Chapter 6. Custom Fields


One of the primary purposes of an issue tracker is to collect organized data, and custom fields let you personalize that data. If you need to track how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, JIRA allows you to create a custom field for that. (It would be a number field, presumably, though number field values in JIRA have an upper limit of 100 trillion.) The appeal of creating custom fields is understandable, and it makes sense that as an organization grows and adopts JIRA for varied purposes, the number of custom fields grows along with it.

The problem is that custom fields are like glazed doughnuts—they always seem like a good idea at the time, but if you continue thinking that way in perpetuity then you’re sure to witness a reduction in speed. The number of custom fields in JIRA is one of the most significant factors in the performance of a JIRA instance. You can see the details of Atlassian’s performance testing of JIRA 6.4 in their enterprise documentation at

There are certainly other factors that can affect performance, such as the number of issues, number of concurrent users, and behavior (or lack thereof) of add-ons. But for most administrators, many of these factors are difficult to directly control. Managing the number of custom fields in your instance is the most straightforward way to control the performance of JIRA.

In addition to improving performance, custom field management can help reduce the administrative overhead involved in updating and maintaining custom fields in JIRA. Restricting the overall number of fields is only part of this process. Care and thought should be put into the selection of custom field types and how those fields are configured. This will pay dividends for your users in terms of reporting and user experience.

What’s the Big Deal with Custom Fields?

When users think of the fields associated with an issue, they think of the fields that are actually displayed on the screen for that issue. JIRA thinks differently. When a new custom field is created in JIRA, by default it is added to every JIRA project and issue type, even if it never actually appears on a screen. This means that JIRA has to make a decision about that custom field for most issue operations such as create, edit, and search, even when the field has no value. The part of JIRA most impacted by all this additional work is the Lucene issue index.

The Lucene index is your database’s butler. It maintains its own copy of all of JIRA’s issue information in a format that is optimized for search operations. When you submit a JQL search it is the Lucene index, not the database, that handles the request. This significantly reduces the load on the database and is the reason the database is rarely a performance bottleneck for JIRA, and that most JIRA searches are surprisingly fast. You can delete the Lucene index and rebuild it from the information in the database (though it may take a while in larger JIRA instances, so be careful).

To understand the impact of custom fields on the Lucene index it helps to visualize the Lucene index as a spreadsheet where issues are along the y axis and custom fields are along the x axis, as shown in Figure 6-1. Scaling along either direction (by adding an issue or a custom field) increases the complexity of searching for issues. Keep in mind that the Lucene index has to be kept synchronized with the data. This means that whenever the data is updated, the index needs to be updated as well. This is why creating, editing, and searching issues all impact the index. As more custom fields are added to JIRA, the time it takes to complete any of these operations increases.

Figure 6-1. Visualizing information in the Lucene issues index

If you are administering a large JIRA instance, it is important to understand this relationship between custom fields, the Lucene index, and performance. This can prove helpful in troubleshooting, especially if you notice a lot of activity reading from and writing to the disk where the index lives. Note that Atlassian recommends using a fast, local disk for the Lucene index files. More commonly, you should be exercising this knowledge to guide your decisions about how you set up and configure custom fields.

If you are administering a small JIRA instance, then you are unlikely to notice any performance benefits from reducing the number of custom fields below a few hundred. Small JIRA instances often experience no real performance issues at all. However, as I mentioned in the introduction, there’s more to managing custom fields than just performance benefits.

Choosing Custom Field Types

JIRA ships with 22 custom field types.1 The following list includes the other 20 types along with discussion about when to use each one. Add-ons can provide you with many other custom field types, see their documentation for more information about those.

Standard Text Fields

Standard text fields contain text. No surprises, no strings attached! (Okay, technically they have nothing but strings attached.) The standard text fields all use the Free Text Searcher. This means that a general JQL text search such as text ~ "foo" will search in all the custom text fields as well as the system text fields (Summary, Description, Environment, and Comments).

Text Field (single line)

This field has a practical limit of 254 characters. This is your best choice if the information you are trying to capture is short. Compared to multiline text fields, single line text fields have a smaller screen footprint, which is good for the interface.

Text Field (multiline)

JIRA does not limit the size of multiline text fields. Because of this, the theoretical limit is derived from the kind of database that JIRA is using. In practice you will break the interface before you exceed the limit.

The Description system field is a multiline text field, and if you can search for any information within that field. You could keep all your unstructured text about an issue just in the Description and Comments fields. However, it is sometimes useful to have other multiline text fields to help people know what information to add where.

Text Field (read only)

The read only text field has a limit of 255 characters. It can be configured to appear on view screens but not on create, edit, or transition screens. This means it cannot be used to display messages to your users on these screens, which limits its value somewhat. You also cannot assign the field a default value. The value can be set using a post function, so the field can be used to set a value in a workflow when you don’t want the any one to edit that field. This field is most often used to hold read-only information about issues imported into JIRA from other systems.

Validated Free Input Fields

These fields have a text input box where you can enter whatever you please; however, JIRA will only accept certain values.

Number Field

Not surprisingly, JIRA will only accept a value in this field if it is a number and formatted in the appropriate way for your JIRA locale. Decimals are fine, but are rounded to three decimal places. Negative values are also allowed. The upper limit, as mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, is 100 trillion. The lower limit is peculiar to say the least. Suffice to say that I’ve gotten JIRA to output a value of negative infinity. Also, searching on a range of negative numbers returns confusing results.


This is a single line text field that will only accept a URL. What this means is that the value is checked to ensure that a valid protocol has been entered (e.g., http://) followed by other characters.

The URL searcher is an exact text searcher, which is rather unfortunate. This means you cannot do a text search to find all addresses with oreilly in the URL. You have to search for the full URL text such as The URL field also suffers from a field limit of 255 characters, which can be frustrating when dealing with longer URLs.

Option Fields

Option fields allow the user to select from a predefined discrete list of choices. This makes them the best choice for getting consistent, reportable field values without having to worry about the case sensitivity and spelling variations of the Labels field (see “The Labels Field”).

Select List (single choice)

Single choice select lists allow the user to choose just one value from a list of options. If this is the desired behavior, then this is your field. Be careful, though, there is no easy way to convert custom field types. You cannot simply convert this field into a multiselect list later.

Select List (multiple choices)

Unlike its single-select relative, a multiple choice select list (multiselect list) allows you to choose as many options as are available. If you are torn between whether to use a single or multiselect list, then in general you should go with the multiselect list because it is more flexible.

Select List (cascading)

A cascading select list actually consists of two single select lists where the options in the second list depend on what is chosen in the first list. This mechanism is an excellent way to break down long lists of choices that can be logically categorized with the first list. The timezone options in your JIRA user profile are an excellent example of a cascading select list. There are no options to add additional cascades, nor are there cascading multiselect lists.

Note that if you make a cascading select list required with a field configuration, as in “Field Configuration Schemes”, only the first list requires a value. The None option will still be available for the second list.

Radio Buttons

A radio button field is functionally identical to a single select list. Choosing one over the other simply boils down to cosmetic preference. I personally have a strong preference for the single select list because it is more compact on the screen, but only if you have a small number of options like Yes and No.


Here we have another repeat because checkboxes are functionally identical to a multiselect list. This time, however, I have no favorite. I find that the interface for checkboxes is cleaner and more intuitive, while multiselect lists should always be used when you have many options. If I know that the list of options will always be small (say six or fewer), then I consider using checkboxes.

The Labels Field

The labels field is special enough to get its own section. Labels are the same idea as tags in many other applications. This field type combines the reportable nature of option fields with the freedom of text fields. Labels are best used for short-term work by a small set of users. This allows users to quickly gather data on a collection of issues without requiring the creation of a new custom field or options.


Because anyone can create a new label, it’s very easy to create multiple labels for the same thing. For example, were all those issues labeled with HP or Hewlett_Packard? Even with JIRA prompting them with existing values, people tend to mistype the same word over time. To make matters more confusing, labels are case-sensitive when they are added but case-insensitive when searching for issues by label.

JIRA labels cannot contains spaces, and cannot easily be renamed in bulk or deleted. As of JIRA 6.4, bulk updates to issues can now append to Labels field values instead of overwriting the existing values.


If you want another field that functions exactly like the system Labels field, you can create a custom labels field. While the system Labels field very effectively fills a niche purpose, adding a second labels field provides little additional value, and I have rarely found use for one. One benefit of a custom labels field is that its values (and hence the values that appear in its drop-down list) are independent of the system Labels field.

Date Picker Fields

Date fields are critical to how users sort and plan their work in JIRA. Adding custom date fields can make a crucial difference for teams with sensitive time-based requirements.

Date Picker

The date picker allows you to choose a specific day but not a specific time on that day. This works well if the time is irrelevant.

The date picker field does not seem to have any clear value limits. If you plan on sticking to dates within 1970 to 2030, you should be fine, but I wouldn’t use JIRA to date ancient artifacts or plan a timeline for interstellar travel.

Date Time Picker

As the name implies, this field allows you to choose both a date and a time. This field is most often used to capture the time when a certain event, such as a workflow transition, occurred.

Date time fields are stored as Unix timestamps and will not behave properly for dates before January 1st, 1970 or after January 19th, 2038 (UTC).


When you use JQL to search for dates, remember that if you just specify a date then JIRA assumes that you mean midnight at the start of that day. For example, if you want to find issues with a due date of 9th July 2015 and earlier, you have to search for duedate <= '2015/07/09 23:59' or just duedate < '2015/07/10'.

User & Group Picker Fields

User Picker and Group Picker fields can also be incredibly useful. You can use them to create new issue-specific roles2 such as Tester or Approver. These custom user fields can be referenced in permission schemes, notification schemes and workflows, giving administrators tremendous flexibility to shape the way that users interact with issues.

User Picker (single user)

The single user picker is a great choice for an issue role that would only ever have a single user in it (e.g., QA Lead).

User Picker (multiple users)

Multiuser pickers allow us to choose multiple users for an issue role without needing them to be in the same group. This custom field type really shines for listing a set of reviewers, testers, or approvers of an issue. The multiuser picker is also your answer to allowing multiple assignees on an issue. I typically keep the Assignee field as the primary responsible user, and list other assignees in an Additional Assignees multiuser picker field.

Group Picker (single group)

The single group picker allows you to select a JIRA group instead of a JIRA user. This provides one possible solution to the problem of how to assign a team to an issue, assuming that your teams can be maintained as directory groups. (The other solution is to use an option field, but a group field is the more powerful of the two.)


Be incredibly wary of adding a group field to your notification schemes. Without validation, there is nothing to stop a user from adding the jira-users group to the custom group field and notifying all of your JIRA users. This particular faux pas is a likely way to earn an unhappy conversation with your boss. Using a group picker in a permission scheme has no such risk, however.

Group Picker (multiple groups)

Like all multipicker fields, the multigroup picker is more versatile than the single-select version. See the entry for the single group picker for the warning about referencing this field in a notification scheme.

Other Picker Fields

These fields types allow you to choose from other objects in JIRA, specifically versions and projects.

Version Picker (single version)

A version picker lets you selects from all available versions for an issue’s project, just as the Affects Versions and Fix Versions system fields do. The single version picker differs from the system fields in that it only allows the selection of a single version. Because JIRA has a great deal of built-in functionality surrounding the system version fields (especially the Fix Versions field), I don’t recommend trying to replace them. Only use custom version fields to supplement the existing system fields, for example a version field named Target Fix Version is sometimes used.

Version Picker (multiple versions)

This field type behaves the same as the system version fields except that there is no built-in functionality for it. It does not appear in release notes ( nor does it contribute to version progress in JIRA’s roadmap feature.

Project Picker (single project)

The project picker allows a user to choose from any project that is visible to them. While this field is rarely useful in most projects, it is very useful in a JIRA administration project, e.g., What project is related to your issue?


There is a long-standing bug where the merge function for version pickers custom fields does not work as expected. When a merge is performed on a particular version, that value is deleted from a custom version field instead of updated. This is even more reason to stick with the system version fields.

What is a Custom Field Context?

A custom field context controls the scope, default value, and certain type-specific features for a custom field in JIRA. Before addressing the details of contexts, though, I’ll address the matter of what this feature is called.

The custom field context is known by several names in different places in JIRA. The two most common names are custom field context and custom field configuration scheme. Other names are a combination of the first, e.g., configuration scheme context. I have a strong preference for the term custom field context. Custom field configuration scheme is too easily confused with field configuration scheme, which is one of the seven schemes of JIRA discussed in “Field Configuration Schemes”. For this reason, I’ll use the term custom field context, or simply context, throughout this chapter.

To access custom field contexts, go to Administration Issues Custom fields, click on the custom field name, and then click on Configure under the cog item on the right. You should see a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 6-2. (Edit is for changing a field name, description or searcher, but not for contexts.)

Figure 6-2. An example custom field context

The context is where you can usually set the default value for any custom field. This is useful for setting list options to the most common value or for adding a template or help text to a text field.

For option fields, the context allows you to edit the option list, whether this is for renaming options, disabling or deleting options, or adding new options to the list of options. Deleting an option that has been used in JIRA constitutes data loss, so make such a change with care and read “Deleting Contexts” carefully beforehand.

Single user picker fields can optionally have user filtering applied at their context. This allows you to restrict the set of valid users for such a field by groups and project roles. For example you could restrict the options for a QA Lead single user picker custom field to only accept members of a Quality Assurance project role.

Limiting Contexts

The default context created for all new custom fields is a global context. This means that upon creation, the field is potentially applicable to all projects and issue types in JIRA. By editing the configuration of the context, you can limit which projects and issue types it will actually appear in. An issue whose project and issue type are outside the scope of a field’s context will not display that field, even if it is on the correct screen and remains shown by the field configuration.

The ability to control context is useful when you need to add a field to a commonly used screen for only a few projects or issue types.

For example, let’s say that you would like to categorize bug fixes with a custom field named Bug Category that has options like Unhandled Exception, UI Error, Logic Error, and so on. The logical time to set this field would be during the resolution of the issue, but the field is only meaningful for issues of type Bug.

In this scenario, let’s assume that the project you want to modify has several issue types that are using the same screens and workflow. Without using contexts, you would have to take the following steps to implement the requirements for the new field:

  1. Copy the transition screen being used to set the resolution in the workflow.

  2. Add the Bug Category field to the new transition screen.

  3. Copy the workflow to a new workflow for Bug issues.

  4. Edit the new workflow to use the new transition screen.

  5. Update the workflow scheme for the project to use the new workflow for Bug issues.

The need to fork the workflow means that you now have another workflow to maintain for this JIRA project. If your users need to be able to view or edit this field, you would need to add new screens and screen schemes, further complicating the configuration.

The solution using contexts is much more elegant. You simply limit the context to the Bug issue type only, then add the field to all screens where it is wanted. The field will then show only for the Bug issue type.

Another advantage of using custom field contexts is that they can actually improve JIRA’s performance. Part of this benefit comes from eliminating the schemes that you would have otherwise needed. But the actual narrowing of the context has a direct impact on the Lucene index. When a field’s context is limited, the Lucene index marks that field as unsearchable for everything outside of its context. This can improve search times because JIRA is able to skip the processing of irrelevant fields.

Adding Contexts

The most glorious aspect of custom field contexts is that you can have multiple contexts for a single custom field. For a given custom field you could create a different context for each project and set each one to have a different default value. By far though, this feature is most useful for allowing option fields to list different options for each context (project and issue type). Because of this flexibility, it is recommended to give custom fields as generic a name as possible. This will allow you to more easily reuse custom fields across JIRA, while minimizing the number of total custom fields.

Figure 6-3. The TRAIN project is using the default global context that lists Horse options as breeds
Figure 6-4. The DEMO project is using the same custom field but with a different context that lists Horse options by their names

There are limits to how contexts can be used. Each JIRA project can only have a single context, and each field can only have a single global context. A project-specific context will override a global context. This effectively means that you can never have different option values for different issue types within the same project.

Dangers of Custom Field Contexts

Making changes to JIRA’s seven schemes is like being guided across a crosswalk by a giant fuzzy teddy bear. Sure, there is some inherent danger, but the path is clear and you have a friend looking out for you. By contrast, making changes to custom field contexts is like being guided across a tightrope by a grizzly bear. As long as you are careful, everything will be fine, but things sure can go sour quickly.

Deleting Contexts


Read this section and the next before you delete or change a context for an Options custom field!

Deleting a context in JIRA is frighteningly easy. It takes only a single click on the trash can icon next to a context, and there is no confirmation screen or warning. This is not a problem for text fields, but for Options fields it effectively removes all of the data from issues that were using the deleted context. The data will be visible in affected issues until you try to edit the issue—then the options from the new context will be shown, and the old value is gone. The old value is shown in the issue’s History tab.

Changing Contexts

Unlike deleting contexts, editing contexts is a regularly occurring operation for JIRA administrators that use them. In the course of editing a context you may accidentally remove projects or issue types that were previously using that context. If the change results in a project or issue type having no context, there is little danger. The data will still be present and the context simply needs to be edited to include that project or issue type again. However if the context has actually changed (perhaps by defaulting to the global context, and is for an Options field), then you are up against the clock: now, editing an issue will force the user to choose a value from the new context. Even if the user doesn’t choose a new value, the old value will be cleared. Hence, the longer this change goes unrepaired, the more data you could lose.

Adding a New Context

Options in different contexts with the same option name are still unique because they have different numeric identifiers. That is, an option named Dog in one context is not the same as an option also named Dog in another context, even though their names are the same.

So adding a new context with the same option names as the previous context still means you are changing contexts. This will not be immediately obvious because searching will find both the new and the old option name and they will be lumped together in your search results, but they are still inherently different values. Editing any issue with an old context will drop the value unless the new value is selected.

Screens and Field Configurations and Custom Field Contexts, Oh My!

So far in this book we’ve seen three different ways to control fields in JIRA. Table 6-1 contains a review of what screens (“Issue Type Screen Schemes (ITSS)”), field configurations (“Field Configuration Schemes”), and custom field contexts do.

Table 6-1. Screens, field configurations, and custom field contexts
FeatureScreensField configurationsCustom field contexts
GranularityPer operation per issue type per projectPer issue type per projectPer project, and enable/disable per issue type
Show fields
Hide fields✓ (custom fields only on view screen)✓ (custom fields only)
Change field descriptions
Change text renderers
Make fields required✓ (see note)
Set/change default values✓ (custom fields only)
Change option values✓ (custom fields only)

The Assignee, Comment, and Attachment fields can’t be made required. Issue Type and Summary fields are always required. The Resolution field is required in transition screens.

Table 6-1 shows what is unique about each feature. If you need a field to be displayed in an issue, it must be on a screen. To make a field required, set its renderer, or change its description from the default, then you must use a field configuration. And custom field contexts are the only way to set and change default fields values or option field values.

In fact, the only overlapping functionality between the three features is that they can all be used to hide fields. On this matter, there is no clear winner among them. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages for hiding fields. Deciding between them is largely a matter of figuring out which one would require the fewest number of configurations to enforce the required behavior.

For instance, screens have the best granularity of the three options, as you can use a different screen for create, edit, view, and transition operations all within the same issue. So if you need a field to show on an issue only at certain times, you should use screens to control the field’s presence. I also recommend using separate screens when they serve separate purposes. While you can use elaborate field configurations and contexts to enable you to reuse a screen in highly disparate issue types, at some point it becomes easier to maintain two separate screens than a multitude of strange field configurations.


Note that excluding a field from a screen does not make it invalid for the issue type, and any valid field can be edited through the bulk change operation.

Field configurations are the only way to hide system fields. If you need to hide one of the system fields that stubbornly refuses to disappear from the view screen (e.g., the Labels field) then you must use a field configuration. Field configurations are also the only feature where hiding a field is the active option. That is, hiding a field using screens or contexts is passive—they hide fields by exclusion. This means that ideally, field configurations should be used only to hide a field that rarely needs to be hidden, as that will minimize the number of overall configurations needed (as well as the effort to maintain those configurations).

Using custom field contexts to hide fields does have performance benefits, but those benefits are slight. More emphasis should be put on using contexts appropriately than trying to eke every last performance benefit out of JIRA. The question then becomes a matter of how often the field will be used. If the field is unique to only a few projects or issue types, then contexts are a good choice for hiding the field. In this scenario, you will only rarely need to modify the context when new projects and issue types are added, as the field will generally be inapplicable to most of them.

In summary, you should create a unique set of screens for each broad type of work that your organization is tracking in JIRA. This is also discussed in Chapter 4.

  • If there are unique situations that need a field to be hidden for a minority of projects, use a field configuration to hide it and avoid creating a duplicate set of screens.

  • If a field is only valid for a few projects or issue types, then limit its scope with a custom field context.

Where Is My Field?

With all of the different ways to hide fields in JIRA, JIRA administrators are commonly asked Where is my field?. This may seem like an opportunity to show off your prowess at differentiating between screens, field configurations, and contexts, but resist the urge to invoke your inner Sherlock Holmes. JIRA has a feature exactly for this question and you’ll save yourself a tremendous amount of time by using it. This feature is appropriately named Where is my field? and is documented at

The Where is my field? feature (Figure 6-5) is available to administrators on any issue’s create, edit, or view screen, and also via the Configure Fields button. It is excellent for quickly assessing the reason that a field is absent in that particular scenario. In addition to determining if a field has been left off a screen, is hidden by a field configuration, or is excluded from a context, it can also detect whether a field is missing from the view screen simply because its value has not been set.


Custom fields with empty values do not appear on the view screen. This is a common cause of user confusion, but does save space on the screen.

One scenario that the Where is my field? feature will not detect is when a field has been hidden by the create or edit screen’s Configure Fields option. This option allows the user to select which optional fields are displayed on a screen and is intended to allow people to streamline their create screens. It’s not uncommon for users and administrators alike to forget they have hidden fields this way.

If you have gone through all of the above checks and the field is still missing, then you have my permission to get out your tweed and your pipe, call up Watson, and set about investigating. You have a case to crack! At this point you should probably check what add-ons are installed and whether any custom JavaScript code has been embedded in the field description in your field configuration.

Figure 6-5. In this case the Horse field does not appear on the View Issue screen because it has no value. Note that Project and issue type scope refers to the field’s context.

Minimizing the Number of Custom Fields

This chapter started off by stressing the importance of minimizing the number of custom fields use in JIRA. This section presents several strategies that can be used to do that. The section after this one describes how to correct the problem of already having too many custom fields.

Use generic field names

Making your custom field names generic enough to be reused for different purposes is critical for minimizing the number of custom fields. Several other strategies discussed here assume that you have used a generic name to begin with. The primary idea here is that you are more likely to be able to reuse an existing field rather than create a new one if you have used generic names for your fields. For example, a field named Document Link can be applied more widely than one named Link to Insurance Form.

Use a new context instead of a new custom field

For any new custom field request, you should check to see if an existing field will fit the need. All that is required is that the field have an appropriate name and be of the correct field type. Remember that option field values can be made completely different for each JIRA project using custom field contexts.

Add field details using a description in a field configuration

Your users may be disappointed with generic field names. In this case, the best strategy to appease them is to add detailed information about the field using a field configuration. Field descriptions in field configurations override the original custom field’s description and give you the opportunity to impress the details of the field that are lost through the use of a generic name. To use the Document Link field example from earlier, if the intention of this field is to hold a link to a specific type of document then it is good practice to add a helpful description (such as Provide a link to your Insurance Form) to the field description in the relevant field configuration.

Rely heavily upon the Description system field

Multiline text fields are exceptional for catching a lot of information in a single field. However, the Description system field that comes with JIRA is typically sufficient. If the purpose of a proposed multiline text field is to simply contain more information about the issue, the prudent thing to do is to simply roll that functionality into the Description field.

Use the default value for multiline text fields to create templates

One argument in favor of using custom multiline text fields is that they can be given default values, whereas system text fields like Description cannot. This allows you to create a template by embedding the template as the default value for the field. For example, a good bug report will contain the steps to reproduce the bug, the actual result, and the expected result. Rather than create three separate fields, you can create one multiline text field with three headers (Steps to Reproduce, Actual Result, and Expected Result) in the default value.

Don’t try to recreate long surveys in JIRA

Surveys and questionnaires often have long lists of what may appear to be custom fields. Creating a custom field for each question for a short, generic survey is fine, but naming a field something like Describe your biggest concern about the new coffee machine is not very reusable. Adding thirty custom fields for a single survey has too great of an impact on the instance as a whole to justify using custom fields for survey questions.

Use JIRA links instead of URL fields

Unless your URL link is intended to be a required field, use the link operation to add web links to an issue, rather than capturing that information in a URL field.

Challenge all requests for new fields

When I administer a JIRA instance, I require a meeting with every user who requests a new custom field. This allows me to interpret their requirements for the field and explain why I am such a stickler about adding new fields. Cooperative requesters will then work with you to figure out if an existing field can be repurposed or if the field is needed at all. Do not be overly stingy though. If a user has a valid request for a new field, give it to them, because that’s what custom fields were made for.

Verify that each field has a purpose

Ensure that the information captured by each field serves a justifiable purpose. If the data is not used to work on the issue, or for reporting, then it is not needed. It’s worth checking with a JQL query how custom fields are actually being used on a quarterly basis.

Establish and share a governance policy

Create a clear and definitive set of regulations that establish how new objects such as custom fields and configurations are added to JIRA. A governance policy conveys that you have a well–thought-out plan with regard to how JIRA is managed. It is also much more difficult to argue with a document than with a person.

Get executive backing

You can exercise every bit of advice listed above but it will all be for naught if you can’t enforce it. Share your governance policy with relevant managers and executives at your organization and impress upon them your need for their support in keeping JIRA running smoothly. Be ready to substantiate your policy with facts.

Reducing the Number of Custom Fields

Controlling the number of custom fields proactively is one thing, but what if you already have more than a few hundred custom fields in your instance? The truth is that there is no easy path to reducing the number of custom fields once they are already in place and in use. It is a time-consuming process and requires that a great deal of care be taken to ensure that no critical data is lost. But if you are already experiencing significant performance issues due to more than around 600 custom fields, this is still an efficient way to improve performance.

To start with, you should be looking for fields that are used so rarely that they need not exist, or fields that could potentially be merged with another field. To determine how widely a field is used, the Issue Statistics gadget on a JIRA dashboard can prove very useful. Edit the gadget and group by the custom field in question. Then little-used fields will either have very few non-empty values or very few non-default values. Your saved filter can also order by the Updated system field to see when an issue with a value in the field was last updated. If it was more than a year ago, then maybe that field is no longer being used?


Be careful if your instance has projects that have restricted the browse permission. If you are unable to view a project’s issues as a JIRA administrator, then their data won’t contribute to your searches or gadgets, and you will get inaccurate results. To further complicate matters, your instance may also be using issue security schemes that restrict the visibility of specific issues. Resolving these obstacles will depend on the specifics of your instance. Just ensure you do not accidentally expose any data to the wrong users in the process.

One way to find candidates for merging fields is to create a list of fields for each custom field type in a spreadsheet outside of JIRA. This process will initially be tedious (the REST resource rest/api/latest/field.json may help) but will pay dividends as you can limit your scope for matches to only the relevant field type. This will also give you a place to make notes about which fields to merge after you contact the relevant JIRA project leads.

Merging fields can be dangerous. Make sure you document your process well and are cautious to not lose data. You also need to announce these changes to your users so that they can update any filters, dashboards, and agile boards as needed after the merge.

The most important step of all is to implement policies to control custom field growth after you have completed your field reduction.

Dos and Don’ts

This summary section contains some tips about managing custom fields that did not fit into any of the earlier sections, and some that bear repeating. The tips are included here as a list of Dos and Don’ts.


  • Reuse existing fields when possible.

  • Make field names as generic as possible.

  • Give your custom fields useful descriptions, including examples of valid field values.

  • Mind the formatting of your custom field names. Uncapitalized fields are inconsistent with JIRA’s defaults, and even if you do not find them ugly, someone else will.

  • Be careful of trailing spaces or other non-visible characters added to custom field names. This will make using scripts harder.

  • Err on the side of flexibility. For example, a multiselect field is more flexible than a single-select field, and choosing one might keep you from painting yourself into a corner down the road.

  • Translate custom field names for your users who are using a different language pack.

  • Know how and when to use custom field contexts.

  • Use the Where is my field? feature to track down missing fields.

  • Have an accessible governance policy in place to express your management strategy to your users.

  • Minimize the number of screen and field configuration schemes in JIRA by using screens, field configurations, and custom field contexts appropriately.


  • Don’t create custom fields with duplicate names. This generally leads to unforeseen problems with reporting, add-ons, custom scripts that refer to fields by name, and other administrative mistakes.

  • Don’t get around the above tip by using punctuation or different letter case. If you absolutely need to have two fields with similar names, use a thesaurus or append something to the field name to make the distinction clear. Language is a beautiful and varied thing.

  • Don’t name a field something bizarre like a single space. Just because JIRA lets you do something doesn’t mean it won’t break JIRA somewhere.

  • Don’t use whole numbers for option field values. This tip applies mostly to the system fields Status, Resolution, and especially Priority. The trouble here is that in a JQL search, JIRA is happy to find value IDs right alongside actual string values. To complicate matters, JIRA’s defaults for each of these fields come with single digit IDs. If you have a Priority level whose name is 4 and whose ID is 3, it will show up in both a search for priority = 3 and priority = 4, leading to confused users and administrators.

  • Don’t create option fields that have to be updated frequently. For example, a select list with usernames will quickly become outdated as people’s roles change. For a busy administrator, such a list is unmaintainable. Field options should be at least semi-permanent.

  • Don’t add the option value None. This option already exists when the field is made optional and adding it to the list makes reporting harder.

  • Don’t count on Label field values to be consistent.

  • Don’t lose data. Remember that fields are where the data lives and editing those field should call for a related amount of caution. Deleting a custom field means that the data is gone—JIRA has no Undo feature.

1 Two of these (Hidden Job Switch and Job Checkbox) only apply to the Perforce integration, so I am choosing to ignore them.

2 This is unrelated to a project role.

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