
When the App Store debuted, there was the inevitable gold rush toward this nascent smartphone app market, which Apple helped make more accessible to everyday developers. As time goes on, developers can no longer rely on being familiar with code alone to sell their hard work online. As usual, if you are a small shop, you have to wear many hats. The marketing hat is not a comfortable one for many developers, but it’s critical to getting your message to your customers.

Erica and Steve have just about seen it all when it comes to marketing. While blogging at TUAW (The Unofficial Apple Weblog), they have received hundreds, if not thousands, of press releases, personal pitches, and offbeat marketing ploys. Over time, they’ve synthesized what they’ve seen work and what they’ve seen fail and what they’ve come up with is in this book.

I think you’ll find the advice in this book useful if you’re out there alone, trying to send your app into the world. By using this book, you’ll pay careful attention to the pitch you craft to tell your own app’s story—and with a little luck—you’ll find success on the App Store.

Victor Agreda, Jr., Editor-in-Chief,

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