
Note: The listings in this index pertain to Photoshop, except where Bridge or Camera Raw is specified.


actions, 311–322

adding commands to, 318

batch processing with, 314–315

benefits, 311

command settings, changing, 320

copying commands within or between, 318

deleting, 321

droplets, 316

duplicating, 320

editing, 317–321

edits, changing order of, 321

Function key assignment, 312

inserting menu items in, 318

limitations, 312

modal controls, 319

playback, excluding commands from, 313

playback options, 313

playing, 313–316

recording, 312

rerecording, 320

ruler units for, 312

saving, 322

sets, 312, 322

Stops, inserting, 317

storage, 322

action sets, 312, 322

Actions panel, 311–313

Button mode, 311

Delete button, 321

Duplicate option, 320

illustrated, 311

Insert Menu Item option, 318

Insert Stop option, 317

List mode, 311, 313, 319

loading action set onto, 322

New Actions button, 312, 318, 320

Record Again option, 320

Record button, 312

Reset Actions option, 322

Save Actions option, 322

Stop Playing/Recording button, 312, 318, 320

Add Anchor Point tool, 87

Adjustment Brush tool (Camera Raw), 64–67

Auto Mask option, 66

defined, 64

Density value, 64

edits, removing, 67

Erase option, 67

Feather value, 64

Flow value, 64

New option, 66

results, 67

Show Mask option, 64, 65, 66, 67

Show Pins option, 64, 65

adjustment layers

Black & White, 109, 125, 131, 133, 164

Brightness/Contrast, 173, 239

Channel Mixer, 240

Color Balance, 170, 171

creating, 98

Curves, 99, 127, 143

defined, 96

deleting, 102

editing, 99

hiding effect of, 100

Hue/Saturation, 120, 174, 180, 182–183, 191

icons, 99

Info panel and, 137

layer opacity and, 182

Levels, 109, 125, 131, 191, 269

limiting effect of, 101, 203

mask, editing, 101

mask, inverting, 127

merging, 102

Photo Filter, 235–236

presets, saving, 102

resetting, 100

thumbnails, 99, 100

Adjustments panel

Add an Adjustment button, 98

Black & White button, 124, 128, 224, 234

Channel Mixer button, 240

Clip to Layer button, 101, 203

Color Balance button, 170, 174

Curves button, 144, 147, 150

Delete Adjustment Layer button, 102

enlarging, 98

Hue/Saturation button, 160, 180, 182, 232

illustrated, 98

layer controls, 98

Levels button, 300

menu, 102

Photo Filter button, 235

Reset to Adjustment Defaults button, 100, 127

Reset to Previous State button, 100

Return to Adjustment List button, 124, 128, 129, 235, 238

View Previous State button, 100

visibility icon, 100

Adobe Bridge. See Bridge, Adobe

Adobe Illustrator. See Illustrator, Adobe

Adobe InDesign. See InDesign, Adobe

Adobe RGB color space

for printing, 328

setting camera to, 2

setting color space to, 6

Advanced preferences (Bridge), 38


multiple layers, 199

shots of the same scene, 186–188

alpha channels, 119

Application bar

Arrange Documents menu, 82, 130, 186, 194

illustrated, 82

Launch Bridge button, 15

Screen Mode menu, 82

Application frame, 81

Art History Brush tool

defined, 87

drawing strokes with, 249

Auto-Align Layers dialog, 186–188

illustrated, 187

Projection option, 186

Auto-Blend Layers dialog, 188

Auto Screens dialog, 246


Background colors

choosing, 94

swapping, 156

Background Eraser tool

defined, 87

dragging, 189

Options bar, 189

use example, 190–191

using, 189

Background (Layers panel)

duplicating, 167, 253, 256, 265, 325

hiding, 157


Fill Light value, 51

lighting, 230–231

masked imagery on new, 130

Basic tab (Camera Raw)

Blacks value, 50, 51

Brightness value, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54

Clarity value, 48, 49, 50, 51

Contrast value, 48, 49, 50, 51

Exposure value, 48, 49, 50, 51, 70

Fill Light value, 54

histogram, 48, 50

Recovery value, 50, 51

Vibrance value, 48, 50, 51, 54

White Balance controls, 46–47

Batch dialog, 314–315

Bevel and Emboss layer effect, 272, 274, 276, 283, 286, 289, 290

Bits per channel modes, 90

Black & White adjustment layer

increasing contrast for a selection using, 124–125, 128, 131

smoothing skin using, 164

midtones, darkening, 258

Tint option, 235, 239

tinting an image using, 234, 237

black point, display calibration, 3

blemish removal, 181

Blend If sliders, 215, 287, 290, 292, 295, 299, 325


exposures (Camera Raw), 72

Feather control on Masks panel, 197

layers automatically, 188

layers via Blend If sliders, 215, 287, 290, 292, 295, 299, 325

layers via layer masks, 194–198

pasted imagery, 206

shots of same scene, 186–188

blending modes

Color, 176

cycling through, 249

Darken, 162

Hard Light, 198

Lighten, 163, 231

Lighter Color, 243

Luminosity, 198, 218

Multiply, 269

Overlay, 217, 231

Saturation, 233

Screen, 168

Soft Light, 166, 168, 176, 239

Vivid Light, 217

Blending Options dialog, 242

bracketed shots, combining, 71

Bridge, Adobe

Browse Quickly by Preferring Embedded Images button, 19

as Camera Raw host, 41

Camera Raw presets, applying via, 78

collections, 35–36

Create a New Folder button, 19

Descending Order, Ascending Order option, 19

Filter Items by Rating menu, 19, 26

Get Photos from Camera button, 12

Go Back button, 18

Go Forward button, 18

image selection and preview, 18

keywords, 32, 33

launching, 15

loupe, 20

metadata, 30–32

moving files or folders via, 25

Open in Camera Raw button, 42

Open Recent File menu, 19, 22

panes and panels, customizing, 23

Path bar, 18

Photo Downloader application, 11–14

preferences, 22, 37–38

rating thumbnails, 26, 28–29

Refine menu, 21

Review mode, 20, 21

Rotate option, 19

searching files in, 34

Slideshow mode, 28–29

Sort By menu, 19, 24, 26

Thumbnail Quality and Preview menu, 25

Thumbnail Quality button, 19

thumbnails, 18–20, 22, 23, 26–27

Thumbnail slider, 23

thumbnail stacks, 27

updates, 114

uses, 15

View Content buttons, 31

Web Gallery controls, 342–347

window, customizing, 23

window illustration, 15

workspaces, 16–17, 24

Brightness/Contrast adjustment layers, 173, 239


buildup rate, 248

diameter, 72, 188, 252

from imagery, painting with, 251–252

opacity, 267

presets, saving, 248

resizing, interactively, 249

settings, saving, 248

shortcuts for, 249

stroke edge softness, 248

stylus settings, 248

using, 248

variables, changing, 248

variety with, 251

Brushes panel

brush tip selection, 248

hiding and showing, 86, 248

shortcuts for, 248

Brush Name dialog, 250

Brush preset picker, 248, 250

brush tips

creating, 248

creating from imagery, 250

deleting, 248

enlarging, 267

loading, 248

saving, 248

selecting, 248

Watercolor, 266

Watercolor Heavy Pigments, 268

Watercolor Textured Surface, 268

Brush Tip Shape panel, 251

Brush tool

defined, 86

drawing graffiti with, 292

Options bar settings, 101

painting on a layer mask with, 72, 101, 119, 162, 167, 182, 187, 254, 294

painting with, 156, 174, 176, 180, 292

burning, 156–158


Cache preferences (Bridge), 38

calibration of display, 3–5

Camera Raw

Adjustment Brush tool, 64–67

adjustment controls, 39

Basic tab, 46–51

Bridge as host for, 41

Crop tool, 45

current interpreters for, 40

defined, 39

Detail tab, 56–58

dialog, 43

edits, 39–40

filmstrip panel, 76–77

Graduated Filter tool, 68–69, 151

HSL/Grayscale tab, 54–55

interface, 43

JPEG and TIFF Handling preferences, 40

Lens Correction tab, 60–61

multiple photo processing with, 76–78

opening files in, 42

preferences, 40–41

presets, 75, 78

Preset tab, 75

rating photos in, 76

Red Eye Removal tool, 74

retouching with, 73–74

saving files via, 79

settings, saving as presets, 114

settings, synchronizing, 76–77

sharpening controls, 56–58

Snapshots tab, 75

Split Toning tab, 59

Spot Removal tool, 73

Straighten tool, 45

tabs, 43

Tone Curve tab, 52–53

tools, 43

White Balance menu, 46

workflow options, 44

zoom features, 42

Camera Raw Preferences dialog, 40–41

cameras, Adobe RGB color space setting for, 2

canvas, enlarging, 192–193

carved letters, 278–279

Channel Mixer adjustments, 240, 241

for infrared effect, 240–243

Monochrome option, 240 See also adjustment layers

Chromatic Aberration settings (Camera Raw), 60

clipping masks, 101, 203, 282

Clone Source panel, 200–202

Clone Stamp tool, 200–202


from multiple sources, 202

process, 200–202

source overlay repositioning, 202

CMYK profile, choosing, 333

CMYK working space, 6

collections (Bridge)

creating, 35–36

displaying, 35

editing, 35

relinking files to, 36

removing thumbnails from, 36

Smart, 35

Collections panel (Bridge), 35–36

Color Balance adjustments, 170–171, 174

Color blending mode, 176

color cast

correcting in Camera Raw, 46–47

correcting in portraits, 160–161

fine-tuning a correction for, 148–149

neutralizing, 146–147

removing, 147

color consistency, 1, 10

Colored Pencil filter, 262

colorimeters, 3

color management

benefit to using, 1, 10

defined, 1

functions, 1

policies, 6

Print dialog settings for, 328

turning off for printer, 330, 331

Color Overlay layer effect, 272, 297

Color panel

entering values on, 94

Foreground color square, 228, 230

for mixing colors, 94

New Swatch of Foreground Color button, 228

Color Picker, 67, 94

color profiles

defined, 1

document-specific, 6

selecting in Camera Raw, 44

Color Range dialog, 116, 134, 152–155

accessing via Masks panel, 119, 134

Fuzziness slider, 152, 154

illustrated, 134, 153, 155

Image button, 154

Localized Color Clusters option, 152, 154

Select menu, 134, 154–155

Color Replacement tool, 86


Background, 94

choosing, 94–95

desaturating selectively, 232–233

document-specific, 6

Foreground, 94, 156, 251

inverting, 146

luminance (Camera Raw), 54–55

for print, 95

rendering intents, 10

restoring, 254, 255

restoring selectively, 238–239

saturation (Camera Raw), 54–55

sampling, 94

type, 290, 298

for Web, 95

Color Sampler tool

defined, 86

settings for, 137

using, 136

color settings, as preset, 7

Color Settings dialog

CMYK menu, 333

North America Prepress 2 option, 6

recommended settings, 7

Settings menu, 333

color spaces

Adobe RGB, 2, 6, 328

choosing, 1, 6–7

sRGB, 6


bracketed shots (Camera Raw), 71

composite images, 194–196

shots of the same scene, 186–188

multiple exposures (Camera Raw), 70–72

Conté Crayon filter, 263

Content-Aware Scaling, 104–106

Content panel (Bridge)

search results, 34

thumbnails, 18, 342

context-sensitive menus, 114

Contour preset picker, 274


adjustment layers, 173, 239

Basic tab (Camera Raw), 48, 49, 50, 51

increasing with Curves command, 144–145

Magnetic Lasso tool, 122

Convert to Shape command, 298, 303

copy layer or selection, 199

corroded type, 294–295 See also type

Create Droplet dialog, 316

Create Metadata Template dialog (Bridge), 31

crop marquees, 91, 92

canceling, 192

dragging handles, 192

enlarging, 192–193

removing (Camera Raw), 45


photos in Camera Raw, 45

post vignetting (Camera Raw), 62–63

to specific size, 91

with rule of thirds, 92

Crop tool

defined, 86

enlarging canvas with, 192–193

using, 91

Crop tool (Camera Raw), 45

CRT (cathode ray tube) display, 3

Curves adjustment layers, 99, 144–145

benefits to using, 143

gradient, 151

increasing contrast with, 144–145

individual channels in, 148–149

inverting a mask on, 127

neutralizing color cast with, 147–149

refining a selection using, 124–125 See also adjustment layers

Customize Proof Condition dialog, 9, 332

Custom Shape tool

creating shape layers using, 304, 307–308

define area for cropping using, 92

defined, 87

fill pixels using, 310

cut paper effect, 296–297


Darken blending mode, 162

desaturating colors

restoring colors selectively after, 238–239

retouching sunburn, 182

selectively, 232–233

Shadows/Highlights command, 140–141

Detail tab (Camera Raw), 56–58

Amount value, 56

Detail slider, 57

Masking slider, 57

Radius setting, 57

sharpening controls, 56

sharpening photos via, 56–57

Diffuse Glow filter

brightening eyes, 168–169

creating a soft-focus portrait, 166–167

enhancing infrared effect, 241–242

displays, 3–5

distributing layers, 199

DNG Conversion Settings dialog, 14

DNG file format

converting to, 14

defined, 13

docks, panel

collapsing and expanding, 84

creating, 85

reconfiguring, 85

widening and narrowing, 85


cycling among, 81

redisplaying, 82 See also document windows

document-specific color, 6

document windows

arranging, 82

docking as tabs, 81

dodging and burning, 156–158

downloading photos, 11–14

automatic display, 13

with Photo Downloader (Bridge), 12–14 See also photos

drip marks (Liquify filter), 293

droplets for actions, 316

Drop Shadow layer effect, 203, 272, 274, 276, 280, 285, 288, 297

Duotone Options dialog, 244–245


creating, 245–246

file format selection, 246

presets, 244–245

printing options selection, 146

settings, editing, 244



high-contrast, when sharpening, 210, 213

painting, 188

selecting for sharpening, 223–225

sharpening, 225–226

editable type, 96, 278, 280, 288, 300

Edit menu

Auto-Align Layers command, 186

Auto-Blend Layers command, 188

Color Settings command, 6, 7, 333

Content-Aware Scale command, 104

Define Brush Preset command, 250

Define Custom Shape command, 309

Define Pattern command, 112

Fill command, 101, 318

Paste command, 307

Preset Manager command, 112

Purge command, 110

Transform > Flip Vertical command, 231, 252

Undo command, 102, 341

Edit menu (Bridge)

Camera Raw Preferences command, 40

Develop Settings command, 78

Find command, 34, 35

Edit Metadata Template dialog (Bridge), 31

Elliptical Marquee tool

defined, 86

dragging, 116

using, 289

Embedded Profile Mismatch alert dialog, 22

embossed leather type, 284

Epson Stylus Photo inkjet printers, 8

EPS Options dialog, 246, 341

erasing to underlying layer, 189–191

Essentials workspace (Bridge), 17


Photoshop files, 334

silhouetted images, 335–336

exposure(s) (Camera Raw)

blending, 72

correcting, 48–51

landscape, adjusting, 68–69

multiple, combining, 70–72

overexposure, 50–51

simulating with one photo, 70–71

underexposure, 48–49

Eyedropper tool

using with color samplers, 136–137

defined, 86

sampling colors with, 94


brightening, 168–169

recoloring, 170–171

selecting, 168

under-eye circle removal, 172–173


fading layer from center, 197

Favorites panel (Bridge), 18

file formats. See files

File menu

Automate > Create Droplet command, 316

Export > Zoomify command, 348

Place command, 335

Place command (Bridge), 71, 80

Print command, 246, 326, 330, 331, 332

Save As command, 335, 338, 341


commercial printing preparation, 333

exporting to Adobe InDesign and Illustrator, 334

opening into Camera Raw, 42

print output preparation, 324–325

in RGB Color mode, 90

saving (Camera Raw), 79

saving, in EPS format, 341

saving, in PDF format, 338–340

saving, in TIFF format, 337

sizes, changing

in Camera Raw, 44

in Photoshop, 89

Zoomify, 348

files (Bridge)

assigning keywords to, 33

metadata, 30

moving, 25

opening into Photoshop, 22

reopening, 22

searching for, 34

Fill dialog, 154

filmstrip panel (Camera Raw), 76–77

Filmstrip workspace (Bridge), 16

filter effects mask, 119

Filter Gallery, 166, 168

applying multiple filters using, 260

Colored Pencil option, 262

Hide Thumbnails button, 241, 261

New Effect button, 262

opening, 261

Paint Daubs option, 261

Smudge Stick option, 262

filtering thumbnails (Bridge), 25, 26

Filter menu

Artistic submenu

Poster Edges filter, 264

Rough Pastels filter, 259

Blur submenu

Gaussian Blur filter, 162, 167, 184, 253, 291

Motion Blur filter, 302

Brush Strokes > Spatter filter, 281

Convert to Smart Filters command, 259

Distort submenu

Diffuse Glow filter, 166, 168, 241

Glass filter, 282

Filter Gallery command, 261

Liquify filter, 177, 292

Noise submenu

Median filter, 264

Reduce Noise filter, 142

Other submenu

High Pass filter, 216

Maximum filter, 302

Render > Lighting Effects filter, 208, 230, 282

Sharpen submenu

Smart Sharpen filter, 220

Unsharp Mask filter, 210, 218, 225, 265, 325

Sketch > Conté Crayon filter, 263

Stylize submenu

Find Edges filter, 223

Glowing Edges filter, 254, 265, 268

Wind filter, 302

Vanishing Point filter, 204–207

Filter panel (Bridge), 25


Colored Pencil, 262

Conté Crayon, 263

creating sketches with, 253–255

Diffuse Glow, 166, 168, 169

Find Edges, 223, 256

Gaussian Blur, 162, 167, 184, 253, 291

Glowing Edges, 254, 256, 265, 268

High Pass, 216–217

Lighting Effects, 208, 230, 282

Liquify, 177–179, 292–293

Maximum, 302

Median, 264

Motion Blur, 302

neutral density, simulating with, 150–151

Paint Daubs, 161

Poster Edges, 264

Rough Pastels, 259

settings, editing, 169

Smart Sharpen, 209

Smudge Stick, 262

Spatter, 281

Unsharp Mask, 209, 265, 325

Vanishing Point, 204–208

watercolor creation with, 264–265

Wind, 302

Find dialog (Bridge), 34

Find Edges filter, 223, 256

folders (Bridge)

adding to list, 19

contents, displaying, 18

displaying, 25

moving, 25

removing from list, 19

Smart Collection, 35

viewing, 18

Folders panel (Bridge), 18, 342

Foreground colors

in brush variety, 251

choosing, 94

for Gradient Fill layer, 228–229

swapping, 156

free-form selections, 120

Free Transform command, 298–299, 301

furry and feathered critters, selecting, 128–129


gamma display calibration, 3

Gaussian Blur filter, 162, 167, 253, 291

General preferences

Animated Zoom option, 82

Enable Flick Panning option, 82

Zoom Clicked Point to Center option, 82

Zoom Resizes Windows option, 82

General preferences for Bridge, 37

Glass filter, 282

Glowing Edges filter, 254, 256, 265, 268

Gradient Editor dialog, 229, 286

Gradient Fill layers, 228–229, 277

Gradient Overlay layer effect, 272, 286

Gradient preset picker, 150, 195, 302


adding, 277

applying, 309

customizing, 291

illuminating type with, 291

layering, 228–229

in layer masks, 151, 195–198, 203, 302

linear, 195, 228

making type glow using, 291

radial, 203

thumbnails, 229

Gradient tool

defined, 87

dragging, 151

Linear Gradient button, 291

Multiply Mode, 196

Normal Mode, 195

Options bar settings for, 150, 195, 302

Reflected Gradient button, 197

Graduated Filter tool (Camera Raw), 68–69

graffiti, creating, 292–293

gray, neutralizing, 147

grayscale, converting photos to, 234–235, 237, 238–239



roots, lightening, 176

selecting in portrait, 131–133

Halftone Screen dialog, 246

Hand tool

Camera Raw, 42

defined, 88

moving document in window, 142

Hard Light blending mode, 198

Help menu, 114

Hide All layer mask, 72, 119, 162, 310


adding with Masks panel, 152–153

adjusting, 144

glowing, 154–155

lightening, 145

High Pass filter, 216–217

Histogram panel, 88


nonlinear, 108–110

states, snapshot of, 107

History Options dialog, 106–108

History panel

Create Document from Current State button, 114

defined, 106

History Options option, 108

History Source icon, 249

illustrated, 106

memory usage and, 110

mode, choosing, 106

New Snapshot button, 107

nonlinear mode, 106, 108–110

states, clearing, 110

Horizontal Type tool

defined, 87

using, 291

HSL/Grayscale tab (Camera Raw)

Convert to Grayscale option, 59

Luminance tab, 54, 55

Saturation tab, 54–55

Hue/Saturation adjustments, 170, 191

for curing a sunburn, 182–183

Lightness slider, 161, 174, 233

Reds slider, 160

Reset to Adjustment Defaults button, 232

Saturation slider, 160, 174, 232, 233

Yellows slider, 161, 180 See also adjustment layers



adjustment layer, 99

panel, 83, 114

panel tabs (Camera Raw), 43

tool, 86–88

tool (Camera Raw), 43

visibility, 100

Illustrator, Adobe

exporting files to, 334

exporting silhouetted images to, 335–336

image layers, dragging to new file, 130, 194

Image menu, 90, 282

Adjustments submenu

Levels command, 130, 223

Shadows/Highlights command, 138–141

Image Rotation command, 93

Image Size command, 89, 324

Mode submenu, 324

CMYK Color command, 341

Duotone command, 244

Grayscale command, 244


cloning, 200–202

combining into composite, 194–196

cropping, 91–92

exporting silhouetted, 335–336

flipping, 93

neutral gray in, 146

previewing (Bridge), 18

resampling, 89

rotating, 93

selecting (Bridge), 18

sizes, changing, 89

straightening, 93

tonal range, 134

viewing in Review mode (Bridge), 21 See also documents, files, photos, saving files

Image Size dialog, 89, 324

InDesign, Adobe

exporting files to, 334

exporting silhouetted images to, 336

Info panel

Actual Color option, 146

adjustment layers and, 137

color readouts, 137

RGB values, 147

infrared effect

creating, 240–242

defined, 240

variation, 243

inkjet printers

choosing settings for, 327–329

CMYK proof output, 332

ink stabilization, 332

printing from, 330–332

RGB Color mode and, 327 See also printers

Inner Glow layer effect, 272, 274, 276–277, 280, 290

Inner Shadow layer effect, 272, 278, 280, 285

Insert Menu Item dialog, 318

Interface preferences

Open Documents as Tabs option, 81

Show Tool Tips option, 88


JPEG photos, Adobe RGB color space for, 2


keywords (Bridge)

assigning to files, 33

creating, 33

filtering thumbnails via, 32

preferences, 38

Keywords panel (Bridge), 33

Keywords preferences (Bridge), 38


Labels preferences (Bridge), 38

Lasso tool

adding to selection, 118, 120, 184

dragging, 117, 184

subtracting from selection, 118, 120

uses, 117, 118

using, 120, 296

launching Bridge, 15

layer effects

applying, 272–273

applying to type, 276–277

Bevel and Emboss, 272, 274, 276, 283, 286, 289

Color Overlay, 272

contour, 274

copying, 272

Drop Shadow, 203, 272, 274, 276, 280, 285

Gradient Overlay, 272

hiding or showing, 273

imagery selection for, 272

Inner Glow, 272, 274, 276, 280

Inner Shadow, 272, 280, 285, 300

layer types suitable for, 272

lighting, 272

moving, 272

multiple, applying, 274

opacity, 272

Outer Glow, 272, 274, 280, 289, 299

Pattern Overlay, 269–270, 272, 288

removing, 272

Satin, 272, 299

scaling, 272

settings, changing, 272

Stroke, 272

summary, 272

using, 272–274

layer groups

creating, 97, 103

deleting, 97

layer mask for, 103

repositioning, 97

selecting, 97

ungrouping, 97

working with, 103

layering gradients, 228–229

layer masks

adding shapes to, 310

applying, 119

blending exposures via, 72

blending imagery with, 194–198

creating, 119

deleting, 119

density, 119

disabling and enabling, 119

editing, 103, 119

gradients in 151, 195–198, 203, 302

inverting, 127

for layer groups, 103

limiting sharpening with, 225–226

limiting tonal adjustments with, 127

line art, 257

moving imagery separately from, 199

moving to different layer, 133

refining, 72, 101, 119, 129, 130, 162, 167, 182, 187, 224, 225, 254, 294

reshaping, 184

thumbnails, 72, 196

turning into selection, 174

unlinking from layer, 195–196, 199


adjustment, 98–102

aligning, 199

auto aligning, 186–188

auto blending, 188

Background, 230

blank, creating, 267

copying, 199

copying and merging, 97

copy pixels to, 97

creating, 97

deleting, 97

distributing, 199

dragging and dropping, 334

duplicate, 146

duplicating, 114, 198

editable type, 96

fading from center, 197

flattening, 97, 334

Gradient Fill, 228–229, 277

hiding, 97, 137, 146

image, 96

inverting colors in, 146

merging, 97

multiple, selecting, 97

nudging, 199

options, 97

renaming, 162

selecting, 97

selecting via menu, 199

shape, 96, 307–309

showing, 97

Smart Filter, 141

Smart Object, 71, 72, 80, 96, 259

transforming, 199

Layers panel

Add Layer Mask button, 72, 103, 162, 167, 187, 194, 218, 294, 304

Add Layer Style menu, 273, 276

Delete Layer button, 102

Edit Blending Options button, 242

Effects bar, 273

illustrated, 96

layer effects, 273

Link button, 301

Lock Transparent Pixels button, 291

New Fill/Adjustment Layer menu, 228, 249

New Layer button, 156

using summary, 97 See also Smart Object layers

Layer Style dialog

applying styles via, 275

Blend If sliders, 215, 287, 290, 292, 295, 299, 325

Contour thumbnail, 274

illustrated, 273

New Style option, 275

opening, 97 See also layer effects

layer styles

applying, 275

defined, 272

removing, 275

saving, 275

using, 275

LCD (liquid crystal display), 3

leaves on a tree, selecting, 124–126

Lens Corrections tab (Camera Raw)

Chromatic Aberration area, 60

defined, 60

Lens Vignetting area, 61

Post Crop Vignetting area, 62–63

Lens Vignetting (Camera Raw), 61

Levels adjustment layer

adjust contrast using, 131, 269

creating, 300

darken areas using, 134

illustrated, 300

lighten areas using, 125, 191

remove background areas using, 130

screen back type using, 300–301 See also adjustment layers

Levels dialog, 130

libraries of presets, 112–113

Lighten blending mode, 163, 231

Lighter Color blending mode, 243


backgrounds, 230–232

layer effect, 272

realism with, 208

refining on image layer, 198

Lighting Effects filter, 208, 230

Light Table workspace (Bridge), 17, 25

linear gradients, 151, 195, 228, 302

line art sketch, 256–257


changing lipstick color, 174–175

sharpening, 66

Liquify filter, 177–179

distortion power, 179

Forward Warp tool, 292–293

Freeze Mask tool, 179

protecting areas from, 179

Pucker tool, 178

Push Left tool, 177–178

Thaw Mask tool, 179

to tighten chin, 179

unliquify, 178

loupe (Bridge), 20

Luminosity blending mode, 198, 218


Mac OS,

16-bit printing, 328

printer color management, 331

Magic Eraser tool, 87

Magic Wand tool

defined, 86

Options bar, 116, 129, 132, 224

as selection method, 116

Magnetic Lasso tool

defined, 86

using, 116, 122–123


crop, 91, 92, 192

crop (Camera Raw), 45

selection, transforming, 118

masked imagery, on new background, 130


attaching, 119

clipping, 282

corroding type using, 294

editing, 119

layer, 103, 119

purpose, 119

vector, 117, 303–306 See also layer masks

Masks panel

Add Pixel Mask button, 129, 132, 152, 154, 184, 224

Add Vector Mask button, 304

blending on, 197

Color Range button, 119, 152, 154

Density slider, 153, 154, 155

dramatic lights and darks with, 152–153

Feather slider, 153–155, 197

glowing highlights with, 154–155

illustrated, 119

Invert button, 127, 154, 155, 238

Mask Edge button, 119, 126, 198

Maximum filter, 302

Median filter, 264


adjustment layers, 102

layers, 97

metadata (Bridge)

adding, 32

defined, 30

preferences, 38

viewing, 30

Metadata panel (Bridge)

configuring, 30

embedding user data via, 32

IPTC Core category, 32

menu, 31

updates, 31

metadata templates (Bridge), 14

applying, 25, 31

creating, 31

editing, 31

naming, 31

metallic type, 285–289

creating, 285–287

with grommets, 288–289


adjusting, 144

adjusting (Camera Raw), 48, 52

lightening, 145

points, 148

sharpening, 214–215

Missing Profile alert dialog, 22

modal controls, action, 319

montages, tips for creating, 185

Motion Blur filter, 302


layer imagery separately from layer mask, or vice versa, 195–196, 199

layer or selection, 199

selection marquee or contents, 118

Move tool

Auto Select Layer option, 199

copying selections with, 199, 289

nudging layers or selections with, 199

Options bar, 150, 196

shortcuts for, 199

temporary, 199

using, 199, 231

Multiply blending mode, 269


neutral color layers (dodging or burning with), 156–158

neutral density filter, simulating, 68, 150

neutral gray

converting gray areas to, 147

locating, 146

New Action dialog, 312

New Fill/Adjustment Layer menu, 152

New Layer dialog, 156

New Smart Object Via Copy command, 71

New Snapshot dialog, 107

New Style dialog, 275

New Tool Preset dialog, 111

New Workspace dialog (Bridge), 24

noise, reducing, 142–143

nonlinear histories, 108–110

North America Prepress 2 color setting, 6


Object Layer Options dialog (InDesign), 336


adjustment layers and, 164, 182, 235, 237, 239, 269

brush, 267

layer and layer effects, 272

layer group, 164–165

tool, shortcut for changing, 249

opening files

into Camera Raw, 42, 76–77

into Photoshop via Bridge, 22

Options bar

Background Eraser tool, 189

Brush tool, 101

Clone Stamp tool, 200, 202

Color Sampler tool, 137

Crop tool, 91

Custom Shape tool, 92, 304, 308

Gradient tool, 150, 195, 302

Magic Wand tool, 116, 129, 132, 224

Move tool, 150, 196

Patch tool, 172

Path Selection tool, 306

Pattern Stamp tool, 266

Pen tool, 117, 309

Quick Selection tool, 121, 168

shape tools, 307, 310

Spot Healing Brush tool, 181

Toggle Panel button, 86

orientation for printing, 327

Other Dynamics (Brushes panel), 251

Outer Glow layer effect, 272, 274, 280, 284, 289, 299

output, 323–348

good quality, 90

print, 324–333

sharpening for, 325

Web gallery, 342–347 See also Print dialog, printers, printing

Output panel (Bridge), 342–347

Appearance bar, 344, 345

Color Palette bar, 344, 345

Create Gallery bar, 347

Play Slideshow button, 344

Preview in Browser button, 346

Refresh Preview button, 342, 344

Site Info bar, 342, 343, 344

Template menu, 342

Upload button, 347

View Slideshow button, 344

Web Gallery option, 342 See also Web galleries

Output preferences (Bridge), 38

Output Preview panel (Bridge), 342

overexposure, correcting (Camera Raw), 50–51

Overlay blending mode, 217, 231


Page Setup dialog, 326

Paint Daubs filter, 261

paintings, converting photos into, 261–263

painting techniques, summary of, 249

panel groups

closing, 84

configuring, 84–85

free-floating, 85

lengthening and shortening, 85

maximizing and minimizing, 84

moving, 85

panels, showing and hiding, 84


Actions, 311–313, 317–320

Adjustments, 98–102, 124, 127–129, 224

Brushes, 86, 248

Character, 290

Clone Source, 200–202

closing, 84

Color, 94, 228, 230

free-floating, 85

hidden docks, reappearing, 83

hiding and showing, 83

Histogram, 88

History, 106–110, 249

icons, 83, 114

Info, 137, 146, 147

Layers, 96–97, 102, 242, 273

lengthening and shortening, 85

list of, 83

Masks, 119, 126, 127, 129, 197

maximizing and minimizing, 84

moving, 85

Styles, 112, 275, 309

Swatches, 94, 95

Tool Presets, 111–113

Tools, 86–88

using, 83–88

panels (Bridge)

Collections, 35, 36

Content, 18, 34, 342

Favorites, 18

Filter, 25

Folders, 18, 342

Keywords, 33

Metadata, 30–32

Output, 342–347

Output Preview, 342

pastel sketch, 258–260

Patch tool

defined, 86

using, 172–173

paths, converting to vector masks, 117

Path Selection tool

defined, 87

using, 305, 306

Pattern Name dialog, 288

Pattern Overlay effect

for background of watercolor, 269–270

creating a metal texture with, 288

Pattern preset picker, 266, 269, 289


applying to shape layers, 309

creating, 266, 288–289

Pattern Stamp tool

defined, 86

watercolor creation with, 266–270

PDF (Portable Document Format)

defined, 338

saving files, with custom settings, 339–340

saving files, with preset, 338

Pencil tool

defined, 86

using, 294, 302

Pen tool

for creating precise selections, 117

defined, 87

for drawing shapes, 309

Performance preferences, 106

Photo Downloader (Bridge)

Advanced dialog option, 12

Apply Metadata area, 14

converting files to DNG using, 14

defined, 11

downloading photos with, 12–14

Get Photos button, 14

illustrated, 12

opening, 12

Preserve Current Filename in XMP option, 13

Save Copies To option, 14

Save Options area, 12–13

use recommendation, 11

Photo Filter adjustment layer, 130, 235–236


converting to paintings, 261–263

downloading, 11–14

managing, workflow for (Bridge), 25

opening into Camera Raw, 42

renaming (Bridge), 25

photos (Camera Raw)

cropping, 45

multiple, processing, 76–78

rating, 76

resizing, 44

retouching, 73–74

as Smart Objects, 80

straightening, 45


files, exporting to InDesign or Illustrator, 334

opening files into (Bridge), 22

printing from, 326–332

updates, 114

Photoshop Import Options dialog (Illustrator), 336

Photoshop Lightroom, 41


copying to new layer, 97

creating area of using a shape tool, 310

restoring via History panel, 106–108

restoring from Liquify filter, 178

playing actions, 313–316

Polygonal Lasso tool

defined, 86

uses, 117

using, 296


blemish removal

in Camera Raw, 73

in Photoshop, 181

color cast, correcting, 160–161

dark hair roots, lightening, 176

eyes, brightening, 168–169

eyes, recoloring, 170–171

lipstick color, changing, 174–175

Liquify filter, retouching with, 177–179

retouching, 159–184

selecting hair in, 131–133

smoothing skin, 162–165

soft-focus, 166–167

sunburn, correcting, 182–183

teeth whitening, 180

under-eye circles, correcting, 172–173

Unsharp Mask filter settings for, 213

Post Crop Vignetting (Camera Raw), 62–63 See also Lens Corrections tab (Camera Raw)

Poster Edges filter, 264

preferences (Bridge), 37–38

preferences (Camera Raw), 40–41

Preferences menu

General preferences, 82

Interface preferences, 81, 88

Performance preferences, 106

Preset Manager, 112–113


color settings, 6

creating, 111, 112

defined, 111

duotone, 244–245

gradient, 113, 150, 195, 228, 291, 302

library, loading, 112–113

PDF file, 338

saving, 111, 112

shape, 284

style, 275

tool, 111

using, 114 See also tools

presets (Camera Raw)

applying, 75

applying to multiple photos via Bridge, 78

saving, 75

White Balance, 46, 47

Presets tab (Camera Raw), 75

previews (Bridge)

comparing, 20

full screen, 20

quality, 19

Web gallery, 342–346

Preview workspace (Bridge), 17, 25

Print dialog

Black Point Compensation option, 328

Bounding Box option, 328

Center Image option, 327

Color Handling menu, 328

Color Management settings, 327, 328, 329, 332

Document option, 328

Gamut Warning option, 328

Height and Width values, 327

illustrated, 327, 329

in Mac OS, 331

Match Print Colors option, 328

Output option, 246

Page Setup option, 326

Printer menu, 326, 327

Printer Profile menu, 328

Proof Setup menu, 332

Rendering Intent menu, 328

Scale percentage, 327

Scale to Fit Media option, 327

Show Paper White option, 328

Size menu, 326

Source menu, 326

in Windows, 330

printer profiles, downloading, 8


CMYK proof output, 332

color management, turning off in Mac OS, 331

color management, turning off in Windows, 330

Epson Stylus Photo inkjet, 8

inkjet settings, 327–328

printing, 326–332

commercial, file preparation, 333

duotones, 246

file preparation for, 324–325

from Photoshop, 326–332

RGB file for, 324

Printing preferences dialog (Windows), 330

Properties dialog (Windows), 326


Quick Masks, painting, 117, 170, 175, 180, 184

Quick Selection tool

defined, 86

uses, 116

using, 121, 132, 168


radial gradients, 203

rasterized type

converting editable type to, 291, 296

creating cut paper effect with, 296–297

rating photos (Camera Raw), 76

rating thumbnails (Bridge), 25, 26, 29

raw files, color profile for converting (Camera Raw), 44


eyes, 170–171

hair, 133, 176

lips, 174–175

shape layer, 309

type, 284, 290, 298

recording actions, 312

Record Stop dialog, 317

Rectangular Marquee tool, 288

defined, 86

using, 116, 300

Red Eye Removal tool (Camera Raw), 74

Reduce Noise dialog, 142–143

Refine Edge dialog, 118, 120

Feather value, 168

Quick Mask preview button, 168

Refine Mask dialog

Contract/Expand value, 126, 129, 132

Contrast value, 126, 129

Feather value, 126, 129, 132

Mask Edge option, 184, 224

Radius value, 126, 133

Smooth value, 126, 129, 132

Refine menu (Bridge), 21

reflections, creating, 231

Rendering Intent menu, 10

resampling, changing image size with, 89

restoring color, 238–239


blemish removal, 181

eye brightening, 168–169

eye coloring, 170–171

guidelines, 159

lightening hair roots, 176

lipstick color, 174–175

portraits, 159–184

skin smoothing, 162–165

smoothing small areas, 184

soft-focus, 166–167

sunburn, 182–183

teeth whitening, 180

trimming, tightening, 177–179

under-eye circle removal, 172–173

retouching (Camera Raw)

assembly-line, 73

with Red Eye Removal tool, 74

with Spot Removal tool, 73

Review mode (Bridge), 20

exiting, 21

viewing images in, 21

RGB Color mode, 90, 327

rotating images, 93

Rough Pastels filter, 259

rule of thirds, 92

Ruler tool

defined, 86

straightening images using, 93

rusted metal type, 280–283

creating, 280–281

filling, 282–283 See also type


sampling colors (Eyedropper tool), 94, 137

Satin layer effect, 272, 299


adjustment, 120, 160

increasing (Camera Raw), 50, 54, 55

reducing, 140–141, 182, 232–233, 238–239

Saturation blending mode, 233

Save Adobe PDF dialog

Adobe PDF Preset menu, 338

Compression option, 339–340

illustrated, 338, 339

Options area, 339

Output option, 340

Security option, 341

Standard menu, 341

Summary option, 340

Save Options dialog (Camera Raw), 79

Save Settings dialog (Camera Raw), 75


brush settings, 248

brush tips, 248

Camera Raw settings

as presets, 75

as snapshot, 75

color swatches, 95

presets, 112

selections, 119

shapes, 309

styles, 275

swatches, 95

tool presets, 111

Web gallery, 347

saving files

via Camera Raw, 79

in EPS format, 341

in PDF format, 338–340

in TIFF format, 337


content-aware, 104–105

layer or selection, 199

selection marquee, 118

Screen blending mode, 168

screened-back type on bar, 300–301

Screen Mode menu (Application bar), 82

screen modes, changing, 82

searching for files (Bridge), 34


cleaning up, 118

closing, 123

by color, 116

Color Range, 134, 152–155

copying, 118, 199

dragging and dropping into Adobe Illustrator, 334

Elliptical Marquee tool, 116

expanding, 118

feathering, 122

free-form, creating, 120

from masks, 119

from paths, 117

furry/feathered critter, 128–129

geometric area, 116

hair, in portrait, 131–133

inverting, 118, 174, 180

irregular area, 117

Lasso tool, 117, 118, 120, 184, 296

leaves on a tree, 124–127

loading, 119

Magic Wand tool, 116, 129, 132, 224

Magnetic Lasso tool, 116, 122–123

marquees, transforming, 118

masks from, 119

methods, summarized, 116–119

modifying, 118

moving, 118

nudging, 199

by painting masks, 117

Polygonal Lasso tool, 117, 296

precision, 117

Quick Mask, 117, 118, 175, 180, 184

Quick Selection tool, 116, 121, 132, 168

Rectangular Marquee tool, 116, 300

refining, 118, 120, 168

saving, 119

straight-edged, 116

subtracting from, 118

tonal, 134

transforming, 199

Select menu

Color Range command, 116, 134

Grow command, 129

Similar command, 118, 124, 224

Transform Selection command, 118


adding with Masks panel, 152–153

adjusting, 139–140, 144

noise reduction in, 142

restoring details to, 163

smoothing details in, 165

Shadows/Highlights dialog

Adjustments sliders, 140–141

Highlights sliders, 140

illustrated, 138

Preview option, 141

Shadows sliders, 139–141

using, 138–141

shape layers, 307–309

applying styles to, 309

creating, 307–308

defined, 96, 307

on Layers panel, 308

recoloring, 309

shape presets, 284


adding to layer masks, 310

converting type to, 298

creating pixel areas using, 310

drawing custom, 309

pasting from Illustrator, 307

saving, 309

shape tools

Options bar settings for, 307–308

selecting, 307

using, 304, 307–308, 310

sharpening, 209–226

areas, selectively, 218–219

capture (Camera Raw), 209

in Detail tab (Camera Raw), 56–57

edges, 225–226

with High Pass filter, 216–217

with layer mask, 224–226

midtones, 214–215

output, 325

remasking and, 219

selecting edges for, 223–225

with Smart Sharpen filter, 219–222

with Unsharp Mask filter, 210–215

zoom level, 210


adding and deleting swatches, 95

brushes, 248

changing tool settings, 249

Clone Source panel, 201–202

hiding and showing panels, 83

Lasso tool, 120

layers, 97

loading selections, 119

Move tool, 199

moving and copying selections, 118

Quick Selection tool, 121

tool, 86–88

tool settings, 249

transforming selection marquees, 118

zooming, 82

shortcuts (Bridge)

rating thumbnails, 26

Slideshow mode, 29

thumbnail stacks, 27

shortcuts (Camera Raw)

applying ratings, 76

tools, 43

zooming, 42

silhouetted images

creating, 335

exporting to Illustrator, 336

exporting to InDesign, 336


brightening, 255

creating with filters, 253–255

line art, 256–257

pastel, 258–260

skin texture, smoothing, 184

sky, erasing, 190–191

skywriting, creating, 302

Slideshow mode (Bridge)

exiting, 28

previewing images in, 28

shortcuts, 29

using, 28–29

Slideshow Options dialog (Bridge), 27

Smart Collections (Bridge), 35

Smart Filter layers

editing, 242

filter effects mask, 302

filter settings, changing, 141

Smart Object layers

applying multiple filters to, 260–265, 302

creating, 138, 168, 220, 240, 259, 264, 291, 302

creating via a copy command, 71

defined, 96

Diffuse Glow filter applied to, 241–242

editing (Camera Raw), 80

exposure information (Camera Raw), 72

scaling, 80

Smart Filters applied to, 260, 261–265, 302

working with photos as (Camera Raw), 80

Smart Sharpen filter, 219–222

Advanced option, 221, 222

advantages, 219

Amount value, 221

applying, 221, 222

correction algorithms, 220

defined, 219

Fade Amount, 221

More Accurate option, 220

Radius value, 221

Remove menu, 220

results, 222

selective sharpening with, 220–222

Tonal Width, 221

uses, 209

using, 219–222

smoothing skin, 162–165, 184

Smudge Stick filter, 262

snapshots on History panel

creating, 107, 114

defined, 107

Snapshots tab (Camera Raw), 75

soft-focus portraits, 166–167

Soft Light blending mode, 166, 168, 176, 239

sorting thumbnails (Bridge), 26

Spatter filter, 281

spectrophotometers, 3

Split Toning tab (Camera Raw), 59

Spot Healing Brush tool, 175

defined, 86

Options bar, 181

Spot Removal tool (Camera Raw), 73

Spyder3Elite, 3–5

sRGB color space, 6

Startup Scripts preferences (Bridge), 38

Straighten tool (Camera Raw), 45

Stroke layer effect, 272, 309

Style preset picker, 309


applying to layer, 275

applying to shape layer, 309

presets, 112, 309

removing, 275

saving, 275

Styles panel

applying styles via, 275

New Style button, 112, 275

saving styles to, 275

sunburn, correcting, 182–183

Swatches panel, 95

synchronizing Camera Raw settings, 76–78


tabs, docking document windows as, 81

Targeted Adjustment tool (Camera Raw), 52

teeth whitening, 180


adding, 249, 269–270

softening skin, 162–165


adjustment layer, 99, 100

Filter Gallery, 241

gradient, 229

layer mask, 72, 196

pattern, 269

shape layer, 309

snapshot, 107

vector mask, 298, 304, 305

thumbnails (Bridge)

adding, to stack, 27

assigning descriptions and keywords to, 32–33

badges, 22

Content panel (Bridge), 18, 342

examining, 25

filtering, 25, 26, 32

filtering via keywords, 32

folder, displaying, 18

full-screen previews, 20

organizing, 25

previewing, 18

quality, 19

rating, 25, 26

ratings, removing, 26

rearranging, in stack, 27

removing from collections, 36

removing from stack, 27

resizing, 23

selecting, in stack, 27

sorting, 26

View Content buttons, 31

viewing metadata for, 30–31 See also collections (Bridge)

Thumbnails preferences (Bridge), 37

thumbnail stacks (Bridge), 27

TIFF Options dialog, 337


applying to images, 234–236

via Black & White adjustment layer, 235–236, 238–239

via Photo Filter adjustment layer, 235–236, 237

via Split Toning tab (Camera Raw), 59

tonal range

adjusting (Camera Raw), 52

monitoring changes, with Histogram panel, 88

selecting, 134, 152–155

Tone Curve tab (Camera Raw), 52–53, 54, 70

Tool preset picker, 111

Tool Presets panel, 111


Art History Brush, 249

Background Eraser, 189, 190–191

Brush, 72, 150, 156, 162, 167, 174, 176, 180, 182, 219, 254, 292

Clone Stamp, 200–202

Color Sampler, 136, 137

Crop, 91, 192–193

Custom Shape, 92, 304, 308

Elliptical Marquee, 116, 289

Eyedropper, 94, 136

Gradient, 150, 151, 195, 196, 291, 302

Hand, 142

Horizontal Type, 291

illustrated on Tools panel, 86–88

Lasso, 117, 118, 120, 184, 296

Magic Wand, 116, 129, 132, 224

Magnetic Lasso, 116, 122–123

Move, 150, 194, 196, 199, 231, 289

Patch, 172–173

Path Selection, 306

Pattern Stamp, 266–270

Pen, 117

Pencil, 294, 302

Polygonal Lasso, 117, 204, 296

presets, 111–113

quick access to, 88

Quick Selection, 116, 121, 132, 168

Rectangular Marquee, 116, 288, 300

Ruler, 93

settings shortcuts, 249

shortcuts for choosing, 86–88

Spot Healing Brush, 175, 181

spring loading, 88 See also tools under Liquify filter, Vanishing Point filter

tools (Camera Raw)

Adjustment Brush, 64–67

Crop, 45

Graduated Filter, 68–69, 151

Hand, 42

Red Eye Removal, 74

Spot Removal, 73

Straighten, 45

Targeted Adjustment, 52

Zoom, 42

Tools panel, 86–88

Default Foreground and Background Colors, 88, 94

Edit in Quick Mask Mode option, 88, 118, 170, 174, 180

Edit in Standard Mode button, 170, 174, 180

illustrated, 86–88

Set background color option, 88

Set foreground color option, 88

Switch Foreground and Background Colors option, 88 See also tools


layer or selection, 199

selection marquee, 118

type, 298–299, 301

transparency, erasing areas to, 189–191, 249


applying layer effects to, 276–290

carving in stone, 278–279

color, 290, 298

corroded, 294–295

design tips, 271

distressing, 295

editable, 278, 280, 288, 290, 300

embossed leather, 285

filters applied to, 291–293, 302

glowing, 291

graffiti, 292–293

metallic, 285–289

product name stamp, 290

rasterized, cutting up, 296–297

rusted metal, 280–283

scaling, 299

screened-back, 300–301

skewing, 298

skywriting, 302

transforming to fit into perspective plane, 298–299

warping, 279


underexposure, correcting (Camera Raw), 48–49

under-eye circles, removing, 172–173

Units & Rulers preferences, 312

Unsharp Mask filter, 210–215

Amount value, 210, 211, 212, 218, 226, 325

applying, 210–212

defined, 210

for high-contrast objects, 213

for portraits, 213

Preview option, 210

Radius setting, 210, 211, 218, 226, 325

settings, 213

for sharply detailed landscapes, 213

sharpening midtones with, 214–215

for soft-edged subjects, 213

Threshold value, 210, 212, 218, 226, 325

uses, 209

using, 210–215

in watercolor effect, 265

updates, Adobe product, 114


values, choosing quickly, 83

Vanishing Point filter, 204–208

Create Plane tool, 205

defined, 204

Edit Plane tool, 205

grid, hiding and showing, 206

Marquee tool, 206

results, 207

results, adding realism to, 208

tools, 204–206

Transform tool, 206–207

using, 204–208

vector masks, 303–306

areas in, reversing, 306

converting paths to, 117

copying, 305

creating, from custom shapes, 304

creating, from type, 303–304

deactivating, 305

defined, 303

discarding, 306

repositioning, 305

thumbnails, 298, 304, 305

working with, 305–306

View menu

Proof Colors command, 9, 10

Proof Setup command, 9, 10, 332

Snap To, Document Bounds command, 192

View menu (Bridge)

Show Reject Files command, 25, 26

Slideshow command, 28

Slideshow Options command, 28

vignetting (Camera Raw)

applying, 61

applying post crop vignetting, 62–63

Vivid Light blending mode, 217


Warp Text dialog, 279


creating with filters, 264–265

creating with Pattern Stamp tool, 266–270

Web galleries

creating, 342–345

defined, 342

naming, 347

order of images in, 346

saving, 347

uploading, 347

viewing, 346

white balance

adjusting (Camera Raw), 46–47

presets, 46, 47

White Balance menu (Camera Raw), 46, 47

white point, display calibration, 3

Wind filter, 302

Window menu

Application Bar command, 82

Application Frame command, 81

Windows, printer color management, 330


digital photo management (Bridge), 25

streamlining, 114

Workflow Options dialog (Camera Raw), 44

working spaces for color management, 2, 6, 44, 328

workspaces (Bridge)

choosing, 16–17

creating, 25

custom, saving, 24, 25

deleting, 24

Essentials, 17

Filmstrip, 16

Light Table, 17, 25

naming, 24

order, switching, 16

Preview, 17, 25

resetting, 24

thumbnails, resizing, 17

workspaces, saving, 114



Camera Raw, 42

magnification level for sharpening, 210

preferences, 82

shortcuts, 82

Zoomify Export dialog, 348

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