Summary of the Tk Commands

The following tables list the Tcl commands added by Tk. Table 21-1 lists commands that create widgets. There are 15 different widgets in Tk, although 4 of them are variations on a button, and 5 are devoted to different flavors of text display. Table 21-2 lists commands that manipulate widgets and provide associated functions like input focus, event binding, and geometry management. Table 21-3 lists several support procedures that implement standard dialogs, option menus, and other facilities. The page number in the table is the primary reference for the command, and there are other references in the index.

Table 21-1. Tk widget-creation commands.
button388Create a command button.
checkbutton392Create a toggle button that is linked to a Tcl variable.
radiobutton392Create one of a set of radio buttons linked to one variable.
menubutton396Create a button that posts a menu.
menu396Create a menu.
canvas475Create a canvas, which supports lines, boxes, bitmaps, images, arcs, text, polygons, and embedded widgets.
label420Create a read-only, one-line text label.
entry437Create a one-line text entry widget.
message422Create a read-only, multiline text message.
listbox443Create a line-oriented, scrolling text widget.
text453Create a general-purpose, editable text widget.
scrollbar429Create a scrollbar that can be linked to another widget.
scale425Create a scale widget that adjusts the value of a variable.
frame417Create a container widget used with geometry managers.
toplevel417Create a frame that is a new top level window.

Table 21-2. Tk widget-manipulation commands.
bell428Ring the terminal bell device.
bind369Bind a Tcl command to an event.
bindtags371Create binding classes and control binding inheritance.
clipboard510Manipulate the clipboard.
destroy521Delete a widget.
event380Define and generate virtual events.
focus518Control the input focus.
font555Set and query font attributes and measurements.
grab520Steal the input focus from other widgets.
grid358Arrange widgets into a grid with constraints.
image542Create and manipulate images.
lower349Lower a window in the stacking order.
option409Set and query the resources database.
pack348Pack a widget in the display with constraints.
place367Place a widget in the display with positions.
raise349Raise a window in the stacking order.
selection509Manipulate the selection.
send562Send a Tcl command to another Tk application.
tk582Query or set the application name.
tkerror190Handler for background errors.
tkwait520Wait for an event.
update524Update the display by going through the event loop.
winfo576Query window state.
wm571Interact with the window manager.

Table 21-3. Tk support procedures.
tk_bisque537Install bisque family of colors.
tk_chooseColor517Dialog to select a color. (Tk 4.2)
tk_dialog515Create simple dialogs.
tk_focusFollowsMouse518Install mouse-tracking focus model.
tk_focusNext519Focus on next widget in tab order.
tk_focusPrev519Focus on previous widget in tab order.
tk_getOpenFile516Dialog to open an existing file. (Tk 4.2)
tk_getSaveFile516Dialog to open a new file. (Tk 4.2)
tk_messageBox516Message dialog. (Tk 4.2)
tk_optionMenu398Create an option menu.
tk_popup398Create a pop-up menu.
tk_setPalette537Set the standard color palette. (Tk 4.2)

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