
3D forms, 351

3D layers, 121

4-ink printers, 98

6-ink printers, 98

8-bit images, 80, 409

12-bit capture, 86

16-bit editing, 57

32-bit editing, 57, 344


Aberration see Chromatic aberration

Accented Edges filter, 187

Accessing resources, 53

Acquisition of skills, xii

ACR see Adobe Camera Raw

Adams, Ansel, 214, 250, 343


gradients, 127

keywords, 51

layer masks, 303, 311

layers, 117

noise, 192, 236, 264, 384, 386

to selections, 133, 134

unplaced photos, 369

Additive color, 21, 407

Adjusted White Point see Target White Point

Adjustment layers, 109, 117, 121, 126

advanced blending project, 403

Black and White, 251–2

blend project, 312–13

definition, 407

Gradient maps, 261, 265, 267

layer masks, 127, 301

levels, 215–16, 272, 292–3, 349

Posterization project, 378–9

project, 214–25

replacing sky project, 329–30

selections, 133

Shadow/Highlight project, 228

time of day project, 287, 290, 292–3


blend modes, 166

color, 65–7

editing, 127

exposure, 87–92

hue, 143–4

narrow color ranges, 223

points selection, 83

Shadow/Highlight, 226–30

shortcuts, 418

test print analysis, 107

tone, 61–5, 82–3, 89

Adobe Camera Raw (ACR), 52, 75–96

adjusting exposure, 87–92

definition, 407

sensors, 343

Smart Objects project, 273–5

see also Camera Raw; Raw format

Adobe gamma, 407

Adobe Photo Downloader (APD), 48–9, 407

Adobe RGB, 79

Advanced mode, Bridge, 49

Advanced techniques:

blending, 366, 370, 401–5

retouching, 249–96

sharpening, 240–8

Algorithms, definition, 407

Aliasing, 407

see also Anti-aliasing


layers, 194, 346, 359–60

panorama parts, 370

sliders, 209

Allister, Paul, 74, 419

Alpha channels, 122–3, 138, 301–3, 407

Alt/Option key, 149–51

Amount sliders, 69, 196, 212, 227–8

Analysis, definition, 407

Anchor points, 315–16

Anti-aliasing, 16, 137, 407

‘Ants’, 139–40, 412

see also Magic Wand

APD see Adobe Photo Downloader

Apertures, 407, 412

Apple Macintosh see Macintosh computers

Application of skills, xii

Applied Science Fiction filters, 176–7

Applying filters, 172, 173–4

Archiving Raw files, 94

Area array, 407

Artifacts, definition, 407

Artistic filters, 186

Aspect ratio, definition, 407

Auto-Align Layers, 194, 359–60

Auto options, Photomerge, 365–6, 370


Background layers, 117, 119, 122

blend modes, 158, 160, 310, 313

color, 300–1, 321

depth of field, 270

duplicating, 282, 379

extracting hair project, 322

layer mask project, 298–9, 302–3

replacing sky project, 331

Smart Objects, 238

Backlight effect, 312–13

Balance see White balance

Banding, 86, 126, 264, 267

Barrel distortion, 190–1, 208, 210

Bas Relief filter, 198

Basic dRawing skills, 148–51

Batch removal, dust, 93–4

Bevel and Emboss layer effect, 402

Bicubic resampling, 36, 37

Bit, definition, 407

Bit depth, 23, 57, 80, 344, 407

Bitmaps, definition, 407

Black and White, 250–68, 407

see also Monochromes

Blacks slider, 82

Blemish removal, 399–400

Blend modes, 153–70

advanced blending, 401–5

Auto-Align Layers, 360

Darken group, 156–8, 325

definition, 407

diffusion project, 381–6

extracting hair, 319–25

filters, 390

image selection, 309

layers, 119, 153–70, 228–9, 308–13, 319–25, 351

Lighten group, 159–61, 397

Luminosity, 166, 242–3, 246, 285, 336, 381

major groupings, 154

Overlay group, 162–3, 168, 229, 253, 276, 321

portrait makeover project, 397

project, 308–13

retouching projects, 228–9, 243, 246

Spot Healing Brush, 400

tinting and toning, 164–5

Blend options, Photomerge, 365–6, 370

Bloat Tool, 181

Blogs, xiii, 419

Blue channel, 252, 254, 275–6, 320

Blur filters, 172, 188–9

advanced blending project, 404

Black and White project, 255, 257

depth of field, 269–72

diffusion project, 381–6

Displace and Liquify project, 354

Gradient maps, 262

lith printing project, 395–6

montage projects, 305, 317–18, 328

project, 332–41

smooth tone technique, 282–4

see also Sharpen…

Borders, 135, 395–6

Bors, Magdalena, 97, 152, 419

Bounding boxes, 288, 291, 303

Bracketing exposures, 343–4

Bridge program, 41–54

definition, 407

filtering files, 43, 50

image size, 24

Loupe view, 43, 45

panels, 43, 46

setting up, 44–5

thumbnails, 43, 46

tools, 51–2

version 2.0, 43, 45

Brightness, 19–20

adjustment layers, 216

adjustments, 61–3

blend modes, 156, 158–9

definition, 407

Displace and Liquify project, 353

panorama project, 371

see also Hue

Browsing files, 42

Brush Strokes filters, 187

Brush Tool:

Black and White, 253, 257

composite lighting project, 361

Displace and Liquify project, 353, 356–7

extracting hair project, 321–3, 325

High Dynamic Range project, 348

layer mask project, 301, 305

portrait makeover project, 397, 398, 400

Shadow/Highlight project, 230

size and hardness shortcut, 300

Smart Objects project, 276

smooth tone technique, 282, 285

time of day project, 289, 293

see also Healing Brush; Painting


Black and White, 257, 263

blend modes, 158, 163

Displace and Liquify project, 353

panorama project, 368

Shadow/Highlight project, 226, 229

Bytes, definition, 407


Cache, 8, 47

Calibration, 3–4, 100

Camera Raw, 25, 75–96, 273–5, 343, 407

see also Raw format


adjusting exposure, 87

depth of field, 269, 272

digital capture, 58

filters, 172

High Dynamic Range project, 342–3

image size, 34

panorama project, 366, 370, 371

perspective, 204

Raw format, 76

sharpening techniques, 240

SLR, 414

smooth tone technique, 281

Capturing images, 23, 55–74, 86, 240, 407, 411

CCD, definition, 408

Central Processing Unit (CPU), 408

Channels, 17, 115–16, 124–5

alpha channels, 122–3, 138, 301–3, 407

Black and White, 252–4

blend project, 312

changing, 124

Curves adjustment, 220

definition, 408

duplicating, 354

editing, 57

extracting hair project, 319–25

filters, 193, 201

Gradient maps, 260, 263

layer mask project, 301–3

luminance, 166

masking, 145–6

palette, 21

Posterization project, 377

saving selections as, 138

sharpening images, 244

Smart Objects project, 275–6

types, 125

Charge Coupled Device see CCD

Chromatic aberration, 204, 206–7

see also Color, fringing

CIS, definition, 408

Cleaning images, 68

Click and drag skills, 148–50

Clipboard, definition, 408

Clipping, 67, 215–16

advanced information, 82

blending project, 403

group, 408

replacing sky project, 329–30

saturation, 84

Clone Source palette, 231–2, 239

Clone Stamp Tool, 68, 231–9, 399

Cloning Tool, 408

Cloud effects, 291, 401–3

CMOS, definition, 408

CMY images, 17, 21

CMYK images, 17, 21, 124–5

CMYK ink system, 98–9, 112, 113, 408

CODEC process, 28


additive, 21, 407

adjustments, 65–7

Black and White, 250–1, 258

blend mode, 164

chart, 81

conversions, 98–9

corrections, 66, 218–19, 224–5, 237

creating and sampling, 20

extracting hair project, 321

fill color, 230

Gradient maps, 259–68

layer mask project, 300–1

levels, 18–20, 66

lith prints, 392, 393

monitors, 3

narrow ranges, 223

noise, 85

overview, 21–2

panorama stitching, 370

paper, 390

perception, 22

Posterization project, 376–80

primary colors, 17, 21, 413

reintroducing, 258

removing red, 398

samples, 20, 282

secondary colors, 414

selections based on, 131

selective, 222

settings, 5, 100

subtractive, 21, 415

temperature, 3

time of day project, 290–1

Type layer, 405

working space, 100

Color Balance, 218

Color Burn, 158

Color casts, 65–6

Color Dodge, 161

Color fringing, 190, 212, 408

see also Chromatic aberration

Color gamut, 22, 98–9, 408, 413

Color management, 22, 103–6

Color mode, 17, 124

see also Channels

Color Picker, 20, 21, 408

Color profiles, 99, 111

Color Range, selections, 143–4

Color space, 79, 84, 273, 408

Colorize option, 222

ColorSync, definition, 408

Commands, xiv, 2, 417

Compensation, exposure, 409

Complementary metal oxide semiconductor see CMOS

Composite lighting project, 359–64

Compositions, definition, 408

Compression, 24–6, 28–9, 71, 408

Constrain Proportions, 35, 408

Contact Image Sensor see CIS

Context, definition, 408

Contiguous option, selections, 132, 139

Continuity factors, montage, 332

Continuous tone, 18, 408

Contract option, selections, 135


adjustment layers, 216, 221

adjustments, 61–3

definition, 408

projects, 228, 342–3, 347, 350

selections, 131, 136

Convergence of verticals, 207, 247


color, 98–9

Raw files, 52

Cool colors, 224, 266

Copy and paste, 182

Corner points, 149


color, 66, 218–19, 224–5, 237

lens distortion, 190–1, 204–10, 237–8, 247

perspective, 190–1, 204–13

see also Adjustments

CPU see Central Processing Unit

Craquelure filter, 199

Crash, definition, 408

Cropping, 59–60

Camera Raw images, 92

definition, 408

processing projects, 78

retouching projects, 211, 237

shortcuts, 418

Cross-platform saving, 27

Crosshatch filter, 187

CRT monitors, 3–4

Curves, dRawing, 149

Curves adjustment feature, 64, 83, 166

blend project, 312

definition, 408

Posterization project, 378

replacing sky project, 329–30

retouching projects, 219–20, 224–6, 229

Custom filter, 200, 201


selections, 133–4

Sharpen filters, 196

Cyan, Magenta and Yellow see CMY…

Cylindrical format, panoramas, 365, 366


Darken blend modes, 156–8, 325

DAT, definition, 408

Data, Raw, 77

De-Interlace filter, 200

Decompression, 28

Default settings, 10, 103, 408

Defringe, 138, 409

Density, 370, 409

Dependent devices, 409

Depth of field (DOF), 188, 269–72, 332, 409

Depth Map Source, 189

Desaturation, 165, 167, 389

see also Saturation

Descreen, definition, 409

Despeckle filter, 192

Device, definition, 409

Difference blend mode, 167

Diffusion project, 381–6

Digital Audio Tape see DAT

Digital basics, 15–40

Digital cameras see Cameras

Digital capture, 58

see also Capturing

Digital darkroom, 1–14

Digital diffusion, 381–6

Digital exposure, 86–92

Digital files, 30–1

see also File…

Digital images, 116, 409

Digital Negative format see DNG format

Digital Polaroid transfer effect, 387–91

Digital printing, 97–114

see also Printers/printing

Dimensions, pixels, 35

Direct Selection Tool, 151, 316

Disks, 9, 24, 414

Displace filter, 351–8

Displacement maps, 351–8

Display resolution, 30

Dissolve blend mode, 155

Distort filters, 190–1, 205–10, 237–8, 247

DNG format, 25, 26, 409

archiving files, 94

converting files, 52

definition, 409

see also Raw format

Docking palettes, 7

Document size, 35


Black and White, 257

blend modes, 161, 163

Displace and Liquify project, 353

panorama project, 368

Shadow/Highlight project, 226, 229

DOF see Depth of field

Dots per inch see dpi

Downloading, 48, 409

Downsampling, 299

dpi (dots per inch), 32, 409

Dragging see Click and drag


basic skills, 148–51

project, 314–18

selections based on, 131

Drivers, 104

Drives, 24, 410

DSLR cameras, 87

Dummy files, definition, 409


background layers, 282, 379

channels, 354

images, 213

layers, 334

Dust & Scratches filter, 192

Dust on sensors, 93–4

DVD, supporting, x–xi, xiii, 53, 77–94, 208, 326, 391

Dye sublimation print, 409

Dyes, definition, 409


Edge Highlighter Tool, 178–9


extracting hair project, 323

layer mask project, 304–5

paths and selections project, 314

Polaroid images, 391

refinements, 132, 135–6, 140–2, 306–7, 311

Edit Plane Tool, 183, 184–5

Editable text, 121, 409


8-bit, 80

16-bit, 57

32-bit, 57, 344

adjustments, 127

definition, 409

non-destructive, 126, 413

over 8-bits per channel, 23

quality, 126

Effects see Filters; Special effects

Efficiency of memory, 9

Eight-bit images see 8-bit images

Eliminating see Removing

Emboss, 197, 402

Enhancing images, 55–74

EPS vector graphics, 363

Evaluation, definition, 409

Everton, Samantha, 55, 419

Exclusion blend mode, 167

Expand option, selections, 135

‘Exposing right’, 88, 90

Exposure, 86–92

adjusting in ACR, 87–92

bracketing exposures, 343–4

compensation, 409

definition, 409

multiple, 412

panorama project, 371

slider, 82

Extended Photoshop CS3, 121, 194

Extract filter, 178–9

Extracting hair project, 319–25

Extreme Brightness Range, 371

Extrude filter, 197

Eyedroppers, 65, 282, 398


F-numbers, definition, 409

Fade option, 176, 236

Feathering, 135, 137, 140, 142, 409

Ferguson, Max, 262

File…, see also Digital files; Image…; Modified files;

TIFF files

File browsing, 42

File command shortcuts, 417

File formats, 25–7, 29, 409

see also individual file formats

File location, Bridge, 50

File names, 27

File size, 24, 31–3, 71, 409

Fill color, 230

Film grain see Grain

Filter Gallery, 175

Filter layers, 126, 164

Filter panel, Bridge, 43, 50

Filters, 171–202

advanced blending, 404–5

applying, 172, 173–4

artistic group, 186

Black and White, 250, 255

Brush Strokes, 187

Clone and Stamp, 231–9

color corrections, 224

digital Polaroid transfer effect, 389–91

Distort, 190–1, 205–10, 237–8, 247

improving performance, 176

lith printing project, 394–6

Posterization project, 380

project, 351–8

Render, 195

Shadow/Highlight project, 227

Sketch, 198

Smart Objects, 126

smooth tone technique, 282–6

Stylize, 197

Texture, 199, 390–1

Video, 200

see also Blur filters; Noise filters; Sharpen filters

Flash light, 88

‘Flat’ images, 116–17

Flatten image, 211

Fonts, 401–2, 405


color, 300–1, 321

masks, 276–9

Format Options, JPEG, 71

Formats, 409

see also File formats

Forward Warp Tool, 181

Foundation project, 58–72

Frame, definition, 409

Freckles, softening, 396–7

Free Transform command, 362–3

see also Transform command

Freeze, definition, 410

Freeze Mask Tool, 180–1, 286


pixels, 131

saving, 56

Fresco filter, 186

Fringing, 138, 190, 212, 311, 408

see also Chromatic aberration

FTP software, definition, 410


Galante, Serena, 154

Galer, Mark, 73, 95, 203, 247–9, 326, 342

Galleries, 175, 410

Gamma, definition, 407

Gamma slider, 107, 215–16, 261

Gamut, color, 22, 98–9, 408, 413

Gaussian Blur, 172, 188–9

definition, 410

diffusion project, 381–6

lith printing project, 395

montage projects, 305, 317–18, 328

Radius, 354

retouching projects, 269–71, 282, 284

Ghosting problems, 348, 367–8, 370

GIF format, 26, 410

Gigabytes, definition, 410

Gleeson, Shari, 158

Gradient maps, 259–68

Gradient presets, 268

Gradient Tool, 264

advanced blending project, 405

Black and White, 255–6

blend project, 313

Clone and Stamp, 235–8

depth of field effects, 270

extracting hair project, 325

layer masks, 127

replacing sky project, 329–30

shadows and blur project, 338

Smart Objects project, 279

Grain, 392, 393, 410

see also Texture

Graphic Interchange Format see GIF format

Graphic Pen filter, 198

Gray cards, 81, 410

Gray point, 66


channels, 123, 125

images, 23, 251, 309, 352, 376, 410

levels, 355

GretagMacbeth ColorChecker Chart, 81

Grids, 184

Grow feature, selections, 135

Guides, 13



extracting, 319–25

red removal, 398

Half-tone, definition, 410


montage projects, 312, 318, 323–4

retouching projects, 212, 227, 255, 265

Hand Tool, 11, 300

Hard copy, 410

see also Printers/printing

Hard drives, 24, 410

Hard Light mode, 162–3

Hard Mix blend mode, 163

Hay, John, 159, 287, 419

HDR see High dynamic range

Heal area, 93–4, 274, 285

Healing Brush, 68, 233, 239, 285, 356, 400

High Dynamic Range (HDR), 342–50, 371, 410, 412

High Pass filter, 200, 241–3, 380

Highlights, 64–5

adjusting in ACR, 88

Darken blend modes, 156

definition, 410

Extract filter, 178–9

Gradient maps, 261, 263, 266–7

High Dynamic Range project, 342–50

maximization, 108

Overlay blend modes, 162–3

retouching projects, 215, 217, 225, 226–30

Sharpen filters, 196

sliders, 82

Smart Objects project, 280

smooth tone technique, 283–4

time of day project, 287, 290

Histograms, 61–2

8-bit editing, 80

definition, 410

Gradient maps, 262

optimization, 63, 102

quality, 126

retouching projects, 215–17, 219

Histories/History Brush, 353, 410

Horizontals, 234

Hot pixels, 274

Hryniewiecka, Paulina, 296, 359, 419

HSB see Hue, Saturation and Brightness

HTML, definition, 410


adjustment layers, 221–3

adjustments, 143–4

blend modes, 164, 313

Color Range, 143–4

definition, 410

Displace and Liquify project, 357

extracting hair project, 324

Gradient maps, 268

see also Brightness; Saturation

Hue, Saturation and Brightness (HSB), 19–20, 21

Hyperlinks, definition, 410

Hypertext markup language see HTML


IBM version, TIFF, 27


definition, 410

profiles, 99, 111

ICM, definition, 411

Illustrator’ web links, 419

Image capture see Capturing images

Image Color Management see ICM

Image compression, 28–9

see also Compression

Image layers, 117, 121

Image modes, 17, 299

Image Options, JPEG, 71

Image quality see Quality

Image selection, blending, 309

Image sensor, 30

Image setter, definition, 411

Image size, 34–8

Bridge, 24

cropping, 59

definition, 411

duplicate images, 213

Internet browsing, 70

options, 35

resolution, 31, 35

Image stacks, 193–4

Image window, 7

Independent devices, 409

Info palette, 21

Information web links, 419

Infrared film, definition, 411

Ink cartridges, 101, 108–9, 112–13, 124

Ink Outlines filter, 187

Inkjet printers, 98, 105, 112

Installing filters, 177

Instant capture, definition, 411

Interactive Layout, Photomerge, 365–7, 369

Interface, 5, 43

International Color Consortium see ICC

International Standards Organization see ISO

Internet, 70, 72

see also Web links

Internet Service Provider see ISP

Interpolation, 37–8, 118, 299, 411

Intersection mode, selections, 134


Lens Blur filter, 189

selections, 134

shortcut, 257

Iris Shapes, 189

ISO, definition, 411

ISP, definition, 411

images, 153, 167, 281, 308, 351

web link, 419


Jaz, definition, 411

JPEG format, 25–6

compression abilities, 29

converting files, 52

definition, 411

duplicate images, 213

Reduce Noise filter, 192

saving modified files, 71

JPEG2000, 26, 29

Jump, definition, 411

Juxtapose, definition, 411


Keogh, Anitra, xii

Keyboard shortcuts see Shortcuts

Keyboards, 2

Keywords, 51

Kilobytes, definition, 411

Ko, Jeff, 372–3, 419


LAB mode, 37, 125, 411

Labelling pictures, 51

Landscape photography, 342–3

Lasso Tools, 130, 131, 411

Latent image, definition, 411

Latitude, definition, 411

Layer groups, 109, 120

Layer masks, 90, 120

blend mode protection, 168

blend project, 308

definition, 411

Displace and Liquify project, 357

editing, 126, 127

effects projects, 385–6, 403–4

extracting hair project, 322

High Dynamic Range project, 347

Multiply blend mode, 158

paths and selections project, 314, 317–18

project, 298–307

retouching projects, 245, 254–5, 257, 265, 270–2, 278

shadows and blur project, 334–5, 337–8

shortcuts, 127

Layer sets see Layer groups

Layer stacks, definition, 411

Layers, 115–23

adding, 117

advanced techniques, 251–2, 254–6, 261–3, 265, 401–5

alignment, 194, 359–60

blend modes, 119, 153–70, 228–9, 308–13, 319–25, 351

definition, 411

duplicating, 334

editing quality, 126

effects projects, 377–9, 381–6, 388–9, 391, 394–5, 397, 400

filters, 173–4, 177, 201

montage projects, 329–31, 334–8, 340, 346–7, 350, 355–6, 364

overview, 117–20

retouching projects, 232, 237–8, 276–8, 287, 290–2

saving images with, 122

selections, 133

sharpening techniques, 241–6

shortcuts, 418

smooth tone technique, 282–5

styles, 119

types, 121–3

viewing and working with, 118

see also Adjustment layers; Layer masks

Layout options, Photomerge, 365–7, 369

LCD, definition, 412

Learning approach, xiii

LED, definition, 412

Lee, Seok-Jin, 54

Lens, definition, 412

Lens Blur filter, 188, 269–72

Lens distortion, 190–1, 204–10, 237–8, 247

Lens Flare filter, 195

Levels, 18–20

adjustment layers, 215–16, 272, 292–3, 349

advanced blending project, 401–2

color, 18–20, 66

definition, 412

digital exposure, 86

Grayscale, 355

localized, 217

Quick Masks, 141–2

Smart Objects project, 277

tonal adjustments, 18, 61, 63


backlight effect, 311–12

composite lighting project, 359–64

continuity, 332

overview, 21–2

primary colors, 17, 21

printing, 101, 107

time of day project, 287–95

see also Flash light

Light cyan/magenta, definition, 412

Light-Emitting Diode see LED

Lighten blend modes, 159–61, 397

Lighting Effects filter, 195

Linear Burn, 158

Linear Dodge, 161

Linear Gradient, 279

LiOn, definition, 412

Liquid Crystal Display see LCD

Liquify filter, 180–1, 286, 351–8

Lith printing project, 392–6

Lithium Ion see LiOn Loading:

panoramas, 369

selections, 136, 138

Localized levels, 217

Lossless compression, 26, 28, 29

Lossy compression, 25, 28, 29

Loupe view, 43, 45

Low-key images, 89

Luminance noise, 85

Luminosity blend mode, 166, 242–3, 246, 285, 336, 381

Luminosity heal option, 233

Lysons ink systems, 113

LZW compression, 26, 412

see also Lossless compression


Macintosh computers, xiv, 2, 27

Magic Wand, 130, 132, 139–41, 327, 412

Magnesium lithium see MnLi

Magnetic Lasso Tool, 131

Makeover project, 396–400


color, 22, 103–6

shadows, 86

Manipulating layers, 119

Manual fix, Photomerge, 370

Maps see Bitmaps; Displacement maps; Gradient


Marching ants, 412

see also ‘Ants’

Marquee Tools, 60, 130, 412


channel masking, 145–6

definition, 123

depth of field, 270

effects projects, 383–6

filter usage, 201

foreground, 276–9

Gradient maps, 263

layers, 120, 127

Lens Blur filter, 189

Liquify filter, 180–1

Maximum/Minimum filters, 200

montage projects, 327–8

project, 298–307

retouching projects, 230

selections, 141–2, 144

sharpening techniques, 240, 243–6

shortcuts, 300, 418

Smart Filters, 174

smooth tone technique, 285–6

stitching, 367–8

switching modes, 122–3

see also Layer masks; Quick Masks

Matting, 138

Maximizing shadow and highlight detail, 108

Maximum aperture, definition, 412

Maximum filter, 200, 255

Media types see Paper

Median filter, 192, 193

Meehan, Anica, 375

Megabytes, definition, 412

Megapixels, definition, 412

Memory, 8

cards, 412

efficient use, 9

scratch disks, 414

units, 24

video/virtual, 416

see also RAM Menu, 6

Merge to HDR, 343, 344, 412

Mesh, 358

Metallic silver, definition, 412

Mezzotint filter, 195

Midtone colors, 267

see also Tone

Minimum aperture, definition, 412

Minimum filter, 200, 255

Mirror Tool, 181

Misalignment, 370

see also Alignment

MnLi, definition, 412

Modes, 17

Auto-Align Layers, 360

bit depth, 23

Brush Tool, 253

color, 124

definition, 412

filters, 390

image modes, 17, 299

layer mask project, 299

navigation and viewing, 10–13

screen modes, 12, 159–61

selections, 133

shadows and blur project, 336

smooth tone technique, 285

switching between, 122–3

see also Blend modes

Modified files, 70–2

Moiré, definition, 412

Mollison, Chris:

images, 14, 114, 294–5, 297, 374, 406

web link, 419

Monitors: calibration, 100

color conversions, 98–9

positioning, 101

printing recommendations, 108

resolution, 3, 30, 70

settings, 3–4

Monochromes, 112–13

see also Black and White

Montage projects, 297–331

see also Photomontage

Mosaic filter, 195

Motherboard, definition, 412

Motion Blur filter, 404

Moving selections, 133

Multi-black printers, 113

Multiple exposures, 90, 412

Multiple Raw files, 91–2

Multiply blend mode, 156–8, 322


Narrow color ranges, 223

Navigation, 10–13, 417

Navigator palette, 10

Negatives, 412

see also DNG format

Neutral colors, 224, 237

New Selection, 133

New Window, 13

Neylon, Chris, 40, 170, 202, 419

Nickel cadmium (NiCd), 412

Nickel metal hydride (NiMH), 412

No Color Adjustment control, 105


adding, 192, 236, 264, 384, 386

definition, 412

reduction, 85, 192–4, 230

Noise filters, 192–4, 230, 236

depth of field, 271

effects projects, 384, 386, 394

Gradient maps, 264

Non-destructive editing, 126, 413

Non-imaging, definition, 413

Normal blend mode, 155

NTSC Colors filter, 200


ODR see Output Device Resolution

Offset filter, 200, 201


blend modes, 155, 310, 402

definition, 413

effects projects, 382, 397

filters, 176, 212, 390

Gradient maps, 267

healing area, 285

layers, 119

montage projects, 331, 364

Opening Bridge program, 42


definition, 413

histograms, 63, 102

image quality, 56

tonality, 62

Option key, 149–51

Options bar, 7

Orientation for printing, 111

Osman, Serap:

images, 15, 39, 115, 128, 129

web link, 419

Out of gamut, definition, 413

Output bureaus see Professional printing laboratories

Output Device Resolution (ODR), 30, 33, 413

Overlay blend modes, 162–3, 168, 229, 253, 276, 321


Page Setup, 10

Paint Daubs filter, 186, 389


depth of field effects, 272

diffusion project, 386

layer masks, 127

in Overlay mode, 321

panorama project, 367–8

sharpening techniques, 244

shortcuts, 418

see also Brush Tool

Palette Knife filter, 389

Palettes, 7

Clone Source, 231–2, 239

color and light, 21

Layers, 117, 118

Navigator, 10

Tools, 6, 7

Panorama project, 365–71


digital Polaroid transfer effect, 388, 390

for printing, 101, 106, 108, 111, 212, 241

Pasting, xiv

see also Copy and paste


definition, 413

montage projects, 314–18, 333–4, 360–1

saving, 317

selections from, 147–51

PCs, xiv, 2, 11, 27

PDF, definition, 413

Pegging, definition, 413

Pen Tool, 147–51, 315–16

Per Channel option, 193

Perception of color, 22


Clone and Stamp, 233

continuity, 332

correction, 190–1, 204–13

panorama project, 365, 366–7, 369

Vanishing Point filter, 182, 184–5

Photo Filter, 224

Photo multiplier tube see PMT

Photo-stacking, 50

Photographic quality see Continuous tone

Photomerge, 365–71, 413

Photomontages, 137

see also Montage projects

Photoshop CS3:

color management, 105–6

Extended edition, 121, 194

getting started, 5–7

Smart Filters, 173–4

Photoshop Document format see PSD format

Picture elements see Pixels

Picture labelling, 51

Piezoelectric, definition, 413

Pincushion distortion, 190, 208

Pixelated images, definition, 413

Pixels, 16

definition, 413

dimensions, 35

displacement, 351–2

hot pixels, 274

per inch, 31–2

resolution, 30–3

selections, 131–2

sharpening images, 69

smooth tone technique, 286

Planes of perspective see Perspective

Plastic Wrap filter, 186

PMT, definition, 413

Polaroid image transfer effect, 387–91

Polygonal Lasso Tool, 131

Portable Document Format see PDF

Portrait makeover project, 396–400

Posterization, 86, 376–80

ppi (pixels per inch), 31–2

Pre-press, definition, 413

Preferences, 8–10

Preserve Details control, 192–3

Presets, Gradient, 268

Previews, 136, 189, 240, 242

Primary colors, 17, 21, 413

Print workflow, 5

Printers/printing, 97–114

channels, 124

color management, 103–4

driver, 104

duplicate images, 213

dye sublimation, 409

lith prints, 392–6

monochromes, 112–13

overview, 108

professional laboratories, 110–11

Radius values, 241

resampling, 38

resolution, 30


multiple Raw files, 91–2

projects, 77–94

Raw data, 77

Processor speed, definition, 413

Professional printing laboratories, 110–11


color profiles, 99, 111

monitors, 3–4


advanced retouching, 250–96

montage, 297–374

processing, 77–94

retouching, 203–48, 250–96, 396–400

special effects, 376–406

Proofing, 106, 108, 415

ProPhoto RGB, 79

Proportions, 35, 59, 408

PSD format, 26, 52, 213, 413

Pucker Tool, 181

Push Left Tool, 181


Quad Black ink system, 112–13


Camera Raw, 76

edges, 304–5, 314

editing, 126

optimization, 56

printing, 102

resolution, 31, 32

saving modified files, 71

Quick Masks, 120, 122, 141–2, 144

definition, 413

depth of field, 270

diffusion project, 383–4

project, 299–30, 304, 306–7

replacing sky project, 327

shortcut, 257

Quick Selection, 130, 132–3, 139–40, 299, 307, 413

Quick Thumbnails, 46


Radial Blur filter, 341

Radial Gradient, 279


Contrast, 227

Gaussian Blur, 354

paper types, 241

Refine Edge, 136

sharpening images, 69, 196, 212

RAID, definition, 414

RAM (random access memory), 8, 414

Rasterized layers, 350, 356, 405

Raw format, 25–6, 75–96

archiving files, 94

Bridge program, 52

multiple files, 91–2

processing files, 52, 91–2

sensors, 343

Smart Objects project, 273–5

see also Adobe Camera Raw

Reconstruct Tool, 180–1

Record sheets, 101

Red copy channel, 253–4

Red filter, 250

Red, Green and Blue see RGB images

Reduce Noise filter, 192–4

Reducing noise, 85, 192–4, 230

Redundant array of independent disks see RAID

Refine Edge feature, 132, 135–6, 140–2, 306–7, 311

Refining selections, 132, 135–6, 140–2

Reflection effects, 288–9

Reflectors, definition, 414

Refraction, definition, 414

Reintroducing color, 258


blemishes, 399–400

blur types, 196

files in Bridge, 47

panorama problems, 368, 369

red hair color, 398

selections, 133

Render filters, 195

Repairing ghosting problems, 368

Replace mode, Spot Healing Brush, 400

Replacing sky project, 326–31

Reposition Only option, 365, 366, 369

Resampling, 35, 36–8, 414

see also Sampling

Research, xiii

Resizing, 70

see also Size

Resolution, 30–3

definition, 414

image size, 31, 35

interpolated, 411

monitors, 3, 30, 70

for printing, 111

smooth tone technique, 284

true, 415

Resources, xiii, 53


advanced techniques, 249–96

projects, 203–48, 250–96, 396–400

RGB images, 17–18, 19, 21

channel masking, 146

channels, 124, 125

color conversions, 98–9

definition, 414

Luminosity blend mode, 166

processing projects, 79

Smart Objects project, 276

‘Ringaround’, 109

Rollover, definition, 414

Rotate Image Tool, 369, 370

Rubber Stamp, definition, 414

Rudman, Tim, 392

Rulers, 13, 362


Sabattier effects, 167


color, 20, 282

definition, 414

layer mask project, 299

portrait makeover project, 398–400

smooth tone technique, 282, 285

see also Resampling

Saturation, 19–20

in ACR, 84

adjustment layers, 221–3

blend modes, 164, 165, 313

definition, 414

digital Polaroid transfer effect, 389

Displace and Liquify project, 357

Gradient maps, 268

sharpening images, 212, 243, 246

smooth tone technique, 284

see also Hue

Save As/Save a Copy, 414

Save for Web & Devices command, 72


cross-platform, 27

file formats, 25

frequency, 56

images with layers, 122

modified files, 70–2

multiple Raw files, 92

panoramas, 369

paths, 317

selections, 123, 136, 138, 301

Scaling images, 209, 299, 414


digital capture, 58

Polaroid images, 391

resolution, 33

sharpening techniques, 240

Scratch disks, 9, 414

Screen…, see also Monitors

Screen modes, 12, 159–61

Screen real estate/redRaws, 414

Screen viewing, 70, 240

see also Viewing

Secondary colors, definition, 414

Selections, 129–52

adding, 311

adjustment points, 83

blending images, 309

color settings, 100

customization, 133–4

definition, 123

depth of field, 270

effects projects, 384

from paths, 147–51

layers, 118

loading, 136, 138

montage projects, 298–9, 303, 306–7, 314–18, 327

moving, 133

refining, 132, 135–6, 140–2

removing, 133

saving, 123, 136, 138, 301

shortcuts, 417

Smart Objects project, 277

switching modes, 122–3

tools, 130–3, 147–51

Selective color, 222

Sensors, 30, 93–4, 342–3, 408

Settings, 8–10

color, 5, 100, 103

gray point, 66

monitors, 3–4

Raw format, 91–2

target values, 65


digital darkroom, 2

Page Setup, 10

printing, 110

Shadows, 64–5

adjustment layers, 215–16, 225

creating, 340

‘exposing right’, 90

Gradient maps, 261–2, 266–7

management, 86

maximization, 108

montage projects, 342–50, 359, 362–3

Overlay blend modes, 162–3

project, 332–41

retouching projects, 226–30, 280, 283–4, 287, 290

Sharpen filters, 196

subtle shadows, 339

Shape-based selections, 130

Shape layers, 121, 177

Shark’s teeth pixels see Staircase pixels

Sharpen filters, 196

montage projects, 331, 350

retouching projects, 211–13, 230, 240, 280, 285

Sharpening images, 69, 85

advanced techniques, 240–8, 284, 294

customization, 196

definition, 414

High Pass filter, 200

projects, 211–13

saturation, 212, 243, 246

smooth tone technique, 284

Shell, Craig, 326, 419

Shift Pixels Tool, 286

Shortcuts, xiv, 2, 417–18

adjustment points, 83

adjustments, 418

blend modes, 155

cropping, 418

file commands, 417

fill color, 230

Invert, 257

layer masks, 127

layers, 119, 418

masks, 300, 418

navigation, 11, 417

painting, 418

Quick Masks, 257

selections, 134, 417

Stamp Visible layer, 256, 282, 290, 362

Transform command, 210

Undo, 286

viewing, 417

Zoom, 300, 315

Similar option, selections, 135

Single lens reflex see SLR cameras


Brush Tool, 300

color samples, 282

documents, 35

processing projects, 78

see also File size; Image size; Resizing

Sketch filters, 198


acquisition and application, xii

dRawing, 148–51, 314–18

learning approach, xiii

Skin tone see Tone

Sky effects, 217, 263, 326–31, 401

see also Cloud effects

Slicing, definition, 414


adjustment layers, 215–18

definition, 414

Gradient maps, 261, 267

lens distortion, 209

Shadow/Highlight project, 227, 230

Sharpen filters, 196, 212

tonal adjustments, 82

Slow-Sync setting, 88

SLR cameras, 87, 414

Smart Filters, 173–4

advanced blending, 405

definition, 415

effects projects, 382, 384–6, 389–91

montage projects, 337–8

retouching projects, 227

see also Smart Sharpen filters

Smart Highlighting option, 179

Smart Objects, 80

background layers, 238

definition, 415

effects projects, 383–6, 391, 393–6

filter use, 211

image stacks, 193–4

layers, 118, 121, 126, 335, 388

montage projects, 349–50

project, 273–80

Smart Sharpen filters, 69, 196

projects, 211–12, 230, 240, 243–6, 285

Smooth option, selections, 135

Smooth tone technique, 281–6

Snap to Image function, 367, 369

Snapshot, definition, 415

Soft Light mode, 162–3

Soft proofing, 106, 415

Softening freckles, 396–7


calibration, 4

definition, 415

Solarised effects, 167

Sovereign Hill Museum, Victoria, 91

Special effects, 375–406

Specifications, image size, 34

Specular highlights, 215, 225

Spinning wheels, 341

Spot Healing Brush, 68, 239, 356, 400

sRGB color space, 79

Stacks, 50, 193–4, 415

Stained Glass filter, 199

Stainsby, Daniel, 319, 419

Stair interpolation, 37

Staircase pixels, 16

Stamp filter, 198

Stamp Tool, 182–3, 231–9

see also Clone Stamp Tool

Stamp Visible layer:

effects projects, 380

montage projects, 331, 362

retouching projects, 256, 282, 284–5, 290

Standard mode, Bridge, 49

Step Backward, 56

Stephens, Jennifer, 286

Stitching, 365–8, 370

Storage, xiv, 24

Straighten Tool, 78, 208

Strength setting, Reduce Noise filter, 192–3

Structured learning approach, xiii

Styles, layers, 119

Stylize filters, 197

Subjective analysis, definition, 415

Subtle shadows, 339

Subtracting from selections, 133, 134, 299

Subtractive color, 21, 415

Supporting DVD, xiii, 208

Bridge program, 53

contents, x–xi

processing projects, 77–94

sky library, 326

Texturizer filter, 391

Switching modes, 122–3

Synchronizing Raw settings, 91–2

System software, definition, 415


Tab key, 7, 12

Tablets, 137

Tagged Image File Format see TIFF files

Tagging, definition, 415

Target values, 65

Target White Point, 100

Temperature of color, 3

Test print, 102, 104, 107, 109

Text, editable, 121, 409

Text layers, 117, 121, 177

Texture filters, 199, 390–1

Texture of images, 309, 394

see also Grain

Texturizer filter, 199, 390–1

Thaw Mask Tool, 181

Thematic images, definition, 415

Third party filters, 176, 177

Threshold slider, 69, 196, 230

Threshold view, 215

Through-the-lens light meter see TTL meters

Thumbnails, 43, 46, 67

TIFF files, 26, 27, 52, 415

Time of day project, 287–95

Tinting, 164–5, 393

Tolerance, pixels, 132


12-bit capture, 86

adjustments, 61–5, 82–3, 89

Black and White, 251

blend modes, 164–5

continuous, 408

definition, 415

effects projects, 380, 397, 398

Gradient maps, 259–68

levels, 18, 61, 63

montage projects, 371

optimization, 62

retouching projects, 226–30

selections based on, 131

smooth tone technique, 281–6

Tone Curve, 83


Black and White, 253, 255–7

blending projects, 313, 405

Bridge program, 51–2

cleaning images, 68

Clone and Stamp, 231–9

cropping, 60

definitions, 408, 411, 412, 416

depth of field, 270

effects projects, 397–8

filters, 178–81, 208

Gradient maps, 264

layer masks, 300–1, 305

montage projects, 321–3, 325, 329–30, 348, 353, 356–8, 361

navigation, 11

palette, 6, 7

panoramas, 369–70

paths and selections, 315–16

processing projects, 78

retouching projects, 230, 276, 279, 289, 293

screen modes, 12

selections, 130–3, 147–51

shadows, 230, 338

smooth tone technique, 282, 285–6


Adobe Photo Downloader, 48–9

Bridge program, 52

digital Polaroid transfer effect, 387–91

Transform command:

advanced blending, 401, 404–5

lens distortion, 207, 210

montage projects, 299, 303, 328, 335, 362–3

retouching projects, 275, 287–8, 291

Vanishing Point filter, 185

Transparency, definition, 415

Tri-color, definition, 415

Tripods, 366, 371

True resolution, definition, 415

TTL meters, definition, 415

Turbulence Tool, 181

Tutorial web links, 419

Tweening, definition, 415

Twirl Clockwise Tool, 181

Type layer, 401–2, 405


UCR, definition, 415

UI see User interface

Under color removal see UCR

Undo shortcut, 286

Uniform Blur, 189

Uniform resource locator see URL

Unsharp Mask (USM) filter, 69, 196

definition, 415

projects, 230, 240, 242, 243–6, 285

URL, definition, 415

User interface (UI), 5

USM see Unsharp Mask filter

Utsunomiya, Akane, 169


Vanishing Point:

definition, 416

filter, 182–5, 231–9

Vantage point continuity, 332

Variations command, 67

Vector graphics, 148, 177, 363, 416

Verdon-Roe, Victoria, 75, 84, 96, 419

Verticals, 207, 234, 247

Vibrance in ACR, 84

Video cards, definition, 416

Video filters, 200

Video memory, definition, 416


channels, 124

duplicate images, 213

Internet image size, 70

layers, 118

modes, 10–13

options in Bridge, 44–5

shortcuts, 417

see also Screen viewing

Vignetting, 190, 206, 237–8, 257, 331

Virtual memory, definition, 416

Visualize, definition, 416


Warm colors, 224

Warp option, 287–8, 363–4

Warp Tool, 358

Weather effects, 294

Web links, 419

see also Internet

Web logs see Blogs

Wheel-spinning effect, 341

White as neutral color, 237

White balance, 81

White light, 17, 21

White point, 3, 4, 100, 225

Wide-angle lenses, 204, 247

Width, pixels, 131

Wind filter, 197


image window, 7

New Window, 13

Windows-based PCs see PCs

Work Paths, 151, 317

Workflow, 5, 416

Workspace/Working Space, 5, 44–5, 100


Zip drive, definition, 416

Zone System, 343

Zoom layer, 303

Zoom Tool, 11, 85, 300, 315, 416

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