, 58
listing, 61
setting, 53–58
source command and, 72
bugs, Perl, 121
c command, 43, 81
–c command-line option, 8
Camel Book, 119
Capablanca, Jose, 120
CGI debugger session, 18–22
Chess Fundamentals, 120
Christiansen, Tom, 119, 123
code listings, 19
interpreting, 35–40
command-line options
–c switch, 8
–D switch, 88, 116
–d switch, 15, 19, 112–114
–e switch, 15
–M switch, 12
–T switch, 12–15
–t switch, 14
–W switch, 11
–w switch, 11
–X switch, 11
commands, Perl, running from
debugger, 63–68
compactDump variable, 90
company argument, 18
Comprehensive Perl Archive
Network (CPAN), 121
CPAN (Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network), 121
cvs command, 10
–D command-line option, 116
–d command-line option, 15,
19, 112–114
DB namespace, 110–112
DB::afterinit( ), 69, 111
DB::DB( ), 112
DB::parse_options( ), 69, 111
DB::postponed( ), 111
DB::sub( ), 112
DB::typeahead array, 69, 111
$DB::doccmd command, 25
$DB::fork_TTY variable, 82–84
$DB::OUT variable, 26, 71
$DB::signal variable, 80, 99
$DB::single variable, 44, 78–79
$DB::trace variable, 80–82
AutoTrace option and, 90
ddd debugger, 124
–DDEBUGGING flag, 88, 116
debugger prompts, commands
for, 63–68, 126
debugger, Perl
CGI debugger session, 18–22
commands, 22–77
actions, 51–53
breakpoints, 53–59
controlling program
execution, 43–50
examining data, 26–35
finding help, 23–25
history of, 73–76
listing code, 19, 35–40
post-prompt, 67
pre-prompt, 64–66
quitting the debugger, 26
searching in code, 40–43
sourcing from other
files, 72
watchpoints, 59–61
exiting a session, 18
GUI debuggers, 123
history of, 123
options used in, 89–109
references for, 118–125
starting a session, 15–18, 23,
tutorial for, 15–22
URLs for, 121–122
variables (see variables)
vs. print statements, 1
Devel namespace, 110, 112–116
Devel::Cover module, 114
Devel::DProf module, 114
Devel::Leak module, 114
Devel::Peek module, 88, 114
Devel::Size module, 115
Devel::SmallProf module, 115
Devel::Timer module, 115
Devel::Trace module, 115
development environment,
establishing, 10
diagnostics pragma, 11
_ _DIE_ _ handler, 91
dieLevel option, 91, 107
–DL command-line option, 88
documentation library for
Perl, 118
DumpDBFiles option, 91
dumpDepth option, 92
expressions, 31–33
results of regular
expressions, 17
variables, 30, 33
dumpPackages option, 92
DumpReused option, 93
dumpvar.pl library, 31
–e command-line option, 15
emacs text editor, 125
environment variables, 84–88
accessing, 15
equals sign (=), used with
module options, 113
execution trees, 117
exiting a debugger session, 18
exporting variables, 6
dumping in debugger, 31–33
stepping into, 47
Extreme Programming, 120
f command, 41–43
FAQ index for Perl, 119
Feynmann, Richard, 120
forked processes,
following, 82–84
frame option, 93
Friedl, Jeffrey E. F., 120
globPrint option, 95
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Perl debuggers, 123
H command, 73
h command, 16, 23
h h command, 24
help commands in
debugger, 23–25
help page, accessing, 16
Hietenami, Jarkko, 7
highbit option, 96
history of commands
displayed, 73
recalling commands, 74–76
incrementing strings, 17
inhibit_exit option, 96
initializing Perl debugger (see
.perldb initialization file)
interpreter, accessing, 63
komodo debugger, 124
L command, 61
l command, 19, 36–39
lc( ), 21
Leveson, Nancy, 120
lexical variables, listing in
debugger, 34
linecounter.pl script, 4–6
LineInfo option, 48, 97
actions, breakpoints, and
watchpoints, 61
code in debugger, 19, 35–40
lexical variables, 34
methods in debugger, 27
modules in debugger, 28
subroutines in debugger, 29
variables in debugger, 30
load breakpoints, setting, 57
M command, 28
m command, 27
–M command-line option, 12
mailing list for debugging with
Perl, 121
man command, 25
manpages, viewing, 25
Mastering Regular
Expressions, 120
maxTraceLen option, 98
McMahon, Joe, 122
memory usage, obtaining
information on, 87
methods, listing in debugger, 27
modules, 114
calling in Devel
namespace, 110,
listing in debugger, 28
n command, 20, 44
name argument, 18
DB, 110–112
Devel, 112–116
no warnings statement, 11
NonStop option, 82, 98
noTTY option, 99
o command, 76, 80
online articles on Perl
debugger, 122
options in Perl
debugger, 89–109
setting, 76
oradb debugger, 124
ornaments option, 99
Orwant, Jon, 119
output from commands, piping
through pagers, 24, 30,
p command, 16, 20, 26
package variables, dumping, 33
PadWalker module, 34
pager option, 100
pagers, piping command output
through, 24, 30, 71
Perl 5.8.0 distribution, 7
Perl Bible, 119
Perl commands, running from
debugger, 63–68
Perl Debugged, 119
Perl debugger (see debugger,
environment variable, 87
PERL5DB environment
variable, 85
perl5db.pl file, 122
perl5-porters mailing list, 7
.perldb initialization file, 68–70
PERLDB_OPTS environment
variable and, 86
runtime sequence, 111
setting options in
debugger, 76, 89
PERLDB_OPTS environment
variable, 86, 111
perldebguts file, 119
perldebtut tutorial, 22, 119
perldebug file, 119
perldiag file, 12, 119
perldoc, 118
perlfaq file, 119
perlrun file, 119
perltoc file, 118
piping command output through
pagers, 24, 30, 71
The Pleasure of Finding Things
Out, 120
post-prompt commands, 67
pre-prompt commands, 64–66
pretty printing dumped data, 21
print statements vs. Perl
debugger, 1
current stack trace, 48
data structures in
debugger, 26
(see also p command)
printRet option, 101
program execution,
continuing, 43
Programming Perl, 119
prompts (debugger), commands
for, 63–68, 126
The Psychology of Computer
Programming, 120
ptkdb debugger, 124
public interface variables, 78–84
q command, 18, 26
quick reference
section, 126–127
quitting the debugger, 26
quote option, 101
R command, 51
r command, 47
ReadLine option, 103
recallCommand option, 102
references for Perl
debugger, 118–125
regular expressions
debugging, 116
dumping results of, 17
results of, 16
searching backwards for, 41
searching forwards for, 40
RemotePort option, 103
runtime sequence for Perl
debugger, 110
S command, 29
s command, 47
Safeware: System Safety and
Computers, 120
Sarathy, Gurusamy, 123
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