Chapter 15


1. Strange, Susan ‘Political Economy and International Relations’, in Ken Booth and Steve Smith (eds), International Relations Theory Today, Polity Press: Cambridge, UK, P. 168.

2. Ibid., P. 170.

3. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 152.

4. Baylis, John and Steve Smith (eds), The Globalization of World Politics, Oxford University Press: New Delhi, 2005, P. 333.

5. Ibid., P. 335.

6. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 145.

7. Frank, André Gunder, On Capitalist Underdevelopment, Oxford University Press: Bombay, 1975, P. 95.

8. Dale, Roger, ‘Nation State and International System: The World-system Perspective’, in McLennan et al, The Idea of the Modern State, P. 192.

9. Heywood, Politics, P. 15.

10. Baylis and Smith, The Globalization of World Politics, P. 335.

11. Verma, Modern Political Theory, P. 286.

12. Arunava Sen, ‘The Nobel Prize for Games, 2005’, The Economic Times: New Delhi, 13 October 2005.

13. Verma, Modern Political Theory, PP. 153–4.

14. Heywood, Politics, P. 408.

15. Stiglitz, Economics of the Public Sector, P. 172.

16. P. C. Mahalanobis was the principal economic advisor to Jawaharlal Nehru and is credited to have devised the planned industrialization model in India in the Second Five Year Plan (1956–61).

17. Brass, Paul R. The Politics of India Since Independence, Cambridge University Press: New Delhi, 1994, P. 277.

18. Ibid., P. 291.

19. Ibid.

20. Pranab Bardhan, ‘Dominant Proprietary Classes and India's Democracy’, in Atul Kohli (ed.), Indias Democracy: An Analysis of Changing State-Society Relationship, Orient Blackswan: New Delhi, 1991, P. 218.

21. Ibid.

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