Chapter 5. Deployment and Maintenance

This chapter marks a significant turning point for us in this book. Up until now, we have only discussed development issues (more or less). For the next four chapters, we will only discuss deployment/maintenance issues (more or less).

Do you remember the site administration diagram, located at the beginning of Chapter 1? A fair amount of development tasks have now been covered, so we can now switch to deployment/maintenance tasks with confidence, knowing that we understand what the various development tasks look like. Also, remember that in the real world, you are likely to have deployed to staging numerous times before deploying to production.

In a way, you have already been prepared for what is coming next. By demonstrating Buildout's ability to extend configuration files, we have (hopefully) shown that a production buildout is just a buildout configuration file(s) that configures the site for production use.

In some cases, a production buildout may get so elaborate that it works only in production. In the other cases, it may work just fine in both development and production environments. For example, a production buildout may configure packages to depend on libraries whose locations vary, depending on the environment. Hence, a production buildout may not work in development because the libraries are in a different place.

At this point, it may become more desirable to include such dependencies in the buildout, but that is for you to decide. There is always a trade-off while deciding what dependencies to include in the buildout, versus what (operating system vendor packages) dependencies to rely on in production. A good rule of thumb is to install as many vendor packages as possible, and then use Buildout to install the rest.

In our first example, we will demonstrate what a typical production configuration file looks like. Then, we will demonstrate the techniques to automate various maintenance tasks. Lastly, we will discuss the remaining miscellaneous tasks, if any, which relate to deployment and maintenance.

In this chapter, you will learn the following:

  • Creating a production buildout

  • Backing up your database

  • Automating database backups

  • Restoring your database from a backup

  • Packing your database

  • Automating database packing

  • Rotating logs

Creating a production buildout

We would be remiss at this point if we did not discuss adding Zope Enterprise Objects (ZEOs) to our buildout. ZEO provides a way to allow numerous Zope 2 instances to access the same database (Data.fs file).

During a normal operation (that is, without ZEO), Zope 2 locks the Data.fs file when it is in use. When ZEO is in use, it locks the file too, but allows connections over TCP/IP.

So from now on, we will be using ZEO. This will enable us to do a number of things:

  • Learn how to use ZEO

  • Establish additional connections to the database to facilitate

    • Backups

    • Debugging

    • Database packing

    • Load balancing

However, if we were to add ZEO to our current buildout, we would experience this problem:

$ bin/buildout -c 05-deployment-maintenance-production.cfg
Updating zope2.
Updating fake eggs
Updating instance.
Installing plonesite.
2010-05-19 22:27:32 WARNING ZEO.zrpc (10025) CW: error connecting to ('', 8100): ECONNREFUSED

This is because in 05-deployment-maintenance-production.cfg, we reconfigure the instance section to use ZEO, but we do not have a ZEO installed yet (because the add ZEO buildout run has not yet been completed).

At the same time, the plonesite part is trying to start the instance so that it can create a Plone site. However, the Zope 2 instance is unable to connect to a ZEO instance since it is not running and does not exist yet (unless the add ZEO buildout run completes).

To work around this, we can create a configuration file to subtract the plonesite part from the list of parts:

extends = 04-administration-ldap.cfg
parts -= plonesite

Note that we are using the -= notation for the first time.

Until now, we have only been adding parts to the parts parameter. In this case, we are subtracting the plonesite part to make the add ZEO buildout run work properly.

If we need the plonesite part later, we can easily add it back.

Next, we configure ZEO in 05-deployment-maintenance-production.cfg by adding adding a zeo section, and by configuring the instance section to be a ZEO client:

extends = 05-deployment-maintenance-plonesite.cfg
parts += zeo
zeo-client = True
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver
zope2-location = ${zope2:location}

Now run Buildout:

$ bin/buildout -c 05-deployment-maintenance-production.cfg

You should see:

$ bin/buildout -c 05-deployment-maintenance-production.cfg
Getting distribution for 'plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver==1.4'.
Got plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver 1.4.
Installing zeo.
Created directory /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/parts/zeo
Created directory /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/parts/zeo/etc
Created directory /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/parts/zeo/var
Created directory /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/parts/zeo/log
Created directory /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/parts/zeo/bin
Wrote file /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/parts/zeo/etc/zeo.conf
Wrote file /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/parts/zeo/bin/zeoctl
Changed mode for /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/parts/zeo/bin/zeoctl to 755
Wrote file /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/parts/zeo/bin/runzeo
Changed mode for /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/parts/zeo/bin/runzeo to 755
Generated script '/Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/bin/zeo'.
Generated script '/Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/bin/zeopack'.

Now start ZEO:

$ bin/zeo start
. daemon process started, pid=10578

Now start Plone:

$ bin/instance fg

Now, we can move on to backups.

Backing up your database

Database backups are an important part of any web application deployment, and Plone is no exception.

However, unlike a lot of web applications, there is no SQL data to backup. This is because Plone uses Zope 2, which uses the ZODB ( for persistent storage. The ZODB is an object database (not a relational database) and its contents are typically stored in a single flat file called Data.fs.

By using the undo feature of Zope 2, you can often avert disasters by undoing a transaction or more from the Undo form, but you must do so sequentially starting from the most recent transaction.

If you want to examine the Undo form, browse to http://localhost:8080/Plone and click on Site Setup | Zope Management Interface.

You should see the Undo form in the list of tabs at the top, toward the right side, as shown in the following screenshot:

Backing up your database

In other words, you cannot pick an arbitrary transaction from the middle of the transaction log and expect to be able to roll back to that point, without selecting all of the transactions in between.

Even if you do, it may not work. The undo feature is unfortunately not impervious to transaction conflict errors, and sometimes, we have to restore from a backup to put things right.

This is where automated "hot" backups come in handy.

The repozo utility

Copying the Data.fs file from one host to another off-site may suffice as a "hot" backup, but in theory you should never copy data from a running instance because you could miss data being written to the file at the time of the copy.

Lucky for us, Zope 2 ships with the repozo utility as a part of the ZODB3 package ( to facilitate "hot" backups and you can use it to backup your site as shown:

% bin/repozo -v B -F -f var/filestorage/Data.fs -r var/filestorage

The output for this should be something like this:

looking for files between last full backup and 2009-07-04-06-08-12...
no files found
doing a full backup
writing full backup: 4100111 bytes to var/filestorage/2009-07-04-06-08-12.fs

In the example above, we forced a full backup with the F flag. If you just want to run incremental backups, you can do this:

% bin/repozo -v -B -f var/filestorage/Data.fs -r var/filestorage

This command tells repozo to run in verbose mode with -v, create a backup with -B, backup the specified file with -f, and put the results in the directory specified by -r.

Making repozo easier with collective.recipe.backup

It is likely you will not want to memorize all of these commands; so, let us make the task easier by adding collective.recipe.backup ( to our buildout.

By doing this, we are configuring additional scripts to be added to the bin directory of the buildout. These are for us to execute (or automate) at our earliest convenience.

When executed, these scripts will run repozo with a sensible set of defaults.

In 05-deployment-maintenance-backup.cfg, we have:

extends = 05-deployment-maintenance-production.cfg
parts += backup
recipe = collective.recipe.backup

Now run Buildout:

$ bin/buildout -c 05-deployment-maintenance-backup.cfg

You should see:

$ bin/buildout -c 05-deployment-maintenance-backup.cfg
Getting distribution for 'collective.recipe.backup'.
Got collective.recipe.backup 1.3.
Installing backup.
backup: Created /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/var/backups
backup: Created /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/var/snapshotbackups
Generated script '/Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.

We now have two new directories and three new scripts in our buildout. The directories we created are:

  • var/backups

  • var/snapshotbackups

The scripts we created are:

  • bin/backup

  • bin/snapshotbackup

  • bin/restore

Thanks to collective.recipe.backup we can now run repozo easily, and we have a special place to put the results.

If you want to do a regular backup of your site, just run:

$ bin/backup

The backup will be stored in var/backups.

Every subsequent running of bin/backup, assuming site content has changed, will automatically create an incremental backup ending in .deltafs.

If you want to set aside a full backup for some other purpose, like copying to a local development environment, you can run:

$ bin/snapshotbackup

Now, copy the file from var/snapshotbackups.

A simple backup strategy

A full backup will be created in var/snapshotbackups. At this point, you may be noticing that the business of backups can be somewhat complicated. In order to be successful over time (or in other words, to have the best chance of recovering important lost data), you will need a sane backup strategy.

A very simple backup strategy is listed here:

  • Daily incremental backups

  • Monthly full backups

  • Yearly retention

This means we must configure our incremental backups to run daily and full backups to run once a month. We will keep a directory full of backups for a period of one year and then, we will archive that directory and start over.

In the section that follows, we will cover how to implement a portion of daily incremental backups.

Automating database backups

Of course, no one wants to perform manual backups on a regular basis.

On Mac OS X and Ubuntu Linux, we can use Buildout to configure a cron entry for us. On Windows, since there is no cron, we can use the Task manager (outside our Buildout) instead.

Using z3c.recipe.usercrontab on Mac OS X and Ubuntu Linux

To configure cron entries with Buildout, you can use (

In 05-deployment-maintenance-cron.cfg, we have:

extends = 05-deployment-maintenance-backup.cfg
parts += cron
recipe = z3c.recipe.usercrontab
command = ${buildout:directory}/bin/backup
times = 0 0 * * *

We have added a cron section, defined recipe and command we want to run, and the number of times we want to run it. If you are not familiar with the cron syntax, refer to the following:


Allowed values





Day of the month



1-12 (or names, see below)

Day of the week

0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)

A field may be an asterisk (*), which always stands for "first-last''.…

Names can also be used for the Month and Day of the week fields. Use the first three letters of the particular day or month (case does not matter). Ranges or lists of names are not allowed.


This information is from the output of the command (run on Mac OS X and Linux):

$ man 5 crontab

So, the fields are listed in order, in the times parameter. We have created a cron entry that will run our command at the zeroth minute of the zeroth hour, every day of the month, every month, and every day of the week.

Now run Buildout:

$ bin/buildout -c 05-deployment-maintenance-cron.cfg

You should see:

$ bin/buildout -c 05-deployment-maintenance-cron.cfg
Installing cron.

You can check to make sure your crontab entry has been created by running with the help of the following command:

$ crontab l

You should see:

$ crontab l
# Generated by /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout [cron]
0 0 * * * /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/bin/backup
# END /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout [cron]

Using Task Scheduler on Windows

To schedule tasks on Windows, select Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Task Scheduler.

  1. When the task scheduler appears, select Create Basic Task:

    Using Task Scheduler on Windows
  2. Next, fill in the Name and Description:

    Using Task Scheduler on Windows
  3. This is followed by when you want the task to start:

    Using Task Scheduler on Windows
  4. This is followed by when you want the task to recur:

    Using Task Scheduler on Windows
  5. Next is what you want the task to do:

    Using Task Scheduler on Windows
  6. Select the program you want to start (for example, C:UsersAdministratorDeveloperplone-site-adminuildoutinackup.exe). You should see:

    Using Task Scheduler on Windows
  7. Click on Finish.

You can now test your installation by scrolling down to Active Tasks in the center pane, and scrolling down to your task.

You should see:

Using Task Scheduler on Windows

Restoring your database from a backup

If you want to restore your database from the latest backup, you can stop your site (including ZEO) and run:

$ bin/restore

In the event that you would like to know more about the process, or you would like to restore from a date prior to the last backup, you can always use the repozo command.

Assuming you have the backups, you can restore the data from any date by using the -D option:

% bin/repozo -R -D 2009-10-26-00-06-33 -r var/backups -o var/filestorage/Data.fs

You must give -D a date string that matches one of your backups. It can be an incremental backup (that is, a file ending in .deltafs); repozo will figure out what to do with it.

Packing your database

Next, we will apply the same basic techniques to another important task packing your site's database.

In Zope 2, every database transaction is saved. So if you never pack, your database will keep growing and fill up your disk. This is why we must pack; of course, how often you pack will depend on how often your site's content changes.

The recommended strategy is to pack to within seven days of the current date. In other words, keep a week's worth of transactions in the database so that you can restore to as far back as one week, if needed (assuming you are able to use undo successfully).

After you run the 05-deployment-maintenance-production.cfg buildout, you should have a bin/zeopack script.

The default value is to pack to one day. If you want to change that (or the not very commonly used ZEO user/password), you can use the following parameters in the zeo section (which uses the plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver recipe):

  • pack-days: Specifies the number of days for the zeopack script to retain the history. Default value is one day.

  • pack-user: If the ZEO server uses authentication, this is the username used by the zeopack script to connect to the ZEO server.

  • pack-password: If the ZEO server uses authentication, this is the password used by the zeopack script to connect to the ZEO server.

In the section that follows, we will cover how to implement the next portion of our simple backup policy monthly full backups.

Automate database packing

Packing the database every month will cause the next daily backup to be a full backup instead of an incremental backup. That is because repozo detects the database change, and performs a full backup as a result.

This is good news for us, because it means that all we have to do to ensure monthly full backups is to configure an automated task to pack the database. In other words, we just require a cron entry in Mac OS X and Ubuntu Linux, and a scheduled task in Windows Task Scheduler.

We will leave the task scheduling to the Windows folks, who can easily create another scheduled task by referring to the steps we performed earlier.

For the Mac OS X and Ubuntu Linux folks, in 05-deployment-maintenance-cron2.cfg we have the following:

extends = 05-deployment-maintenance-cron.cfg
parts += cron2
recipe = z3c.recipe.usercrontab
command = ${buildout:directory}/bin/zeopack
times = 0 0 1 * *

Notice that we chose a value of 0 0 1 * * for the times parameter, to indicate that we want to perform the task on the first day of the month, at the zeroth hour, and zeroth minute.

Rotating logs

As you are probably aware, Zope 2 generates log files. Hence, we need to think about what to do when these log files grow.

Using iw.rotatezlogs on Mac OS X, Ubuntu Linux, and Windows

One of the tasks that could be difficult to standardize across operating systems is rotating Zope 2 log files. Luckily for us, there is iw.rotatezlogs (

Although technically not a recipe, iw.rotatezlogs makes it simple to set up log rotation.

The process involves three steps:

  1. Add the iw.rotatezlogs egg to the eggs parameter in instance section.

  2. Add an event-log-custom parameter to your instance section with iw.rotatezlogs settings.

  3. Add an access-log-custom parameter to your instance section with iw.rotatezlogs settings.

In 05-deployment-maintenance-rotate.cfg, we have the following:

extends = 05-deployment-maintenance-cron2.cfg
eggs += iw.rotatezlogs
event-log-custom =
%import iw.rotatezlogs
path ${buildout:directory}/var/log/instance.log
max-bytes 1MB
backup-count 5
access-log-custom =
%import iw.rotatezlogs
path ${buildout:directory}/var/log/instance-Z2.log
max-bytes 1MB
backup-count 5

Now run Buildout:

$ bin/buildout -c 05-deployment-maintenance-rotate.cfg

The following code should be included in parts/instance/etc/zope.conf:

%import iw.rotatezlogs
path /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/var/log/instance.log
max-bytes 1MB
backup-count 5
<logger access>
level WARN
%import iw.rotatezlogs
path /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/var/log/instance-Z2.log
max-bytes 1MB
backup-count 5

You will notice that we have set max-bytes to 1MB and backup-count to 5, which means that whenever either log file reaches 1 MB, it will be rotated and when five log files are reached, the oldest one will be deleted each time a rotation occurs.

To verify this, try filling up the log files to just under 1 MB, then restart Plone. You should see the rotation occur.

Similarly, you could create five log files first, then restart Plone and you should see the rotation occur.

We can use this technique for any log files, for example ZEO.

In 05-deployment-maintenance-rotate.cfg we have:

extends = 05-deployment-maintenance-rotate.cfg
eggs += iw.rotatezlogs
zeo-log-custom =
%import iw.rotatezlogs
path ${buildout:directory}/var/log/zeo.log
max-bytes 1MB
backup-count 5

Since the ZEO instance runs under its own process, you will notice that we have added the iw.rotatezlogs egg to the zeo section's eggs parameter.

At this point, we have done just about all of the setup and preparation we can do to make our site run smoothly.


In this chapter, you have learned the following:

  • Adding ZEO to create a production buildout

  • Using collective.recipe.backup to make using repozo easier

  • Automating database backups with z3c.recipe.usercrontab and Task Scheduler

  • Restoring your database from a backup with the help of collective. recipe.backup

  • Packing your database with zeopack

  • Automating database packing with help from z3c.recipe.usercrontab and Task Scheduler

  • Rotating logs with iw.rotatezlogs

Next, in Chapter 6, we will to focus on what we can do while our site is running to monitor and optimize the performance.

Later in Chapter 7, we will cover troubleshooting and upgrading along with various security concerns.

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