Chapter 6. Testing Databases

Many programs need to work with external data. Given Perl’s powerful and useful modules for database access, many programs use relational databases, simple flat files, and everything in between. It’s in those places, where the real world and your program interact, that you need the most tests.

Fortunately, the same testing tools and techniques used elsewhere make testing databases and database access possible. The labs in this chapter explore some of the scenarios that you may encounter with applications that rely on external data storage and provide ideas and solutions to make them testable and reliable.

Shipping Test Databases

Many modern applications store data in databases for reasons of security, abstraction, and maintainability. This is often good programming, but it presents another challenge for testing; anything outside of the application itself is harder to test. How do you know how to connect to the database? How do you know which database the user will use?

Fortunately, Perl’s DBI module, a few testing tools, and a little cleverness make it possible to be confident that your code does what it should do both inside the database and out.

Often, it’s enough to run the tests against a very simple database full of testable data. DBI works with several database driver modules that are small and easy to use, including DBD::CSV and DBD::AnyData. The driver and DBI work together to provide the same interface that you’d have with a fully relational database system. If you’ve abstracted away creating and connecting to the database in a single place that you can control or mock, you can create a database handle in your test and make the code use that instead of the actual connection.

How do I do that?

Imagine that you store user information in a database. The Users module creates and fetches user information from a single table; it is a factory for User objects. Save the following code in your library directory as


For a better version of the Users module, see Class::DBI from the CPAN.

    package Users;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    my $dbh;

    sub set_db
        my ($self, $connection) = @_;
        $dbh                    = $connection;

    sub fetch
        my ($self, $column, $value) = @_;

        my $sth = $dbh->prepare( 
            "SELECT id, name, age FROM users WHERE $column = ?" );

        $sth->execute( $value );

        return unless my ($id, $name, $age) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
        bless { id => $id, name => $name, age => $age, _db => $self }, 'User';

    sub create
        my ($self, %attributes) = @_;
        my $sth                 = $dbh->prepare(
            'INSERT INTO users (name, age) VALUES (?, ?)'

        $sth->execute( @attributes{qw( name age )} );
        $attributes{id} = $dbh->last_insert_id( undef, undef, 'users', 'id' );
        bless \%attributes, 'User';

    package User;

    our $AUTOLOAD;

    sub AUTOLOAD
        my $self     = shift;
        my ($member) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /::(w+)z/;
        return $self->{$member} if exists $self->{$member};



A better—if longer—version of this code would add a constructor to the Users object and set a per-object database handle.

Note the use of the set_db() function at the start of User. It stores a single database handle for the entire class.

The Users package is simple; it contains accessors for the name, age, and id fields associated with the user. The code itself is just a thin layer around a few database calls. Testing it should be easy. Save the following test file as users.t:


    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use DBI;

    my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=test_data' );
        local $/ = ";
        $dbh->do( $_ ) while <DATA>;

    use Test::More tests => 10;

    my $module = 'Users';
    use_ok( $module ) or exit;

    can_ok( $module, 'set_db' );
    $module->set_db( $dbh );

    can_ok( $module, 'fetch'  );
    my $user = $module->fetch( id => 1 );
    isa_ok( $user, 'User' );
    is( $user->name(), 'Randy', 'fetch() should fetch proper user by id' );

    $user    = $module->fetch( name => 'Ben' );
    is( $user->id(), 2, '... or by name' );

    can_ok( $module, 'create' );
    $user    = $module->create( name => 'Emily', age => 23 );
    isa_ok( $user, 'User' );
    is( $user->name(), 'Emily', 'create() should create and return new User' );
    is( $user->id(), 3, '... with the correct id' );

    _ _END_ _
    DROP TABLE users;
    CREATE TABLE users (
        id   int,
        name varchar(25),
        age  int
    INSERT INTO "users" VALUES(1, 'Randy', 27);
    INSERT INTO "users" VALUES(2, 'Ben', 29);

Run it with prove to see:

    $ prove users.t
    All tests successful.
    Files=1, Tests=10,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.17 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.17 CPU)

What just happened?


SQLite is a simple but powerful relational database that stores all of its data in a single file.

The test starts off by loading the DBI module and connecting to a SQLite database with the DBD::SQLite driver. Then it reads in SQL stored at the end of the test file and executes each SQL command, separated by semicolons, individually. These commands create a users table and insert some sample data.

By the time the test calls Users->set_db(), $dbh holds a connection to the SQLite database stored in test_data. All subsequent calls to Users will use this handle. From there, the rest of the tests call methods and check their return values.

What about...

Q: This works great for testing code that uses a database, but what about code that changes information in the database?

A: Suppose that you want to prove that Users::create() actually inserts information into the database. See Testing Database Data,” next.

Q: Only simple SQL queries are compatible across databases. What if my code uses unportable or database-specific features?

A: This technique works for the subset of SQL and database use that’s portable across major databases. If your application uses things such as additions to SQL, special schema types, or stored procedures, using DBD::SQLite or DBD::AnyData may be inappropriate. In that case, testing against an equivalent database with test data or mocking the database is better. (See Using Temporary Databases" and Mocking Databases,” later in this chapter.)

Testing Database Data

If your application is the only code that ever touches its database, then testing your abstractions is easy: test what you can store against what you can fetch. However, if your application uses the database to communicate with other applications, what’s in the database is more important than what your code retrieves from it. In those cases, good testing requires you to examine the contents of the database directly.

Suppose that the Users module from Shipping Test Databases" is part of a larger, multilanguage system for managing users in a company. If it were the only code that dealt with the underlying database, the existing tests there would suffice—the internal representation of the data can change as long as the external interface stays the same. As it is, other applications will rely on specific details of the appropriate tables and, for Users to work properly, it must conform to the expected structure.

Fortunately, Test::DatabaseRow provides tests for common database-related tasks.

How do I do that?

Save the following file as users_db.t:


    use lib 'lib';

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use DBI;

    my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=test_data' );
        local $/ = ";
        $dbh->do( $_ ) while <DATA>;

    use Test::More tests => 4;
    use Test::DatabaseRow;

    my $module = 'Users';
    use_ok( $module ) or exit;
    $module->set_db( $dbh );
    $module->create( name => 'Emily', age => 23 );

    local $Test::DatabaseRow::dbh = $dbh;

        sql   => 'SELECT count(*) AS count FROM users',
        tests => [ count => 3 ],
        label => 'create() should insert a row',

        table   => 'users',
        where   => [ name => 'Emily', age => 23 ],
        results => 1,
        label   => '... with the appropriate data',

        table => 'users',
        where => [ id => 3 ],
        tests => [ name => 'Emily', age => 23 ],
        label => '... and a new id',

    _ _END_ _
    DROP TABLE users;
    CREATE TABLE users (
    id   int,
    name varchar(25),
    age  int
    INSERT INTO "users" VALUES(1, 'Randy', 27);
    INSERT INTO "users" VALUES(2, 'Ben', 29);

Run it with prove:

    $ prove users_db.t
    users_db....ok 1/0#     Failed test (users_db.t at line 39)
    # No matching row returned
    # The SQL executed was:
    #   SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '3'
    # on database 'dbname=test_data'
    # Looks like you failed 1 tests of 4.
            Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
    DIED. FAILED test 4
            Failed 1/4 tests, 75.00% okay
    Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
    users_db.t     1   256     4    1  25.00%  4
    Failed 1/1 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 1/4 subtests failed, 75.00% okay.


This is an actual failure from writing the test code. It happens.


What just happened?

For some reason, the test failed. Fortunately, Test::DatabaseRow gives diagnostics on the SQL that failed. Before delving into the failure, it’s important to understand how to use the module.

Test::DatabaseRow builds on Test::Builder and exports two functions, row_ok() and not_row_ok(). Both functions take several pieces of data, use them to build and execute a SQL statement, and test its results. To run the tests, the module needs a database handle. The localization and assignment to $Test::DatabaseRow::dbh accomplishes this.

The testing functions accept two different kinds of calls. The first call to row_ok() passes raw SQL as the sql parameter to execute. This test creates a user for Emily and checks that there are now three rows in the users table with the SQL count(*) function. The second argument, tests, is an array reference of checks to perform against the returned row. In effect, this asks the question, “Is the count column in this row equal to 3?” Finally, the label parameter is the test’s description used in its output.

Passing raw SQL to row_ok() isn’t always much of an advantage over performing the query directly. The technique in the second and third calls to row_ok is better—Test::DatabaseRow generates a query from the table and where arguments and sends the query. The table argument identifies the table to query. The where argument contains an array reference of columns and values to use to narrow down the query.


The where argument is more powerful than these examples suggest. See the documentation for more details.

There is another difference between the second and the third tests: the second passes a results argument. Test::DatabaseRow uses this as the number of results that the query should produce for the test to fail. There should be only one Emily of age 23 in the database.

Why, then, did the third test fail? Looking at the debug output, the generated SQL looks correct. Keeping the sample SQLite database around at the end of the test allows you to use the sqlite program to browse the data. If you have SQLite installed, run it with:


Installing DBD:: SQLite doesn’t install the sqlite program. You have to do that separately.

    $ sqlite3 test_data
    SQLite version 3.0.8
    Enter ".help" for instructions
    sqlite> select * from users;

Ahh, this reveals that the row for Emily has an empty id column. Looking at the table definition again (and searching the SQLite documentation), the bug is clear. SQLite only generates a unique identifier for INTEGER columns marked as primary key. Depending on the characteristics of the actual database, this may be a significant difference in the test database that might mask an actual bug in the application!

Revise the table definition in users_db.t to:

    CREATE TABLE users (
    id   INTEGER primary key,
    name varchar(25),
    age  int

Then run the tests again:

    $ prove users_db.t
    All tests successful.
    Files=1, Tests=4,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.17 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.17 CPU)

What about...

Q: What if there are other differences between the live database and the test database?

A: Sometimes the differences between a simple database such as SQLite and a larger database such as PostgreSQL or MySQL are more profound than changing the column types. In these cases, the technique shown here won’t work. Fear not, though. The next section, Using Temporary Databases,” shows another approach.

Q: Is keeping the test database around between invocations a good idea?

A: The DROP TABLE command is useful, but if there’s no database there, it can cause spurious warnings. Also, it’s bad practice to leave test-created files lying around for someone else to clean up. Although they’re sometimes helpful for debugging, most of the time they’re just clutter.

Another option is to delete the test database at the end of the test:

        1 while unlink 'test_data' unless $ENV{TEST_DEBUG};

This will delete the database file completely, even on versioned filesystems, unless you explicitly ask for debugging. Running the test normally will leave no trace. To keep the database around, use a command such as:

                        $ TEST_DEBUG=1 prove users_db.t

Using Temporary Databases

Some programs rely on very specific database features. For example, a PostgreSQL or MySQL administration utility needs a deep knowledge of the underlying database. Other programs, including web content management systems, create their own tables and insert configuration data into the databases. Testing such systems with DBD::CSV is inappropriate; you won’t cover enough of the system to be worthwhile.

In such cases, the best way to test your code is to test against a live database—or, at least, a database containing actual data. If you’re already creating database tables and rows with your installer, go a step further and create a test database with the same information.

How do I do that?

Assume that you have an application named My::App (saved as lib/My/ and a file sql/schema.sql that holds your database schema and some basic data. You want to create both the live and test database tables during the installation process, and you need to know how to connect to the database to do so. One way to do this is to create a custom Module::Build subclass that asks the user for configuration information and installs the database along with the application.


By storing this module in build_ lib/, the normal build process will not install it as it does modules in lib/.

Save the following file to build_lib/

    package MyBuild;

    use base 'Module::Build';

    use DBI;
    use File::Path;
    use Data::Dumper;
    use File::Spec::Functions;

    sub create_config_file
        my $self     = shift;
        my $config   = 
            db_type  => $self->prompt( 'Database type ',       'SQLite'   ),
            user     => $self->prompt( 'Database user: ',      'root'     ),
            password => $self->prompt( 'Database password: ',  's3kr1+'   ),
            db_name  => $self->prompt( 'Database name: ',      'app_data' ),
            test_db  => $self->prompt( 'Test database name: ', 'test_db'  ),
        $self->notes( db_config    => $config );

        mkpath( catdir( qw( lib My App ) ) );

        my $dd       = Data::Dumper->new( [ $config ], [ 'db_config' ] );
        my $path     = catfile(qw( lib My App ));

        open( my $file, '>', $path ) or die "Cannot write to '$path': $!

        printf $file <<'END_HERE', $dd->Dump();
    package My::App::Config;

    my $db_config;

    sub config
        my ($self, $key) = @_;
        return $db_config->{$key} if exists $db_config->{$key};


    sub create_database
        my ($self, $dbname) = @_;
        my $config          = $self->notes( 'db_config' );
        my $dbpath          = catfile( 't', $dbname );

        local $/            = ";
        local @ARGV         = catfile(qw( sql schema.sql ));
        my @sql             = <>;

        my $dbh             = DBI->connect(
            @$config{qw( user password )}
        $dbh->do( $_ ) for @sql;

    sub ACTION_build
        my $self   = shift;
        my $config = $self->notes( 'db_config' );
        $self->create_database( $config->{db_name} );
        $self->SUPER::ACTION_build( @_ );

    sub ACTION_test
        my $self   = shift;
        my $config = $self->notes( 'db_config' );
        $self->create_database( $config->{test_db} );
        $self->SUPER::ACTION_test( @_ );


Save the following file to Build.PL:


    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use lib 'build_lib';
    use MyBuild;

    my $build = MyBuild->new(
        module_name    => 'My::App',
        requires       =>
            'DBI'         => '',
            'DBD::SQLite' => '',
        build_requires =>
            'Test::Simple' => '',


Now run Build.PL:

    $ perl Build.PL
    Database type  [SQLite] 
    Database user:  [root] 
    Database password:  [s3kr1+] 
    Database name:  [app_data] 
    Test database name:  [test_db] 
    Deleting Build
    Removed previous script 'Build'
    Creating new 'Build' script for 'My-App' version '1.00'

Then build and test the module as usual:

    $ perl Build
    Created database 'app_data'
    lib/My/App/ -> blib/lib/My/App/
    lib/My/ -> blib/lib/My/

There aren’t any tests yet, so save the following as t/myapp.t:


        chdir 't' if -d 't';

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use Test::More 'no_plan'; # tests => 1;

    use DBI;
    use My::App::Config;

    my $user    = My::App::Config->config( 'user'     );
    my $pass    = My::App::Config->config( 'password' );
    my $db_name = My::App::Config->config( 'test_db'  );
    my $db_type = My::App::Config->config( 'db_type'  );

    my $dbh     = DBI->connect( "DBI:$db_type:dbname=$db_name", $user, $pass );

    my $module  = 'My::App';
    use_ok( $module ) or exit;


SQLite databases don’t really use usernames and passwords, but play along.

Run the (simple) test:

    $ perl Build test
    Created database 'test_db'
    All tests successful.
    Files=1, Tests=1,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.20 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.20 CPU)

What just happened?

The initial build asked a few questions about the destination database before creating Build.PL. The MyBuild::create_config_file() method handles this, prompting for input while specifying sane defaults. If the user presses Enter or runs the program from an automated session such as a CPAN or a CPANPLUS shell, the program will accept the defaults.

More importantly, this also created a new file, lib/My/App/ That’s why running perl Build copied it into blib/.

Both perl Build and perl Build test created databases, as seen in the Created database... output. This is the purpose of the MyBuild::ACTION_build() and MyBuild::ACTION_test() methods, which create the database with the appropriate name from the configuration data. The former builds the production database and the latter the testing database. If the user only runs perl Build, the program will not create the test database. It will create the test database only if the user runs the tests through perl Build test.


How would you delete the test database after running the tests?

MyBuild::create_database() resembles the SQL handler seen earlier in Shipping Test Databases.”

At the end of the program, the test file loads My::App::Config as a regular module and calls its config() method to retrieve information about the testing database. Then it creates a new DBI connection for that database, and it can run any tests that it wants.

What about...

Q: What if the test runs somewhere without permission to create databases?

A: That’s a problem; the best you can do is to bail out early with a decent error message and suggestions to install things manually. You can run parts of your test suite if you haven’t managed to create the test database; some tests are better than none.

Q: Is it a good idea to use fake data in the test database?

A: The further your test environment is from the live environment, the more difficult it is to have confidence that you’ve tested the right things. You may have genuine privacy or practicality concerns, especially if you have a huge dataset or if your test data includes confidential information. For the sake of speed and simplicity, consider testing a subset of the live data, but be sure to include edge cases and oddities that you expect to encounter.

Mocking Databases

Any serious code that interacts with external libraries or programs has to deal with errors. In the case of database code, this is even more important. What happens when the database goes away? If your program crashes, you could lose valuable data.

Because error checking is so important, it’s well worth testing. Yet none of the techniques shown so far make it easy to simulate database failures. Fortunately, there’s one more trick: mock your database.

How do I do that?

InsertWrapper is a simple module that logs database connections and inserts, perhaps for diagnostics or an audit trail while developing. If it cannot connect to a database—or if the database connection goes away mysteriously—it cannot do its work, so it throws exceptions for the invoking code to handle.

Save the following example in your library directory as

    package InsertWrapper;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use DBI;

    sub new
        my ($class, %args) = @_;
        my $dbh            = DBI->connect(
            @args{qw( dsn user password )},
            { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 }

        my $self = bless { dbh => $dbh, logfh => $args{logfh} }, $class;
        $self->log( 'CONNECT', dsn => $args{dsn} );
        return $self;

    sub dbh
        my $self = shift;
        return $self->{dbh};

    sub log
        my ($self, $type, %args) = @_;
        my $logfh                = $self->{logfh};

        printf {$logfh} "[%s] %s
", scalar( localtime() ), $type;

        while (my ($column, $value) = each %args)
            printf {$logfh} "	%s => %s
", $column, $value;

    sub insert
        my ($self, $table, %args) = @_;
        my $dbh                   = $self->dbh();
        my $columns               = join(', ', keys %args);
        my $placeholders          = join(', ', ('?') x values %args);
        my $sth                   = $dbh->prepare(
            "INSERT INTO $table ($columns) VALUES ($placeholders)"

        $sth->execute( values %args );
        $self->log( INSERT => %args );


The important tests are that connect() and insert() do the right thing when the database is present as well as when it is absent, and that they log the appropriate messages when the database calls succeed. Save the following code as insert_wrapper.t:


    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use IO::Scalar;

    use Test::More tests => 15;
    use DBD::Mock;
    use Test::Exception;

    my $module      = 'InsertWrapper';
    use_ok( $module ) or exit;

    my $log_message = '';
    my $fh          = IO::Scalar->new( $log_message );
    my $drh         = DBI->install_driver( 'Mock' );

    can_ok( $module, 'new' );

    $drh->{mock_connect_fail} = 1;

    my %args = ( dsn => 'dbi:Mock:', logfh => $fh, user => '', password => '' );
    throws_ok { $module->new( %args ) } qr/Could not connect/,
        'new() should fail if DB connection fails';

    $drh->{mock_connect_fail} = 0;
    my $wrap;
    lives_ok { $wrap = $module->new( %args ) }
        '... or should succeed if connection works';
    isa_ok( $wrap, $module );

    like( $log_message, qr/CONNECT/,            '... logging connect message' );
    like( $log_message, qr/	dsn => $args{dsn}/, '... with dsn'               );
    $log_message = '';

    can_ok( $module, 'dbh' );
    isa_ok( $wrap->dbh(), 'DBI::db' );

    can_ok( $module, 'insert' );
    $wrap->dbh()->{mock_can_connect} = 0;

    throws_ok { $wrap->insert( 'users', name => 'Jerry', age => 44 ) }
        qr/prepare failed/,
        'insert() should throw exception if prepare fails';

    $wrap->dbh()->{mock_can_connect} = 1;
    lives_ok { $wrap->insert( 'users', name => 'Jerry', age => 44 ) }
        '... but should continue if it succeeds';

    like( $log_message, qr/INSERT/,          '... logging insert message' );
    like( $log_message, qr/	name => Jerry/, '... with inserted data'     );
    like( $log_message, qr/	age => 44/,     '... for each column'        );

Then run it with prove:

    $ prove insert_wrapper.t
    All tests successful.
    Files=1, Tests=15,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.22 cusr +  0.02 csys =  0.24 CPU)

What just happened?

One difference between InsertWrapper and the previous examples in this chapter is that this module creates its own database connection. It’s much harder to intercept the call to DBI->connect() without faking the module (see "Mocking Modules" in Chapter 5). Fortunately, the DBD::Mock module provides a mock object that acts as a database driver.

The test starts by setting up the testing environment and creating an IO::Scalar object that acts like a filehandle but actually writes to the $log_message variable. Then it loads DBD::Mock and tells the DBI to consider it a valid database driver.

InsertWrapper::new() connects to the database, if possible, setting the RaiseError flag to true. If the connection fails, DBI will throw an exception. The constructor doesn’t handle this, so any exception thrown will propagate to the calling code.


Remember Test:: Exception? Testing Exceptions" in Chapter 2 .

To simulate a connection failure, the test sets the mock_connection_fail flag on the driver returned from the install_driver() code. This flag controls the connection status of every DBD::Mock object created after it; any call to DBI->connect() using DBD::Mock will fail.


The test also clears $log_ message because subsequent prints will append to— not override—its value.

new() needs only one failure to prove its point, so the test then disables the connection failures by returning the flag to zero. At that point, with the connection succeeding, the code should log a success message and the connection parameters. The test checks those too.

That leaves forcing failures for InsertWrapper::insert(). The driver-wide flag has no effect on these variables, so the test grabs the database handle of the InsertWrapper object and sets its individual mock_can_connect flag to false. DBD::Mock consults this before handling any prepare() or execute() calls, so it’s the perfect way to pretend that the database connection has gone away.

As before, it takes only one test to ensure that the failures propagate to the calling code correctly. After the failure, the test code reenables the connection flag and calls insert() again. This time, because the statements should succeed, the test then checks the logged information.

What about...

Q: Would it work to override DBI::connect() to force failures manually?

A: Yes! There’s nothing DBD::Mock does that you can’t emulate with techniques shown earlier. However, the convenience of not having to write that code yourself is a big benefit.

Q: Can you set the results of queries with DBD::Mock?

A: Absolutely. The module has more power than shown here, including the ability to return predefined results for specific queries. Whether you prefer that or shipping a simple test database is a matter of taste. With practice, you’ll understand which parts of your code need which types of tests.

Q: What’s the difference between DBD::Mock and Test::MockDBI?

A: Both modules do similar things from different angles. Test::MockDBI is better when you want very fine-grained control over which statements succeed and which fail. It’s also more complicated to learn and to use. However, it works wonderfully as a development tool for tracing the database calls, especially if you generate your SQL. has an introduction to Test::MockDBI at and a more complete tutorial at

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