
This book celebrates 25 years of the Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute—sharing the best thinking on leadership and management with our partners in the social, public and private sectors—and our lasting partnership with John Wiley & Sons. We deeply appreciate all those who helped bring this work to fruition: Peter F. Drucker, Frances Hesselbein, Bernard Banks, Lauren Maillian Bias, Juana Bordas, Adam Braun, Jim Collins, Theresa Drapkin, Caroline Ghosn, Kelly Goldsmith, Marshall Goldsmith, Justine Elyse Green, Nadira Hira, Philip Kotler, Jim Kouzes, Raghu Krishnamoorthy, Kass Lazerow, Mike Lazerow, Luke Owings, Michael Radparvar, V. Kasturi Rangan, and Judith Rodin. Joan Snyder Kuhl championed the vision for this new edition and infused her passion for young leaders throughout its development. We owe the book's focus and structure to our talented writing and publishing colleague, Peter Economy.

We are especially grateful to each member of the Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute Board of Governors, who enabled this opportunity to become a reality: Chairman Will Conway, Carla Grantham, Joan Snyder Kuhl, Charlie O'Connor and Keith Schaefer. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you. Your support and guidance will impact lives around the world for years to come. Former Hesselbein Institute Chairman Chris Fralic helped ignite this idea and has been a continual source of guidance and support.

Mutual of America Life Insurance Company and TIAA-CREF are the sole corporate sponsors of this edition of Peter Drucker's Five Most Important Questions.

Mutual of America Life Insurance Company was founded in 1945 to serve the financial needs of the nonprofit sector. Mutual of America also recognizes its responsibility as a corporate citizen, to give back to the community it serves. Mutual's sponsorship of this edition is another example of its commitment to serve and support those who dedicate their life's work to caring for those most in need.

Founded in 1918, TIAA-CREF is steadfast in its mission “To serve those who serve others.” TIAA-CREF's sponsorship of this book is an acknowledgement of the importance of putting customers first. TIAA-CREF enjoys a rich not-for-profit heritage and is committed to providing a range of solutions to enable lifetime financial well-being for those who are devoted to enriching the lives of others.

To the growing number of Hesselbein “fellow travelers”—Institute supporters, working professionals, community leaders, senior-level executives, cadets, faculty, students, and those who have, and will participate in the Frances Hesselbein Global Academy for Student Leadership and Civic Engagement at the University of Pittsburgh—your energy and passion for leadership is contagious. You are our inspiration, you are the future!

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