Final Thoughts

Start on the right track by being organized. It will pay off in the long run. Get in the habit of signing and photographing all your work. Additionally, keep notes of all your workshop and demonstration experiences. Whether I attend an evening demonstration or a multi-day workshop, I take and keep thorough notes and store them in three-ring binders so they are easy to access.

Set up your infrastructure to paint in a limited number of paper sizes. I recommend one-quarter, one-half, and full-size sheets. Have boards trimmed to these sizes on which you can clip your papers. It’s easier (and cost effective) to frame your work with limited frame sizes.

Design a simple business card, and attach it to the back of all your framed pieces. That way it’s easy for your customers to find your information again or recommend you to their friends.


DISCIPLINE Sketch and paint even when you don’t feel like it. I’ve heard that the harder you work, the luckier you get. New York artist Chuck Close said, “Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just get to work.”

QUALITY Strive to do your best work all the time.

QUANTITY Paint a lot. Try to draw or paint each day. It’s like golf, tennis, or piano. Practice makes all the difference. I frequently redo a painting until it looks like I just whipped it out. I want my work to look like I enjoyed the process.

SKETCHBOOK WORK Constant sketchbook work is invaluable in the development of a good painter.

MIXING Mix the paint on the paper, and use an uncomfortably big brush.

LOCATION PAINTING Work from life whenever possible. Outside is best, but it’s easy to set up a still life inside. Any subject can be an interesting sketch or painting.

READ Nothing is a substitute for the skills you develop while painting. You can, however, learn much from books, both from a technical and an inspirational standpoint. Build a good art library.

INSTRUCTION Take classes, seminars, and workshops from a variety of artists. Don’t learn from just one teacher. But take instruction with a grain of salt. Ultimately, you should do what works for you.

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