
foundation module


A structured learning approach

Supporting DVD

Research and resources

Essential information

The Digital Darkroom

Digital setup

Monitor settings

Choosing a working space

Getting started with Photoshop

Settings and preferences

Navigation and viewing modes

Rulers and guides

Digital Basics


Channels and modes


Hue, Saturation and Brightness

Color and light overview

Bit depth and mode

File size

File formats

Image compression


Image size




Bridge turns 2.0!

Setting up Bridge

Using Bridge

Using Bridge to access the project resources

Capture and Enhance


Advantages and disadvantages of 16-bit editing

Foundations project 1

Image capture – Step 1

Cropping an image – Step 2

Tonal adjustments – Step 3

Color adjustments – Step 4

Cleaning an image – Step 5

Sharpening an image – Step 6

Saving a modified file – Step 7

Adobe Camera Raw


Processing Raw data

Processing projects – images on supporting DVD

Straighten, crop and size – Step 1

Color space – Step 2

Choosing a bit depth – Step 3

White balance – Step 4

Tonal adjustments – Step 5

Saturation and vibrance – Step 6

Noise reduction and sharpening – Step 7

Digital exposure

Adjusting exposure in ACR

Dust on the sensor – batch removal

Archiving Raw files as digital negatives

Digital Printing


Monitor calibration and working color space

Pre-flight checklist

Preparing a test print

Printer manages color

Photoshop manages color

Analyzing the test print

Maximizing shadow and highlight detail

Creating a ‘ringaround’

In conclusion

Printing using a professional laboratory

Printing monochromes

Multi-black printers

advanced skills module

Layers and Channels


Layers overview

Layer types


Adjustment and filter layers and editing quality

Layer masks and editing adjustments



Selection Tools overview

Shape-based selections with the Marquee Tools

Drawn selections using the Lasso Tools

Customizing your selections

Refining selections

Saving and loading selections

Feather and anti-alias

Defringe and Matting

A magic workflow

Quick Mask or Refine Edge

‘Color Range’

Channel masking

Selections from paths

Layer Blends


The ‘Darken’ group

The ‘Lighten’ group

The ‘Overlay’ group

Blend modes for tinting and toning


Difference and Exclusion

Creating a simple blend


Filtering in Photoshop

Smart Filters in CS3

The Filter Gallery

Fade Filter command

Improving filter performance

Installing and using third party filters

Filtering a shape or text (vector) layer

The great filter round-up

Extract filter

Liquify filter

Vanishing Point

Artistic filters

Brush Strokes filters

Blur filters

Distort filters

Noise filters

Pixelate filters

Render filters

Sharpen filters

Stylize filters

Sketch filters

Texture filters

Video filters

Other filters

Filter DIY

imaging projects module

Retouching Projects

Correcting perspective – Project 1

Adjustment layers – Project 2

Shadow/Highlight – Project 3

Clone and stamp – Project 4

Advanced sharpening techniques – Project 5

Advanced Retouching

Black and white – Project 1

Gradient maps – Project 2

Creative depth of field – Project 3

Smart Objects – Project 4

The smooth tone technique – Project 5

Time of day – Project 6

Montage Projects

Layer masks – Project 1

Creating a simple blend – Project 2

Paths and selections – Project 3

Extracting hair – Project 4

Replacing a sky – Project 5

Shadows and blur – Project 6

High dynamic range – Project 7

Displace and Liquify – Project 8

Composite lighting – Project 9

Creating a panorama – Project 10

Special Effects

Posterization – Project 1

Digital diffusion – Project 2

Digital Polaroid transfer effect – Project 3

Lith printing – Project 4

Portrait makeovers – Project 5

Advanced blending – Project 6


Keyboard Shortcuts

Web Links


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