About the Authors

Ian Langworth (http://langworth.com/) has been writing Perlfor years and actively involved in the community since 2003.He has contributed a handful of modules to the CPAN, most ofwhich are Kwiki-related. He has spoken at Perl-relatedconferences as LISA and YAPC. Ian is also the authorsurprisingly widespread utility, Cadubi, which is packagedfor many free operating systems.

Ian is currently studying Computer Science and CognitivePsychology at Northeastern University. Whilst pursuinga degree, he's participating in an volunteer systemsadministration group and working toward making higher codequality and robustness an easier goal to achieve.

He currently resides in Boston, Massachusetts where heparticipates in the local Boston Perl Mongers group and livesprecariously close to Fenway Park.

chromatic is the technical editor of the O'Reilly Network, covering open source, Linux, development, and dynamic languages. He is also the author of the Extreme Programming Pocket Guide and Running Weblogs with Slash, as well as the editor of BSD Hacks and Gaming Hacks. He is the original author of Test::Builder, the foundation for most modern testing modules in Perl 5, and has contributed many of the tests for core Perl. He has given tutorials and presentations at several Perl conferences, including OSCON, and often writes for Perl.com, which he also edits. He lives just west of Portland, Oregon, with two cats, a creek in his backyard, and, as you may have guessed, several unfinished projects.

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