
I thank my wife, Janice, for her love and support, for taking over my share of the chores so that I could concentrate on this book, for her encouragement, and for putting up with my absence as I hunched over the keyboard. I could never have managed without her meticulous proofreading, which she patiently repeated four times per chapter as each editorial stage was reached.

My thanks also goes to the magnificent team at Apress: Ben Renow-Clarke for his encouragement and for patiently explaining the editorial processes and how to use SharePoint; James Markham for tips on the layout of the chapters and for helping me conform to the Apress house style; Jessica Belanger, who coordinated everybody and ensured that I sent chapters and files on time; and Kimberly Burton, the copyeditor, who polished my chapters. I thank Andrew Zack, the technical reviewer, who checked all my code and suggested several useful resources for inclusion in the book; and special thanks to Brigid Duffy for promptly and efficiently dealing with tweaks and revisions to the page proofs.

And my thanks go to all the people who helped me and replied to my queries; to all the forums and information placed on the internet from which I learned so much; and to my clients, who graciously allowed me to use the web sites I designed for them as examples for the book. Thanks to those who gave me video clips; to Kay Banks for the loan of her iPhone to test web sites and QR codes; to Nicholas McIntyre for his encouragement and helpful tips; and to visually-impaired Douglas Hollingsworth for testing the tables in my chapter on accessibility.

—Adrian West

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