


Arijon, D., 1976. Grammar of the Film Language. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Douglass, J.S., Harnden, G.P., 1996. The Art of Technique: An Aesthetic Approach to Film and Video Production. Allyn & Bacon, Needham Heights, MA.

Lester, P.M., 2010. Visual Communication: Images with Messages, fifth ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Ward, P., 2002. Picture Composition, second ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Zettl, H., 2010. Sight, Sound, Motion: Applied Media Aesthetics, sixth ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.


Alten, S.R., 2010. Audio in Media, ninth ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Bartlett, B., 2008. Practical Recording Techniques, fifth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Clifford, M., 1982. Microphones, second ed. Tab Books, Blue Ridge Summit, PA.

Holman, T., 2010. Sound for Film and Television, third ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Huber, M., 1988. Microphone Manual: Design and Application. Howard Sams & Co., Indianapolis, IN.

Huber, M., Runstein, R.E., 2009. Modern Recording Techniques, seventh ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Rose, J., 2008. Producing Great Sound for Film and Video. Focal Press, Boston, MA.


Landry, P., 2011. Scheduling and Budgeting Your Film. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Lee, J.J., Gillen, A.M., 2010. The Producer’s Business Handbook. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Levison, L., 2009. Filmmakers and Financing. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Marsh, K., 1974. Independent Video. Straight Arrow Books, San Francisco, CA.

Van Deusen, R.E., 1984. Practical AV/Video Budgeting. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Wiese, M., 2006. Film & Video Budgets. M. Wiese Productions, Studio City, CA.

Corporate Video

Dizazzo, R., 2000. Corporate Media Production. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Gayeski, D., 1991. Corporate and Instructional Video, second ed. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Hausman, C., 1991. Institutional Video. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Sweetow, S., 2011. Corporate Video Production. Focal Press, Boston, MA.


Blumenthal, H.J., 1987. Television Producing and Directing. Barnes and Noble Books, New York, NY.

Cury, I., 2010. Directing and Producing for Television: A Format Approach, fourth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Hickman, H.R., 1991. Television Direction. Cole Publishing Co., Santa Rosa, CA.

Kennedy, T., 1989. Directing Video. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Rabiger, M., 2007. Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics, fourth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Rooney, B., Belli, M.L., 2011. Directors Tell the Story. Focal Press, Boston, MA.


Artis, A.Q., 2007. Shut Up and Shoot Documentary Guide. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Bernard, S.C., 2010. Documentary Storytelling, third ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Hampe, B., 2007. Making Documentary Films and Videos. Holt Paperbacks, New York, NY.

Kriwaczek, P., 2003. Documentary for the Small Screen. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Rabiger, M., 2009. Directing the Documentary, fifth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.


Anderson, G., 1999. Video Editing and Postproduction: A Professional Guide, fourth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Bowen, C., Thompson, R., 2009. Grammar of the Edit, second ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Browne, S.E., 1998. Nonlinear Editing Basics: Electronic Film and Video Editing. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Dancyger, K., 2010. The Technique of Film and Video Editing, fifth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Ohanian, T.A., 1993. Digital Nonlinear Editing. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Reisz, K., Millar, G., 2010. The Technique of Film Editing. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Rosenberg, J., 2010. The Healthy Edit. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Rubin, M., 2000. Nonlinear 4. Triad Publications, Gainesville, FL.

Schneider, A., 1989. Electronic Postproduction and Videotape Editing. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Electronic Media

Medoff, N., Kaye, B., 2010. Electronic Media: Then, Now, and Later, second ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Framing and Composition

Bowen, C., Thompson, R., 2009. Grammar of the Shot, second ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Grierson, T., 2011. Filmcraft: Cinematography. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Gross, L., Foust, J., 2008. Video Production: Disciplines and Techniques, tenth ed. Holcomb Hathaway Publishers, Scottsdale, AZ.

Katz, S.D., 1991. Film Directing, Shot by Shot: Visualizing from Concept to Screen. Michael Wiese Productions, Studio City, CA.

Mamer, B., 2008. Film Production Technique: Creating the Accomplished Image, fifth ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Mercado, G., 2010. The Filmmaker’s Eye. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Millerson, G., 2010. Television Production, fourteenth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Zettl, H., 2006. Television Production Handbook, ninth ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.


Blue, M., 1988. Making It Legal. Northland Publishing Co., Flagstaff, AZ.

Creech, K., 2007. Electronic Media Law and Regulation, sixth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Goldstein, N., 2006. The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law. Perseus Books Group, Jackson, TN.

Miller, P.H., 2002. Media Law for Producers, fourth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Overbeck, W., 2006. Major Principles of Media Law, 2007 Edition. Thomson Wadsworth, Belmont, CA.

Pember, D.R., Calvert, C., 2007. Mass Media Law, 2007/2008 Edition, fifteenth ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

Trager, R., Russomanno, J.A., Dente Ross, S., 2007. The Law of Journalism and Mass Communication. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.


Box, H.C., 2010. Set Lighting Technician’s Handbook, fourth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Brown, B., 2008. Motion Picture and Video Lighting, second ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Carlson, V., Carlson, S., 1985. Professional Lighting Handbook. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Hunter, F., Fuqua, P., 1997. Light: Science and Magic, second ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Jackman, J., 2010. Lighting for Digital Video and Television, third ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

LeTourneau, T., 1987. Lighting Techniques for Video Production. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Lyver, D., 2000. Basics of Video Lighting, second ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Millerson, G., 2001. The Technique of Lighting for Television and Motion Pictures, third ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Ritsko, A.J., 1979. Lighting for Location Motion Pictures. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Inc., New York, NY.


Cremer, C.F., Kierstead, P.O., Yoakam, R.D., 1996. ENG: Television News and the New Technology, third ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

Hausman, C., 1992. Crafting the News for Electronic Media. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Orlik, P.B., 2004. Broadcast / Cable Copywriting, seventh ed. Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA.

Ryan, M., Tankard, J.W., 2005. Writing for Print and Digital Media. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

Stephens, M., 2005. Broadcast News, fourth ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Tuggle, C.A., Carr, F., Huffman, S., 2007. Broadcast News Handbook: Writing, Reporting, Producing in a Converging Media World, third ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

White, T., 2005. Broadcast News: Writing, Reporting, and Producing, fourth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.


Alten, S.R., 2005. Audio in Media, seventh ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Browne, S.E., 2002. Video Editing: A Postproduction Primer, fourth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Compesi, R.J., 2007. Video Field Production and Editing, seventh ed. Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA.

Gross, L., Ward, L., 2007. Digital Moviemaking, sixth ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Katz, S.D., 1992. Film Directing, Cinematic Motion: A Workshop for Staging Scenes. Michael Wiese Productions, Studio City, CA.

Zettl, H., 2005. Sight, Sound, Motion: Applied Media Aesthetics, fourth ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.


Braverman, B., 2009. Video Shooter, second ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Compesi, R., 2006. Video Field Production and Editing, sixth ed. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA.

Gross, L., Foust, J., Burrows, T., 2005. Video Production: Disciplines and Techniques, ninth ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

Gross, L., Ward, L., 2007. Digital Moviemaking, sixth ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Kobre, K., 2012. Videojournalism: Multimedia Storytelling. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Lancaster, K., 2010. DSLR Cinema: Crafting the Film Look with Video. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Lyver, D., 2001. Basics of a Video Production Diary. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Mathias, H., Patterson, R., 1985. Electronic Cinematography. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Musburger, R., 2010. Single-Camera Video Production, fifth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Musburger, R., Kindem, G., 2009. Introduction to Media Production. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Owens, J., Millerson, G., 2011. Video Production Handbook, fifth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Owens, J., Millerson, G., 2012. Television Production, fifth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Schroeppel, T., 1982. The Bare Bones Camera Course for Film and Video, second ed. Tom Schroeppel, Miami, FL.

Schroeppel, T., 1987. Video Goals: Getting Results with Pictures and Sound. Tom Schroeppel, Miami, FL.

Shook, F., 2000. Television Field Production and Reporting, third ed. Longman Publishers, New York, NY.

Smith, D., 1991. Video Communications. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Utz, P., 1987. Today’s Video. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Zettl, H., 2000. Television Production Handbook, seventh ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.


Perebinossoff, P., Gross, B., Gross, L., 2005. Programming for TV, Radio, and the Internet. Focal Press, Boston, MA.


Beaulieu, M., Okon, C., 1993. Demystifying Multimedia. Vivid Publishing, San Francisco, CA.

Grant, A., Meadows, J. (Eds.), 2010. Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals. Focal Press, Boston, MA.


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Dancyger, K., Rush, J., 2006. Alternative Scriptwriting, fifth ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Egri, L., 1960. The Art of Dramatic Writing. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY (originally published 1946).

Field, S., 1984. Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting, rev. ed. Dell Publishing, New York, NY.

Friedmann, A., 2010. Writing for Visual Media, third ed. Focal Press, Boston, MA.

Garvey, D., Rivers, W., 1982. Broadcast Writing Handbook. Longman, Inc., New York, NY.

Hilliard, R.L., 2004. Writing for Television, Radio, and New Media, eighth ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Hyde, S., 2003. Idea to Script: Storytelling for Today’s Media. Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA.

Meeske, M., 2006. Copywriting for the Electronic Media: A Practical Guide, fifth ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.


Associated Press. <>

Digital Content Producer, Millimeter, & Video Systems. <>

Digital Video. CMP Media, 600 Harrison St., San Francisco, CA 94107.

Digital Video Editing. <>

DV Magazine. <>

Film & Video. <>

Film Skills. <>

Macworld. <>

Mastering Film. <>

PC World. <>

Res. <>

Studio Monthly. <>

U.S. Copyright Office Forms. <>

Videography. P.S.N. Publications, 2 Park Ave., Suite 1820, New York, NY 10016.

Videomaker. Videomaker, Inc., 290 Airpark Blvd., Chico, CA 95926. <>

Wex. <>

Writers Guild of America. <>

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