This book was born from the dedicated work of numerous clients around the world whose courageous search for the roots of their power styles revealed the foundational structure of this methodology. I cannot possibly list all the talented people who, through sharing their stories with me, have faced the ways that the power patterns they learned in their family systems have influenced their professional behavior. Let me simply say that you have all been my teachers, and my hope is that this book inspires others the way that you have inspired me.

I’d like to thank Linda Lowenthal, my wonderful agent at David Black, who has helped me bring my second book into the publishing world. Since the success of my first book, The Authentic Career, Linda has encouraged my evolving voice as an executive coach. Her professional support and positive energy have played a large part in my growth as an author. Thanks as well to Linda’s colleague, Antonella Iannarino, who has helped us harness the power of technology to bring this methodology to a wider global audience.

I’d also like to thank my fabulous editor at Harvard Business Review Press, Ania Wieckowski, who has made refining this manuscript and publishing this book a delightful experience. Special thanks as well to Jacque Murphy, whose expertise in the final laps of the editing process helped me both refine and more clearly express my message. I’m also grateful for the insights from the members of the peer review committee at the Press, who lent their expertise and insight to this project as it evolved.

Some very special friends and colleagues are responsible for bringing this work from the corporate-coaching world into the publishing arena. To that end, I must begin by thanking Bronwyn Fryer, whose initial enthusiasm for this methodology led to the article in Harvard Business Review that sparked the expansion of this concept. I’d also like to thank Kirsten Sandberg, whose early editorial support helped me convey these concepts more effectively.

Special thanks to my friend and colleague Maria Nordone, who has supported me both personally and professionally as I have put these principles into practice in my life as well as my work. I’d also like to thank my brilliant colleague Judy Tschirgi, who gave me frank feedback based on her experience as both a senior executive and a caring mentor during this process. Thanks as well to Linda Munn for her formidable insights during the genesis of this project.

I’d also like to thank the rest of the team from Workplace Relationships who have helped me put these concepts into practice, including Tom Troy, Bob Schulman, Kimberley Euston, Nicole Woodard, and, of course, my wonderful assistant Mirella Cicio.

My heartfelt thanks go out to the late, great Adrienne Hall and the wonderful members of Women’s Leadership Board at the Kennedy School at Harvard. These talented people lent their enthusiasm and support to this work in its early stages. Thanks as well to Amanda Pullinger, Anne Popkin, and the fabulous women from 100 Women in Hedge Funds for their ongoing support of my work.

There are some very special friends I’d like to mention because their ongoing presence in my life has been critical to the creation of this work: Nan and Lee Corbin, Brian Hull, Loreen Arbus, Bruce Larson, Lara Warner, Roelfein Kuijpers, Mindy Schwartz, Tracey Miele, Susan Dunn, Betsy Boruchoff, Steve Yatko, Keith Green, Becky and Sohail Sayeg, Mark Krug, P.J. and Ron Greiner, Rob Craddock, Sharon and Dave Clarton, Steve and the late Karen Brown, and Vickie Parker.

Finally, I’d like to acknowledge the members of my immediate family who have shaped me and loved me: my mother and father, Nancy and Perry Craddock, who have waited patiently between visits while I finished this project. My deepest debt of gratitude goes to my wonderful fiancé, Charles Schneider, for sharing my hopes, listening to my dreams, and loving me through it all.

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